The role of Qazvin geography between Iran and the subcontinent (Literary texts - Persian history)
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsNasrallah Pourmohammadi Amlishi 1 , Maryam Ghafouriyan 2 *
1 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin. Iran.
2 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.
Keywords: Persian literary-historical texts, Iran, Geography of Qazvin, subcontinent, Cultural-historical relations,
Abstract :
Qazvin has been a city of dignitaries throughout post-Islamic history. Until the time of the Timurid and Ilkhans, this city and its subordinate areas were a refuge for political fugitives and religious defendants. The geographical location of the city caused it to be noticed by Shah Ismail (Ismail I) and Shah Tahmasb (Tahmasb I) from the beginning of the Safavid rule. Shah Tahmasb chose it as his capital for various reasons. Given that the cultural-economic dimension of any city is subject to its political centrality, so the concentration of government and political power in Qazvin was very influential on the conditions of this city. After the transfer of the capital to Isfahan, the economic capability of the city declined. But it still retained its political and cultural role. However, due to the presence of religious scholars, poets, writers and officials of Qazvin, it played a key role in cultural-political and economic relations with foreign countries, especially the subcontinent, and also attracted dignitaries from other cities. At the same time, factors such as the formalization of Shiism religion, religious pressure (prejudice) and political power of this region, have been the most important reasons and the basis of cultural-political relations between Iran and foreign governments, especially the subcontinent in this era. Also, due to the spirit of religious tolerance of the Indian court towards the immigrants, each of them became an intellectual and cultural circle between Iran and the Land of India. On the other hand, the close relations and interactions between the lands of Iran and India throughout history are another proof of this claim; especially since the Persian language and literature during the time of the Timurid and Mongol of Iran and India had such a movement and authority that all reports and correspondence of the Indian government had to be written in Persian alongside the native language of India and Indian poets of the Timurid era in India were often bilingual. This encouraged the natives of the subcontinent to learn Persian, and according to historical evidence, Persian words in most of these places became synonymous with the native Indian words.
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