Characteristics of Research and Development types in Artificial Intelligence by policy making approach
Subject Areas :
Saleh Achak
Abbas Toloie Eshlaghi Toloie Eshlaghi
Reza Radfar
Abbas Khamseh
1 - Department of management of technology, faculty of management and economics, science and research branch, IAU
2 - Department of management of Technology, Management and economics faculty, Science and research branch, IAU, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of management of technology, Management and economics faculty, science and research branch, IAY, Tehran. Iran
4 - Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Research, Development, Artificial intelligence, research and development types, Policy making,
Abstract :
Artificial Intelligence is one of emerging technologies in current era, which try to simulate the human intelligence in order to embed it in machines and systems. The paper aims to identify the characteristics of research and development types in artificial intelligence. The research is conducted by mixed (qualitative/quantitative) approach. In qualitative part, Theoretical foundations and literature of research and development in artificial intelligence are reviewed systematically and extract the main characteristics by content analysis method. Then, in order to determine the examples and details of each feature, an interview was conducted with 10 university experts and managers who are familiar with the process of research and development in artificial intelligence. In quantitative part, in order to validate the qualitative findings, a questionnaire based on seven point scale fuzzy likert is provided and experts' opinions were collected about the counted characteristics. The gathered data from qustionaired was screened and finalized in two rounds, according to the fuzzy Delphi process. The findings of this research included 8 distinct characteristics for the five types of pure science research, basic research, applied research, exploratory development and advanced development in artificial intelligence. These characteristics include: research field search, research objective, expected output, performance criteria, time horizon, techniques and methods, qualifications and skills of researchers, and the size of the research effort. The result of this research is to provide necessary information for policymaking and decision-making about national and business strategies for research and development in the field of artificial intelligence technology.