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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Role of Urban Management Operant and Tools in the Integrated Management of Tehran Metropolitan
        Mohammad Mehdi Azizi Mohammad Aboyee Ardakan , Nasrin Nouri
        In general, categorization of systems in the context of social – economic issues, cities are considered as one the most complicated ones. Now, metropolitan areas have faced rapid growth and their problems have increased in terms of both quantity and quality aspect More
        In general, categorization of systems in the context of social – economic issues, cities are considered as one the most complicated ones. Now, metropolitan areas have faced rapid growth and their problems have increased in terms of both quantity and quality aspects. Managing highly complicated systems requires a systematic approach, as well as identifying and guiding relevant elements on the basis of rules and analyses of such approach. The aim of urban management is to assure that the elements of the system are managed in a way that provide the daily functions of a city which facilitates and encourages all economic operations and enables the residents to meet their basic needs, such as housing, access to public facilities and services and income generation opportunities. Urban management integration is an issue emerged from local government, types of current performance and political dispersions in urban area, urban power system and its agents. The aim of this article is identifying and categorizing operant and the tools of integrated urban management in Tehran Metropolitan Area. The concept of city, urban management and the relationship between urban management operant and such concepts are determined on the basis of previous literature. In a mixed approach, needed data are gathered by using case study (qualitative) and survey (quantitative) methods. In this line, explorative studies and interviews are used to devise research theoretic basics. In terms of purpose, present study is a descriptive – analytic research. The statistical population of the research includes two groups: Tehran urban management administrative and senior managers, and urban management experts. A relevant questionnaire was used and sampling method was judgment. Judgment sampling is used when a limited group of people have the relevant information. It is the only sampling method which can be used, regarding the holders of such information. In present study, obtained data from collected questionnaires of urban management experts and managers were analyzed by using Kruskal Wallis test and then the most effective institutions and Operant in various aspects of urban management such as policymaking, monitoring, control, planning and urban and administrative rules and regulations were determined.According to the respondents, in terms of existing rules and laws on policymaking in Tehran Metropolitan Area, City Council (17.2%) plays the biggest role, followed by governmental agencies (17.2%). In terms of monitoring and control, Municipality (20.3%) plays the most vital role. In the meantime, Municipality has the highest share (18.8% frequency) plays the most vital role in urban planning. According to research findings, one can state that 17.2% of respondents believe that governmental agencies enjoy the highest legal rights to determine urban laws and rules. It shows the centralization of domestic political system and its related power links. Regarding executive affairs, Municipality has the highest frequency (35.9%). Ultimately, findings outline that in the opinions of research participants, Municipality is the most competent agency for integrated management of Tehran Metropolitan Area (35.9% frequency). In the meantime, rules and regulations have the highest and important role, among other available tools for urban management. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Solving Urban Problems by Means of Fuzzy Systems
        farah habib Dr Ali Shokoohi
        The study of complex systems is bringing new vitality to many areas of science where a more typical reductionism strategy has fallen short. Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements. In this More
        The study of complex systems is bringing new vitality to many areas of science where a more typical reductionism strategy has fallen short. Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements. In this regard, urban systems are complex and finding their elements and relationships is a wicked problem. The search for scientific bases for confronting these problems is bound to fail, because of their aggressive nature. The kinds of problems that urban planners deal with, societal problems are inherently different from the problems that scientists and perhaps some classes of engineers deal with. Planning problems are inherently wicked. As distinguished from problems in the natural sciences, which are definable and separable and may have solutions that are findable, the problems of urban planning are ill-defined; and they rely upon elusive political judgment for resolution. But nowadays, scientists are seeking non-linear coupling rules for resolute complex systems problems. In these endeavors, fuzzy systems are an alternative to traditional notions of logic that can cope with complexity of systems. Fuzzy systems provide a rich and meaningful addition to standard logic. Utilizing fuzzy systems in an urban environment raises the likelihood of encountering difficult stability problems. This paper aims to follow the بررسی امکان بکارگیری نظریه فازی در تحلیل مسائل پیچیده شهرapplication of fuzzy systems in the analysis of urban complex problems; In the first part of the paper, authors review definition of urban problem with system approach.