List of articles (by subject) Interpretive (with literary and artistic features)
Open Access Article
1 - Artistic uses of medical knowledge terms in Nizami Ganjavi's poems
Soheila Rajaei Roghayeh Rezaei Hossein Parsaeei -
Open Access Article
2 - Quranic Thoughts in Educational Stories in the Field of Children and Adolescent Literature with an Approach to the Stories of Gholamreza Heidari
Somayeh Rasooli seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi Seyed Jafar Hamidi -
Open Access Article
3 - Saadi’s Cultural Discourse in his Ideology Towards Ancient Iran’s Culture
Leyla Miri Asghar Dadbeh -
Open Access Article
4 - Passion for patriotism in the poems of Golrokhgar Safiava, contemporary Tajik poem
gholamabas nafisi mohammadali davoodabadi ali Sarvar Yagobi -
Open Access Article
5 - A study of Narrative in Abutorab Khosravi’s Asfar-e-Kateban (The Book of Scribes) Through the Lens of Gérard Genette's Narrative Theory
Mina Karami Manizheh Fallahi Ali Eskandari -
Open Access Article
6 - Color Imagery in Saadi's Lyrics
Salimeh Daraei Taqi Amini Mofrad Koobra Nodehi -
Open Access Article
7 - Transformation of Myth in Hossein Monzavi’s Sonnets
Hosna Mohammadzadeh Kashi Fateme Sadat Taheri -
Open Access Article
8 - A study of the stylistic features of language and thought in the poetry of Houshang Ebtehaj and Mohammad Zohri
samaeh delirkoohi ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
9 - Analysis of story initiation methods in Shahriar Mandanipour s collection Blue Beyond the Sea (based on William Patric Kenny theory)
Ali Keshavarz Gadimi Javad Taheri Lida Namdar -
Open Access Article
10 - Analysis of mythological themes in the three works of Abu Trab Khosravi
Pouran Adelzadeh Parvaneh Adelzadeh Kamran Pashaie Fakhri -
Open Access Article
11 - Explanation of the literary characteristics of the school of minimalism in the poems of Shafiei Kadkani
Seyydeh zahra Rouhani Shahin Ojaqalizadeh Fatemeh Emami -
Open Access Article
12 - The Comparison and Analysis of the Methods of Characterization in AsadiTusi’sGarshaspname and BazelMashhadi’sHamle-ye Heidari
Chiman Khoshnamay Bahramir Timur Malmir -
Open Access Article
13 - Analyzing the opposition of Shariat and Tariqat based on the hegemony of power and dignity in the critical discourse of Asrar al-Tawheed based on Norman Fairclough's "explanation" theory
Shahram Sariaslani Siyavash Moradi mir jalaleddin kazzazi -
Open Access Article
14 - Nostalgia and intellectuals’ Complaints from the System of the Existence in the Mirror of Persian Literature
Mozhde Shafie -
Open Access Article
15 - A Study of Kaveh the Blacksmith’s Uniqueness in Ferdowsi’s The Shahnameh with an Approach to Urban Iranian Thought and World Myths
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Ghoreishi Saeid Kheirkhah Abdol Reza Modarres Zadeh