identify the themes of professional development of training managers in industrial organizations with emphasis on digital culture
Subject Areas :Shahnaz Mohagheghian 1 , محمد علی نادی 2 , fariba karimi 3
1 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد خوراسگان
2 - .
3 - Associate Professor of Education Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: professional development, education managers, digital culture, industrial organizations,
Abstract :
The purpose of the current research was to identify the themes of professional development of training managers in industrial organizations with emphasis on digital culture. This research was exploratory and was done with thematic analysis method. The participants in the research included managers and education experts in the field of industry, who were selected purposefully and with the snowball technique and with the criterion of theoretical data saturation. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 3 of them. The validity of the research was checked and confirmed based on transferability, reliability and verifiability. The findings obtained from the conducted interviews are a total of 33 basic themes and 9 organizing themes (digital vision, digital customer orientation, digital strategies, digital attitude, mental and environmental agility, digital literacy, ecosystem thinking, digital dreaming, Digital Ambassadors) was identified under 1 overarching theme of professional development based on digital culture. The results showed that the professional development of education managers in industrial organizations based on digital culture, based on the themes identified in this research, is the basis for intellectual growth and development and the basis for the maturity of digital transformation and the realization of human capacities, and education managers should Professionals should be developed to successfully carry out this mission and provide the field of organizational excellence with the movement of industrial organizations towards digitalization.
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