Investigating the ability and knowledge of using information technology and its relationship with research and innovation performance of faculty members (Case study of Babol University of Medical Sciences)
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technology
Mousa Yaminfirooz
Tahereh Aghamirzaee Mahali
Jamileh Aqatabar Roudbari
Mostafa Javanian
Novin Nik bakhsh
1 - Assistant Professor ,Department of General Education, Babol University of Medical Science. Babol. Iran
2 - PhD in Higher Education Management, Graduate Studies, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran
3 - PhD in Higher Education Management, Executive Vice Chancellor, Deputy Minister of Health, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran
4 - Associate Professor
5 - Associate professor
Keywords: Information Technology, Faculty Members, research performance, innovative performance,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to evaluate the ability and knowledge of using information technology and its relationship with research and innovative performance of facultymembers of BabolUniversityofMedical Sciences.-The statistical population of the faculty members of BabolUniversityof-Medical Sciences was347,and 180 people were selected by stratified Cochran's formula using stratified random sampling.Data collection was performed by researching letters made by a researcher measuring the ability and knowledge of using technology with15 questions,measuring innovative performance with 8 questions and measuring research performance with13questions.Formal and content validity was confirmed by experts.Cronbach's alpha for the ability and knowledge of using information technology(0.86),research performance(0.84),innovative performance(0.77). Data analysis was performed by regression analysis tests,YumanWhitney, Croscal Wallis, by Spss24 software.The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the ability and knowledge of using information technology with research performance and innovative performance of faculty members.The ability and knowledge to use the information technology of faculty members and their research performance is in a relatively-desirable situation and innovative performance in an unfavorable situation.Increasing efforts by medical education policymakers and government officials are needed to create more opportunities for education and to persuade faculty members to use information and communication technology in academic activities and to discuss current technological situations.
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