Creating and validating the list of professional development of education managers based on digital culture
Subject Areas :Mohammad Ali Nadi 1 , mohammadali nadi 2 , fariba karimi 3
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2 - Department of Educational Sciences & psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. Isfahan. Iran
3 - Department of Educational Sciences & psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. Isfahan. Iran.
Keywords: Professional development, digital culture, training managers, industrial organizations, accreditation,
Abstract :
This research has been done with the aim of creating and validating the list of professional development of training managers in industrial organizations with an emphasis on digital culture. The current research method was descriptive-inferential. The statistical population of this research was all the training managers in the industrial units of the country, based on the formula of Gooden (2004), the number of 384 people was determined as a sample and randomly distributed using a specific cluster sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire from the qualitative section was used to collect data. Further, confirmatory factor analysis and Friedman test were used to analyze the data and SPSS and Amos software. Based on the results of the confirmatory factor analysis test of the validation model of the professional development of education managers based on digital culture, the causal factors lead to the choice of strategy, which leads to consequences in different fields. Meanwhile, background factors and intervening factors also influence the choice of the final strategy. Also, based on the results of the Friedman test, there is a significant difference between the ranks of the constituent components of this pattern. The presented model has appropriate fit and validity and can be used to evaluate the professional development of education managers based on digital culture.
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