The effect of interaction between teacher and student in the virtual social network on achievement motivation, academic vitality and sense of belonging at school
Subject Areas : Virtual Learning
mojtaba rezaei rad
Rohollah Mohammadi atergaleh
1 - Department of Educational Technology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Senior expert in educational research, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Virtual social network, academic vitality, sense of belonging to school, motivation to progress,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of interaction between teacher and student in the virtual social network on achievement motivation, academic vitality and sense of belonging at school. This research was practical in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of research method with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population includes all the male students of the second secondary level of Sari city in the academic year of 2021-2022, and based on the GPower sample size calculation software, 72 people were selected as a statistical sample by purposive sampling method. Random assignment 36 people in the control group and another 36 people in the experimental group have been replaced. The measurement tools in the pre-test and post-test were Hermens' achievement motivation, Martin and Marsh's academic vitality, and the sense of belonging at school by Barry et al, the findings showed that teacher-student interaction in the virtual social network had a positive effect on the achievement motivation, academic vitality and sense of belonging at school, so that First, it has had an impact on the academic vitality, and then on the achievement motivation and the sense of belonging at school.
Alalwan, N. (2022). Actual use of social media for engagement to enhance students' learning. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 27(1), 9767–9789.
Aliabadi, K., Rajabiyan Dehzireh, M., & Dortaj, F. (2017). A survey on The Relationship Between The Use of Virtual Social Networks and Self-Regulated learning Strategies on Student. Journal of Education Strategies in Medical Sciences, 10(5), 345-357, [in Persian].
Alirezaie, R., & Salari, P. (2015). Investigating the Role of the Teacher in Students' Academic Motivation for Learning. Third Scientific Conference on Educational Sciences and Psychology of Social and Cultural Injuries, Soroush Hekmat Mortazavi Islamic Studies and Research Center, Qom, Iran. [in Persian].
Aqdasi, S., Kiamanesh, A., Mahdavi Hazaveh, M., & Safarkhani, M. (2014). Teacher-Student Interaction in Primary Schools Succeeding and Failing in PIRLS 2006 and TIMSS 2007. Quarterly Journal of Education, 30(3), 93-120. [in Persian].
Batista, J., Santos, H., & Marques, R. P. (2021). The Use of ICT for Communication between Teachers and Students in the Context of Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Information (Switzerland), 12(479),1-23.
Ben-Chaim, D., & Zoller, U. (2001). Self-Perception versus Students' Perception of Teachers' Personal Style in College Science and Mathematics Courses. Journal of Research in Science Education, 31(3), 437-454.
Brekelmans, M., Sleegers, P., & Fraser, B. J. (2000). Teaching for active learning. In P. R. J. Simons, J. L. van der Linden, & T. Duffy (Eds.), New Learning (pp. 227-242). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Capon-Sieber, V., Köhler, C., Alp Christ, A., Helbling, J., & Praetorius, A. K. (2022). The Role of Relatedness in the Motivation and Vitality of University Students in Online Classes During Social Distancing. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 702323.
Dehghanizadeh, M. H., Hosseinchari, M., Moradi, M.orteza, & Soleimani Khashab, Abbas Ali. (2013). academic vitality and perception of family communication patterns and class structure; The mediating role of self-efficacy dimensions. Educational Psychology Quarterly, 10(32), 1-30. [in Persian].
De Jong, R. J., Van Tartwijk, J., Verloop, N., Veldman, I., & Wubbels, T. (2012). Teachers' expectations of teacher–student interaction: Complementary and distinctive expectancy patterns. Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(7), 948–956.
Fani, H., & Khalife, M. (2009). Investigating the Relationship between Teacher Perception with Academic Self-concept and Academic Performance of Shiraz Middle School Students. Journal of A new approach in educational management, 1(3), 37-64. [in Persian].
Faroughi, P., Pourshalchi, H., & Smkhani Akbarinejhad, H. A. (2020). Study of Related Factors Leading to Divorce from the Viewpoints of Mahmudabad’s Couples Filing for Divorce in 2015-2016. Journal of Social Welfare, 20(78),181-200. [in Persian].
Fisher, D., Den Brok, P. J., Waldrip, B., & Dorman, J. (2011). Interpersonal behavior styles of primary education teachers during science lessons. Journal of Learning Environments Research, 14(3), 187-204.
