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  • Publication Ethics

     The journal: “Analysis of Structure and Earthquake” is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


    The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy and inaccuracy of the contents of the article from a scientific and legal point of view and also for the opinions presented in the article.

    Similarity and Plagiarism

    Textual similarity in the articles submitted by the authors is acceptable up to 20%, and the similarity rate of the articles is evaluated by the "Sinaweb Hamyab" system, which is installed on the quarterly site. It should be noted that in the final summary of the similarity result, both the percentage of similarity of the article and the similarity report presented by "Sinaweb Hamyab" will be considered.

    Ethical principles of article publication:

    Duties of the Editor-in-Chief:

    • The Editor-in-Chief of the journal works actively to improve the quality of the journal.
    • The Editor-in-Chief is the final decision-maker regarding the publication of the articles submitted to the journal.
    • Evaluating the articles in terms of being in sync with the policies of the editorial board of the publication and being bound to the approved laws.
    • The Editor-in-Chief must review the article solely in terms of content and without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation of the authors.
    • The Editor-in-Chief and any member of the editorial board should not disclose any information about the submitted article except to the responsible author.
    • The Quarterly Journal of Analysis of Structure and Earthquake uses the peer review method. The style of judging in the quarterly is double anonymous peer review. In this type of judging, both authors and judges (reviewers) are anonymous and do not know each other.

    Duties of referees:

    • The referees help the editor of the journal in the quality, content and scientific review of the articles in order to publish the article, and the editor communicates with the author/s through the office of the journal to help the author/s improve the quality and content of the article.
    • All information in the articles should be considered confidential for the referee.
    • The judging of the articles should be based on scientific documentation and sufficient reasoning, clearly expressed, avoiding the declaration of taste and personal opinion in the judging of the articles.
    • The reviewer should draw the editor's attention to any significant similarities or overlaps between the articles under review or any other published articles of which she/he is aware.
    • Special information or ideas obtained during the arbitration must be kept secret.
    • Any referee who feels that he does not have the necessary qualifications to review a research work for any reason, whether the topic of the article is not in the field of work, or the refereeing process is prolonged due to lack of time, etc., must inform the editor and withdraw from the article review process.
    • Paying attention to the sources used in the article is another duty of the referees.

    Duties of authors

    • The most important ethical duty of the author is to provide a correct report of the research done.
    • If the article has already been rejected in this journal or other journals or has been withdrawn from the printing process, the author must inform the editor and explain the reasons for rejection or withdrawal from the publication cycle or the possible corrections made.
    • The submitted article has not been presented in any conference and has not been previously published in any publication or sent to other publications at the same time.