Comparative Analysis of Phthalates Migration into Mayonnaise and Mustard Sauce from Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Containers
Subject Areas : food science
mahta samadi
maryam mizani
Shahram Shoeibi
1 -
2 -
3 - Associate Professor, Food and Drug Laboratory Reserch Center, Food and Drug organization, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Mayonnaise, Migration, Mustard Sauce, Phthalates, Plasticizer, Polyethylene terephthalate ,
Abstract :
The use of sauces packaged in Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles is widespread in households, restaurants, and fast-food establishments. This research focuses on comparing the migration of phthalates from PET bottles into mayonnaise and mustard sauces, adhering to guidelines set forth by the British Standard, European Union (EU) Commission Regulations, and the FDA. The study employed food simulants and PET bottle samples directly sourced from production lines to measure the Overall Migration Limit (OML). In this investigation, the presence of five types of phthalates, namely DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, and DIOP was analyzed in PET bottles used for packaging these sauces. The OML levels in the PET bottle samples for both mayonnaise and mustard sauces were significantly below the EU regulation limit. Only DIOP was detected in the PET bottles used for mayonnaise sauce. For mustard sauce, both DEHP and DIOP were detected simultaneously. The levels of DIOP in mayonnaise and mustard sauces were well below the EU's specified SML. However, DEHP levels in mustard sauce slightly exceeded the specified SML value. The ratio of migrant milligrams per kilogram of sauce and the migration percentage of phthalates were calculated, providing a comprehensive analysis of phthalate migration dynamics. These results underscore the importance of continuous monitoring and stringent compliance with regulatory guidelines to ensure the safety of PET-packaged food products.
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