• فهرس المقالات Breeding

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - Enhancement of charge breeding efficiency for rare isotope beam with the control of magnetic field profile and electron beam energy in EBIS
        J. W. Kim
        AbstractThe magnetic field in the ion trap of electron beam ion source (EBIS) determines the current density of electron beam and thus the depth of trap potential, which affects the charge breeding efficiency to desired charge state. An EBIS charge breeder has been cons أکثر
        AbstractThe magnetic field in the ion trap of electron beam ion source (EBIS) determines the current density of electron beam and thus the depth of trap potential, which affects the charge breeding efficiency to desired charge state. An EBIS charge breeder has been constructed to be used for the Rare Isotope Science Project in Korea. A 6 T superconducting solenoid is used for the trap, and uniform magnetic field is extended with correction coils at the ends. The effect of field uniformity on the electron current density is evaluated using TRAK, and it is shown sizable improvement in the charge breeding efficiency for rare isotope beams can be obtained by elaborate magnetic design. Furthermore, the electron beam energy affects the ionization efficiency. The electron energy is often reduced in the trap for optimal matching with charge striping cross section. However, virtual cathode formation can appear in the process of energy reduction. Maximum beam currents limited by electron energy are studied analytically and by TRAK simulation in the view of improving the charge breeding efficiency. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - عوامل مؤثر بر استقرار نظام منتورینگ در وزارت امور اقتصادی ودارایی
        صادق نورمحمدی کیومرث احمدی عادل صلواتی
        زمینه: از جمله نظریه های نوین مدیریت اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از نظام ﻣﻨﺘﻮرﻳﻨﮓ اﺳﺖ. حاکم کردن نظام منتورینگ موجب بهبود عملکرد شغلی مدیران و ذیحسابان در وزارت امور اقتصادی ودارایی می گردد.هدف: این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و اولویت بندی عوامل مؤثر بر استقرار نظام منتورینگ در وزارت امور اقتصاد أکثر
        زمینه: از جمله نظریه های نوین مدیریت اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از نظام ﻣﻨﺘﻮرﻳﻨﮓ اﺳﺖ. حاکم کردن نظام منتورینگ موجب بهبود عملکرد شغلی مدیران و ذیحسابان در وزارت امور اقتصادی ودارایی می گردد.هدف: این پژوهش با هدف شناسایی و اولویت بندی عوامل مؤثر بر استقرار نظام منتورینگ در وزارت امور اقتصادی ودارایی طراحی و انجام شده است.روش: در بخش کیفی به صورت آمیخته اکتشافی و از روش نمونه گیری گلوله برفی با 20 نفر از خبرگان مصاحبه انجام و به اشباع نظری رسید ،سپس با استفاده از روش تحلیل داده بنیاد مدل مفهومی تعیین شد. جامعه آماری در بخش کمی شامل 150نفر و تجزیه و تحلیل آماری صورت گرفته در محیط نرم‌افزار Smart PLS نسخة 3 انجام شده است. .مقادیر شاخص روایی محتوایی ،همگی بالاتر از 79/0 هستند.یافته ها: با تحلیل متن مصاحبه ها، نکات کلیدی استخراج و کدگذاری شدند ،که در نهایت تعداد199 کد ثانویه، 67 مفهوم ،22 طبقه فرعی و 6 طبقه اصلی از فرآیند کدگذاری باز شکل گرفت و حاصل آزمون برای شاخص برازش مدل برابر با 323/0 است که نشان از مطلوبیت مناسب مدل پژوهش دارد. نتیجه گیری: طبق نظر خبرگان مدل به دست آمده در این پژوهش را می توان به عنوان الگویی مناسب برای استقرار نظام منتورینگ در وزارت امور اقتصادی ودارایی معرفی نمود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - "رویکرد کیفی در شناسایی روشها و موانع بکارگیری فناوری هسته ای در بهبود امنیت غذایی"
        مونا عرب صیفی مریم امیدی فرهاد لشگرآرا ابراهیم مقیسه علی اسکندری
        بدون شک با افزایش جمعیت جهان، تأمین امنیت غذایی به یکی از جدیترین چالشهای جوامع بشری تبدیل شده است. بنابراین ضرورت بازنگری دقیق این موضوع و رفع تنگناها جز با اتکاء به مبانی علمی و بومی سازی فناوریهای نوین امکانپذیر نخواهد بود. ارائه راهکارهای مدیریتی نظیر استفاده از فنا أکثر
        بدون شک با افزایش جمعیت جهان، تأمین امنیت غذایی به یکی از جدیترین چالشهای جوامع بشری تبدیل شده است. بنابراین ضرورت بازنگری دقیق این موضوع و رفع تنگناها جز با اتکاء به مبانی علمی و بومی سازی فناوریهای نوین امکانپذیر نخواهد بود. ارائه راهکارهای مدیریتی نظیر استفاده از فناوری هسته ای از جمله مواردی هستند که توجه به آن ها در جهت تأمین امنیت غذایی در آینده ضروری می باشد. این مطالعه کاربردی، یک مطالعه کیفی از نوع پدیدارشناسی بوده و با هدف شناسایی روش های مناسب فناوری هسته ای در بهبود امنیت غذایی و موانع بکارگیری حاصل از آن، انجام گردید. در این پژوهش 11 نفر از اعضای هیأت علمی دانشکده ها و پژوهشکده های کشاورزی با استفاده از تکنیک گلوله برفی شناسائی و و مورد پرسش قرارگرفتند. ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات تکنیک بحث متمرکز گروهی بود. تجزیه و تحلیل داده های کیفی با استفاده از نرم افزار MAXQDA انجام گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که از دیدگاه اعضای هیأت علمی و کارشناسان کشاورزی از لحاظ روش کار، روش پرتوتابی و از لحاظ موانع، موانع آموزشی از ضریب اهمیت بیشتری برخوردار بود. بر اساس این نتایج، ضروری است تحقیقات کاربردی و برنامه های اجرایی در درازمدت در راستای این ابعاد از فناوری هسته ای صورت گیرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - موفقیت تولید مثلی ونرخ بقای روزانه باکلان بزرگ(Phalacrocorax Carbo sinensis) در کلنی تالاب بین المللی امیر کلایه
        راضیه رحیمی مسعود منوری محمود کرمی
        زمینه وهدف: باکلان بزرگ پرنده ای وابسته به بوم سامانه های آبی می باشد.این پرنده از نظر بوم شناسی در بالای زنجیره غذایی قرارداردومی تواند به طور ویژه ای نشان دهنده از بین رفتن زیستگاه و آلودگی محیط ودیگر فعالیت های انسان اثرگذار برمحیط زیست باشد. در این مطالعه فعالیت های أکثر
        زمینه وهدف: باکلان بزرگ پرنده ای وابسته به بوم سامانه های آبی می باشد.این پرنده از نظر بوم شناسی در بالای زنجیره غذایی قرارداردومی تواند به طور ویژه ای نشان دهنده از بین رفتن زیستگاه و آلودگی محیط ودیگر فعالیت های انسان اثرگذار برمحیط زیست باشد. در این مطالعه فعالیت های تولید مثلی باکلان بزرگ درطی سال 1388از اوایل فروردین تا اواخر تیر در تالاب بین المللی امیرکلایه درسواحل جنوبی دریای خزر موردبررسی قرار گرفت. روش بررسی : دراین مطالعه زیست شناسی جوجه آوری،تعیین موفقیت تولید مثلی و نرخ بقای روزانه به روش می فیلد انجام شد. برای آگاهی از این که چه تغییراتی در موفقیت جوجه آوری اتفاق می افتد، باید موفقیت جوجه آوری در واحدهای زمان محاسبه گردد. مثلا تعداد تخم های که روی آن ها خوابیده شده، نسبت تخم های هچ شده و نسبت آشیانه های خراب شده و تعداد جوجه های مرده باید مورد پایش قراربگیرد. یافته ها: داده های مربوط به تعداد دسته تخم ها در هر آشیانه (Clutch size )جمع آوری شدکه میانگین دسته تخم7/0± 88/2 تخم رابرای هر آشیانه نشان داد. براساس این روش نرخ بقای روزانه آشیانه ها ی باکلان بزرگ در طی دوره تخم 3/98% ودرمرحله آشیانه نشینی وپس آشیانه نشینی به ترتیب 4/99% و100% بدست امد.درکل، میزان موفقیت تولید مثلی دراین سال 4/56% برآوردشد. نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان می دهد که در طی دوره ای که جوجه ها قادربه ترک لانه بودند هیچگونه تلفاتی وجودنداشت. مشاهده ها نشان دادکه عوامل اقلیمی مانندبادوبارش ناگهانی درمرحله ای که جوجه ها سرازتخم بیرون نیاورده اند بیش ترین تاثیر را دارد و میزان تلفات جوجه ها دراین مرحله 6/30 % بوده است، لذاجوجه ها در این زمان از حساسیت زیادی برخورداراند بنابراین برای مدیریت وحفاظت ازاین پرنده درزمان جوجه آوری، کاهش تهدیدها دردوران قبل ازتفریخ تخم ها می تواند موثر باشد. براساس نتایج این مطالعه نیاز به اقدام های بهبود مدیریت جهت حفاظت کلنی باکلان بزرگ درتالاب امیرکلایه درزمان جوجه آوری وجوددارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - مقایسه کارایی یدین، متیلن بلو و پرمنگنات پتاسیم در ضدعفونی تخم لقاح یافته  ماهی ازون برون
