Analytical historical analysis of the effect of physical components, on the Sense of belonging to Safavid mosques from the view of the worshipers (Case study of the mosques of Imam Khomeini, Sheikh Lotfollah, Hakim and Agha Noor in Isfahan )
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical research
Mahdieh Ahmadi
Hero Farkisch
Vahid Ahmadi
Ahmad Mirza Kouchak Khoshnevis
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor. Department of Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor. Department of Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor. Department of Architecture, Iran Culture Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: architecture, Isfahan, sense of belonging, Physical system, Architecture in the Safavid period,
Abstract :
One of the most brilliant periods of Iranian architecture after Islam is the Safavid period.But perhaps its architectural history is less known compared to Seljuk, Ilkhanid, Timurid periods.As we know,the most meaningful building in an Islamic city is the "mosque."The present study seeks to answer the question,"What is the connection between our sense of belonging&physical components of Safavid mosques through our historical-analytical analysis?"The purpose of this study is to identify&explain physical components in architectural design of Safavid mosques by conducting library&field studies&by using heuristic mixed method,and to measure effect of physical components on level of belongingness of individuals to mosques. After a deep historical-analytical analysis, resulting to identification of components of physical system of Safavid mosques&their approval by73full professors or associate professors of universities in field of Islamic architecture, these physical components are classified into5categories of"physical,spatial organization,light direction,geometrical hierarchy or order. Afterwards,the most effective criteria for increasing sense of belonging were extracted.Two models of the questionnaire were created&answers were analyzed according to Likert scale&by using structural equation modeling.The relationships between variables&their impact on mosques of Imam Khomeini,Sheikh Lotfollah,Hakim&AghaNoor were studied considering their similarities at different levels.Findings show a significant relationship between components of physical system with degree of belongingness of the worshipers where role of physical component is more important than other components.The existence of these components altogether creates a sense of belongingness to that mosque;and finally,if in the newly built mosques, components of physical system are defined properly&in harmony with each other,the sense of belongingness will increase within worshipers.