Identity and Place; Phenomenological Approach
Subject Areas : architecturemohsen taban 1 , Mohamad Reza Pourjafar 2 , , Hassan Ali Pourmand 3
1 - PhD Student, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran
2 - Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran
3 - Assistant Prof, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran
Abstract :
Identity can be defined as the sense that people make themselves through their subjective feelings based on their everyday experiences and wider social relations. Such experiences and relations need particular places. Places are significant centers of our immediate experiences of the world. In the past, human life was sincerely attached to things and places. Overall, there are two ways in which place has been related to identity. The first is place identifications. This refers to a person’s expressed identification with a place. In this sense, place can be considered to be a social category and will be subject to the same rules as a social identification within social identity theory. The second way in which place has been related to identity is through the term place identity which calls for a more radical re-evaluation of the construct of identity. Space is organized into places often thought of as bounded settings in which social relations and identity are constituted. Such places may be officially recognized geographical entities or more informally organized sites of intersecting social relations, meanings and collective memory. The concept of place, the uniqueness of particular places and place-based identities are hotly contested concepts in the contemporary context of increasing globalization and the perceived threat of placelessness. The forces of new technologies, globalization and ‘time-space-compression’ have sought to represent localized identities as historical, regressive characteristics, and have worked to undermine the old allegiances of place and community. But the burgeoning of identity politics, and now nationalism, reveal a clear resistance to such universal strategies. Places play a potentially important part in the symbolic and physical dimension of human identification. The concept of place, sense of place and place-based identities are widely used concepts to encounter threat of placelessness, the casual eradication of distinctive places and the making of standardized landscapes that results from insensitivity to the significance of place. Humanistic studies show that people alternately associated place with safety and security (feeling at home) but also to imprisonment and isolation. The place where one lives can be perceived as suffocating. Despite many studies using the concepts of place identity and place attachment, few have provided a clear and theoretically driven account of the relationship between place and identity. In this article, we used a phenomenological approach to understand involved factors of place which Strengthen place identity. Phenomenology is the interpretive study of human experience. The aim is to examine and to clarify human situations, events, meanings, and experiences as they are known in everyday life but typically unnoticed beneath the level of conscious awareness. We begin with a review of place and identity and their relationship. This paper examines the role of place and identity processes. As a result a model is shown to guide designers to principles of place-based identity. Without a thorough understanding of place as it has human significance, one would find it difficult to describe why a particular place is special and impossible to know how to repair existing places in need of mending.
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