Assessing the Effectiveness of Teachers’ In-Service Virtual Training System
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technology
1 - Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University, Nahavand, Iran
Keywords: Satisfaction, value, Effectiveness, teachers, virtual in-service training,
Abstract :
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of teachers’ in-service virtual training system. The method of the study was descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study included all 2040 teachers who have participated at least once in one of the teachers’ in-service virtual training courses. For sampling, a convenience method was used, through which 325 subjects were selected. For data gathering, a researcher-made questionnaire, namely 'questionnaire for value-satisfaction assessment of virtual training system' was used. Validity of the questionnaire based on Lawshe’s Content Validity Ratio was 0.63. Reliability of the questionnaire was estimated using Chronbach's Alpha test that was 0.92 and 0.90 for constructs value and satisfaction, respectively. Results revealed that there was no significant correlation between value and satisfaction constructs, so they were independent constructs. Furthermore, the results out of the data analysis with value-satisfaction grid analysis indicated that teachers' in-service virtual training system was effective neither at any one of four dimensions (supporting quality, content quality, availability and technology) nor with respect to the overall system. In addition, the results out of data analysis by benchmarking instrument of LeVIS index showed that the effectiveness status of teachers’ virtual system both at any one of four dimensions and with respect to the overall system was moderate.
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