The Comparison and Analysis of the Methods of Characterization in AsadiTusi’sGarshaspname and BazelMashhadi’sHamle-ye Heidari
Subject Areas : Interpretive (with literary and artistic features)Chiman Khoshnamay Bahramir 1 , Timur Malmir 2 *
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.
2 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.
Keywords: Hamle-ye-Heidari, Garshaspname, Characterization, Religious Epic, Natural Epic.,
Abstract :
Character and characterization are the most important story elements. The methodology of characterization and the ways they are used, affect the quality of the author’s conveyance of his/her message and the audience’s perception of the story. The present research seeks to compare and analyze the characterization methods of historical and natural epics, however, due to the publication requirements; we have selected Garshaspname and Hamle-ye Heidari. The narrator of Hamle-ye Haidari’s verse, reports the events; for characterization, he has used the method of direct character description in first person point of view. In Hamle-ye Heidari, the function of descriptions is to pay homage to religious figures and honor them, therefore, there are no common miraculous heroic deeds like other epic verses. Characterization in Garshaspname is mostly done by the method of direct character description from first person point of view; some of these descriptions are long and exaggerated. The method of introducing people by the other characters is also used in this verse. Of course, both epics are similar in this respect, but the descriptions of Hamle-ye Heidari for characterizing the Muslim characters in the story is more about describing their moral, spiritual, desirable and courageous traits. Regarding the enemies’ description, the designated attributes also emphasize their misguidance, deception, and darkness. In, Hamle-ye Heidari the characters do not break the habit and the number of unusual events in the narration is limited. The influence of environment, cultural context and beliefs of both epics’ authors can be seen in the characterization of the characters. Here, research data have collected by analytical by library approach and have processed by analytical and descriptive methods.
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