Gharibnejad, A. (2015).The Influence of Teacher Modeling on Students' Self-Conscious Use of Virtual Social Networks for Learning English. MSc Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch. [in Persian].
Golmohammadnazhad Bahrami G. (2015). The role of internet use on self-efficacy, academic motivation and academic progress, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Education Strategies (Education Strategies in Medical Sciences), 8(4), 255-260. [in Persian].
Johnson, K. A. (2011). The effect of Twitter posts on students’ perceptions of instructor credibility. Journal of Learning, Media and Technology, 36(1), 21-38.
khojasteh, S. (2022). Investigate the effect of mobile phone use on organizational learning. Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 12(3), 5-23. [in Persian].
Ladd, W. G., & Dinella, M. L. (2009). Continuity and Change in Early School Engagement: Predictive of Children's Achievement Trajectories From First to Eighth Grade? Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(1), 190-206.
Makian, R. S., & Kalanter Koshe, S. M. (2014). Normalizing sense of belonging to school questionnaire and its relationship with academic burnout and achievement motivation among persian students. Educational Measurement Quarterly, 5(20), 119-138. [in Persian].
Martin, A. J., Marsh, H. W. (2006). Academic buoyancy and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach. Psychology in the Schools, 43(3): 267-282.
Maulana, R., Opdenakker, M. C., Stroet, K., & Bosker, R. (2013). Changes in teachers' involvement versus rejection and links with academic motivation during the first year of secondary education: a multilevel growth curve analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(9), 1348-1371.
Mazer, J. P., Murphy, R. E., & Simonds, C. J. (2009). The effects of teacher self‐disclosure via Facebook on teacher credibility. Journal of Learning, Media and Technology, 34(2), 175-183.
Mirzabeygi, A., Bakhtiarpour, S., Eftekhar Saadi, Z., Makvandi, B., & Pasha, R. (2018). Comparison of academic vitality, sense of belonging to school, motivation for academic achievement among male and female students of second secondary schools in Ilam city. Journal of Research in educational systems, 12(special issue), 1085-1104. [in Persian].
Momeni Mahmoui, H., Asadollahi, H., Salehi, M. H. & Gholami Nougab, M. H. (2014). The Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and perception of success in teaching with job satisfaction of primary school teachers. The first national conference of modern studies and researches in the field of educational sciences and psychology in Iran. Soroush Hekmat Mortazavi Center for Islamic Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran. [in Persian].
Miri, A., Farhadi Rad, H., & Parsa, A. (2015). Investigating the job motivation status of elementary school teachers in Andimeshk city and its relationship with their demographic characteristics in the academic year of 2011-2012. Journal of Educational management research, 8(29), 141-157. [in Persian].
Nakhaei, S., Amiri Majd, M., Mohammadi Aria, A., & Shirazi, M. (2016). Modeling the relationship between teacher's demographic characteristics and students' intrinsic motivation with the mediation of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Journal of hildren's Mental Health (Child Psychology), 4(4), 180-192. [in Persian].
Pourkarimi, J., & Alimardani, Z. (2021). Factors affecting interactions in e-learning environments (study of meta-synthesis). Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 11(1), 25-44. [in Persian].
Ramazani, M., Khāmesan, A., Rāstgoumoghadam, M. (2018). The relationship between the perceived social support from teacher and academic engagement: The mediating role of academic self-regulation. Journal of educational innovation, 17(4), 107-124. [in Persian].
Ranjbar, M. A., & Keshavarz, H. (2013). The Educational Approach to History and Interaction with the Education System. Journal of Parse, 13(20), 1-33. [in Persian].
Rezaei, A. M., Jahan, F., & Rahimi, M. (2015). Academic performance: The role of achievement goals and achievement motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology Quarterly, 12(42), 155-171. [in Persian].
Sarfrazi, M. (2022). Examining the relationship between teacher and student interaction in virtual education and its role on the educational progress and academic engagement of female students in Mashhad. The 18th annual conference entitled Iranian identity, curriculum and education in the post-Corona era, Iranian Curriculum Studies Association, Mashhad, Iran. https:// [in Persian].
Shafiei, S., Akbary Borng, M., Pourshafei, H., & Rostaminejhad, M. A. (2022). Teacher-student interactions in the student social network (Shad): a qualitative approach. Journal of Teaching Research, 9(4), 92-116. [in Persian].
