Measurement And evaluation Resiliency Institutional and physical-environmental Urban communities to reduce natural disasters, Earthquake(Case study: Kerman city)
Subject Areas :Ali Asghar Abdollahi 1 , Hojatollah Sharafi 2 , Yasser Sabahi 3
1 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning and Faculty Member of Shahid Bahonar Kerman University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning and Faculty Member of Shahid Bahonar Kerman University, Kerman, Iran
3 - M.S. of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Bahonar, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: resilience, Kerman city, natural disasters, resilient community,
Abstract :
Natural disasters potential to bring this terrible disaster risk reduction systems become absenc. Recently, resiliency, as one of the effective measures for crisis management, Community-Based Approach to promote urban communities in times of instability due to disasters. The main objective of this study is assessing the resilience index and constructive citizens (Institutional and physical - environmental) and determine the contribution of the factors resilience and their capacity to mitigate against natural (earthquake) in Kerman city.The research method is descriptive and analytical the type of relationship.The data required for analysis collected using a questionnaire which its validity and reliability by Cronbach's alpha 887/0 formally approved. The population studied was the citizens of the city of Kerman.Finally, according to the terms of resiliency factors considered, the Institutional and physical - environmental indicators and factors that are mentioned in the above, And also utilizes software (spss) and statistical,one-sample t (One Sample T- test), Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis techniques are Also for weighting the criteria and sub-criteria of Shannon entropy and four municipalities in the ranking to assess the resilience of techniques and models ( WP,SAR) is used.Our results show that there is a significant relationship between the resiliency of citizens Institutional and physical – environmental components citizens against natural disasters, especially earthquakes. In this study, we hypothesized that the relationship between independent and dependent variables are the same approval and showing a high resiliency citizens about natural disasters with emphasis on earthquake. Finally, based on the techniques listed and ranked in order of zones, Zone 1, Zone 3, Zone 2, Zone 4 in terms of resiliency ranked.
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