Study of Effective Factors on Extraction of Astaxanthin Super Antioxidant from White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Subject Areas : Chem
F. Saber baghban
sh. shabani
R. Azizi Nezhad
1 - M. Sc. Student of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Academic Member of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of the Biotechnology and Plant Breeding Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Shrimp waste, Astaxanthin extraction, Carotenoids, White-footed shrimp, HPLC,
Abstract :
Introduction: Shrimp waste might be used as the cheapest raw material to extract the carotenoid pigments, astaxanthin and employed to replace the synthetic dyes. In the present study, effective factors on extraction of astaxanthin super antioxidant from white shrimp was evaluated.Materials and Methods: In this study, extraction with solid material ratio (cooked/ dried shrimp/ mill/ sieve) to ethanol solvent (g/ml) in 3 levels of one to five, one to seven and one to nine, with stirring time of 1, 5 and 10 minutes in ultrasonic bath was performed in 3 levels of 10, 20 and 30 minutes and centrifuge temperature 4, 12 and 21 ºC in triplicate order. After evaluating the carotenoid extraction efficiency of dry and wet wastes in the spectrophotometer, the best extraction method was selected by data analysis using SPSS.20 software using Duncan's multiple range method, finally, astaxanthin treatment 1 (cooked/ Dry/ mill/ sieve) and treatment 2 (crude/ mill) were optimized, purified, measured and identified by HPLC and the optimal treatment was selected.Results: Experiments showed that the sample to solvent ratio of 1: 5 and one minute stirring time, 10 minutes ultrasonic and 21 ° C centrifuge are suitable for optimal extraction. Data from HPLC analysis also showed that astaxanthin was extracted from treatment 1, 3 mgastaxanthin/gextract and treatment 2, 2.7 mgastaxanthin/gextract.Conclusion: Shrimp waste might be used as an available and economical raw material to extract carotenoid pigments to replace the synthetic dyes and antioxidants in the food industry.
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Brandão, L. B., Coêlho, D. F., Souza, R. R., & Silva, C. F. (2019). Technological Prospection of Astaxanthin Recovery of Shrimp Waste Litopenaeus Vannamei by the Vegetable Oil Extraction Xtraction Process. Revista INGI-Indicação Geográfica e Inovação, 3(4), 465-475.
Cahú, T. B., Santos, S. D., Mendes, A., Córdula, C. R., Chavante, S. F., Carvalho Jr, L. B. & Bezerra, R. S. (2012). Recovery of protein, chitin, carotenoids and glycosaminoglycans from Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) processing waste. Process Biochemistry, 47(4), 570-577.
Capelli, B. & Cysewski, G. (2007). Natural astaxanthin: king of the carotenoids. Cyanotech Corporation. USA, 4-19.
Dalei, J. & Sahoo, D. (2022, January). Extraction and characterization of astaxanthin from the crustacean shell waste from shrimp processing industries. In International Conference on Public Health and Medical Sciences.
Dang, T. T., Gringer, N., Jessen, F., Olsen, K., Bøknæs, N., Nielsen, P. L. & Orlien, V. (2018). Emerging and potential technologies for facilitating shrimp peeling: A review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 45, 228-240.
Emami, M., Matin Far, A., Kamali, A. & Soltani, Mahdi, (2013). Comparison of nutritional value of Vanami shrimp and sea tiger green shrimp and Persian Gulf banana, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, 1:324. [In Persian]
Gholam Hosseini, B., Sohrabi Haghdoost, I., Afshar Nasab, M., Motalebi, A. A. & Rezvani, S. (2006). Histopathological and molecular study (PCR) of disease lesions caused by White Spotted Disease virus in four species of green tiger shrimp Penaeus semisulcatu, Parapenaposis stylifeus dagger shrimp, Metapenaeus affinis white shrimp, Indian Penaeus indus shrimp in the shores of the Persian Gulf (Choubdeh Abadan region). Tehran Research Sciences, pp 166-1. [In Persian]
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Handayani, A. D., Indraswati, N. & Ismadji, S. (2008). Extraction of astaxanthin from giant tiger (Panaeus monodon) shrimp waste using palm oil: studies of extraction kinetics and thermodynamic. Bioresource Technology, 99(10), 4414-4419.
Hu, J., Lu, W., Lv, M., Wang, Y., Ding, R. & Wang, L. (2019). Extraction and purification of astaxanthin from shrimp shells and the effects of different treatments on its content. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 29, 24-29.