Shawardi, T., Chitsaz Ghomi, M. J., & Heydari, H. (2021). The effect of virtual social networks on the quantitative academic performance of secondary school girls in Tehran. Journal of Education Technology (Technology and Education), 14(4), 801-812. [in Persian].
Shochet, M. I., Smith, T., & Homel, R. (2007). The impact of parental attachment on adolescent perception of the school environment and school connectedness. Journal of Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family, 28(2), 109-118.
Solberg, P. A., Hopkins, W. G., Ommundsn, Y., & Halvari, H. (2012). Effects of three training types on vitality among older adults: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(4), 407-417.
Stoian, C. E., Fărcașiu, M. A., Dragomir, G-M., & Gherheș, V. (2022). Transition from Online to Face-to-Face Education after COVID-19: The Benefits of Online Education from Students’ Perspective. Journal of Sustainability, 14(19), 12812.
Sun, H. L., Sun, T., Sha, F. Y., Gu, X. Y., Hou, X. R., Zhu, F. Y., & Fang, P. T. (2022). The Influence of Teacher–Student Interaction on the Effects of Online Learning: Based on a Serial Mediating Model. Journal of Frontiers in Psychology, 13(779217), 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.779217.
Tajrobrh Kar, M., & Gholamipour, N. (2023). The effect of online multi-user educational computer games on active memory and innovative performance of dyslexic students. Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 13(3), 5-26. [in Persian].
Tamannaeifar, M. R., & Gandomi, Z. (2011). The relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement of students. Educational Strategies Journal, 4(1), 19-15. [in persian].
Toorani, Z., & Rostami S. (2018). Virtualization Capabilities for Education in Education. 9th Iranian Philosophy of Education Conference, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran. [in persian].
Veiskarami, H. A., & Yousefvand, L. (2018). Investigating the role of academic vitality and happiness in predicting the students creativity in Lorestan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Research in Medical Education, 10(2), 28-37. [in Persian].
Wentzel, K. R. (2009). Students’ relationships with teachers as motivational contexts. In K. Wentzel & A. Wigfield (Eds.), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. 301-322). Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Zarei, J. (2016). Investigating the impact of using the internet in virtual space in education. the second national conference on new approaches in education and research, Mahmoudabad City Education & Mahmoudabad Technical and Vocational College, Mahmoudabad, Iran. doc/702140. [in Persian].
Zeng, L. H., Hao, Y., Tai, K. H. (2022). Online Learning Self-Efficacy as a Mediator between the Instructional Interactions and Achievement Emotions of Rural Students in Elite Universities. Journal of Sustainability, 14(7231) 1-13.
_||_Alalwan, N. (2022). Actual use of social media for engagement to enhance students' learning. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 27(1), 9767–9789.
Aliabadi, K., Rajabiyan Dehzireh, M., & Dortaj, F. (2017). A survey on The Relationship Between The Use of Virtual Social Networks and Self-Regulated learning Strategies on Student. Journal of Education Strategies in Medical Sciences, 10(5), 345-357, [in Persian].
Alirezaie, R., & Salari, P. (2015). Investigating the Role of the Teacher in Students' Academic Motivation for Learning. Third Scientific Conference on Educational Sciences and Psychology of Social and Cultural Injuries, Soroush Hekmat Mortazavi Islamic Studies and Research Center, Qom, Iran. [in Persian].
Aqdasi, S., Kiamanesh, A., Mahdavi Hazaveh, M., & Safarkhani, M. (2014). Teacher-Student Interaction in Primary Schools Succeeding and Failing in PIRLS 2006 and TIMSS 2007. Quarterly Journal of Education, 30(3), 93-120. [in Persian].
Batista, J., Santos, H., & Marques, R. P. (2021). The Use of ICT for Communication between Teachers and Students in the Context of Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Information (Switzerland), 12(479),1-23.
Ben-Chaim, D., & Zoller, U. (2001). Self-Perception versus Students' Perception of Teachers' Personal Style in College Science and Mathematics Courses. Journal of Research in Science Education, 31(3), 437-454.
