A systematic review of the factors and criteria for the accreditation of higher education institutions in the e-learning environment
Subject Areas : Virtual Learningkhodayar abili 1 * , zeinab mostafavi 2 , fatemeh narenji thani 3 , mohammad ali shahosseini 4
1 - faculty
2 - university ot tehran
3 - faculty
4 - faculty
Keywords: Indicators, Universities, accreditation, E-Learning, Higher Education, and institutes of higher education,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to review the accreditation criteria of higher education institutions systematically. The research population was 341 articles in the databases and documents of reputable e-learning accreditation institutions at the international level. To analyse the data, open and axial coding was used using QSR and NVIvo software, and in order to check the reliability of the research data, the research colleagues used a validation strategy. The results showed that the most critical factors and criteria for accreditation in higher education institutions in the e-learning environment are: factors related to governance, planning, research, e-learning-learning process, e-learning environment support, technology and psychological factors related to stakeholders. It has been considered in many studies.The results of the present study help policy makers and planners in the field of higher education in the e-learning environment to use the identified components on the one hand to prioritize the need for an institution for accreditation in their strategic plans and on the other hand by monitoring and evaluating e-learning institutions. , Identify challenges and strive to improve quality.
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