Prioritizing competency components for health and public health policy-making managers and experts (case study: Social Security Organizations of Gilan and Tehran)
Subject Areas : title1
Mitra Abolhasanpour Chelaras
Fariba Gholipour Jamnani
1 - Master of Information Technology Management Advanced information systems), e-Campus Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Senior Expert in Public Administration Human Resources Managment Orientation, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
Keywords: Health, Competency, meritocracy, Social Security, public health,
Abstract :
The present study identified and prioritized the competency components for health and public health policy-making managers and experts. The present study was applied and of a descriptive survey type. The statistical population of the study included the managers of social security organizations in Gilan and Tehran. Among them, 79 people were selected as the sample by convenience random sampling. Data were analyzed in SPSS and PLS software. Among the many components identified in various theoretical studies, 31 components made up the competency of managers. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the variables were higher than 0.7, indicating the appropriate reliability of the research tool. All the AVE values of the constructs were greater than 0.5, indicating a good validity of the research tool. The analysis of means showed that the customer-oriented component in the social security organization of Gilan and the outcome-oriented component in the social security organization of Tehran were more desirable than other components. The prioritization of the components in the social security organization of Tehran revealed that the first priority belonged to communication, and in the social security organization of Gilan, the first priority belonged to the learning-oriented variable. In the current competitive situation and in an environment whose primary characteristics are continuous changes and innovations, successful organizations pay attention to the role of human resources in the organization and consider the competency of employees in the organization. Paying attention to competency helps the organization to increase the motivation and performance of the employees of the departments.