Brekelmans, M., Sleegers, P., & Fraser, B. J. (2000). Teaching for active learning. In P. R. J. Simons, J. L. van der Linden, & T. Duffy (Eds.), New Learning (pp. 227-242). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Capon-Sieber, V., Köhler, C., Alp Christ, A., Helbling, J., & Praetorius, A. K. (2022). The Role of Relatedness in the Motivation and Vitality of University Students in Online Classes During Social Distancing. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 702323.
Dehghanizadeh, M. H., Hosseinchari, M., Moradi, M.orteza, & Soleimani Khashab, Abbas Ali. (2013). academic vitality and perception of family communication patterns and class structure; The mediating role of self-efficacy dimensions. Educational Psychology Quarterly, 10(32), 1-30. [in Persian].
De Jong, R. J., Van Tartwijk, J., Verloop, N., Veldman, I., & Wubbels, T. (2012). Teachers' expectations of teacher–student interaction: Complementary and distinctive expectancy patterns. Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(7), 948–956.
Fani, H., & Khalife, M. (2009). Investigating the Relationship between Teacher Perception with Academic Self-concept and Academic Performance of Shiraz Middle School Students. Journal of A new approach in educational management, 1(3), 37-64. [in Persian].
Faroughi, P., Pourshalchi, H., & Smkhani Akbarinejhad, H. A. (2020). Study of Related Factors Leading to Divorce from the Viewpoints of Mahmudabad’s Couples Filing for Divorce in 2015-2016. Journal of Social Welfare, 20(78),181-200. [in Persian].
Fisher, D., Den Brok, P. J., Waldrip, B., & Dorman, J. (2011). Interpersonal behavior styles of primary education teachers during science lessons. Journal of Learning Environments Research, 14(3), 187-204.
Gharibnejad, A. (2015).The Influence of Teacher Modeling on Students' Self-Conscious Use of Virtual Social Networks for Learning English. MSc Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch. [in Persian].
Golmohammadnazhad Bahrami G. (2015). The role of internet use on self-efficacy, academic motivation and academic progress, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Education Strategies (Education Strategies in Medical Sciences), 8(4), 255-260. [in Persian].
Johnson, K. A. (2011). The effect of Twitter posts on students’ perceptions of instructor credibility. Journal of Learning, Media and Technology, 36(1), 21-38.
khojasteh, S. (2022). Investigate the effect of mobile phone use on organizational learning. Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 12(3), 5-23. [in Persian].
Ladd, W. G., & Dinella, M. L. (2009). Continuity and Change in Early School Engagement: Predictive of Children's Achievement Trajectories From First to Eighth Grade? Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(1), 190-206.
Makian, R. S., & Kalanter Koshe, S. M. (2014). Normalizing sense of belonging to school questionnaire and its relationship with academic burnout and achievement motivation among persian students. Educational Measurement Quarterly, 5(20), 119-138. [in Persian].
Martin, A. J., Marsh, H. W. (2006). Academic buoyancy and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach. Psychology in the Schools, 43(3): 267-282.
Maulana, R., Opdenakker, M. C., Stroet, K., & Bosker, R. (2013). Changes in teachers' involvement versus rejection and links with academic motivation during the first year of secondary education: a multilevel growth curve analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(9), 1348-1371.
Mazer, J. P., Murphy, R. E., & Simonds, C. J. (2009). The effects of teacher self‐disclosure via Facebook on teacher credibility. Journal of Learning, Media and Technology, 34(2), 175-183.
Mirzabeygi, A., Bakhtiarpour, S., Eftekhar Saadi, Z., Makvandi, B., & Pasha, R. (2018). Comparison of academic vitality, sense of belonging to school, motivation for academic achievement among male and female students of second secondary schools in Ilam city. Journal of Research in educational systems, 12(special issue), 1085-1104. [in Persian].
Momeni Mahmoui, H., Asadollahi, H., Salehi, M. H. & Gholami Nougab, M. H. (2014). The Investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and perception of success in teaching with job satisfaction of primary school teachers. The first national conference of modern studies and researches in the field of educational sciences and psychology in Iran. Soroush Hekmat Mortazavi Center for Islamic Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran. [in Persian].
Miri, A., Farhadi Rad, H., & Parsa, A. (2015). Investigating the job motivation status of elementary school teachers in Andimeshk city and its relationship with their demographic characteristics in the academic year of 2011-2012. Journal of Educational management research, 8(29), 141-157. [in Persian].