        عبدالعلی راهداری بهرام فلاحتکار حسین محمدی پر شکوه صمد درویشی
        زمینه و هدف: نظر به اهمیت ماهی ازون برون و در خطر انقراض بودن آن، تکثیر مصنوعی نقش به سزایی در بازسازی ذخایر طبیعی این ماهی در دریای خزر دارد. یکی از فعالیت­های ضروری در مرحله انکوباسیون، ضدعفونی تخم­ ها است که اگر به درستی انجام شود باعث افزایش بقا و لارو تولیدی می­گرد أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: نظر به اهمیت ماهی ازون برون و در خطر انقراض بودن آن، تکثیر مصنوعی نقش به سزایی در بازسازی ذخایر طبیعی این ماهی در دریای خزر دارد. یکی از فعالیت­های ضروری در مرحله انکوباسیون، ضدعفونی تخم­ ها است که اگر به درستی انجام شود باعث افزایش بقا و لارو تولیدی می­گردد. هدف از این پژوهش مقایسه کارایی یدین، متیلن بلو و پرمنگنات پتاسیم در ضدعفونی تخم لقاح یافته ماهی ازون برون است.روش کار: پس از لقاح، تخم­ ها به چهار گروه تقسیم شدند(هر گروه شامل دو تکرار و مقدار تخم در هر تکرار 25 گرم) و با محلول یدین با غلظت 100 میلی­گرم در لیتر به مدت 15 دقیقه، پرمنگنات پتاسیم با غلظت 20 میلی­گرم در لیتر به مدت 30 دقیقه و متیلن بلو با غلظت 100 میلی­گرم در لیتر(در دو مرحله یک ساعته) ضدعفونی گردیدند. در تیمار شاهد از هیچ ماده ضدعفونی استفاده نشد. سپس جهت طی شدن مراحل انکوباسیون، تخم­ ها به جعبه­ های انکوباتور یوشچنکو منتقل گردیدند. طی دوره انکوباسیون، هر روز تخـم­ های قارچ­ زده و مرده به روش فیزیکی از جعبه­ ها جدا و شمارش و پس از تخم­ گشایی، تعداد لاروهای هر جعبه جداگانه شمارش شد.یافته­ هاتخم­ های ضدعفونی شده با محلول یدین و متیلن بلو کمتر دچار قارچ­ زدگی و درصد تبدیل آن ها به لارو بالاتر از تخم­ های ضدعفونی شده با پرمنگنات پتاسیم و گروه شاهد بود.نتیجه گیریمطالعه حاضر نشان داد که استفاده از محلول یدین برای ضدعفونی تخم ماهی ازون برون موثرتر و آسان­تر از برخی مواد ضدعفونی کننده دیگر می­باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - تاثیر جیره غذایی بر پارامترهای جدول زندگی کرم زرد آرد
        علیرضا جلالی زند ابراهیم سلیمان نژادیان فائزه زمانی
        افزایش جعمیت از چالش ‌های مهم جهان که با محدودیت منابع و افزایش قیمت موادغذایی و پروتئینی مواجهه شده است. استفاده از حشرات به عنوان غذا و خوراک برای انسان، دام و طیور می‌تواند راه‌حل مناسبی در جهت کمک به این بحران جهانی باشد. کرم زرد آرد به عنوان یکی از رایج‌ترین منابع أکثر
        افزایش جعمیت از چالش ‌های مهم جهان که با محدودیت منابع و افزایش قیمت موادغذایی و پروتئینی مواجهه شده است. استفاده از حشرات به عنوان غذا و خوراک برای انسان، دام و طیور می‌تواند راه‌حل مناسبی در جهت کمک به این بحران جهانی باشد. کرم زرد آرد به عنوان یکی از رایج‌ترین منابع غنی از پروتئین با کیفیت بالا، که برای تغذیه حیوانات کوچک، پرندگان و ماهی‌ها مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد. در این تحقیق، پنج رژیم غذایی متفاوت در شرایط آزمایشگاهی (دمای 1±25 درجه سیلسیوس و رطوبت نسبی 5±60، دوره نوری 16:8 ساعت (روشنایی: تاریکی)) برای پرورش کرم زرد آرد استفاده شد. در این تحقیق سبوس گندم به عنوان شاهد در نظر گرفته شد. این آزمایشات نشان دهنده نرخ ذاتی رشد و همچنین نرخ متناهی به طور معناداری در تیمار با رژیم غذایی گندم وگندم خرد شده نسبت به شاهد افزایش داشته و همچنین رژیم غذایی گندم و گندم خردشده باعث افزایش معنی دار نرخ خالص و ناخالص افزایش جمعیت شده است، اما رژیم غذایی مقوا و نان خشک پودرشده این دو پارامتر را به طور معناداری در مقایسه با شاهد کاهش داشته است. بنابراین رژیم غذایی مقوا و نان خشک پودرشده دارای اثرات منفی بر ویژگی های زیستی کرم زردآرد داشته و رژیم غذایی گندم و گندم خردشده باعث ایجاد اثرات مثبت بر ویژگی های زیستی کرم زردآرد بود. به طور کلی نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد پرورش کرم زرد آرد روی رژیم‌های غذایی مختلف اثرات معنی‌داری روی چرخه زیستی کرم زرد آرد دارد و رژیم غذایی گندم و گندم خردشده می‌تواند در آینده یک رژیم غذایی مناسب با هزینه بسیار پایین‌تر و با زحمت کمتر برای پرورش کرم زرد آرد مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - شناسایی عوامل موثر بر برنامه استراتژیک فروش محصول داخلی شرکتهای دانش بنیان )مورد مطالعه: پرورش زالو طبی(
        مینا سرشار مجید فتاحی نیلوفر ایمان خان
        چکیدهبا توجه به شرایط کنونی اقتصادی کشور و لزوم پیادهسازی اقتصاد مقاومتی برای خروج از رکود و بحراناقتصادی، تکیه بر توان و تولید داخلی بیش از گذشته اهمیت پیدا کرده است. بنابراین باید در جهت تقویت وگسترش شرک تهای دانشبنیان که بازوی اصلی تولید داخلی م یباشند، کوشید. در شرک أکثر
        چکیدهبا توجه به شرایط کنونی اقتصادی کشور و لزوم پیادهسازی اقتصاد مقاومتی برای خروج از رکود و بحراناقتصادی، تکیه بر توان و تولید داخلی بیش از گذشته اهمیت پیدا کرده است. بنابراین باید در جهت تقویت وگسترش شرک تهای دانشبنیان که بازوی اصلی تولید داخلی م یباشند، کوشید. در شرک تهای دانشبنیان،رشد اقتصادی و ایجاد اشتغال، متناسب با ظرفیت نوآوری تحقق م ییابد. از ای نرو، هدف از این شناساییعوامل موثر بر برنامه استراتژیک فروش محصول داخلی شرک تهای دانشبنیان، پرورش زالو طبی است. ای نپژوهش در چارچو ب فن دلفی و مصاحبه با خبرگان در شرکتهای دانشبنیان صورت پذیرفته است.اطلاعات، با ب هکارگیری روش نمون هگیری گلوله برفی با 15 نفر از خبرگان شامل اساتید دانشگاه، خبرگان وکارشناسان و مدیران شرک تهای دانشبنیان در زمینه تولید زالو طبی مصاحبه انجام شد. بر اساس یافتههایپژوهش که از فن دلفی حاصل گردید، مدل برنامه استراتژیک فروش محصول داخلی دان شبنیان دارای 7 بعداست که عبارتند از : محصول دانشبنیان، ارتباطات بازار، حمایت مشتری، عوامل مدیریتی، منابع انسانی،نوآوری و منابع مالی و 23 شاخص میباشد .کلمات کلیدی: برنامه استراتژیک، فروش محصول داخلی، پرورش زالو طبی، شرکت دانشبنیان و فن دلفی . تفاصيل المقالة
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        8 - ارزیابی سازگاری 104 هیبرید سیب زمینی در استان اردبیل و البرز
        داود حسن پناه احمد موسی پور گرجی مجید کهبازی حسین کربلائی‌خیاوی رئوف محمدی
        این پژوهش به منظور دست یابی به هیبریدهای مناسب از نظر صفات زراعی، بازارپسندی و سازگاری با شرایط اقلیمی مناطق تولید سیب زمینی کشور اجرا شد. تعداد 104 هیبرید انتخابی در طی پنج سال (93-1389) همراه با ارقام ساوالان، کایزر، آگریا و خاوران به عنوان شاهد در یک طرح آزمایشی آگم أکثر
