A Study of the Characteristics of the Secretary Skanderbeg and the Content Analysis of Alam-Araye Abbasi
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Sharareh Ebrahim
Mahdi Mohaghegh
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Iskanderbek Munshi, Structural analysis, Safavid, Secretary, Alam Araye Abbasi,
Abstract :
Secretary is one of the most important court and court jobs that dates back to pre-Islamic times.What assures us of the importance of this profession is the existence of numerous books written on the qualities,virtues and do's and don'ts of a secretary.The present study was formed following the question that to what extent does Alexander the Great,as one of the most respected teachers of the Safavid period,have the characteristics that the elders of this profession have mentioned about teachers?On the other hand,one of the remarkable legacies of the Safavid rule is the historical sources that have been written by official and court secretaries.One of the authors of these books is Skanderbeg the secretary,the special secretary of Shah Abbas I, to whom many letters of the Safavid period as well as the Tarikh Alam Araye Abbasi were written.The next question of the present study is what method did Skanderbeg, as an example of Safavid teachers,choose in writing this work and what are the characteristics of the book in terms of content? In this article,which is based on library studies,an attempt has been made to compare the conditions of Skanderbeg's teaching with what the elders of this field have determined as the most important teaching conditions; Also,examine the content features of the Alam Ara;Because this work,as one of the most famous works of the Safavid,can be a significant example of the intellectual style and writing style of the teachers of the Safavid period.
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