Designing an Intellectual Capital Status Assessment Model Based on Productivity Improvement Approach: The Case of Iranian Universities
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
Shahin Gheyasi
Mohammad Hosseinpour
Yadolah Mehralizaedeh
Marya Nasiri
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Professor Department of Educational Management, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, relational capital, structural capital, Human Capital, Productivity,
Abstract :
Intellectual capital refers to the body of knowledge, experience, and information that exists in an organization and is considered as intangible organizational assets and resources that can be converted to products, services, and processes to promote productivity and create values. The current applied, descriptive survey set out to investigate and analyze the main indicators and facets of intellectual capital assessment at university level through Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The research data were gleaned using an interview and a questionnaire. First, the facets and indicators of intellectual capital were identified based on an extensive literature review and comparative content analyses of relevant existing studies as well as interviews with experts in the field who were selected via purposive sampling. Further, the relationships between the aspects and indicators of intellectual capital including human, structural and relational resources and indicators of intellectual capital assessment procedure at university were integratively determined and analyzed through ISM. Finally, the main variables influencing other variables and influenced by them were identified via MICMAC analysis. The findings identified the administration and students as independent variables with high levels of dependency and susceptibility that could be impacted by other mediating variables. Any improvement in intellectual capital at university level seem to be reliant on prerequisite modifications in these variables.
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Mehalizadeh,E.Shahi,S.Hossaini,SH.(2011). Attempts to Develop Intellectual Capital Measurement Indicators and Examine the Status of these Indicators at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iranian Journal of Higher Education.4(3),65-79. [In Pershian]
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Nazari,Jamal.A,.Herremans,IreneM.Isaac.,Robert,.G.manassian.,armond.Klines.,& Theresa J.B. (2011).Organizational culture,Climate and Ic: An Interactionanalysis,Journal of Intellectual Capital,12(2), 224-248.
Oliveira. Lidia., Rodrigues.,Lu cialima.,& Craing.Russell. (2010). Intellectual capital repoting in sustainability reports, 11(4), 575-594.
Patthirasinsiri., Natphasuth & Montri,Wiboorant. (2017).Measuring intellectual capital of science park performance for newly established scince parks in Thailand,Kasetstart Journal of Social Science, 40(1), 82-90.
Petty, Nicola J.,Oliver P. Thomson., Graham Stew. (2012). Ready for a paradigm shift? Part 2: Introducing qualitative research methodologies and methods. Manual Therapy 17(5), 378-384.
Salemi,Gh. Raean,Z.(2010). Providing a Conceptual Framework for Intellectual Capital Assessment in Higher Education: An Approach to Technical Higher Education Centers[In Persian].19(13),19-41.
Shaekhi,A. Eskandari,GH. Valizadeh,A.(2016). Ranking Intellectual Capital Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy Technique, 3, 15-26. [In Pershian
Solaemanpooromran,M. Bagherpoor,M.(2016). Investigating the Relationship between the Use of Human Capital Index and the Productivity of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Mazandaran Province, Journal of Science Education Quarterly 3(7),44-52. [In Pershian
Zhai, L., & Zhai,y. (2011). Study on the Development of intangible asset in major sports event,Circuits, Communications and system(PACCS), Third pacific-Asia Conference.
Abili, KH. Hayat,A. Uozbashi,A. (2013). Investigating the Factors Affecting Human Resources Productivity of the National Iranian Oil Company, Journal of Human Resource Management in Oil Industry, 5(19),131-160. [In Pershian]
Abaspoor,A.Sharafi,M.Moghadam,M.(2013). The necessity of designing an optimal model for measuring intellectual capital, Journal of Innovation in the Humanities.4(2),27-54. [In Pershian]
Abaszadeh,M.(2012). Reflection on the validity and reliability of qualitative research, Journal of Applied Sociology.23(1),19-24. [In Pershian]
Alameh,S.M,Shaehkabomasodi,Ali.(2015). The Impact of Intellectual Capital with the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management and Cultural Capital on Organizational Performance from the BSC Model's Case Study (Isfahan Province Gas Company), Journal of Management Accounting,8(24),73-87. [In Pershian]
Almasi,M. Rostami,E. Fatahi,Sh.(2014). The Effect of Mediating the Correct Consumption Pattern on the Relationship between Factors Affecting Human Resource Productivity among the Employees of Kermanshah Governmental Organizations, .Journal of Human Resource Management Research.5(1),1-23. [In Pershian]
Babae Neoloe, F. Behlolizaenab, N.Rahimi, GH.(2011). A Comparative Study of Intellectual Capital Management in Universities, Journal of Innovation in the Humanities 3(1), 53-96. [In Pershian]
Bahrami,S. Rajaepoor,S .Yarmohamadian,M.(2010). Comparison of Intellectual Capital Components in University, Journal of Health Information Management 8(7),976-983. [In Pershian]
Curado,C,.Henriques,L,.&Bontis,N. (2011).Intellectual capital disclosure Pay back,Journal of Management Dicision,49(7), 1080-1098.