        این پژوهش به منظور دست یابی به هیبریدهای مناسب از نظر صفات زراعی، بازارپسندی و سازگاری با شرایط اقلیمی مناطق تولید سیب زمینی کشور اجرا شد. تعداد 104 هیبرید انتخابی در طی پنج سال (93-1389) همراه با ارقام ساوالان، کایزر، آگریا و خاوران به عنوان شاهد در یک طرح آزمایشی آگمنت (آزمایش مقدماتی) بدون تکرار در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی اردبیل و موسسه اصلاح و تهیه نهال و بذر کرج مورد مقایسه قرار گرفتند. 104 هیبرید مورد بررسی در این آزمایش از 8 جمعیت اصلاحی بودند. تعداد 52 هیبرید در اردبیل و 52 هیبرید در کرج (جمعا 104 هیبرید) هر کدام در 4 بلوک و در هر بلوک 13 هیبرید به همراه چهار شاهد (ارقام آگریا، خاوران، کایزر و ساوالان) کشت شدند. در طی دوران رشد و پس از برداشت محصول برخی از صفات از جمله ارتفاع بوته، تعداد ساقه اصلی در بوته، قطر ساقه اصلی، تعداد و وزن غده در بوته، عملکرد غده قابل فروش و درصد ماده خشک غده اندازه گیری شدند. پس از بررسی صفات کمّی اندازه گیری شده، تعداد 81 هیبرید به عنوان هیبریدهای برتر از لحاظ صفات عملکرد غده قابل فروش و درصد ماده خشک غده انتخاب گردیدند. این تعداد 81 هیبرید انتخابی شامل 17 هیبرید از جمعیت لوستا ♀ × ساتینا♂، 36 هیبرید از جمعیت لوستا ♀ × کایزر♂، 14 هیبرید از جمعیت لوستا ♀ × ساوالان♂، 7 هیبرید از جمعیت کایزر ♀ × ساوالان♂، 4 هیبرید از جمعیت ♀ ساوالان × کایزر ♂، 1 هیبرید از جمعیت ♀ ساوالان × ساتینا ♂ و 2 هیبرید از جمعیت ♀ساتینا × ساوالان ♂ بودند. تجزیه خوشه ای، این 104 هیبرید را به سه گروه تقسیم کرد. گروه اول با 49 هیبرید و رقم از تعداد و وزن غده در بوته، عملکرد غده قابل فروش و درصد ماده خشک غده بالایی نسبت به میانگین کل برخوردار بودند. در تجزیه عامل ها 3 عامل مستقل از هم مجموعاً 73.90 درصد از تنوع را توجیه نمودند. عامل اول، عامل عملکرد و اجزا آن (صفات عملکرد غده قابل فروش، تعداد و وزن غده در بوته)، عامل دوم، عامل ساختاری بوته (صفات ارتفاع بوته، تعداد ساقه اصلی در بوته و قطر ساقه اصلی) و عامل سوم، عامل کیفی (درصد ماده خشک غده) نام گذاری شدند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        9 - مقایسه ی مشاهده ای صفات کمی، برآورد هتروزیس و درجه غالبیت در هیبریدهای حاصل از جمعیت های اصلاحی بذر حقیقی سیب زمینی
        داوود حسن پناه
        به منظور ایجاد تنوع ژنتیکی و استفاده از آنها در برنامه های اصلاحی، تعداد 105 هیبرید انتخابی در طی چهار سال (89-1386) با ارقام آگریا، ساوالان، بورن، کنبک و کایزر به عنوان والدین هیبریدها در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی اردبیل براساس طرح آماری آگمنت در سال زراعی أکثر
        به منظور ایجاد تنوع ژنتیکی و استفاده از آنها در برنامه های اصلاحی، تعداد 105 هیبرید انتخابی در طی چهار سال (89-1386) با ارقام آگریا، ساوالان، بورن، کنبک و کایزر به عنوان والدین هیبریدها در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی اردبیل براساس طرح آماری آگمنت در سال زراعی 90-1389 کشت گردیدند. عملکرد غده قابل فروش در والدین هیبریدها 52-42 تن در هکتار و در هیبریدها 138.8-10.4 تن در هکتار برآورد شد. عملکرد غده قابل فروش هیبریدها دارای 23.81 درصد فوق غالبیت، 52.38 درصد غالبیت ناقص، 13.33 درصد کاهش غالبیت و 10.48 درصد غالبیت سرگردان بودند. حدود 24 درصد هیبریدها عملکرد غده قابل فروش بیشتری نسبت به والدین داشتند. میزان هتروزیس برای عملکرد غده قابل فروش 58 درصد به دست آمد. پس از بررسی نتایج از لحاظ عملکرد غده قابل فروش، یکنواختی غده، سطحی بودن عمق چشم، کوتاه بودن استولون، رنگ پوست و گوشت زرد، میزان هتروزیس و درجه غالبیت، تعداد 28 هیبرید انتخاب شدند. از هیبریدهای انتخابی، تعداد 14 هیبرید به تلاقی ساوالان♀ × کایزر♂ (021، 022، 023، 025، 026، 049، 057، 081، 087، 088، 095، 098، 0104 و 0105)، چهار هیبرید به تلاقی آگریا♀ × ساوالان♂ (0500، 0502، 0503 و 0508) و پنج هیبــرید به تلاقی آگـریا♀ × کایــزر♂ (0611، 0613، 0616، 0618 و 0623) با گروه رسیدگی زودرس تا متوسط زودرس؛ تعداد یک هیبرید به تلاقی ساوالان♀ × بورن♂ (0205)، تعداد دو هیبرید به تلاقی کایزر♀ × ساوالان♂ (0300 و 0303) و تعداد دو هیبرید به تلاقی کنبک♀ × کایزر♂ (0401 و 0403) با گروه رسیدگی متوسط دیررس تعلق داشتند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - مقایسه مقادیر بتاکاروتن و ویتامین A سرم در گوسفندان شهرستان خلخال در دو شیوه مدیریتی باز و بسته
        اسماعیل امانی فیروزآباد علی حسن پور امیر گنج خانلو عبدالله دولت آبادی
        رتینول یا ویتامین A یکی از با اهمیت‌ترین ویتامین‌های محلول در چربی است و به دلیل داشتن نقش ویژه‌ در بافت‌ها و اعضاء مختلف بدن، در شرایط کمبود آن نشانه های بالینی متنوعی مشاهده می‌گردد. به‌علاوه در مواردی که کمبود مرزی این ویتامین بدون حضور نشانه های بالینی مشهود مطرح اس أکثر
        رتینول یا ویتامین A یکی از با اهمیت‌ترین ویتامین‌های محلول در چربی است و به دلیل داشتن نقش ویژه‌ در بافت‌ها و اعضاء مختلف بدن، در شرایط کمبود آن نشانه های بالینی متنوعی مشاهده می‌گردد. به‌علاوه در مواردی که کمبود مرزی این ویتامین بدون حضور نشانه های بالینی مشهود مطرح است‎ ، کاهش بهره‌وری همچون رخداد ناباروری پدید می‌آید. در مطالعه حاضر مقادیر بتاکاروتن و ویتامین Aسرم گوسفندان شهرستان خلخال در سیستم پرورش باز و بسته مورد بررسی قرار گرفت . در طول تابستان 1397 مجموعاً از 200 رأس گوسفند (100 رأس نر و 100 رأس ماده) نمونه گیری انجام شد. برای اندازه گیری فاکتورهای فوق از روش اسپکتروفتومتری استفاده گردید. میانگین غلظت بتاکاروتن و ویتامین A سرم در سیستم پرورش باز به ترتیب 3/9±5/19 میکروگرم در دسی لیتر و 1/13±6/57 میکروگرم در دسی لیتر، همچنین در سیستم پرورش بسته این مقادیر به ترتیب برابر با 6/9±2/19 میکروگرم در دسی‌لیتر و 9/7±9/26 میکروگرم در دسی‌لیتر تعیین گردید. اختلاف بین مقادیر سرمی ویتامین A در دو گروه پرورش باز و بسته معنی‌دار بود (000/0p < /em>=) ولی اختلاف بین مقادیر سرمی بتاکاروتن در این دو گروه اختلاف معنی‌داری نداشت.غلظت مواد اندازه‌گیری شده در بین چهار گروه سنی مختلف و همچنین بین دو جنس مختلف اختلاف آماری معنی‌داری نشان نداد. نتیجه نهایی این که نقش سن، جنس و نوع تغذیه حیوان در این مقادیر سرمی از تنوع قابل توجهی برخوردار می‌باشد و می‌بایست در تفسیر نتایج آزمایشگاهی با احتیاط بیشتری عمل نمود. تفاصيل المقالة
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        11 - Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Treatment on Semen Characteristics and Enzymatic Activities of Awassi Rams in Breeding and Non Breeding Seasons
        O.I. Azawi A.N.T.M. Al-Khashab N.N.A. Al-Kadoo
        This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of GnRH injection on semen ejaculate characteristics in Awassi rams collected in breeding and non breeding seasons. The study was conducted in late summer to early autumn when breeding activity commences, and in winter during أکثر
