Intertextuality of Poetries by Akhtal with Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakHamid Motevallizadeh Naeini 1 , Reza Afkhami Aqda 2 , Rahmatollah Heidari Manesh 3
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Yazd University
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty Member, Arabic Language & Literature, Yazd University
3 - School Teacher, Khorasan Razavi
Keywords: متن, Review, Context, creation, زایش, نقد ادبی, literary criticism, بازخوانش,
Abstract :
intertextuality is one of the important topics in literary criticism, a theory in order to read the literary text more deeply and achieve its unspoken. According to this theory, any text, consciously or unconsciously, is the birth and re-reading of pre- or contemporary texts. The Holy Quran is one of the texts with which the poems of many poets have been linked; One of these poets is the famous poet of the Umayyad era, who has used Qur'anic interpretations and concepts in his poems in a very artistic and creative way and has made his poems extremely attractive and effective. The present study aims to explain the types of Quranic intertextual examples by Akhtal by analytical – descriptive method to analyze the types of intertextual relationships in the poems extracted from him with the Quran. Review of Akhtal poems prove that sometimes he uses the content or meaning of a verse or verses from the Holy Quran as his source of inspiration, and sometimes he uses Quranic verses in the structure of sentences and music of verses, and sometimes he refers to Quranic stories to his literary work as an attribute of holiness and permanence.
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