In the Name of God
Author’s Guidelines
The journal “Analysis of Structure and Earthquake is an “Open access Publishing Journal”
The journal: “Analysis of Structure and Earthquake” is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Registration and article submission
All researchers must first register in the journal’s website in order to submit an article.
Registration in the system is free and does not require the approval of the system administrator. After completing the registration form, the password will be sent to your email. Therefore, use the correct address that you have access to. After receiving the password, log in to the system, enter your article information and finally send the original article file.
Please prepare and compile the article based on the format and instructions of the journal and register it in the system. Use one address to register and submit your article. It is recommended to register in the system just once. It should be noted that in some cases special letters are published by magazines, it is possible to send an article for these special letters. In some cases, you may be asked to enter a fee for a judging and evaluation fee when registering. After depositing the amount, it is possible to send the receipt when sending the article. Please use the Other Files option when submitting an article for this purpose.
Details and steps for registering and submitting an article are as follows:
- Join the system by completing the registration form
- Receive the password via email
- Log in with the username and password
- Completing the article information form including title, abstract, keywords and ...
- Upload the main text of the article
- Submit your article (if you have fulfilled all the terms and conditions so, it would be possible to send the article, otherwise, the submit article button will not be activated).
Similarity search database of "Plagiarism Checker System of Hamtajoo" as following:
Dear authors, please note that in order to perform the similarity search, after registering in the Hamtajoo system at the address below, when performing the similarity search, make sure to fill in the title of your article completely and accurately, and then attach the image of the result and the report of the similarity search of your article with the file name of the result of matching the article must be sent through the quarterly system when sending the original article and along with other appendices.
It should be mentioned that the allowed amount of similarity in submitted articles should not exceed 20%.
Duties of authors
- The most important ethical duty of the author is to provide a correct report of the research done.
- If the article has already been rejected in this journal or other journals or has been withdrawn from the printing process, the author must inform the editor and explain the reasons for rejection or withdrawal from the publication cycle or the possible corrections made.
- The submitted article has not been presented in any conference and has not been previously published in any publication or sent to other publications at the same time.
Description of the registration form
- Complete the registration form carefully.
- First specify what title you register in the system.
- Enter your first name, last name, level of education, academic rank carefully. This information helps the journal's editor-in-chief to make the right decision about evaluation and judging based on available information when needed.
- In the case of bilingual publications, enter the English equivalent of your personal details carefully
- Phone number, mobile number is also essential. Due to the fact that in some cases there is a need for immediate notification and the editor-in-chief of the journal must contact the people who have submitted articles or made corrections within a certain period of time, so please announce the available number.
- Record the city of residence or work, the postal address along with the postal code, as well as the organization of the place of study or service, along with the organizational position or type of employment, for example, Tarbiat Modares University or a member of the university's faculty.
- Enter the e-mail address and username carefully to complete the registration. Your email address can be utilized as a username. It is recommended that you use your email address to complete the registration process. However, it is possible to use a custom username. If this name has not been registered in the system before, you can apply it.
- Use the correct email. In case you forget the password, it is possible to re-create the password and send it to your email address by entering the correct email address.
- Select the relevant option if you would like to collaborate on article reviewing process, or if you would like to receive a list of new articles.
- If a specific explanation seems necessary, enter it in the description field.
- To record the information, enter the security ID and select the save option.
- Completing items marked with an asterisk is mandatory.
- Completing items marked with an asterisk is mandatory.
- Register only once.
- If you forgot your password, use the reset password option.
- If you are registered in the system but do not know your username or email address, contact the internal manager or journal expert.
Authorship criteria
Authorship should be based on the following criteria:
- Everyone who has made substantial intellectual contributions to the study on which the article is based (for example, to the research question, design, analysis, interpretation, and written description) should be an author. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.
All those designated as authors should meet all criteria for authorship, and all who meet the criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all criteria should be acknowledged.
- Number of Authors, Order of Authorship, Authorship Disputes should be stated.
Article type:
Contributions can be made in two different forms:
(1) Full research article, and (2) Review article
Ethical guidelines:
Declare to your chosen journal that your manuscript is not published elsewhere.
Declare any conflicts of interest.
Copyright Form: The scanned original copyright form signed by corresponding author should be uploaded at the time of submission. Copyright Form
Conflict of interest Form: All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. The scanned original Conflict of interest form signed by corresponding author should be uploaded at the time of submission. Conflict of interest Form
Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript
The journal: Analysis of Structure and Earthquake carries a manuscript submission and article processing fee of 7,500,000 Iranian Rial (IRR) and a publication fee of 12,500,000 IRR upon submission of each new manuscript.
Language: All articles must be written in Persian including an Abstract written in Standard English (American or British).
Guidance to preparing and page layout of articles
- The submitted article must not have been previously published in any national or international journals.
- Articles should be submitted in the form of electronic files in Word 2007 and PDF format through the electronic system of
- Submitting via the electronic system of is highly recommended.
- The title of the article should not exceed 60 letters considering the spaces between the words and it should be typed in bold 18 with Mitra Siah font.
- Article size should not exceed 12 A4 pages.
- The article should be arranged in 2 columns, on one side of the A4 sheet with a space between the lines as a single with a distance of 1 cm between the columns.
- On the first page, the top margin will be 6 cm, the bottom 2.5 cm, the right 3 and the left 2 cm. On the rest of the pages, the top margin will change to 4 cm.