        This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of GnRH injection on semen ejaculate characteristics in Awassi rams collected in breeding and non breeding seasons. The study was conducted in late summer to early autumn when breeding activity commences, and in winter during the non breeding season. Twelve mature Awassi rams were used in this study. Animals were randomly allocated into two equal groups, the experimental group received 50 µg IM of GnRH weekly andthe control group received 1 ml of saline. Libido was assessed and semen samples were collected from the Awassi rams 24 hours after IM administration. Scrotal circumference (SC) and testicular volume were measured weekly during the study period. Ejaculates were collected 24 hours after each GnRH/saline administration and assessed for volume, sperm concentration, mass and individual motility, live sperm and sperm abnormalities. Seminal plasma was assayed for the estimation of alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH). Results show that GnRH treatment improves semen volume, total ejaculated sperm and reaction time in both breeding and non-breeding seasons compared to control (P<0.05). However, GnRH treatment reduces the activity of LDH in both seasons. Other seminal traits show similar values for both seasons. In conclusion, GnRH treatment of Awassi rams improved libido, semen volume, sperm numbers, but not sperm viability. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - A Comparison of the Sensitivity of the BayesC and Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction(GBLUP) Methods of Estimating Genomic Breeding Values under Different Quantitative Trait Locus(QTL) Model Assumptions
        M. Shirali S.R. Miraei-Ashtiani A. Pakdel C. Haley P. Navarro R. Pong-Wong
        The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of estimating and predicting breeding values using two diverse approaches, GBLUP and BayesC, using simulated data under different quantitative trait locus(QTL) effect distributions. Data were simulated with three d أکثر
        The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of estimating and predicting breeding values using two diverse approaches, GBLUP and BayesC, using simulated data under different quantitative trait locus(QTL) effect distributions. Data were simulated with three different distributions for the QTL effect which were uniform, normal and gamma (1.66, 0.4). The number of QTL was assumed to be either 5, 10 or 20. In total, 9 different scenarios were generated to compare the markers estimated breeding values obtained from these scenarios using t-tests. In comparisons between GBLUP and BayesC within different scenarios for a trait of interest, the genomic estimated breeding values produced and the true breeding values in a training set were highly correlated (r>0.80), despite diverse assumptions and distributions. BayesC produced more accurate estimations than GBLUP in most simulated traits. In all scenarios, GBLUP had a consistently high accuracy independent of different distributions of QTL effects and at all numbers of QTL. BayesC produced estimates with higher accuracies in traits influenced by a low number of QTL and with gamma QTL effects distribution. In conclusion, GBLUP and BayesC had persistent high accuracies in all scenarios, although BayesC performed better in traits with low numbers of QTL and a Gamma effect distribution. تفاصيل المقالة
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        13 - Serum Protein Profile of Lori-Bakhtiari Ewes in Relation to Age, Body Weight, Birth Type and Birth Season
        H. Mohammadi P. Zamani S.Z. Mirhoseini
        Serum protein profile could be considered as a useful indicator of physiological and pathological conditions, but several factors may interfere with the interpretation. This study was conducted to evaluate serum protein fractions in association with age, body weight, bi أکثر
        Serum protein profile could be considered as a useful indicator of physiological and pathological conditions, but several factors may interfere with the interpretation. This study was conducted to evaluate serum protein fractions in association with age, body weight, birth type and birth season in a meat-type sheep. Blood samples were randomly taken from 96 healthy Lori-Bakhtiari ewes in the Shooli breeding station in Iran. The sampled animals randomly belonged to different age, birth type, birth season and body weight groups. Total protein and other fractions were determined by Biuret and electrophoresis methods, respectively. IgG levels were measured by ELISA method. Total protein, albumin, total globulins, albumin/globulins ratio, α1, α2, β and γ globulins and IgG levels averages were 5.82, 2.35, 3.47, 0.69, 0.06, 0.42, 0.15, 2.82 and 1.56 g/dL, respectively. Total protein had high correlations with total and γ globulins, while albumin and IgG were almost independent from other fractions. Levels of serum protein fractions in adults were also independent from body weights at different ages. Serum protein profile was significantly affected by age and birth season (P<0.05), where by older ewes had lower levels of α2, γ and total globulins and higher albumin/globulin ratios. The winter-born ewes significantly had higher γ globulins levels and probably more immune system activities, compared to the spring-born ewes. Body weight and birth type did not have any significant effect on the studied serum protein fractions. This study suggested that the age and birth season should be considered for interpretation of the serum protein profiles. تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - Analysis of Test Day Milk Yield by Random Regression Models and Evaluation of Persistency in Iranian Dairy Cows
        M. Elahi Torshizi A.A. Aslamenejad M.R. Nassiri H. Farhangfar J. Solkner M. Kovac G. Meszaros S. Malovrh
        Variace / covariance components of 227118 first lactaiom test-day milk yield records belonged to 31258 Iranian Holstein cows were estimated using nine random regression models. Afterwards, different measures of persistency based on estimation breeding value were evaluat أکثر
        Variace / covariance components of 227118 first lactaiom test-day milk yield records belonged to 31258 Iranian Holstein cows were estimated using nine random regression models. Afterwards, different measures of persistency based on estimation breeding value were evaluated. Three functions were used to adjust fixed lactation curve: Ali and Schaeffer (AS), quadratic (LE3) and cubic (LE4) order of Legendre polynomial but for random effects, unequal order of Legendre polynomials (LE3, LE4, LE5 and Ali and Schaffer) functions were evaluated. Heterogeneous residual variance considered during days in milk and evaluation of models was based on eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors and residual variance. Model with Ali and Schaeffer function for fixed part and LE3 and LE4 for additive and permanent environmental effects was selected as the best model for random regression analysis in first parity dairy cows. The highest and lowest heritability were observed in the middle (0.29) and beginning (0.08) of lactation, respectively. Persistency measurement proposed by Cobuci (PSY1) (difference between estimation breeding value between 290 and 90 days) was preferential for using in further genetic evaluations for persistency in milk yield of Iranian Holstein cows. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        15 - Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Growth and Body Measurement Traits in Different Ages in Iranian Makuei Sheep