Hushmand, H., Shabanpour, B., Musavi Nasab, M., Aalishahi, A. & Golmakani, M.T (2018) The optimization of extraction of carotenoids pigments from blue crab (Portunus pelagicus) and shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) wastes using ultrasound and microwave: 42. 1. [In Persian]
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Meléndez-Martínez, A. J., Vicario, I. M. & Heredia, F. J. (2007). Pigmentos carotenoides: consideraciones estructurales y fisicoquímicas. Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 57(2), 109-117.
Mezzomo, N., Maestri, B., dos Santos, R. L., Maraschin, M. & Ferreira, S. R. (2011). Pink shrimp (P. brasiliensis and P. paulensis) residue: Influence of extraction method on carotenoid concentration. Talanta, 85(3), 1383-1391.
Mezzomo, N., Martínez, J., Maraschin, M. & Ferreira, S. R. (2013). Pink shrimp (P. brasiliensis and P. paulensis) residue: Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoid fraction. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 74, 22-33.
Ushakumari, U. N. & Ramanujan, R. (2013). Isolation of astaxanthin from marine yeast and study of its pharmacological activity. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, 2(3), 67-69.
Routray, W., Dave, D., Cheema, S. K., Ramakrishnan, V. V. & Pohling, J. (2019). Biorefinery approach and environment-friendly extraction for sustainable production of astaxanthin from marine wastes. Critical reviews in biotechnology, 39(4), 469-488.
Reyhani Pool, S., Alishahi, A., Adeli, A., Nargesian, A. & Ajagh, M. (2019). Study and evaluation of shrimp consumers in the country based on the theory of planned behavior. Gorgan: Journal of Food Science and Technology, No. 90, Volume 16, pp 13-1. [In Persian]
Saini, R. K. & Keum, Y. S. (2018). Carotenoid extraction methods: A review of recent developments. Food chemistry, 240, 90-103.
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Saberi, A., Khanafari, A., Jamili, Sh. & Vosughi, Gh. (2006). Microbial extraction of astaxanthin from shrimp waste. [In Persian]
Sowmya, R. & Sachindra, N. M. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of carotenoid extract from shrimp processing byproducts by in vitro assays and in membrane model system. Food Chemistry, 134(1), 308-314.
Sachindra, N. M., Bhaskar, N. & Mahendrakar, N. S. (2006). Recovery of carotenoids from shrimp waste in organic solvents. Waste Management, 26(10), 1092-1098.
Zhao, T., Yan, X., Sun, L., Yang, T., Hu, X., He, Z. & Liu, X. (2019). Research progress on extraction, biological activities and delivery systems of natural astaxanthin. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 91, 354-361.
Zhang, H., Tang, B. & Row, K. H. (2014). A green deep eutectic solvent-based ultrasound-assisted method to extract astaxanthin from shrimp byproducts. Analytical Letters, 47(5), 742-749.
_||_Anarjan, N. (2013). Astaxanthin as a natural antioxidant, 21st National Congress of Food Science and Technology of Iran, pp 1-6. [In Persian]
Bi, W., Tian, M., Zhou, J. & Row, K. H. (2010). Task-specific ionic liquid-assisted extraction and separation of astaxanthin from shrimp waste. Journal of Chromatography B, 878(24), 2243-2248.
Brandão, L. B., Coêlho, D. F., Souza, R. R., & Silva, C. F. (2019). Technological Prospection of Astaxanthin Recovery of Shrimp Waste Litopenaeus Vannamei by the Vegetable Oil Extraction Xtraction Process. Revista INGI-Indicação Geográfica e Inovação, 3(4), 465-475.
Cahú, T. B., Santos, S. D., Mendes, A., Córdula, C. R., Chavante, S. F., Carvalho Jr, L. B. & Bezerra, R. S. (2012). Recovery of protein, chitin, carotenoids and glycosaminoglycans from Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) processing waste. Process Biochemistry, 47(4), 570-577.
Capelli, B. & Cysewski, G. (2007). Natural astaxanthin: king of the carotenoids. Cyanotech Corporation. USA, 4-19.
Dalei, J. & Sahoo, D. (2022, January). Extraction and characterization of astaxanthin from the crustacean shell waste from shrimp processing industries. In International Conference on Public Health and Medical Sciences.
Dang, T. T., Gringer, N., Jessen, F., Olsen, K., Bøknæs, N., Nielsen, P. L. & Orlien, V. (2018). Emerging and potential technologies for facilitating shrimp peeling: A review. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 45, 228-240.
