A revolution in insurance marketing innovation: sustainable marketing with an artificial intelligence approach
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from psychological, epistemological, educational and pedagogical
elnaz allaf jafari
Alireza Rousta
farzad asayesh
Mahmoud Ahmadi Sharif
1 - Department of Business Management, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، واحد تهران جنوب دانشکده مدیریت ، گروه حسابداری ، سابقه داوری و استاد راهنما و استاد مشاور ، دانشجویان کارشناسی
3 - Department of Business Management, Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shahre-e Qods Branch, Tehran, Iran.
4 - هیئت علمی دانشگاه شهید رجایی
Keywords: Sustainable marketing, insurance industry, marketing innovation, artificial intelligence,
Abstract :
Purpose: The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a sustainable marketing model in Alborz Insurance with a focus on artificial intelligence. Method: According to the type of data, the research method is qualitative and exploratory in nature. In the qualitative statistical population, 15 people were selected from among the experts until the theoretical saturation limit was reached, which included university and Alborz insurance experts who were selected by targeted non-probability sampling. A semi-structured interview tool with 5W1H technique was used to collect data, and the foundation data method was used for data analysis. Findings: In the current research, 5 components including artificial intelligence capabilities, marketing innovation, organizational capabilities, cultural capabilities and sustainable marketing performance and 13 indicators and 40 codes have been identified. Causal conditions include the capabilities of artificial intelligence (competence of artificial intelligence, quality of artificial intelligence services, experience of using artificial intelligence). The intervening condition in the current research is marketing innovation (product innovation, process innovation). Similarly, strategies include organizational capabilities (entrepreneurial competencies, strategic competencies) and the background conditions in this research include cultural capabilities (innovative culture, changeable culture). Also, the results are sustainable marketing performance (sustainable purchase intention, achieving sustainable competitive advantage, sustainable marketing activity, sustainable smart marketing). Conclusion: The use of artificial intelligence algorithms and marketing innovation will improve the recognition of customer patterns, offer the best insurance for each customer, and improve communication with customers. These types of tools can help Alborz Insurance Company to improve its marketing process and thus achieve more success and stability.
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