Analyzing the opposition of Shariat and Tariqat based on the hegemony of power and dignity in the critical discourse of Asrar al-Tawheed based on Norman Fairclough's "explanation" theory
Subject Areas : Interpretive (with literary and artistic features)
Shahram Sariaslani
Siyavash Moradi
mir jalaleddin kazzazi
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.
3 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: secrets of monotheism, discourse, critical discourse analysis, sharia and tariqat, norman fairclough, hegemony of power,
Abstract :
Basically, famous and legendary personality of sheikhs have distinct them from other Sufism and gnosis claimant. Originally the main reasons for Abo Saeed's fame are his greatnesses that cause the claimant to respect this big man of gnosis history. Up to here many mystic profession man have spoken about his greatness. One of the clear greatness of Abo Saeed is achieving profession trough the seven steps of behavior so this subject has made legislators hostile to him. When he entered to Neyshabur, hold Sufi meetings and spoke in meetings so that participants excited to listen to him. These sessions and his popularities and attractiveness became the background of the enmity of legislators who imagined Abo Saeed's popularities reduce their influence to people and government. As far as some persons like Ishagh Kerami and Ghazi Saeed held a meeting against Abo Saeed which resulted to write a letter for the Ghazni Lord against him. This contrast resulted to discourse between two cases of society. Ferclaf believe that his explanation dells with the relationship between discourses and power relations. Based on the ferkelaf' theory this study is an attempt to show power of speech and discourse in Abo Saeed's greatness. He attracts followers by the power of his words which originates from his dignity. This research is based on the documentary-library method in a qualitative way, which analyzes and explains the findings after collecting the documents and data.
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