        ش. ورکوهی ح. بانی-سعادت س. رزاق-زاده
        The present study aimed to estimate heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations between body weight and body measurement traits in Iranian Makuei sheep. The used data were collected from 1989 to 2012 at Makuei Sheep Breeding Station in Maku (West Azarbayjan provin أکثر
        The present study aimed to estimate heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations between body weight and body measurement traits in Iranian Makuei sheep. The used data were collected from 1989 to 2012 at Makuei Sheep Breeding Station in Maku (West Azarbayjan province). The data included body weight and five body measurement traits (body length (BL), heart girth (HG), withers height (WH), rump height (RH) and leg circumference (LC)) in 6, 12 and 18 months of age with 400, 900 and 350 records in different time, respectively. The data were analyzed using multi-trait animal model through DFREML software. Results showed that the estimated heritabilities for body weight and body measurement traits in 12 months of age is less than those for 6 and 18 months of age; those comes down from 6 to 12 months of age, then go up to 18 months of age. In six months of age the highest and lowest genetic correlations were between body weight (BW) with WH and LC; respectively, and the highest and lowest phenotypic correlations were between BW with RH and LC; respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between body weight in six months of age and body measurement traits were approximately high but with leg circumference were low. Genetic correlations in 12 months of age were generally higher than phenotypic correlations. Genetic correlations between body weight in 18 months of age and body measurement traits were moderate to high and the highest genetic correlation was found between body weight in 18 months of age and body length. The positive correlation between body weight and body measurements in different ages indicated that selection for body measurements would results body weight improvement. تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - The Effects of Crossbreeding on Meat Fatty Acids Profile in Qazvinian Native Goats
        م.ح. هادی-تواتری ا. رشیدی ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی م. رزم‌کبیر
        The study was conducted to investigate the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat in longissimus lumborum (LL) of three genotypic groups: Qazvinian native (Q, n=10), crossbred Qazvinian native × Saanen breed (QS, n=10) and backcrossed Qazvinian native × Saa أکثر
        The study was conducted to investigate the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat in longissimus lumborum (LL) of three genotypic groups: Qazvinian native (Q, n=10), crossbred Qazvinian native × Saanen breed (QS, n=10) and backcrossed Qazvinian native × Saanen breed (QSS, n=9) male kids.All of kids were weaned at 75-days-old and then fed with a diet consisted of concentrate (70%) and alfalfa hay (30%). The kids were slaughtered with an average age of 130 days and immediately samples of LL muscle were collected. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA using the generalized linear model (GLM) procedure. The total differences among genotypic groups were evaluated by a canonical discriminant analysis (CDA).The concentration of intramuscular fat (g/100g meat, Q=0.94, QS=2.01 and QSS=1.05) and saturated fatty acids (SFA; Q=40.87, QS=43.25 and QSS=36.9), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA; Q=12.99, QS=13.89 and QSS=22.41), total conjugated linoleic acids (CLA, Q=2.1, QS=2.32 and QSS=1.02) and desirable fatty acids (Q=73.63, QS=67.18 and QSS=74.87) as g/100 g total fatty acids between genotypic groups were significant (p <0.05). Furthermore, the PUFA:SFA and linoleic (C18:2 n-6):alpha-linolenic acids (C18:3 n-3) ratio in genotypic groups were significant (p <0.05). The genotypic groups were separated by CDA, based on their meat fatty acids profile. Results demonstrated that crossbreeding could significantly change the intramuscular fatty acids profile. Therefore, it can be concluded that the fatty acids profile in crossbred kids are better than that of native Qazvinian kids. In these experimental conditions, results of the present study demonstrated that crossbreeding could be a suitable strategy for producing meat with higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids with beneficial properties for health of consumers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - Estimation of Individual Heterosis for Lamb Growth in Ghezal and Mehraban Sheep
        H. Atashi J. Izadifar
        Data on 361 lambs of Mehraban (n=90), Ghezel (n=92), Ghezel × Mehraban (n=87), and Mehraban × Ghezel (n=92, sire breed listed first) were used to estimate individual Heterosisfor lamb growth. The obtained results demonstrated that lambs of purebreds of Gheze أکثر
        Data on 361 lambs of Mehraban (n=90), Ghezel (n=92), Ghezel × Mehraban (n=87), and Mehraban × Ghezel (n=92, sire breed listed first) were used to estimate individual Heterosisfor lamb growth. The obtained results demonstrated that lambs of purebreds of Ghezel and Mehraban showed the highest and the lowest birth weight, respectively (P<0.05). Crossbred lambs of Mehraban × Ghezel showed significantly higher (P<0.05) average birth weight per ewe than Ghezel × Mehraban. Purebred Mehraban lambs showed the lowest total and average six month old weight per ewe (P<0.05) but the average and total six month old weight per ewe of Ghezel was not different than crossbreds groups of Ghezel × Mehraban and Mehraban × Ghezel lambs (P≥0.05). Individual heterosis for the average birth weight, total birth weight, average six month old weight and total six month old weight was estimated to be -0.37, -0.30, 0.22 and -1.03%, respectively (P≥0.05). تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - Estimation of Inbreeding Coefficients Using Pedigree and Microsatellite Markers and Its Effects on Economic Traits of Shirvan Kordi Sheep
