The symbolize of phoenix's fiction in a passage from mythology to mysticism
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsleila aminilari 1 , kheyrollah mahmoudi 2 *
1 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University.
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: موسیقی, آتش, خورشید, Fire, sun, music, ققنوس, رستاخیز, The phoenix, dooms,
Abstract :
It can be find common points in many mythology and symbolism that has rots in human's common collective subconscious and narrates from proximity of people's cultural and spiritual's beliefs. Universal myth of phoenix is also among the mythology, that although has many metamorphosis, but it can be detected many common points and specially the root of the death and doom in all faces to be shown from this solar bird. This fact has been shown in this mythology that the death is a passage to a better type of life and up most way for access to renaissance. The themed that has been acceded in a ascendant to arena's mysticism, has been appearance like spiritual resurrection and secondary birth, and so, the phoenix, this legendary bird, has been found non- objective aspect and sacred face. The phoenix is a symbol of transcendental spirit that is entered into the area of the beyond death. In this article, that has done like library method and such as analytical description, it has been determined, the mythological mystical of the phoenix - the fire bird- due to the some nations' mythology.
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