Specifying the Relation of the Foundations of Mystical Anthropology with Ethical commentaryBased on Hume's Aesthetics
Subject Areas :
Abstract Articles
Seyyedeh Zahra Tabatabaei Tabatabaei
Khalil Bahrami Ghasrchamani Ghasrchamani
Javad Ostad Mohammadi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Islamic Mysticism and Theosophy, Dahaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University Dahaghan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of of Islamic Mysticism and Theosophy, Dahaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dahaghan Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of of Islamic Mysticism and Theosophy, Dahaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dahaghan Iran.
Received: 2020-08-26
Accepted : 2021-03-09
Published : 2021-11-22
Keywords: ethics,
Abstract :
Abstract Mystical ethics, as one of the strict and profound moral approaches, with its rich and comprehensive anthropology has provided a necessary and sufficient streamline to pose the moral commentary to achieve the highest ethic teachings. David Hume, a Scottish philosopher, is of the experimentalist school pioneers who considers the ethics in an important stance and even appeals him in the higher level. It has been tried in this essay, to study the relationship of mysticism of anthropology with ethical commentary focused on Hume's aesthetics. Since morality and beauty are both based on the feeling of taste, then are of the same quality. Hume believes that whatever as a result of exquisiteness creates pleasure, is considered preponderance. Therefore, the distinction between virtue and meanness is pleasure and toil. Beauty, as the writers of this essay believe, is of the significant ideas in exposing the ethics in Hume's philosophical system.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
الف - کتب
قرآن کریم.
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