The Psychological Empowerment; An Instrument for Controlling the Cyberloafing
Subject Areas : psycology
Hossein Samadi-Miarkolaei
Hamzeh Samadi-Miarkolaei
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
2 - Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Keywords: Human Resources, psychological empowerment, Cyberloafing,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research is exploring the relationships between psychological empowerment and cyberloafing in the healthcare and treatment sector. Present research is a survey study in which the questionnaire is considered as the data gathering method. The statistical population of the study includes 165 employees of Babolsar Healthcare and Treatment Network in 1397 [2018] that selected by simple random sampling method. The information collecting instruments included the Spreitzer’s (1995) psychological empowerment (PE) and Lim’s (2002) cyberloafing (CL) standard scales. Data analysis and hypothesis test has been done by Pearson's correlation test and the step by step multiple regression using SPSS software. Research findings showed that there is a negative and significant relation between psychological empowerment and cyberloafing. Also, the results of the regression analysis test showed that the psychological empowerment variable explains the 24 percent of changes in cyberloafing variable. Though the psychological empowerment dimensions have had separated significant relationships with cyberloafing behavior, but among them, the meaning variable is only able to negatively and significantly predict and influence on the employees' cyberloafing behavior.