        س. نقویان س. حسنی م. آهنی آذری ع.ر. خان ‌احمدی د.ع. ساقی ن. مامی‪‌زاده
        In this study, pedigree data of 7170 lambs produced from 177 rams and 2182 ewes collected during 1989 to 2009 in the Shirvan Kordi sheep breeding station, were used for calculating inbreeding coefficients. The impact of inbreeding on the studied traits was investigated أکثر
        In this study, pedigree data of 7170 lambs produced from 177 rams and 2182 ewes collected during 1989 to 2009 in the Shirvan Kordi sheep breeding station, were used for calculating inbreeding coefficients. The impact of inbreeding on the studied traits was investigated by including inbreeding coefficients for each animal as a covariate in the animal model. Average inbreeding coefficient of the flock in base year, 1989, was estimated as 0.668%. The low average inbreeding in the flock could be ascribed to the structured breeding regime of the station for preventing mating among relatives. Totally, 23.3% of the animals were inbred with average inbreeding coefficient of 2.87%. Out of these, 1668 animals were inbred including 823 males and 845 females with the mean inbreeding coefficients of 2.81% and 2.93%, respectively. Coefficients of inbreeding were also estimated in this population using 6 microsatellite markers (BM8125, BMS2361, BM6526, BM6526, BMS1004 and BM6444) and 100 blood samples. Within population, inbreeding F-statistic (FIS) ranged from -0.1859 (BM6526) to 0.3329 (BM6438). The FIS estimates were positive for BM6438 and BM6444 loci (0.3329 and 0.2287), respectively and estimates for the other loci were negative. Average inbreeding coefficients based on molecular markers was estimated as 0.2617%. Birth weight, weaning weight, body weight at 6 months, body weight at 9 months, body weight at 12 months, annual wool production and number of lambs per ewe lambing were changed by -0.0131, 0.0795, 0.0013, -0.0653, -0.0921, 0.0083 and -0.023 kg, respectively for every one percent increase in inbreeding. تفاصيل المقالة
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        19 - Defining Economic Values of Important Traits in One Hump Camel in Desert Areas Rearing System
        م. وطن خواه ع. شفیع نادری م.ر. مفیدی ع.ا. قره داغی م.ع. عباسی
        In this study production, reproduction, population, management and economic parameters resulted from recording of 7 flocks with size 57 to 400 and 721 heads of camels in a cycle of reproduction, during three years from 2011 to 2013 were used to find out of the economic أکثر
        In this study production, reproduction, population, management and economic parameters resulted from recording of 7 flocks with size 57 to 400 and 721 heads of camels in a cycle of reproduction, during three years from 2011 to 2013 were used to find out of the economic values of important traits in one hump camel in desert areas rearing system. The economic traits that appeared in profit equation were durability, reproduction and production traits. The economic values, economic weights and the relative importance of traits estimated by increasing one unit and one genetic standard deviation of each trait, using maximizing profit, maximizing efficiency and minimizing cost situations. The results showed that from total annual revenue in each camel (294.10 US$), 66% accounted for sale of calf and 34% resulted from the sale of culling camels. The total annual cost in each camel (72.95 US$), feed, labour and management, facilities, drug and treatment and interest of investment accounted by 40.23%, 34.49%, 7.18%, 1.42% and 16.67%, respectively. The average annual profit and profit to cost ratio in each camel were equal to 221.15 US$ and 3.03, respectively. Relative importance of different group of traits for average of the herds were 58.44% for durability traits (survival rate in camel 14.31%, survival rate in calf to weaning age 34.74% and longevity of camel 9.39%), 24.33% for reproduction traits (conception rate 14.31%, calving interval -8.99%, and age at first calving -1.03%) and 17.23% for production traits (calf weaning weight 13.60%, weight of female replacement -1.09% and weight of camel 2.53%). Relative importance of durability traits resulted from maximizing efficiency and minimizing cost decrease steadily and added to the relative importance of reproduction and production traits. The estimated relative importance of different traits got in this study, could be used to form multiple trait selection indices to one hump camel breeding programs in desert areas rearing system. تفاصيل المقالة
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        20 - The Effects of Different Levels of Nettle <i>Urtica dioica</i> L. (Urticaceae)Medicinal Plant in Starter and Grower Feeds on Performance,Carcass Traits, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Broilers
        S. Nasiri A. Nobakht A.R. Safamehr
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of nettle (Urtica dioica) a medicinal plant in starter and grower feeds on performance, carcass traits, blood biochemical and immunity parameters of broilers. A completely randomized design was us أکثر
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of nettle (Urtica dioica) a medicinal plant in starter and grower feeds on performance, carcass traits, blood biochemical and immunity parameters of broilers. A completely randomized design was used with 324 broilers (Ross-308) divided in nine treatments and three replicates (with 12 birds in each replicate) 1 to 42 days. The treatment groups consisted of: (1) control group with no nettle supplementation, in other treatments the level of nettle in starter and grower feeds were, (2) 0.75% in both starter and grower, (3) 0 instarter and 0.75% in grower, (4) 0.75% in starter and 0 ingrower, (5) 1.5% in starter and 0.75% in grower, (6) 0.75% in starter and 1.5% in grower, (7) 0 instarter and 1.5% in grower, (8) 1.5% in starter and 0 ingrower, and (9) 1.5% in both starter and grower. The results showed that the use of different levels of nettle in starter and grower feeds had significant effects on carcass traits of broilers (P&lt;0.05). The highest percent of breast and thigh (35.04), (26.29) were observed in groups 9 and 3, the highest percent of gizzard (3.76) was observed in group 6 and finally the highest percentage of liver (3.63) was observed in group 7. The overall results showed that the use of 1.5% of nettle medicinal plant in starter and grower feeds without having any significant effects on performance and blood biochemical and immunity parameters, showed positive effects on carcass traits of broilers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        21 - Effects of Rebreeding Interval on Litter and DoePerformance of Rabbit in Baichi State Nigeria
