Analysis of indirect relations of the triangle of sustainable regional development, cooperation and social capacity
Subject Areas : title1
Somayeh , Soleimani
Sanjar Selajgeh
Mohammad Galal Kamaly
Samaneh Mehdizadeh
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Public Administration/ Comparative Studies, Comparative Studies and Development, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration/ Comparative Studies and Development Studies, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: Cooperation, Social capacity, Regional Sustainable Development,
Abstract :
The purpose ofthis research is toinvestigate the indirect relationships of regional sustainable development variables, cooperation and social capacity.In this research, the Analytical Hierarchy(AHP)method has been used.Because this method isbased onthe opinions of experts;Inthe sample selection process ofthis study, the opinions of 32experts and university administrators were used to analyze the information andcomplete the questionnaire.Inorder todetermine thecriteria andsub-criteria affecting the relationships between the variables of regional sustainable development, cooperation andsocial capacity, first a series ofprimary criteria have been identified based on library research and then finalized through interviews with experts inthis field. These criteria are classified into10 main criteria and 32 sub-criteria.In this study, the tool proposed by Mr. Thomas L.Saati was used for judging in AHP and for building hierarchical tree from Super decision software. The results indicate that the roles of cooperative directly and indirectly affect the social capacity.The findings showed that the participation ability factor in the social capacity criteria, the external factors index in the cooperation role criteria, and the social justice criterion in the regional sustainable development criteria are in the first place of effectiveness.Ifso, social capacity has a positive and meaningful relationship withregional sustainable development, which indicates a positive and meaningful relationship between the dimensions ofregional sustainable development and cooperation.Therefore, it is suggested; The grounds for creating a cooperative culture to facilitate cooperative activities should be provided.Also,the conditions forthe dynamism and proper efficiency ofcooperatives in orderto increase capital through consultation with members, proper trust building between members and institutionalization of cooperative activities should be done.