Identification and analysis of factors affecting the performance excellence of the first secondary schools (case study: Abadan city)
Subject Areas : Education
Rahman Jalilian
Davood Gholamrezaei
Leila Rajabi
1 - : Master of Business Administration, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Damavand, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Payame Noor University of Tehran,, Iran.
3 - PhD candidate in Statistics, Faculty of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: First High Schools, Performance Excellence, EFQM Excellence Model,
Abstract :
Introduction: The indicators of organizational excellence models that are suitable for schools' conditions can be used as channels to improve schools' performance. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to identify and analyze the effective factors on the excellence of the performance of the first secondary schools in Abadan city considering the document of fundamental evolution of education. Research methodology: The statistical population is the principals and teachers of the first secondary schools of Abadan city,and according to Morgan's table, the required sample size is 186 people. The methods of collecting information in this research are divided into two categories: library-based method for collecting the subject literature and research background, and field-based method for collecting information to confirm or reject research hypotheses. Findings: The theory test model in this research contains five main factors of leadership, policy and strategy, staff, partnerships and resources, and processes, each of which consists of a number of subscales. The factors of leadership, partnerships and resources each include 6 subscales, processes and staff each include 4 subscales, and policy and strategy includes 7 subscales. The results of the path coefficients between the factors also indicated that the policy and strategy have an effect of 0.193 on the leadership factor and the staff factor has a 0.490 effect on the policy and strategy factor. Conclusion: The factors introduced by the researcher (leadership, policy and strategy, staff, partnerships and resources, processes) with the approach of the document of fundamental evolution of education strongly influence the excellence of school performance.
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