Measurement of Urban Quality Indicators in Iranian Films Case Study: (A movie dar donyaye to saat chand ast)
Subject Areas :hadis loghmani 1 * , Iraj Etesam 2 , hossein zabihi 3
1 - Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
2 - Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
3 - Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
Keywords: Media, city, Urban Space, cinema,
Abstract :
Representation of the city and redefinition of time, space, space in a variety of media such as cinema due to the involvement of the unconscious mind and thought of the viewer can play an important role in shaping the image of the city, its recognition and indexes, and even the definition of norms and abnormalities of the urban pattern of behavior. To play The purpose of this research is to answer the main question of how the qualities of urban spaces are presented in Iranian films. The research method is qualitative and descriptive-analytic and content analysis method is used. Using the texts of the urban area, the criteria for environmental quality were summarized in a table and the criteria in the film in your world have been analyzed and evaluated. Four criteria for analyzing films, physical, visual, perceptual, functional, as The findings of the research were formulated and, finally, the most important factors influencing the quality of the spaces were the explanation and the film was presented as a successful example in presenting these components. Attention to these principles can, through reinforcing the perceptions of the audience, enhance the meaning of space and make sense of space in the minds of urban space users.
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