- The name of the author of the article and his affiliation, usually with a university or research institution, should be typed in a single line under the title of the article and with the font B. Nazanin Siah14. (If the number of authors is more than one, the name and title of each are given separately in a line and under the title of the article).
- The contact number and e-mail address of the authors are given under the titles of the author (or authors) with a space between them, and with black B Nazanin 12 font.
- Abstract, with bold font B Nazanin 12 and abstract text with regular Lotus Font B 11, in a single column and only in a paragraph with a left and right margin of 4 cm.
- The key words should be in bold B Nazanin 11 and the text of the key words should be in ordinary Nazanin font 10, immediately after the abstract.
- The text of the article should be typed with the ordinary B Mitra 11 font and all titles within text should be in bold B Mitra 11 black font.
- The Figure Captions should be at the bottom of the figure and in black B Mitra 10 and the Table Captions should be at the top of it in black B Mitra 10.
- In all cases, if Latin letters are used, type the Times New Roman font with two numbers smaller than the adjacent words.
- The order number of the References in the text of the article should be written in brackets and the number of mathematical relations should be enclosed in parentheses. Specify numbers at the top of the word to refer to a footnote.
- The References in the final section of the article, should be listed based on their use in the text of the article, respectively with the ordinary B Mitra 12 font for Persian References and the 10 Times New Roman font for Latin words.
- Cite Persian books as: Last name (first author), first name (first letter of first author’s name), last name (second author), first name (first letter of second author’s name), book title, translator name (in order of author), place of publication, publisher name, print number
- Release Date, Number of Pages Used. For instance:
.doi code should be written for all articles
:A correct DOI would look something like this
Nabilla M, Khairunisa M, Rahimah E, Andri K, Mohd Hanafi H. Environmental impact of cement production and Solutions: A review. Materials Today. 2022; 48 (4): 741-746.
- Cite conference papers as: Last name (first author), first name (first letter of first author’s name), last name (second author), first name (first letter of second author’s name), article title, exact name of the conference, city and country of the conference, days and months of the conference, Year of holding, number of pages. For example:
James H. A Study of the Impact of Machine Learning on the Electronics Industry, in 2019 IEEE Conference on New Technologies. Houston: IEEE, 2019; 130–38,
- Cite papers as: Last name (first author), first name (first letter of first author’s name), last name (second author), first name (first letter of second author’s name), article title, journal name, volume, issue, year of publication, Page number. For example:
- 3- Smith, E, Hwang, E, Bean, j. Load Transfer in a Space Frame Connection, ASCE. Journal of Structural Eng., 1992; 7 (3): 191-200.
- The original article must be presented in Persian and its abstract in English.
- The authors are responsible for providing the correct content.
- If you scan the photo, send the original sample photo along with the article.
Dear authors of this quarterly Journal in order to cite the study of other authors in your text and citation, use the Vancouver-style reference method as follows:
Vancouver Citation Style:
In this method, references are specified by mentioning the number at the end of the sentence or paragraph, that is, a number is assigned to each reference based on precedence, and the same number is written each time the reference is cited again in the text. In Vancouver referencing, the authors' information, sources, and year of publication do not appear in the text, and the references in the text are listed in order of number. In this method, a number is assigned to each reference used, and these numbers are enclosed in brackets before the dot and comma at the end of each sentence. The method of numbering the sources is in the order of reference in the text, i.e. the first source used will be number 1. In other words, in this method, a number is assigned to each reference used in the text and then the complete specifications of that source are given in the list of sources at the end of the article.
For example:
- Johnson VA, Vezicnet F. Update of the drug resistance mutations in HIV. Top HIV Med. 2005; 13: 125-31.
Halpten SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935 (1-2): 40-6.
An example for 3 authors:
Halpern SD, Ubel PA, caplan AL. Solid organ transplantation in HIV infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002; 347(4): 284-7.
Johnson VA, Vezicnet F. Update of the drug resistance mutations in HIV. Top HIV Med. 2005; 13: 125-31.
Diabets prevention program research group. Hypertension, insulin and proinsulin in participants with inpared glucose tolerance. J Appl Physion. 2002; 40(5): 679-86
Vancouver Referencing Style: In-text citations
In-text citations for secondary sources
Please note: you should always use the original work wherever possible. Use the secondary sources only when it is impossible to obtain the original publication, e.g. it may be published in another language, or out of print.
Sources cited within another source are known as 'secondary sources'. In-text references to secondary sources must name the original source, as well as provide a citation to the secondary source.
For example, Grieve and Gear’s work from 1966 is being quoted in Kirtley’s 2006 book on page 23. If you could not access the original Grieve and Gear’s work from 1966, you were permitted to reference it as a secondary source, e.g.
… Grieve and Gear's pattern, as quoted in Kirtley,28(p23) has been used widely in ...
In the reference list, list the work you have actually consulted, i.e. Kirtley’s 2006 book, not Grieve and Gear’s work from 1966.
By following this pattern, you are crediting the original author while being able to reference the source you are actually using.
Johnson VA, Brunezicnet F. Update of the drug resistance mutations is HIV. Top HIV Med. 2005; 13: 125-31. In: Deeks SG. Antiretviral treatment of HIV infected adults. BMJ. 2006; 332: 1489-93
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceeding of the 10th International congress of EMG and clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto. Japan. Amesterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Thank you so much