Language as the Representation of Postmodernism in the book “Asfar-eh Kateban” (The books of scribes)
Subject Areas : Social (with literary and artistic features)
Azardokht Khatibi
Rahim Taher
Reza Fahimi
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, college of human science, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, college of human science, Saveh branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, college of human science, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Keywords: Distressed Narrative, Asfar-eh Kataban, Postmodernism, Components of postmodernism, language,
Abstract :
The Book of Scribes (Asfare Kateban) is a different novel whose summary requires substantial care and attention. The different features of this novel are in harmony with the constituent elements of postmodern stories since it consists of several narrations that are somehow related to each other. But its beginning and ending are unclear. Its beginning is related to one narration and its end is taken from another narration. There are many contradictions and inconsistencies in its components. Therefore, its audience must be a storyteller, and have a postmodern worldview in order to be able to search for its scattered components. But all this feature can only be transmitted to the audience through language. A language that has its own difficulties. It is not transparent and does not value the boundaries of both time and two-time. The language he wants is both an expression and a means of expression on dream and dream data, nightmares, myths, symbols, illusions and imagination. However, the information in this article is provided in a library style and then described using an analytical method. In general, it seems that the author, with many inter-textual references, tries to turn the reader's attention to mythological, historical, personal, social and psychological issues and to show that man is not alone and from the history of our land, the only voice of tyranny and oppression can be heard. It is always written in the absence of oppressed people.
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