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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Comparative Study of Complex Transitive Verbs in Sadie’s Golistan Based on Classic and Modern Persian Grammar
        Sh. Maleki N.A Alipour
        The present article entitled “A Comparative Study of Complex Transitive Verbs”, aims at identifying the similarities and differences among complex transitive verbs with regard to the views of the composers of Persian classic and modern grammar. In this study More
        The present article entitled “A Comparative Study of Complex Transitive Verbs”, aims at identifying the similarities and differences among complex transitive verbs with regard to the views of the composers of Persian classic and modern grammar. In this study, we have tried a descriptive analysis of complex verbs in Sadie’s Golistan based on seven different versions of Persian language grammar by Khayampour, Khanlari, Farshivard, Arjang, Anvari-Givi, VahidianKamyar, and Omrani-Sabti. Having done that, we concluded that there are striking similarities and, at the same time, differences in identifying complex transitive verbs between the old and modern composers of Persian language grammar. Accordingly, a large number of the verbs in Golistan, which had been considered complex by old grammarians, are now to be deemed simple based on modern grammatical precepts. In order to clarify such discrepancies, we have quoted a significant number of cases as examples. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Analysis of JaccquesLacan’s Ideas in Akbar Radi’s From Behind the Windows
        عطاالله Koopal Akram Alipour
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The reflections of authorities and governors' countenance in Obeid's works
        ahmad zakeri khalil Faezi
        State formation is the highest step of a dynamic society evolution and its development. And the state is the most important and most complicated institute which is formed and built as a result of harmonious development of other social organizations and institutes and du More
        State formation is the highest step of a dynamic society evolution and its development. And the state is the most important and most complicated institute which is formed and built as a result of harmonious development of other social organizations and institutes and due to its fundamental role, is in charge of harmonizing their responsibilities and functions. This significant social institute, in Obeid era, namely 8th Hijira century, which was the era of oppression and encroachments, became so instable that in which each king, religion and sect its rules and orders had .in this era of oppression and invasion and Mongols encroachments of local emirs and princes, Obeid as a great social reformists, aware of his age problems and misfortunes, bravely and skillfully criticizes the backwardness of his time governors and officials  who were ignorant,tyrant,sycophant,flatterer. In this paper, the writers have tried to show what has been reflected on Obeid's works of this dark age and have done their effort to present it to readers and lovers of Iran and make it clear to our readers how this great satirist lived and criticized its age with his sweet and biting critiques . Let it be the lantern of our own way today to lead us through darkness of the time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Siavash,s in dividualism process
        toraj Aghdaie
        Individualism process is one of the yungs terms.and its meaning is passing the stages and the degreesofthe ontogeny(derelornent)in order to "seif"realization.                  &nbs More
        Individualism process is one of the yungs terms.and its meaning is passing the stages and the degreesofthe ontogeny(derelornent)in order to "seif"realization.                                                        Siavash is one of those who has found his real way.he doesn’t with hold for giving his life to his intent ions until realizing his "self"and also for societyand human redemption of degeneration.He over comes his emistential contradiction in a universal opposition frame work.                               The present article is a description of siavashs individue lism process and the representation of his acmeism from hisbirth till his death.                                                                                                      The it goes beyond the history and be come a meta history:cal item so it changes to an eternal myth till all huma being follow him out of any time and place.                                                                    Siavash is as beautiful as yousef in Holy Quran. He is beautiful not only in appearance but also in conscience.His body is Pure as his sprit,there fore He spreads his lifetime to a supernatural life.    He does travel to know the dark univers of unconsciousness and dorninate  it.                                   He meets his:anima"in this traveling and reveals the emotional aspect of his being.the climax of Siavash,s self-construction and self know ledge process ismartyrdom,be couse of being honourable and remaining immortal.                                                                                                                      Data collection in this research is library type. They are des cribbed analy tically.the siavash story text has been choosen from Dabirsiaghi,s seris. And the numbers in the paren theses refere to the mentioned text.                                                                                                                                       Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Reflection of the pre-Islamic Arabic poems, in Khajavi Kermani’s Poems
        tpraj Zeynivan zeynab Manouchehri
        The adaptation of pre-Islamic Arabic poems, is not limited to Persian poets in the fourth and fifth centuries, instead the poets have used it in the sixth or seventh centuries, in order to take advantage of the deal. Khajavi Kermani, a famous poet of the eighth century, More
