Spatial analysis of the effects of physical expansion of metropolises on surrounding villages (Case study: Kermanshah)
Subject Areas :
Farshad Khosravi
Majid Shams
Abbas Malekhosseini
1 - PhD Student, Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
2 - Professor, Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
3 - Associate professor, faculty of Geography and Urban planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
Keywords: integration, Physical expansion, surrounding villages, Kermanshah metropolis,
Abstract :
Human habitations are always exposed to economic, socio-cultural and physical changes. In the meantime, the physical expansion of cities and villages towards each other causes the merger of a smaller town (village) into a larger area (city). The integration of the village in the city has brought so many consequences in the integration of the village and the city. Therefore, the aim of this study is the spatial analysis of the impacts of physical expansion of Kermanshah metropolis on surrounding villages. The present study which is practical in terms of purpose, and also is descriptive-analytical in terms of analysis method, has been applied by library studies - documentary, and field. Research data including primary data (interview form from elites and experts) and also research variables have been collected in both documentary and field. In the present research, the DEMATEL and VIKOR techniques were used to analyze the data; additionally three aspects (social, economic and physical) have been studied in 9 indicators. On the other hand it is shown by the results of DEMATEL model that among the studied dimensions, the physical aspect and among the studied indicators, index (C8), (access to services and public facilities) are in priority. It is shown by the results of analysis and prioritization of villages around the metropolis of Kermanshah due to the impacts of physical expansion using the VICOR model that the village of Nokan where is superior to other villages, has received the most impact with 0.893 score
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