مسأله، مانعی است که دستیابی به اهداف دلخواه را با دشواری مواجه می‏سازد. A problem is an issue or obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal or purpose. It refers to a situation or issue that is yet unresolved. In a broad sense, a problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a significant difference between what actually is and what is desired. In urban studies an urban problem is difference between an observed condition and a desired condition in a city. Thus urban planning is identifying the actions that might effectively narrow the gap between what-is and what-ought-to-be in a city. (حبیب a 1383)….. For eliminate or reduce the distance between the existing and desired conditions, it is necessary to recognize of complex system constructive elements and the interrelationships between them. برای حذف یا کاهش فاصله میان وضع موجود و وضع مطلوب لازم است که عوامل و عناصر سازنده سیستم پیچیده شهر و روابط میان آنها مورد شناسایی قرار گیرد. بنابراین مسأله شهری، در واقع یافتن اجزا و عناصر سازنده یک پدیده شهری و نحوه پیوند و عملکرد آنهاست. Therefore, urban problem, is finding elements of the urban system and relationships between them. This study is concerned with proposing of a fuzzy system driven approach for solving urban problems and introduces a new model for solving urban problems with fuzzy systems principles. In this model, expert knowledge of urban field converts to fuzzy "If-Then" rules at the first. Then a Fuzzy Urban Decision Engine (FUDE) that connected to a rules database, return a fuzzy solution for a wicked problem. The findings indicate that the fuzzy system methods are powerful processes and analytic tools for helping planners to resolve urban complex problems. These tools can be successful where as others have failed because both incorporate or address uncertainty and risk; complexity; systems interacting with other systems; competing points of view and values; different people knowing different parts of the urban problem; and inter organizational politics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Presenting a New Method in Ecological Design of Urban Green Landscape (Case Study: Kish Island)
        Maryam Moinifar Behnaz Aminzadeh
        Cities are places for diverse hierarchies of natural inhabitants, and thus designing their ecological landscapes is a complex process. Landscape design is more important than form creating. Landscape ecology is a science of dynamic reactions between nature and society. More
        Cities are places for diverse hierarchies of natural inhabitants, and thus designing their ecological landscapes is a complex process. Landscape design is more important than form creating. Landscape ecology is a science of dynamic reactions between nature and society. Disturbance in urban landscape may cause simplification of landscape system resulted in degradation of life quality in living areas. Therefore urban development without consideration on ecological process will damage ecosystems in urban and regional scales. A good ecological design in built areas can improve ecological functions of the whole system. In this study, the application of landscape ecology together with land compatibility has been studied. The result is creating an efficient method in ecological design of urban green spaces. Urban green spaces are the most important parts of urban ecosystems, providing many social and environmental services and promoting the quality of living conditions in cities. The application of landscape ecology in urban design and consideration of urban green spaces as green networks or green infrastructures help to improve the quality of natural areas in cities. It seems that determination of an optimal method in urban landscape and green space design based on landscape ecology principles is a necessary task for landscape and urban designers. Also, recognition and introducing the interdisciplinary method in green landscape design  results in positive ecological function and provides a basis for sustainability. The Kish island is selected as a case study because of its ecological sensitiveness, rapid growth development of tourism, and demand for green spaces. The main objectives of this research are as follows: a) creating a method for designing ecological urban green spaces, and b) zoning for developing, conserving or rehabilitating of green spaces in Kish island. To do this, reviewing existing ecological theories and methods and comparison of existing methods in landscape ecology are applied. The proposed method which has been nominated Ecological Land Suitability Analysis (ELSA) is based on land suitability analysis and landscape ecology principles, using GIS VER 9.2, and AHP techniques. The process of using the method is as follows: 1-Explaining of effective criteria in selection of green areas and their priorities; 2-Determination of criteria values; 3- Providing spatial layers of the selected criteria; 4- Classification of layers based on their special purpose; 5-Quantifying of quality classes using Phasy values; 6-Applying AHP weight and quantitative values in layers and determination of final weight layers; 7- Changing spatial layers from vector to raster; 8- Overlaying the spatial layers; 9-Preparing of land compatibility and suitability map; 10-Extraction of unvalued layers from total spatial layers; 11-Final layer classification and evaluation of different outputs. 12- Zoning the urban green areas in Kish Island. Results have been shown in land suitability GIS maps. The efficiency of the proposed method has been proved, using quality comparative criteria including: comprehensiveness, clearness, completeness, and flexibility, reliability, efficiency, easiness, generalizing, rapidity, necessary technology, being up to date, and fitness with the principles of theory making. It was concluded that, this method (ELSA) could be generalized in the same environmental conditions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Survey Reasones of Unsuccessful Fundametal Influance of Feminism in Architecture
