Investigating the current situation of students' moral literacy components in virtual networks
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technology
mohammad Bahrami
AliAsghar Razavi
safiyeh tahmasebi limooni
1 - Departman of knowledge and information science, babol branch, IAU, babol, Iran
2 - Departman of knowledge and information science, babol branch, IAU, babol, Iran
3 - Department of Knowledge & Information Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: Students, Social networks, Ethical literacy,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the status of students' moral literacy components in social networks. The research method was descriptive survey-cross-sectional. The statistical population of this study included all graduate students of Semnan Islamic Azad University in the number of 1500 people in the academic year 1399-1398 which were available by sampling method and using Krejcie-Morgan table 306 people were selected as a sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by subject matter experts and its reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient for research variables. To evaluate the status of moral literacy components of students in social networks, one-sample t-test was used using SPSS 26 software. The results showed that the status of the components of moral potential, the existence of moral sensitivities and the strengthening of students' reasoning skills in virtual networks are at a desirable level. (p <0/05(.The findings of this study confirm the acceptability of the theoretical issues presented in this field and for a better life in the information society and moving towards sustainable development, we need serious planning and policy-making in the field of moral literacy education in virtual networks.
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Qasemi Zargar, N,. Jafari, P,. Ahmadi, F,. (2018). Provide a framework for promoting the moral literacy of high school students. Quarterly Journal of Educational Leadership and Management. 13 (4). 80-65. . (In Persian).
Rezaei Qadi, Kh,. (2012). Cyberspace, identity, culture. Tehran: Renovation. (In Persian).
seghat ol eslam,T,.Rezaei, O,. Khoshkar, A and Mousavi, M Sm. (2007). The development of morality in human beings from the perspective of Islamic scientists and modern psychology. Medical Ethics, 2 (3). (In Persian).
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Sadrollahi, A and Khalili, Z,. (2014). Investigating the sensitivity of professional ethics and related factors in nurses in western Golestan. Ethics and History of Medicine, 8 (3), 61-50. . (In Persian).
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Tuana, N,. (2007). Conceptualization Moral Literacy. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(4), 364.378
Weaver ,U& Morse.R,. (2003). Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Zarei, H,. (2014). The Information Society in the Present Age, Tehran: Afarin Publications.
Al-Aufi, A., & Fulton, C,. (2016). Science networking tools for informal scholarly communication prove popular for academics at two university. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11 (2), 195-197.
AnuSirola ,M ,.IinaSavolainen ,Hye-JinPaek ,IzabelaZych ,A,.( 2021). Online Identities and Social Influence in Social Media Gambling Exposure: A Four-Country Study on Young People.Telematics and InformaticsAvailable online 8 February, 101582.
Ashton, C, and Orme, G. (2003). Ethics-a foundation competency", Industrial and Commercial Training. 35 (5), 184-190
Aqsami, M. (2013). Investigating the mediating role of work ethic with organizational culture and teaching quality of high school teachers in Marvdasht. Master Thesis, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch. . (In Persian).
Ahmed Khan .A,. (2015). Ethical Issues in Online Social Networking. Available at: : Retrieved: 2019/09/18.
Amiri, E,. (2018). Ethical sensitivity and its relationship with personal and occupational characteristics of nurses working in the internal wards of teaching hospitals. hayat, 23 (4), 306-295. . (In Persian).
Conaock, M., & Johns, L., (1998), "Total quality management and its humanistic orientation towards organizational analysis", The TQM Magazine, 10 (4), 293-301.
Devi, B., & Yameena, A,. (2015). Science communication through social networking sites. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 52 (5).
Garg. M,. Yadav. P,. (2015). Adolescent identity formation and internet usage. A sian Journal Of Home Science .10 (1):129-132.
Farhud ,DD,. (2007). Overview of the ethics history with collecting various fields of ethics. Ethics in Science & Technology; 2 (1, 2):1-6. (In Persian).
Ghaneie-Rad, M,. (2006). The Role of Students and Professors Interaction in the Formation of Academic Social Capital. Iranian Journal of Sociology, 7(3), 13-29. (In Persian).
Herman, B,. (2007). Moral Literacy. London: Harvard University Press.
Hedayat, M,. (2016), Information in the New Age, Tehran: Bell. (In Persian).
Kiai, a Alavian, R S,. (2013). Study the role of media literacy of Facebook users in the extent and type of their impact on advertising pages. The first international conference on media literacy in Iran.
Khaleghi, N, Chenari, M,. (2016). The relationship between moral intelligence and altruism. Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 10 (4). . (In Persian).
Mohammadi Zavieh, Dear S., (2014). Identifying the components of teaching ethics among professors of Mazandaran University. Master Thesis, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mazandaran University. . (In Persian).
Mircea T,. (2014). Ethical Issues Concerning Online Social Networks. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 149 (2014) 967 – 972.
Mirzaei, M., Rahimi, S., Moradi, M,. (2016). A Survey on the Roll of Social Networks on Scientific Exchanges (Case study: Master's. Library and Information Sciences, 19(1), 108-130. (In Persian).
Nasiri, B, Bakhshi, B and Hashemi, S M,. (2014). The importance of teaching media literacy in the 21st century. Media Studies, 18 (3). . (In Persian).
Qasemi Zargar, N,. Jafari, P,. Ahmadi, F,. (2018). Provide a framework for promoting the moral literacy of high school students. Quarterly Journal of Educational Leadership and Management. 13 (4). 80-65. . (In Persian).
Rezaei Qadi, Kh,. (2012). Cyberspace, identity, culture. Tehran: Renovation. (In Persian).
seghat ol eslam,T,.Rezaei, O,. Khoshkar, A and Mousavi, M Sm. (2007). The development of morality in human beings from the perspective of Islamic scientists and modern psychology. Medical Ethics, 2 (3). (In Persian).
Sulaimaniyahpur, R,. (2009). Social Networks Opportunities and Threats. New way, 31. . (In Persian).
Soroudi, S., Mostafapour, S., Olumi, S,. (2021). Investigating the relationship between "social network use" and "depression" among students of Mashhad School of Paramedical Sciences.. Horizons of Medical Education Development, 12(1), 24-6. doi: 10.22038/hmed.2020.49199.1032. (In Persian).
Sajjadieh, N,. (2016). Critique of the ethical literacy approach from the perspective of human agency. Journal of Fundamentals of Education, 5 (2), 109-88. . (In Persian).
Sadrollahi, A and Khalili, Z,. (2014). Investigating the sensitivity of professional ethics and related factors in nurses in western Golestan. Ethics and History of Medicine, 8 (3), 61-50. . (In Persian).
Tulabi, Z,. (2016). The relationship between moral literacy, teacher / student interaction and students' psychological empowerment. Ethics in Science and Technology, 12 (1). . (In Persian).
Tuana, N,. (2007). Conceptualization Moral Literacy. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(4), 364.378
Weaver ,U& Morse.R,. (2003). Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Zarei, H,. (2014). The Information Society in the Present Age, Tehran: Afarin Publications.