A Study of the Barriers to Applying ICT in Teaching and Learning Process from the Viewpoints of the Qom’s 2nd Area Teachers
Subject Areas :
Infomartion Technology
Mehran Farjollahi
Mehdi Moeini Kia
Reza Abbasi
1 - Associate Professor, Payam-E-Noor, South Tehran Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Payam-E-Noor, Ardebil Branch
3 - M. A. of Educational Planning, Payam-E-Noor, South Tehran Branch
Received: 2013-06-02
Accepted : 2014-01-02
Published : 2013-04-01
information and communications technology,
Teaching Process,
Barriers to Applying,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the viewpoints of teachers on barriers to applying information and communications technology in the process of teaching and learning. With respect to the purpose, this research was applied, and its method of performing was descriptive-survey. By means of simple random sampling method, and using the Cochrane formula, 240 people were selected as the sample. The data collecting tool was the researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 42 questions. The opinions of education experts were used to determine the validity. Via Cronbach Alpha and using the SPSS software, the reliability of the questionnaire has equaled 0.86. In order to analyze the questions of the research and indentify barriers, exploratory factor analysis method has been used. The research results indicated that the barriers to applying ICT in teaching and learning process involve six factors: Physical infrastructure weakness, managerial infrastructure weakness, weakness of support services for teachers, lack of teachers’ cognitive preparation, lack of training for teachers to teach the new model of teaching, and lack of technical lesson planning and teachers’ cultural readiness.
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