        Mehrvash Kazemi
        The base of sociology  is theory and theory makes human’ s viewpoint of the world .Feminism is a movement for earning women rights like suffrage in the world. history of anthropology of feminism  has been divided to three waves;1850-1920 first wave,1920- More
        The base of sociology  is theory and theory makes human’ s viewpoint of the world .Feminism is a movement for earning women rights like suffrage in the world. history of anthropology of feminism  has been divided to three waves;1850-1920 first wave,1920-1980 second wave and 1980 up to now is third wave.on the other hand  its’division has four main parts,liberal feminism,radical feminism,social feminism and Marxism feminism. in  resent years Islamic feminism appeare too, perhaps Egypt is first Islamic country that feminism opinion is being prevalence. Although feminism , that has been appeared since thirty years ago, could not be recognized as a theory, because of its’ dispersal sights and its’ belivers difference ideas about women rights and them freedom ways too, but we should be remember its’ prevalence in architectural domain contenporaneou second wave of  this movement. It is so important that feminism has criticism in islam and it is not acceptable by religious customs or traditions,as will be explained  inside body of paper.  in this article at first  feminism will be identify  then  determaine feminism ideas and compare them by means of argue  their commones and differences in theirs tenets. this research implement survey of ancient texts as Vitruvius- Ten books of architecture-  and Filarete- Treatist on architecture- , also Diana agrest-Architecture from whitout(1993)- and Dolores heden- Introduction:Gender,Space,Architecture(Rendell,2000)  from contemporary era. Vitruvius  and Filarete  in their texts explain by causes that between  body of male and femal in architecture, male body is the sutiable scale  for static and elegance of buliding.on the other hand Diana Agrset say:”logocentrism and anthropomorphism are underlying the system of architecture since Vitruvius,then read and rewritten in Renaissance and through the modern movement”. in her paper -Architecture from without:body,logic and sex- she continue:”the body of texts and rules developed in the Renaissance that,as a reading of the classics,established the foundations for western architecture,which I call the system of architecture.” Articles’ target is try to argument offspring and  representation of conjunction between feminism and architecture and try to determine feminisim ideas’ relations to architecture wherefore help other researches in the same theme.In architecture sphere our focus is on Jacques Derrida and Delouse. It clear to us that situation of connection between feminism and architecture is ignoring dualism by Derrida.his idea about dualism from past and ignore it ,also his resoanes provide sutiable context for liberal feminists to protest sphered spaces like public and privet space in architecture that say women belong only privet and inside spaces and this kind of spaces are not important as same as other spaces. Articles’ research methodology is descriptive and is being use of library sources for data collection.finaly we have to divide philosophic and architecture in four  part, general philosophic,special philosophic, general architecture and special architecture. Indicate that they have direct  relative, as General philosophic creative general architecture and special philosophic  crative special architecture. Main probleim is situation between special  philosophic and general architecture. Results argue  that feminism has unsuccessful fundamental in architecture because it could not produce a general architecture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - An Analytic Approach Towards the Quality of Contemporary Residential Environment
        Mahdieh Moeini Seyed Gholamreza Islami,
        The socio-economic conditions of contemporary Iran has caused an expansion in a quantity-based attitude towards residential environments. This has resulted in the problem of decreasing quality of residential environments and increasing dissatisfaction of its residents. More