Dalibor, Gottwald., Pavla Lejskova., Libor Svadlenka,.& Veronika Rychnovska. (2015). Evaluation and Management of Intellectual Capital of Pardubice Airport: Case Study. Procedia economics and finance. 34, 121-128.
Darabi,R.Naseri,M.Molaeelzoleh,A.(2017). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Knowledge Management Processes Affected by Organizational Culture (Case Study: Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences), Journal of Health Management.20(68),65-74. [In Pershian]
Edghibokani,N.Saedabaszadeh,M.Ghalae,,A.Mohajeran,B.Bagherimajd,R.(2014). Investigating Factors Affecting Productivity and Quality Improvement of Islamic Azad University Centers and Units in Zone 2, Journal of Productivity Management,Journal of productivity management,8(29),119-142. [In Pershian]
Esmaeli, M.R. Samadrahimi,A.(2014). Investigating the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Human Resource Flexible in the Banking Industry, Journal of Human Resource Management Research 2(7),129-151. [In Pershian]
Frida Erlandsson., & Gabriella – Lundberg. (2017). Intellectual capital reporting An explorative and explanative study of how universities in Sweden report on IC information. Master thesis in accounting and auditing, 15 hp Spring 2017.
Ghorbani,M.H.(2013). Developing an Intellectual Capital Measurement Model for Sport Federations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Doctoral Thesis, Department of Sport Management, Supervisor: Hassan Asadi. Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Tehran . Faculty of Management , University of Tehran. [In Pershian]
Halim,S. (2010).Statistical analysis on the intellectual capital statement, Journal of intellectual capital,11(1), 61-73.
Kotenkova,Svetlana & Korablev,Maksim. (2014).Evaluation of intellectual capital in regions of Volga Federal district of Russian Federation,Journal of Procedia Economic and Finance,14,342-348.
Lopez., Nicolas,C. (2011), Strategic Knowledge management,innovation and performance. International Journal of information management,31(6), 502-509.
Luminita, Maria Gogan., Alin, Artene; loana., & Sarca, Anca, draghici. (2016). The lmpact of Intellectual Capital on Organizational performance. Procedia – social and Behavioral sciences. 221, 194-202.
Mehalizadeh,E.Shahi,S.Hossaini,SH.(2011). Attempts to Develop Intellectual Capital Measurement Indicators and Examine the Status of these Indicators at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iranian Journal of Higher Education.4(3),65-79. [In Pershian]
Mohammad, Badrul Muttakin., Arifur, Khan., Ataur, Rahman Belal. (2015). Intellectual capital disclosures and corporate governance: An empirical examination. Advances in accounting, incorporating Advances in International accounting. Journal homepage, 31, 219-227.
Momenirad,A.Aliabadi,KH.Fardanesh,H.Mazini,N.(2013). Qualitative Content Analysis in Research: The Nature, Steps, and Validity of Results, Journal of Educational Measurement, 4(41), 187-222. [In Pershian
Nazari,Jamal.A,.Herremans,IreneM.Isaac.,Robert,.G.manassian.,armond.Klines.,& Theresa J.B. (2011).Organizational culture,Climate and Ic: An Interactionanalysis,Journal of Intellectual Capital,12(2), 224-248.
Oliveira. Lidia., Rodrigues.,Lu cialima.,& Craing.Russell. (2010). Intellectual capital repoting in sustainability reports, 11(4), 575-594.
Patthirasinsiri., Natphasuth & Montri,Wiboorant. (2017).Measuring intellectual capital of science park performance for newly established scince parks in Thailand,Kasetstart Journal of Social Science, 40(1), 82-90.
Petty, Nicola J.,Oliver P. Thomson., Graham Stew. (2012). Ready for a paradigm shift? Part 2: Introducing qualitative research methodologies and methods. Manual Therapy 17(5), 378-384.
Salemi,Gh. Raean,Z.(2010). Providing a Conceptual Framework for Intellectual Capital Assessment in Higher Education: An Approach to Technical Higher Education Centers[In Persian].19(13),19-41.
Shaekhi,A. Eskandari,GH. Valizadeh,A.(2016). Ranking Intellectual Capital Measurement Indicators Using Fuzzy Technique, 3, 15-26. [In Pershian
Solaemanpooromran,M. Bagherpoor,M.(2016). Investigating the Relationship between the Use of Human Capital Index and the Productivity of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Mazandaran Province, Journal of Science Education Quarterly 3(7),44-52. [In Pershian
Zhai, L., & Zhai,y. (2011). Study on the Development of intangible asset in major sports event,Circuits, Communications and system(PACCS), Third pacific-Asia Conference.