Emami, M., Matin Far, A., Kamali, A. & Soltani, Mahdi, (2013). Comparison of nutritional value of Vanami shrimp and sea tiger green shrimp and Persian Gulf banana, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, 1:324. [In Persian]
Gholam Hosseini, B., Sohrabi Haghdoost, I., Afshar Nasab, M., Motalebi, A. A. & Rezvani, S. (2006). Histopathological and molecular study (PCR) of disease lesions caused by White Spotted Disease virus in four species of green tiger shrimp Penaeus semisulcatu, Parapenaposis stylifeus dagger shrimp, Metapenaeus affinis white shrimp, Indian Penaeus indus shrimp in the shores of the Persian Gulf (Choubdeh Abadan region). Tehran Research Sciences, pp 166-1. [In Persian]
Gulzar, S. & Benjakul, S. (2018). Ultrasound waves increase the yield and carotenoid content of lipid extracted from cephalothorax of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 120(5), 1700495.
Handayani, A. D., Indraswati, N. & Ismadji, S. (2008). Extraction of astaxanthin from giant tiger (Panaeus monodon) shrimp waste using palm oil: studies of extraction kinetics and thermodynamic. Bioresource Technology, 99(10), 4414-4419.
Hu, J., Lu, W., Lv, M., Wang, Y., Ding, R. & Wang, L. (2019). Extraction and purification of astaxanthin from shrimp shells and the effects of different treatments on its content. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 29, 24-29.
Hushmand, H., Shabanpour, B., Musavi Nasab, M., Aalishahi, A. & Golmakani, M.T (2018) The optimization of extraction of carotenoids pigments from blue crab (Portunus pelagicus) and shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) wastes using ultrasound and microwave: 42. 1. [In Persian]
Mao, X., Guo, N., Sun, J. & Xue, C. (2017). Comprehensive utilization of shrimp waste based on biotechnological methods: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 814-823.
Martínez-Delgado, A. A., Khandual, S. & Villanueva–Rodríguez, S. J. (2017). Chemical stability of astaxanthin integrated into a food matrix: Effects of food processing and methods for preservation. Food Chemistry, 225, 23-30.
Meléndez-Martínez, A. J., Vicario, I. M. & Heredia, F. J. (2007). Pigmentos carotenoides: consideraciones estructurales y fisicoquímicas. Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 57(2), 109-117.
Mezzomo, N., Maestri, B., dos Santos, R. L., Maraschin, M. & Ferreira, S. R. (2011). Pink shrimp (P. brasiliensis and P. paulensis) residue: Influence of extraction method on carotenoid concentration. Talanta, 85(3), 1383-1391.
Mezzomo, N., Martínez, J., Maraschin, M. & Ferreira, S. R. (2013). Pink shrimp (P. brasiliensis and P. paulensis) residue: Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoid fraction. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 74, 22-33.
Ushakumari, U. N. & Ramanujan, R. (2013). Isolation of astaxanthin from marine yeast and study of its pharmacological activity. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, 2(3), 67-69.
Routray, W., Dave, D., Cheema, S. K., Ramakrishnan, V. V. & Pohling, J. (2019). Biorefinery approach and environment-friendly extraction for sustainable production of astaxanthin from marine wastes. Critical reviews in biotechnology, 39(4), 469-488.
Reyhani Pool, S., Alishahi, A., Adeli, A., Nargesian, A. & Ajagh, M. (2019). Study and evaluation of shrimp consumers in the country based on the theory of planned behavior. Gorgan: Journal of Food Science and Technology, No. 90, Volume 16, pp 13-1. [In Persian]
Saini, R. K. & Keum, Y. S. (2018). Carotenoid extraction methods: A review of recent developments. Food chemistry, 240, 90-103.
Seabra, L. M. A. J. & Pedrosa, L. F. C. (2010). Astaxanthin: structural and functional aspects. Revista de Nutrição, 23, 1041-1050.
Saberi, A., Khanafari, A., Jamili, Sh. & Vosughi, Gh. (2006). Microbial extraction of astaxanthin from shrimp waste. [In Persian]
Sowmya, R. & Sachindra, N. M. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of carotenoid extract from shrimp processing byproducts by in vitro assays and in membrane model system. Food Chemistry, 134(1), 308-314.
Sachindra, N. M., Bhaskar, N. & Mahendrakar, N. S. (2006). Recovery of carotenoids from shrimp waste in organic solvents. Waste Management, 26(10), 1092-1098.
Zhao, T., Yan, X., Sun, L., Yang, T., Hu, X., He, Z. & Liu, X. (2019). Research progress on extraction, biological activities and delivery systems of natural astaxanthin. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 91, 354-361.
Zhang, H., Tang, B. & Row, K. H. (2014). A green deep eutectic solvent-based ultrasound-assisted method to extract astaxanthin from shrimp byproducts. Analytical Letters, 47(5), 742-749.