        The socio-economic conditions of contemporary Iran has caused an expansion in a quantity-based attitude towards residential environments. This has resulted in the problem of decreasing quality of residential environments and increasing dissatisfaction of its residents. For this reason, through content analysis, this research tries to find a definition of quality with subjective and objective aspects in the semantics field, and in proportion to initial cognition sources.  By means of referring to logical argumentation in order to present solutions for qualifying residential environments, this research attempts to use a better understanding of the concept of quality in the built environment, in order to analyze quality-based theories in general and specific theories related to architecture, in the form of linear and hierarchical multilevel systems. Moreover, this paper determines internal relationships between "basic features of residential environment" and "needs and expectations of residents' socio-cultural values" using an interaction-based comprehensive approach. This interactive relation is defined as the satisfaction level of a residential environment, which is itself derived from the balance between expectations extracted from subjective images of residents, their needs, and the range of environments that are a reaction to them.     The relationship between the aforementioned features, specify the quality of residential environments in a way that more responsiveness of the environment to residents’ needs and expectations, becomes directly related to an increase in residents’ satisfaction. Therefore, effective solutions for improving the quality of residential environments becomes dependent firstly, on our basic knowledge about residents' needs and their material and spiritual expectations, and then on increasing the capabilities of the physical environment for a sustainable response to these needs and expectations.      In such an approach, the residential environment, in terms of formal cause-effect, will have special and basic characteristics related to factors creating it. We therefore cannot achieve qualified environments through repeating a uniform physical pattern for all residential environments. On the other hand, capabilities of such environment in fulfilling the needs and expectations of residents, which are extracted from their values in terms of ultimate cause-effect, leads to interactive projects and appropriate evaluations of residential environments. If this evaluation is done by both the residents and the designers, at the level of subjective cause-effect, the result of such dynamic process, from theory to case and vice versa, will be harmonious with environmental adaptation for responding to residents' needs and expectations, thus leading to improving the quality of sustainable residential environments.      In the future, in order to create residential environments that possess a sustainable quality, there must be a movement toward a deeper look at housing, and encouragement of projects that are based on a close relationship between residents and designers; builders and programmers. Otherwise, programming to build residential environments will be solely based on economic exploitation of building developers. The result of this approach is repeating similar patterns for unequal beneficiaries, and providing for needs and expectations that are extracted from general socio-cultural patterns. The development of such an imbalanced relationship will cause more resident dissatisfaction and lower quality of residential environments, which will in turn lead to socio-cultural abnormalities and poorer quality of life. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Architectural Design on the Basis of Beauty and Function in Nature
        جمال الدین مهدى نژاد رضاسیروس صبرى مجیدابراهیم دماوندى جوانه عباس پوراسداله
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Transformation of Urban Conservation
        naser bonyadi
        There are significant differences between architectural restoration and urban conservation in professional literature. History of object and architectural restoration is too long. But the formation of urban conservation, as an independent and interdisciplinary field and More
        There are significant differences between architectural restoration and urban conservation in professional literature. History of object and architectural restoration is too long. But the formation of urban conservation, as an independent and interdisciplinary field and based on its principles which is inseparable from the restoration of monuments and objects, is less clear. So there are a few resources in explaining the evolution of urban conservation. Those who have worked on this issue mostly discussed from the standpoint of architectural restoration. This paper will attempt to rely on written documents and evidence and try to prepare a review on urban conservation history and the factors affecting its formation. Compiling the proclamation of congresses and different universal sessions and using them have been created some special fields for recognition of historical transition current that have gone over for codification of urban renovation changes at the end of this article. Urban experiences show that intervention in solving urban problems, especially in historic areas, can be considered from urban conservation and urban development approaches. Developmental needs of the historic areas could be provided with integrated proper methods of urban conservation and planning. Combination of these two approaches in dealing with urban historic areas led to the formation of urban conservation in the mid-twentieth century. In comparing with some historic cities in Europe, the conservation of old towns in Iran has not a scientific background. In some other countries conservation of historic objects and buildings had experienced from ancient periods and the basic principles has remained in some declarations, regulations and text books and  the