        The adaptation of pre-Islamic Arabic poems, is not limited to Persian poets in the fourth and fifth centuries, instead the poets have used it in the sixth or seventh centuries, in order to take advantage of the deal. Khajavi Kermani, a famous poet of the eighth century, has been  influenced by  two different approaches of pre-Islamic poems; at first, he has adapted of pre-Islamic poems in the field of  standing and weeping over the ruins of the beloved and addressing cameleer, traveling and particularly describing the displacement expressed separation sad parting of friends. Although his creation of innovative and imaginative images has created on the undeniable atmosphere in the pre-Islamic lyrics, and the second,  he has made innovative in this field by  romantic storytelling to name a famous brides in the pre-Islamic poems, mirth-making, and addressing the butler in the mystical approach. He has used secular, financial meanings in the mystical ways, in order to create the fundamental evolution in this field. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Moving in Distancein SohrabSepehri
        hosein Moradi
        What does "distance" mean in Sohrab?  The intention of Sohrabis not going to be known but the poems themselves speak.In a process, the speaker in moving toward God is released from binary oppositions and enters darkness. In this darkness, something is given birth o More
        What does "distance" mean in Sohrab?  The intention of Sohrabis not going to be known but the poems themselves speak.In a process, the speaker in moving toward God is released from binary oppositions and enters darkness. In this darkness, something is given birth outside binaries. The speaker is not in search of evolution or being empty; s/he lives in distance. Though s/he speaks of nothingness and eternity, they are not led into an end. Beginning, end, and journey have no place in the speaker's thought. He experiences being outside journey style perfection. This being occurs in distancewithin literature Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Inconsistent application of the word "rain" ShafieeKadkani poetry and Bdrshakralsyab
        ابوذر Ghasemi ali Salimi zeynab Khorram Abadi
          Contemporarypoetst expresstheirsocialV‌philosophical thoughts, varioustoolswere used. The most importantandmost notably inthe use ofsymbols, one of thenatural symbols,rain inPersian and Arabicpoetryhasa specialexpressionandpoetryShafieekadkaniandBadrShakralsyab, More
          Contemporarypoetst expresstheirsocialV‌philosophical thoughts, varioustoolswere used. The most importantandmost notably inthe use ofsymbols, one of thenatural symbols,rain inPersian and Arabicpoetryhasa specialexpressionandpoetryShafieekadkaniandBadrShakralsyab, cognitivefunctionsymbolisfilled withcolor. Bothpoetusingthe symbolcompositionsSymbolistichave createdconsiderablepoliticalandphilosophicalthoughtsinithave hadtheirgoodimage. The authorsofthispaper,adaptiveapproach, influenced by theAmericanschool ofsymbolicfunctionand inconsistentrain,poetryandBdrshakralsyabKadkanipayandtheresultisthatboth poets'commonunderstandingreachedon the concept ofrain; That is to say, their social and political implications, using the opposite of the word "rain" on the depth and impact of the symbolic meanings of the word raised and Sylabhayy positive (joy, of life and fertility, resurrection, etc.) and negative (death, destruction, despair, etc.) have landed on the readers. The positive implications of life "rain" in both his poetry a higher frequency Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Considering facilities and authorities of grammatical points in NaseKhosro poem
        s.y Seyyed Torabi جهاندوست Sabz Alipour
         Any language has a set of rules that all speakers are required to obey the rules. In these rules there are also some authorities that put speakers free. For examples everyone can say the plural of the word<<parandeh>>, <<parndegan>> or < More
         Any language has a set of rules that all speakers are required to obey the rules. In these rules there are also some authorities that put speakers free. For examples everyone can say the plural of the word<<parandeh>>, <<parndegan>> or <<parandeha>>. In addition to these public facilities, poets have other facilities too. These ligusitic facilities don’t change rhythm of speech sometimes; like<<Cheshm/Chashm>> and sometimes the rhythm changes. Like :<<Afsaneh/fasaneh>> and <<eskandar/Sekandar>>. The main goal of the research is responding the question that how does Persian poets use language to their benefits, and try to make it beautiful by defamiliarization and solve their poems’ rhythm problem? The intention of grammatical facilities in the research is facilities that allow poets to be free to choose some equal items so that besides saving meaning, to be able by choosing one choice orders poem’s rhythm. Degree of created facilities in each literary work in each period is different. Collecting all these facilities in the whole Persian literature need research for many years. In this paper only the most important grammatical facility in both important sections of word construction and syntax of NseKhosro court. For example changing location of rejection vand and continuity vand making distance between components of compound verb, using non-nominative attached pronoun for intransitive verbs, changing location of adjective in a sentence is such grammatical facilities. By identification of grammatical facilities we can help updating Persian language a lot. These facilities exist in any poem and prose but in this paper just grammatical facilities of the poem have been considered. If we could consider al texts of Persian literature, many problems of Persian language would have been identified and solved. Manuscript profile