The Effect of Using Music Videos from Musical Animations on English Language Learners’ Listening Comprehension, Intercultural Sensitivity, and Happiness
Subject Areas : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching EnglishMohammad PurRezaii 1 , Mehry Haddad Narafshan 2 , Masoud Tajadini 3
1 - Department of Foreign Languages, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 -
3 -
Keywords: edutainment, happiness, intercultural sensitivity, listening comprehension, music videos, musical animation,
Abstract :
The link between education and entertainment has been a topic of inquiry among social scientists for a considerable period. However, prior studies have not dedicated sufficient focus to the influence of educational approaches on the happiness of English language learners. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of music videos from musical animations on the happiness, intercultural sensitivity, and listening comprehension of English language learners. The study was carried out at a public high school located in Kerman, Iran. The experimental group served as the treated group, undergoing 24 weeks of watching music videos from musical animations during the initial 30 minutes of each listening class. To monitor any plausible changes in the listening comprehension of the students, pre- and post-listening tests were administered. Additionally, the Happiness Questionnaire developed by Hills and Argyle (2002) and the Intercultural Sensitivity Questionnaire developed by Chen & Starosta (2000) were used to assess the participants’ happiness and intercultural sensitivity levels in English language classrooms at both the beginning and end of the project. The results of the post-listening tests indicated that the experimental group exhibited superior performance compared to the control group participants. Furthermore, it was observed that the implementation of music videos from musical animations resulted in heightened levels of happiness and intercultural sensitivity among the participants. Briefly, the incorporation of entertainment and cultural elements into the English learning process can transform it into an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, with the capacity to improve students' happiness, intercultural sensitivity, and listening comprehension.
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