preservation literature has been made. In inference of urban restoration, different views may be considered. If the purpose of Urban conservation, has been preparing the common needs of urban historic areas and their current residents (urban poor and immigrants) or the needs of people living in the whole city or the country and even the global community and protect World Heritage, the different opinions, views and solutions can be emerge. Accordingly, this paper with documentary method and case studies developed theoretical principles and adapt it to existing conditions. To assess these techniques and adapt ideas and methods, through description and reasoning content, attempted to assumptions concluded by questions and objectives and to develop and scrutinize conceptual framework. Results of this study are briefly: 1 - Today, the use of scientific methods in planning is the first step to enter the field of urban conservation. We can find some options which have applied effect for urban organization and amelioration by using achievements of urban planning and combination of them.2 - Various interventions with two original trends: urban development and urban conservation are two important challenges of urban and cultural heritage management. Despite the emphasis in many international declarations, this challenge rooted in lack of integrity in urban conservation and urban development approach. Successful cities concerning urban protectiveness and renovation have been able to obtain a balance between two approaches. Unfortunately such this success has been obtained less in underdeveloped countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Identity and Place; Phenomenological Approach
        mohsen taban Mohamad Reza Pourjafar , Hassan Ali Pourmand
        Identity can be defined as the sense that people make themselves through their subjective feelings based on their everyday experiences and wider social relations. Such experiences and relations need particular places. Places are significant centers of our immediate expe More
        Identity can be defined as the sense that people make themselves through their subjective feelings based on their everyday experiences and wider social relations. Such experiences and relations need particular places. Places are significant centers of our immediate experiences of the world. In the past, human life was sincerely attached to things and places. Overall, there are two ways in which place has been related to identity. The first is place identifications. This refers to a person’s expressed identification with a place. In this sense, place can be considered to be a social category and will be subject to the same rules as a social identification within social identity theory. The second way in which place has been related to identity is through the term place identity which calls for a more radical re-evaluation of the construct of identity. Space is organized into places often thought of as bounded settings in which social relations and identity are constituted. Such places may be officially recognized geographical entities or more informally organized sites of intersecting social relations, meanings and collective memory. The concept of place, the uniqueness of particular places and place-based identities are hotly contested concepts in the contemporary context of increasing globalization and the perceived threat of placelessness. The forces of new technologies, globalization and ‘time-space-compression’ have sought to represent localized identities as historical, regressive characteristics, and have worked to undermine the old allegiances of place and community. But the burgeoning of identity politics, and now nationalism, reveal a clear resistance to such universal strategies. Places play a potentially important part in the symbolic and physical dimension of human identification. The concept of place, sense of place and place-based identities are widely used concepts to encounter threat of placelessness, the casual eradication of distinctive places and the making of standardized landscapes that results from insensitivity to the significance of place. Humanistic studies show that people alternately associated place with safety and security (feeling at home) but also to imprisonment and isolation. The place where one lives can be perceived as suffocating. Despite many studies using the concepts of place identity and place attachment, few have provided a clear and theoretically driven account of the relationship between place and identity. In this article, we used a phenomenological approach to understand involved factors of place which Strengthen place identity. Phenomenology is the interpretive study of human experience. The aim is to examine and to clarify human situations, events, meanings, and experiences as they are known in everyday life but typically unnoticed beneath the level of conscious awareness. We  begin with a review of place and identity and their relationship. This paper examines the role of place and identity processes. As a result a model is shown to guide designers to principles of place-based identity. Without a thorough understanding of place as it has human significance, one would find it difficult to describe why a particular place is special and impossible to know how to repair existing places in need of mending. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Studying of Housing Indicators in Iran and World (Case Study: Iran, England and France)
        حمیدرضا صارمى مریم ابراهیم پور