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  • Article Submission Guidelines

    Researchers are required to prepare and submit their articles while adhering to the complete authenticity of authorship within the frameworks mentioned below.

    The content of the article must be derived from all sources referenced in the article's references section.

    The research process must fully comply with the procedures mentioned in the article.

    The accuracy of data should be based on the research activities and studies of the author(s) of the article.

    The text of submitted articles must align with the objective, questions or hypotheses, methods, results, explanation of findings, and conclusions of the study.

    The references must be specific to the principles governing this journal.

    The submitted article must not have been previously published in any other journal or even in a foreign language, and must not be submitted simultaneously to other journals.

    The interests of individuals must be observed by the authors.

    The types of articles that can be published in CPQ include:

    :Research Articles

    Quantitative Articles 

    Qualitative Articles

    Mixed-methods Articles

    Relpication Articles

    Meta-analysis Articles

    Literature Review Articles

    Theoretical Articles

    Methodological Articles  

    Below is the detailed structure of the articles. It is hoped that the respected author(s) will adhere to the mentioned points.

    General Notes:

    Articles should not exceed 20 typed pages (including tables and images) and 8000 words.

    To type the text of all sections of the article (except the abstract, tables, and references), use the B Lotus font in size 13.

    The font size for headings should be 14.

    All commas, periods, and punctuation marks should immediately follow the words, leaving a space afterward; not the opposite. That is, the period (.), semicolon (;), and comma (,) should stick to the preceding word and have a space from the following word.

    The contents of the article should be prepared on one side of A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins on each side, including page numbers and 1.5 cm line spacing.

    In footnotes, only the last names of the researchers should be written with the first letter capitalized, and there is no need to mention the first name.

    In footnotes, for equivalencing scientific terms, the foreign counterparts of words should be written in normal font size 10.

    In citing researchers' sources, foreign authors' names should be numbered, with the last author footnoted, and all these names should be placed in one line. In the second citation, only the last name of the first author and the word "et al." along with the year should be mentioned, without the need for a footnote.

    The first and second pages (Title Page) must be in both Persian and English and should include: the title of the article, the first and last name, academic degree, affiliation, and the complete address of the author(s), phone number, fax number (if any), and email address of the corresponding author, the location of the research, the person responsible for the article (or contact), and the date of submission.

    Except for the abstract and references sections, in all other sections, all paragraphs except the first paragraph must have a first-line indentation of 0.5 centimeters.

    On the first page of the article, the title, abstract, and keywords should be included.

    The title of the article should be precise, as short and interesting as possible to attract the reader's interest in reading the article. It should also reflect the main idea of the article and briefly indicate the variables, the issue, and the relationship between them.

    The number of words used in the title is better to be between 10 to 15 words. The title should not be too short or too long. If the title is too short, it will confuse the reader and create ambiguity, and if it is too long, the reader may overlook it.

    Important note: It is advisable to avoid using unnecessary words in the title of the article. For example, using words such as "studies on,” "review,” "evaluation,” "study," etc., except for meta-analysis, is not allowed.

    It is recommended that in the title, the dependent variable or variables be mentioned as a function of the independent variable or variables.

    If the title of the article is derived from a thesis or research proposal, it does not have to be exactly the same as the title of that thesis or research proposal.

    The title of the article must be new and derived from the objective and content of the article, and appropriate for scientific developments, prior research background, and results.

    The title should self-contained and comprehensively cover the subject under study.

    Words should be written in full, and abbreviations should be avoided.


    First, the first name followed by the last name of the author should be fully stated below the title. It is strictly prohibited to include titles such as Dr., Engineer, Professor and the like.

    The organizational affiliation of the authors should be specified with separate numbers for each author. Common examples of organizational affiliation include:

    For faculty members: state the academic rank, name of the department, faculty, and university.

    For authors working in centers or scientific institutions affiliated with a university: specify the workplace (for example, Family Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University).

    For authors working in independent scientific centers or institutions: specify the name of the educational group and institution (for example, Women's Studies Group, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute).

    For students and graduates: state the academic degree and the university of study or graduation.

    For single-author articles, the author’s email address should be mentioned in a footnote on the first page.

    In articles with more than one author, the corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk (*) and their email address should be provided in a footnote on the first page.

    If the submitted article is derived from a master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, or part of a larger research project, this should be noted in a footnote.

    Abstract and Keywords

    The abstract should be written on separate pages in both Persian and English, aligned with each other. Each abstract must have a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words. The font size for both the Persian and English abstracts and references should be set to B Lotus, size 11, with a line spacing of 1.15. The text of the abstract should not have an indentation for the first line.

    Each abstract should be written and formatted on a separate page in a single paragraph and include the following sections: objective, method, findings, and conclusion. To be specific, the structure of the article's abstract should sequentially include the following elements: the background of the issue (in one sentence), presenting evidence of the problem; the main objective, which determines the intent of the research (in one sentence); the method, where information regarding the characteristics of the participants, design, interventions, and tools is mentioned; the findings, which include the main and significant results of the report; and finally, the conclusions, especially whether the research hypotheses are supported, as well as stating the theoretical or practical implications of the study's findings.

    The keywords should be prominently written below the last line of the abstract and separated from the keywords section by a colon (:). Each keyword should be separated by a semicolon (;) and written on one line.

    The number of keywords should be between three to five and should consist of the main terms of the article that will be used for retrieval. Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order.

    Efforts should be made to ensure that the keywords are not limited to the words used in the title and abstract but include some main words that are used in the body of the article.



    The introduction should sequentially include the problem statement, significance and necessity, theoretical foundations and research background, objectives, as well as the formulation of innovative and original research questions or hypotheses. The introduction should start from generalities and move toward specifics.

