Identifying the effective factors on the emergence of teacher's organizational silence through research synthesis.
Subject Areas : Educational ScienceLida SHeshpari 1 , hossein momeni mahmouei 2
1 - 1 Ph.D. student in Educational management, Department of Educational Sciences , Torbat Heydariyeh branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies, Department of Educational Sciences, Torbat Heydariyeh branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran.
Keywords: Organizational Factors, Social Factors, Individual Factors, Managerial Factors, Synthesis research,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify effective factors on the emergence of teacher's organizational silence through synthesis research. The research method is qualitative and of the research synthesis type.The population of the study was comprised of all domestic and non-domestic documents related to the subject of organizational silence from databases between 2013 and 2021, totaling 100 articles. All received articles were categorized and screened through content analysis, and 39 articles (10 external sources and 29 internal sources) meeting the criteria considered in the study in the aforementioned period were selected by purposive sampling and snowball as a statistical sample and were examined.The research tool was a checklist created by the researcher to record initial research information by searching for different keywords pertaining to the purpose of the research. The validity of the proposed framework was evaluated on the basis of four criteria: credibility, transferability, trustworthiness, and confirmability. The result of the inductive and compositional content analysis of the categories is the extraction of the conceptual framework of the factors of organizational silence around 4 levels: organizational, individual, managerial, and social.