Nakhaei, S., Amiri Majd, M., Mohammadi Aria, A., & Shirazi, M. (2016). Modeling the relationship between teacher's demographic characteristics and students' intrinsic motivation with the mediation of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Journal of hildren's Mental Health (Child Psychology), 4(4), 180-192. [in Persian].
Pourkarimi, J., & Alimardani, Z. (2021). Factors affecting interactions in e-learning environments (study of meta-synthesis). Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 11(1), 25-44. [in Persian].
Ramazani, M., Khāmesan, A., Rāstgoumoghadam, M. (2018). The relationship between the perceived social support from teacher and academic engagement: The mediating role of academic self-regulation. Journal of educational innovation, 17(4), 107-124. [in Persian].
Ranjbar, M. A., & Keshavarz, H. (2013). The Educational Approach to History and Interaction with the Education System. Journal of Parse, 13(20), 1-33. [in Persian].
Rezaei, A. M., Jahan, F., & Rahimi, M. (2015). Academic performance: The role of achievement goals and achievement motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology Quarterly, 12(42), 155-171. [in Persian].
Sarfrazi, M. (2022). Examining the relationship between teacher and student interaction in virtual education and its role on the educational progress and academic engagement of female students in Mashhad. The 18th annual conference entitled Iranian identity, curriculum and education in the post-Corona era, Iranian Curriculum Studies Association, Mashhad, Iran. https:// [in Persian].
Shafiei, S., Akbary Borng, M., Pourshafei, H., & Rostaminejhad, M. A. (2022). Teacher-student interactions in the student social network (Shad): a qualitative approach. Journal of Teaching Research, 9(4), 92-116. [in Persian].
Shawardi, T., Chitsaz Ghomi, M. J., & Heydari, H. (2021). The effect of virtual social networks on the quantitative academic performance of secondary school girls in Tehran. Journal of Education Technology (Technology and Education), 14(4), 801-812. [in Persian].
Shochet, M. I., Smith, T., & Homel, R. (2007). The impact of parental attachment on adolescent perception of the school environment and school connectedness. Journal of Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family, 28(2), 109-118.
Solberg, P. A., Hopkins, W. G., Ommundsn, Y., & Halvari, H. (2012). Effects of three training types on vitality among older adults: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(4), 407-417.
Stoian, C. E., Fărcașiu, M. A., Dragomir, G-M., & Gherheș, V. (2022). Transition from Online to Face-to-Face Education after COVID-19: The Benefits of Online Education from Students’ Perspective. Journal of Sustainability, 14(19), 12812.
Sun, H. L., Sun, T., Sha, F. Y., Gu, X. Y., Hou, X. R., Zhu, F. Y., & Fang, P. T. (2022). The Influence of Teacher–Student Interaction on the Effects of Online Learning: Based on a Serial Mediating Model. Journal of Frontiers in Psychology, 13(779217), 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.779217.
Tajrobrh Kar, M., & Gholamipour, N. (2023). The effect of online multi-user educational computer games on active memory and innovative performance of dyslexic students. Information and Communication Technology Quarterly in Educational Sciences, 13(3), 5-26. [in Persian].
Tamannaeifar, M. R., & Gandomi, Z. (2011). The relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement of students. Educational Strategies Journal, 4(1), 19-15. [in persian].
Toorani, Z., & Rostami S. (2018). Virtualization Capabilities for Education in Education. 9th Iranian Philosophy of Education Conference, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran. [in persian].
Veiskarami, H. A., & Yousefvand, L. (2018). Investigating the role of academic vitality and happiness in predicting the students creativity in Lorestan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Research in Medical Education, 10(2), 28-37. [in Persian].
Wentzel, K. R. (2009). Students’ relationships with teachers as motivational contexts. In K. Wentzel & A. Wigfield (Eds.), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. 301-322). Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Zarei, J. (2016). Investigating the impact of using the internet in virtual space in education. the second national conference on new approaches in education and research, Mahmoudabad City Education & Mahmoudabad Technical and Vocational College, Mahmoudabad, Iran. doc/702140. [in Persian].
Zeng, L. H., Hao, Y., Tai, K. H. (2022). Online Learning Self-Efficacy as a Mediator between the Instructional Interactions and Achievement Emotions of Rural Students in Elite Universities. Journal of Sustainability, 14(7231) 1-13.