    At the beginning of the introduction, efforts should be made to present the background of the issue followed by the problem itself. The background of the issue should provide evidence of the existence of the problem, supported by statistics, expert opinions, and/or research results.

    The significance of the study should include both theoretical and/or practical importance in finding solutions or answers to the research problem. The significance may be explicitly stated or may be implied in the problem statement or the research objective.

    The empirical background should be written in such a way that positions the study within the framework of prior research, contributing to a broader context.

    Line spacing should be set to 1.5 with the font B Lotus and a font size of 12 .


    This section should include explanations about the methods and procedures used in a research study. It also specifies the number of the population, the sampling method, the sample size, the rationale or formula for determining the sample size, and the criteria for including and excluding participants. It should be written in such a way that other researchers can replicate it with all the details.

    If the study is experimental, the author(s) should describe how they manipulated the independent variable(s) and how they controlled extraneous variables for group formation. If the research is non-experimental, the classification method or the selection of pre-formed groups should be clarified. For survey and correlational designs, simply stating the type of study is sufficient.

    In the case of case studies and single-subject studies, this section must include the method of selection and implementation of the intervention, relevant factors concerning the therapist, and the research design.

    Research Tools

    This section should include coherent information about the tool’s developer, the year of constructionfor each of the tools, an introduction to the tests, the number of their components, reliability and validity, the method of its administration, and scoring of the tools. Additionally, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for each of the research tools should be calculated and reported by the current researchers of the submitted article.

    General Procedures

    This section should provide clear explanations regarding the method of conducting the research from start to finish and should include details about obtaining permission for conducting the research from relevant organizations, universities or centers, the process for collecting information, the location of the research, the duration of the research, and whether it is conducted in a group or individually. In interventional studies, the adherence to ethical standards, especially regarding the control group, should be mentioned. At the end of this section, the number of invalid questionnaires, outliers, the final sample size, and the statistical analysis method should be included.


    Statistical findings should be reported in tables and, if necessary, in graphs. Tables and graphs, along with their accompanying explanations, should be presented in a manner that allows the reader to analyze the findings.

    The main findings must be presented in relation to the research problem and hypotheses. The type of statistical analyses used to test each of the research hypotheses should be stated, along with whether or not the analysis supported the hypothesis in each case.

    Inferential statistics should include the calculated numerical value of the statistical significance test (for example, ANOVA or F-test; t-test; Chi-square test), degrees of freedom, and the exact significance level. Descriptive statistics should always indicate the size and direction of effects.

    Reporting the results of clinical interventions, the author(s) should utilize clinical significance indicators in addition to statistical significance indicators and effect size.

    In general, the term "Table" should be used for tables, and the term "Figure" should be used for other items (such as graphs, photographs, images, etc.). When using tables and figures, the title of the table should be placed above it, and the title of the figure should be placed below it in accordance with APA style.

    The presentation style of tables should follow APA guidelines; no vertical lines should be present in the tables, and only three horizontal lines should appear in the table, unless multiple tables are combined, in which case a horizontal line separates them. This format can be seen in most English-language articles following APA style.

    Tables should be formatted in B Lotus font size 11 with a line spacing of 1.15.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    This section should include a discussion of the findings, interpretation, and evaluation of the results based on documented evidence and the research objectives, without repeating the questions, hypotheses, or numerical data of the study. The findings should be compared with similar and conflicting backgrounds; results should be explained, and then a summary discussion should be presented, along with strategies for solving problems related to the research area. At the end, a practical conclusion should be provided in one paragraph, followed by a mention of the study's limitations and recommendations, along with a discussion of the practical implications.


    If individuals have indirectly contributed to the research, they should be acknowledged at the end of the article without naming specific persons. Generally, at the end of the article, authors refer to individuals or organizations that played a role in the research. Examples include organizations or institutions that provided financial support for the research, individuals who contributed to data collection or analysis, participants in interviews, or individuals who answered questionnaires, among others.


    Articles should be compiled using a minimum of 20 sources. Additionally, the reference list must exactly match the number of sources and the names of the authors mentioned in the text. The reference list in both Persian and English should be arranged alphabetically in APA style according to the following examples.

    In-Text Citation Style

    According to the latest version of APA citation guidelines, when citing authors in the text, if there is one or two authors, both authors' names should be mentioned along with the year. If there are more than 2 authors, only the first author's name should be provided, followed by "et al." for the remaining authors.

    In the text of an article, if the author's name is part of the reference, only the publication year should be in parentheses. Otherwise, both the author's name and the year of publication must be included in parentheses.


    According to Smith (1998), APA format is an easy referencing style for language learners.

    The APA format is an easy citation style for language learners (Smith, 1998).        

     Citing Different Types of Articles Based on the Number of Authors


    End-of-Text Citation Style

    Note that the first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.


    Author's Last Name, First Initial(s). (Year of Publication). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. (e.g., 13(3): 80-110). DOI (presented as a hyperlink, for example https://doi.org/xxxxx).

                Book (Authorship):

    Author's Last Name, First Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book. Place of Publication:  Publisher


    Type of Author

    Parenthetical Citation

    Narrative Citation

    Persian Citation

    One Author

    (Gonzalez, 2019)

    Gonzalez (2019)

    (محمدی، 1382)

    Two Authors

    (Gonzalez & Jones, 2019)

    Gonzalez and Jones (2019)

    (محمدی و اسلامی، 1382)

    Three Authors or More

    (Gonzalez et al., 2019)

    Gonzalez et al. (2019)

    (محمدی و همکاران، 1382)

    Group Authors with Abbreviation

    First Citation: (American Psychological Association, 2020)

    American Psychological Association (APA, 2020)


    Subsequent Citations

    (APA, 2020)

    APA (2020)


    Group Authors Without Abbreviation

    (University of California, 2020)

    University of California (2020)