        P.A. Addass A. Midau M.A. Tizhe Z.B. Mshelia Y.M. Muktar H.D. Nyako
        Eighteen primiparous rabbit does comprising of six per breed of New Zealand White (NZW), Chinchilla (CC) and Dutch Belted (DB). They were randomly allocated to three rebreeding interval groups of 7, 14 and 21 days postpartum. Three breeding males, one per breed were use أکثر
        Eighteen primiparous rabbit does comprising of six per breed of New Zealand White (NZW), Chinchilla (CC) and Dutch Belted (DB). They were randomly allocated to three rebreeding interval groups of 7, 14 and 21 days postpartum. Three breeding males, one per breed were used giving a total of 21 rabbits. Significant (P&lt;0.01) doe milk yield in week two (DMY WK2) was observed on rebreeding interval groups. Twenty one (21) day rebreeding group recorded highest (83.1&plusmn;4.12 g) followed by seven day rebreeding group (72.4&plusmn;2.30 g) while fourteen day group had the least (69.2&plusmn;3.31 g). Doe milk yield variability (P&lt;0.01) was evident on the third week with the 21 day rebreeding group had the highest (89.1&plusmn;5.67 g) followed by fourteen day rebreeding group (77.4&plusmn;4.56 g) while 7 day rebreeding group had the least (63.9&plusmn;3.16 g). Doe milk yield in the fourth week also showed variability due to rebreeding groups. The 21 day rebreed group had the highest (61.1&plusmn;3.57 g) next by 14 day rebreeding group (57.6&plusmn;2.87 g) while 7 day group had the least (47.7&plusmn;1.99 g). Significant doe milk yield week one (P&lt;0.05) and week two (P&lt;0.051) were observed to be affected by parity. In week one, parity 4 had the highest milk yield (79.8&plusmn;5.03 g) followed by parity 5 (75.9&plusmn;6.75 g) while parity 1 had the least (51.6&plusmn;3.42 g). In the second week, milk yield was highest (84.9&plusmn;8.30 g) in parity 5, followed by parity 4 (76.4&plusmn;6.19 g) while parity 1 had the least (61.7&plusmn;5.79 g). It was observed that milk yield of rabbits increase with increase in rebreeding interval as well as with increase in parity. Doe and litter parameters were observed better at increasing rebreeding interval among rabbit breeds. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - The Relationship between Different Body Types of Kalmyk Steers and Their Raw Meat Production and Quality
        I.F. Gorlov M.I. Slozhenkina A.V. Randelin A.A. Mosolov B.K. Bolaev A.I. Belyaev E.Y. Zlobina D.A. Mosolova
        The article presents the data on a comparative research study of the beef production of Kalmyk steers of compact (Group I), medium (Group II) and tall (Group III) body types. It has been found that the steers of a tall body type had higher pre-slaughter weight at the ag أکثر
        The article presents the data on a comparative research study of the beef production of Kalmyk steers of compact (Group I), medium (Group II) and tall (Group III) body types. It has been found that the steers of a tall body type had higher pre-slaughter weight at the age of 16 months than steers of compact and medium types by 24.7 and 12.1 kg, respectively; the weight of hot carcasses by 15.9 and 7.6 kg; and the carcass yield was higher by 0.5 and 0.2%. The slaughter yield of steers varied from 58.50 (Group I) to 58.69% (Group III). Boning showed that tall youngsters had higher flesh weight in carcasses by 7.05 and 3.61% compared to their analogs of compact and medium types. The average flesh sample from animals of a tall type contained more protein than their analogs by 0.91 and 0.86%, respectively. The fat content in carcass flesh from steers of compact type was higher than from medium and tall steers by 1.05 and 2.56%, respectively. The longissimus dorsimuscle of tall steers contained more essential amino acid of tryptophan and less non-essential amino acid of hydroxyproline. Furthermore, a tendency of higher values of moisture-retaining ability of meat from steers of a compact type has been revealed. Organoleptic characteristics of meat from all experimental steers differed insignificantly. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - Microsatellite Analysis DNA for Controlled Breeding of Cervidae and Genetic Breeding of White Colored <i>Cervus elaphus</i> in Czech Republic
        M. Emst L. Putnova J. Pokoradi J. Matouskova R. Zidek L. Marsalkova J. Lamka
        Aterritorial isolation is adanger to the game population, causing deterioration called the inbreeding depression. The typical signs are anomalous body proportions, such as short lower jaw, shortened lifetime, weak physique and lower birth rate. This is caused by low num أکثر
        Aterritorial isolation is adanger to the game population, causing deterioration called the inbreeding depression. The typical signs are anomalous body proportions, such as short lower jaw, shortened lifetime, weak physique and lower birth rate. This is caused by low number of game in the community. White colored deer is in the location of the CzechRepublicbred in separation since 18th century. For their preservation, it was necessary to refresh the population by 'wild colored' Cervus elaphus. By this way, it was reduced the inbreeding depression and population was saved. Simultaneously white colored, beige colored, red colored, combined colored and spotted individuals started to appear. For further breeding development (retention of good health condition, fertility, inbreeding reduction and increase of white colored deer population), practical exploitation of molecular genetics methods were made by deer identification and verification of family relationships. Proven results were used for compilation of breeding groups with target of gradual reduction in: inbreeding, negative consequences of inbreeding depression and increase of white deer population (the origin from Kashmiror Persia). These breeding mechanisms are considered as breeding with controlled reproduction. This project is researching genetic variances within separated white deer population in game-preserve Žleby from 2004 to 2010. The idiotypes have been determined for thirteen microsatellite frequencies (BM888, OarFCB5, RM188, RT1, RT13, T26, T156, T193)and the genetic diversity, heterozygote contribution, polymorphic information content (PIC) and inbreeding factor (f) have been assessed during the project elaboration. Software Power Marker V 3.25 was used for elaboration of obtained results. The project results demonstrated the exploitation of molecular genetic methods for controlled game reproduction. تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - Treatment of Repeat Breeding of Iraqi Buffaloes Using Different CIDR Protocols
