The Presentation of the Family Economic Education Model for Students
Subject Areas : Education
اسماعیل Kazempour
زهرا Rajabi
S. M Asaei
H.R Fadaee
1 - Esmaeil. Kazempour (Ph.D)
Associate Professor in Curriculum Studies,
Department of Education, Tonekabon Branch,
I.A.U, Tonekabon, IRAN
2 - M.A educational management, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon of Tonekabon, Iran.
3 - Instructor, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
4 - کارشناس ارشد مدیریت آموزشی، دانشگاه گیلان ، رشت، ایران
Keywords: family, education, Model, Economy, Family economy education,
Abstract :
The purpose of current study is to present a model for family economic education for students. Method of study in the light of purpose is applied, and in the light of kind is descriptive- exploratory. With studying theoretical bases about subject of family economy education for students and also studying background, components and model elements were extracted, and on basis of them, model of family economy education was codified for students. 8 components were identified and were made and adjusted in form of a researcher’s questionnaire. After determining questionnaire’s validity by masters, reliability coefficient of questionnaire by method of Cronbach’s alpha has been 94 centesimal. Statistical society of current study includes all experts in the field of (educational planning, educational management, educational studies, psychology economy, sociology and accounting) that from this number, 500 persons were selected as sample. As a result of society’s scatter, and limitation of person’s number, purposeful sampling method has been used .For data analysis, factorial analysis and structural equations indexes and role of main factors and Pearson correlation were used. Results showed that family economy education for students is model ability with 8 factors that consists of: life skill, Explain Social factors, Education Economic concepts, economic approach, Educational content for better understanding of economic concepts, Education Environment, Family Education, Expander Individual factors. That role of “life skill” factor is the most in specifying family economy education for students.