Explain the pattern of reduction in the emigration of elite athletes based on the acceptance of policies
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sports
Ali Zivari
Mozhgan Khodamoradpoor
Mozafar Yektayar
Taibeh Zargar
1 - Department of Sport Management , Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Department of Sport Management , Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Department of Sport Management , Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
4 - Department of Sport Management , South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran
Keywords: athlete, Elite, Trust, Politics, Immigration,
Abstract :
Objective: The role and influence of policies on public opinion in any country is undeniable. The acceptance and acceptability of sports policies by the people can be one of the potential research fields and provides an effort to understand the public attitude towards sports policies. A high level of public support for sporting success is required as one of the resources required for the successful development of an elite sport system. This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the pattern of reducing the migration of elite athletes based on the acceptance of policies.Methodology: The method of this research was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in the qualitative section was elite sports experts who were selected purposefully and 12 experts were interviewed based on the theoretical saturation index. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included elite athletes, 407 of whom were selected as samples. The research tools were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was done using structural equations and PLS software.Results: The results of the research showed that the main factors affecting the reduction of migration of elite athletes based on the acceptance of policies, including building trust (with concepts such as the development of elite sports infrastructure, supporting the growth and development of athletes), facilitating conditions (with concepts such as innovation in acquisition of general knowledge and talent management), limitations (with concepts such as political culture, meritocracy and systemic communication network), contextual policies (with concepts such as research and efficiency of the financial system), quality improvement (empowerment and motivation), understanding success (with concepts such as personal and social interests) is the acceptance of policies (with concepts such as usefulness of acceptance, acceptance of support and ease of use) which were categorized in the form of causal factors, contextual factors, limitations, intervening factors, strategies and consequences. Also, the results of the quantitative section showed that all paths have a positive and significant path coefficient.Conclusion: Understanding and accepting the policies of the elites, which will reduce the migration of the elites, requires a strategic approach. This approach includes supporting the growth and development of athletes with the benefit of advanced technologies, supporting veterans, recognizing the patterns governing the public opinion of society and adopting policies aligned with organizational goals in sports organizations.
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Shahriary, N., Movafagh, M., & Shavali, F. (2022). Strategic insights based on strategic position and action evalution matrix in Isfahan Resistance cultural and sports club. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(2). doi:doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1952018.1020
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Spaaij, R., Broerse, J., Oxford, S., Luguetti, C., McLachlan, F., McDonald, B., . . . Pankowiak, A. (2019). Sport, refugees, and forced migration: A critical review of the literature. Frontiers in sports and active living, 1, 47.
Tan, T.-C., Zheng, J., & Dickson, G. (2019). Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China. European Sport Management Quarterly, 2 (3), 125-134.
Tan, T. C., Zheng, J., & Dickson, G. (2019). Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China. European Sport Management Quarterly, , 19(5), 645-665.
Torrisi, B., & Pernagallo, G. (2020). Investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and academic brain drain: the Italian case,. Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 124(2),, pages 925-952.
Wanniarachchi, h. E., isira Kumara Jayakody, J. A., & Jayawardana, A. K. (2020). An organizational perspective on brain drain: What can organizations do to stop it. . 1-10. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2020.1758745.
_||_Askari, A. (2022). The structural model of relationships between philosophical mentality and thinking style with socialization in sport Managers. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(2),. doi: -. doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1954089.1032
Bagheri, H., Ghavam Sefat, Musa, Hasili, Gholamreza. (1389). Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the migration of elite athletes in Iran. Human Resource Management in Sport, 6 (2), 257-276. doi:doi: 10.22044 / shm.2019.7698.1858
Bergsgard, N. A. H., B., Mangset, P., Nødland, S. I., & Rommetvedt, H. . (2017). Sport policy: A comparative analysis of stability and change. Oxford: Butterwort -Heinemann.
Chatzopoulos, I. (2022). Sport, migration and integration in Denmark: local political responses and policies in Copenhagen. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 14(1), 53-69.
Enderle, S., & Mashreghi, S. (2022). Methodological challenges and opportunities in working within a participatory paradigm in the context of sport, forced migration and settlement: an insider perspective. Sport in Society,, 25(3), 469-484.
Fazeli, A. (2011). Sports and identity politics. Political Science, 7 (2), 151-174.
Funahashi, H., De Bosscher, V., Mano, Y. (2015). Understanding public acceptance of elite sport policy in Japan: a structural equation modeling approach. . European Sport Management Quarterly,, 15(4): 478-504.
Gholipoor, A., Shahbazi, M., Bagherzadeh, F. (2014). '', . (2014). Surveying of Causal Attributions of Elite and Sub – Elite Male Athletes in Individual Sports (from the Perspective of Athletes and Coaches). Journal of Motor Learning and Movement., 6(2), pp. 161-182. doi:doi: 10.22059/jmlm.50455
Hudson, C., Luguetti, C., & Spaaij, R. (2022). Pedagogies implemented with young people with refugee backgrounds in physical education and sport: a critical review of the literature. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, pages 1-20.
Javdani, H. (2005). Investigating the Internal Factors Boosting the Process of Leaving the Scientific Elite from the Country. Management and Development Process., 4.47-36. .
Nazari, R., & tabesh, S. (2019). The Challenge of Iran's Sport development with Non Systematic Talent idification approach and elite Approach
Sport Management and Development, 8(1): 1-14. . doi:doi: 10.22124/jsmd.1970.3435
Nessel, K. (2021). Balancing mass sports participation and elite sports performance: heterogeneity of the EU countries. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES),Vol 21 (Suppl. issue 2), Art 146, pp 1156 – 1164,.
Ramezani Nejad, R., Eidi, H., Asgari, B., & Reyhani, M. (2011). The Challenge of Talent Identification in Sports: Development of Sports or International Success. The First National Conference on Sports Talent Identification, Physical Education Research Institute.
Sajadi, S. A., Rasekh, N., Razavi, S., Dousti, M. . (2017). Comparative Study of Sport Structure in Iran and European Countries. Strategic Studies on Youth ans Sports., 16(36): 23-42.
Shahriary, N., Movafagh, M., & Shavali, F. (2022). Strategic insights based on strategic position and action evalution matrix in Isfahan Resistance cultural and sports club. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(2). doi:doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1952018.1020
Shibli, S., De Bosscher, & V., v. B., M. (2014). Measuring and forcasting elite sporting success. In I. Henry & K. Ling-Mei (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Sport Policy. AbingdonRoutledge, pp. 212– 224.
Spaaij, R., Broerse, J., Oxford, S., Luguetti, C., McLachlan, F., McDonald, B., . . . Pankowiak, A. (2019). Sport, refugees, and forced migration: A critical review of the literature. Frontiers in sports and active living, 1, 47.
Tan, T.-C., Zheng, J., & Dickson, G. (2019). Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China. European Sport Management Quarterly, 2 (3), 125-134.
Tan, T. C., Zheng, J., & Dickson, G. (2019). Policy transfer in elite sport development: the case of elite swimming in China. European Sport Management Quarterly, , 19(5), 645-665.
Torrisi, B., & Pernagallo, G. (2020). Investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and academic brain drain: the Italian case,. Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 124(2),, pages 925-952.
Wanniarachchi, h. E., isira Kumara Jayakody, J. A., & Jayawardana, A. K. (2020). An organizational perspective on brain drain: What can organizations do to stop it. . 1-10. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2020.1758745.