Color Imagery in Saadi's Lyrics
Subject Areas : Interpretive (with literary and artistic features)Salimeh Daraei 1 , Taqi Amini Mofrad 2 * , Koobra Nodehi 3
1 - PhD student of lyrical literature, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: sonnet, Saadi, description, image, Color,
Abstract :
Colors express feelings and emotions and reflect the inner characteristics of people. Sometimes artists use colors and colorful elements in their romantic illustrations, presenting their emotional experiences and mental perceptions with the help of literary devices and figures of thought such as similes, metaphors, ironies, pun, etc. in an artistic and appealing manner. Saadi has also benefited a lot from this kind of expression. The present article explains the image of color in Saadi's sonnets in a descriptive-analytical manner and examines the images related to color and the metaphors and similies related to them in three hundred and sixty of Saadi's sonnets. The result of this research shows that among the five colors black, white, red, yellow and green that best illustrate the meanings and mental moments of Saadi's poetry, red has the highest frequency and green has the least use. Also, the poet has indirectly used the colors of colorful objects and the color of phenomena in presenting the color image. These colorful images express the power of speech, the poet’s aesthetic perception and his ability to use imaginary forms such as similes and metaphors in creating images, which makes his speech eloquent and pleasant, and the effect and charm of his words.
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