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  • Publication Ethics

    Copyright and Adaptation Laws

    CPQ adheres to copyright and adaptation laws from other literary works, ensuring that individuals' rights are preserved during publication.

    Fair Decision-Making Regarding Articles

    Decisions about articles at any stage are made regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.

    Confidentiality of Information

    Personal information of article authors are kept completely confidential for all individuals who have access to it, such as the editor, editorial board members, and the internal and executive managers of the journal, as well as other active agents (excluding the relevant author) like reviewers, consultants, editors, and publishers.

    Intellectual Property

    The use of results from others' research must be done with proper citation and explicit written permission from the author.

    Responsibilities of Reviewers

    Assisting Editorial Decision-Making

    Reviewers should assist the CPQ's editor in the scientific evaluation of articles, or help improve the quality and content of articles through communication between editorial members and the respected author.


    Selected reviewers must inform CPQ's editor immediately after the initial review, including:

    O Not reviewing an article due to the topic being outside the reviewer's area of expertise, lack of time, etc.

    O Delayed reviews due to busy schedules, lack of access to sufficient resources, etc.

    Confidentiality of Information

    All information contained in articles must be considered confidential by the reviewer.

    Reviewing with Documentation and Clear Scientific Reasoning

    Article reviews must be based on scientific documentation and sufficient reasoning, clearly articulated, and this documentation should be provided to CPQ and authors. Reviewers should avoid personal, subjective, racial, religious, or other biased opinions in their evaluations.

    Attention to Sources Used in the Article

    Reviewers should pay attention to the sources used in the article. All research, topics, and quotations used in the article must be fully cited in the bibliography.

    Avoiding Personal Interest in Reviews

    Reviewers should not accept articles for review if they benefit specific individuals, institutions, or companies, or if personal relationships are evident.

    Responsibilities of Authors

    Providing Scientific and Standard Articles

    Authors must prepare articles scientifically and coherently, in accordance with journal standards. The methods used in the article should be conducted accurately and objectively, and data should be reported correctly. Authors must respect the rights of others through complete citation and avoid expressing sensitive, unethical, subjective, personal, racial, or religious topics, as well as false and misleading information, and translating others' works without proper attribution.

    Providing Raw Data if Needed

    Authors may be asked to provide raw data, interviews, questionnaires, and other tools used in the research if necessary.

    Originality of Submitted Articles

    Articles submitted by authors must be the original work of the corresponding author, and any use of others' research must be cited in the article.

    Avoiding Simultaneous Submission of an Article

    Simultaneous submission of an article to multiple journals or articles that have been published or accepted by other journals is against the rules.

    Proper Citation

    Citations must include all books, journals, internet sources, and other individuals' research in the bibliography.

    Identifying the Corresponding Author and Co-authors

    The corresponding author is the one who has made a significant contribution to the preparation, organization, design, and execution of the article, and other authors are mentioned as collaborators (co-authors). The corresponding author must ensure the presence of names and information of all authors and the absence of unrelated names, and all authors must have read the article and agreed to its submission.

    Disclosing Financial Support

    Authors must disclose all financial support for their article.

    Reporting Fundamental Errors in Articles

    Authors must inform CPQ whenever they become aware of any errors or inaccuracies in their article, take corrective action, or withdraw the article.