Investigating the effect of dimensions of organizational justice on behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion (Research case: Shiraz Electricity Distribution Company)
Subject Areas : تقویت رفتارهای مثبت عمومی: بازاریابی اجتماعی
saeed khajehfard
Sanjar Salajegheh
Yaser Salari
mahdi mohamad bagheri
1 - PhD student in management
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Shahid Soleimani Branch, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Shahid Soleimani Azad University, Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: organizational behavior, organizational justice, divine rationality, emotion, transcendental behavior,
Abstract :
The role of rationality and emotion in shaping people's behavior has been proven, but the role of organizational justice in the behavior of the organization's employees is of particular importance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of dimensions of organizational justice on behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the research included 1477 employees of Shiraz Electricity Distribution Company, of which 313 people were selected by stratified random method. Data analysis was done using SPSS-23 and PLS-3 software and structural equation modeling method. The results of the findings showed that despite the confirmation of the relationship between the dimensions of organizational justice on most of the behaviors based on divine rationality and emotion, the effect of distributive justice on superior behavior and the effect of informational justice on distasteful and low behavior were not confirmed. Also, by examining the coefficients of the path, it was found that procedural justice has the most negative role in the occurrence of low and distasteful behaviors, and transactional justice has the most positive effect in the occurrence of desirable and superior behaviors. Finally, by examining the coefficients of determination, suggestions were made with the aim of reforming procedural and distributional policies as well as strengthening transactional justice in order to increase superior behavior in the organization.
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