The mediating role of Perception of Ease of use and the Usefulness of Technology in the relationship between Awareness of Covid and the Intention to Participate in the E-learning
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technology
Abbas Gholtash
Spideh Salehi
1 - Associate Professor, Departement of Educational Sciences, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
2 - Department of Educational administration, electronich Branch, Islamic azad University, Tehran Iran.
Keywords: Perception of Ease of use, Usefulness of Technology, Awareness of Covid, Intention to Participate.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to explain the mediating role of perception of ease of use and usefulness of technology in the relationship between knowledge of covid and the intention to participate in electronic learning of students. The method of conducting this research was descriptive correlation type. The statistical population of this study was the students of the Faculty of Management and Accounting of the Islamic Azad University of Karaj, 271 of whom were selected according to their gender by stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was Niko and Maslov (2021) questionnaire. Logical validity and construct validity of this questionnaire were checked and confirmed. The reliability of this questionnaire was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha methods and confirmed with a coefficient of more than 82 percent. Structural equation modeling and partial least squares method were used for data analysis. The results showed that awareness of covid has a positive and significant relationship with the intention to participate in e-learning through the perception variables of ease of use of technology and usefulness of technology. By measuring the relationship between awareness of covid-19 and the intention to participate in e-learning through mediating variables of perception of ease of use and usefulness of technology, this study was able to open a new window for researchers and practitioners to hold online classes more effectively. So The results of this study can be useful for scientific societies and practitioners.
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