        O.I. Azawi M. Delpli Ali O.S. Ahmed A.S. Al‐Hadad M.S. Jamil Hussien Hussien
        The present study was undertaken to examine the efficacy of a treatment regime using a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device in conjunction with injections of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2&alpha; (PGF2&alpha;) on conception rate of أکثر
        The present study was undertaken to examine the efficacy of a treatment regime using a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device in conjunction with injections of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2&alpha; (PGF2&alpha;) on conception rate of repeat-breeding Iraqi buffaloes. Data were collected from 100 buffaloeswith repeat breeding in Ninevehprovince housed at six private dairy farms. All buffalo cows were characterized as repeat breeding of more than three natural services with regular oestrouscycles without any signs of pregnancy. Any buffalo with abnormal vaginal discharge and &gt;12% of polymorphonuclear cells in uterine smears was excluded from this study. Buffaloes were randomly assigned to four treatment groups of 25 cows each. Buffaloes in treatment 1 were injected with estradiol benzoate 1 mg and GnRH 250 &mu;g on day 0, aCIDR in the anterior vagina from day 0 to 8, on injection with 25 mg of PGF2&alpha; on day 7 and GnRH (250 &mu;g) on day 9. Buffaloes in treatment 2 received GnRH (250 &mu;g) on day 0, aCIDR, from day 0 to 7 and 25 mg of PGF2&alpha; on day 7. Buffaloes in treatment 3 received a CIDR from day 0 to 7 and 25 mg of PGF2&alpha; on day 7. Treatment 4, acontrol group received no treatments. All buffaloes were mated during oestrus and pregnancy status was diagnosed by palpation of uterine contents at day 45. Pregnancy rates in treatments 1 to 4 were 44%, 52%, 24% and 8%, respectively. On average, Buffaloes treated with different CIDR protocols had higher pregnancy rate than control group. It could be concluded that the use of different CIDR protocols can be applied to improve fertility of repeat breeder Iraqi buffaloes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        25 - Growth Intensity of Lambs during Artificial Milk Rearing Depending on Chosen Non Genetic Factors
        پ. ماکوویسکی م. گالیسووا کوپیکووا م. مارگتین پ. ماکوویسکی م. ناگی
        The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of sex, breeding group, litter size and age of lambs when placed in lambing pens for their growth rate during rearing. The average daily gain of lambs was evaluated based on their weighing data each week after their أکثر
        The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of sex, breeding group, litter size and age of lambs when placed in lambing pens for their growth rate during rearing. The average daily gain of lambs was evaluated based on their weighing data each week after their placement into lambing pens. Lambs of Improved Valachian, Tsigai and Lacaune breed (n=26) had been gradually integrated to the experiment. Artificial rearing was carried out using a feed slot machine. All lambs were weighted on a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.1 kg at birth, when placed in the lambing pens and then every week until weaning. The breeding group factor had no statistically significant effect on the average daily gain during milk rearing. The average daily gains of lambs at the end of milk rearing were the same for all experimental grups. The ewe lambs at the end of milk rearing reached a higher average daily gain than ram lambs; but we did not detect statistically significant influence of sex on the average daily gain. The litter size factor had a highly significant effect (P&lt;0.01) only on the growth rate of lambs during the first week after beieng placed in the lambing pens. At the end of milk rearing, the average daily gain was the same for single-litter-lambs and twin-litter-lambs too. The difference of the age of their placement into lambing pens had no statistically significant effect on the weight of the lambs at the end of milk rearing. Statistically significant effect (P&lt;0.05) was found in lambs of different age at their placement in the lambing pens on the average daily gain from placing in to the end of milk rearing. The lambs involved in rearing had a lower weight gains when placed into the lambing pens at an older age. تفاصيل المقالة
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        26 - Estimation of Effective Population Size and Genomic Inbreeding Coefficients in Baluchi Sheep Using Genome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
        م. پسندیده م. قلی زاده ق. رحیمی میانجی
        The aim of this study was to estimate the effective population size (Ne) and genomic inbreeding coefficients in 96 Baluchi sheep genotyped using Illumina OvineSNP50 BeadChip. Using NEESTIMATOR software, the estimation of contemporary Ne based on heterozygote-excess and أکثر
        The aim of this study was to estimate the effective population size (Ne) and genomic inbreeding coefficients in 96 Baluchi sheep genotyped using Illumina OvineSNP50 BeadChip. Using NEESTIMATOR software, the estimation of contemporary Ne based on heterozygote-excess and linkage disequilibrium (LD) methods was obtained 15 and 25, respectively. The historical Ne estimated with SNeP software showed a fast decreasing trend over the last 1000 generations. The Ne estimate for the previous 4 generations was ranged from 48 to 75. Three estimates of inbreeding coefficients including genomic relationship matrix (FGRM), excess of homozygosity (FHOM) and correlation between uniting gametes (FUNI) were calculated using GCTA software. The values of FGRM, FHOM and FUNI were calculated the same at -0.017. The average expected and observed heterozygosity using PLINK software were calculated as 0.374 and 0.383, respectively. Our results showed a considerable genetic variation in Baluchi sheep, however the low values of Ne emphasize that measures should be taken to avoid a further reduction in the effective population size. The results of this study provide guidance for future sheep breeding to increase the conservation activities of the native sheep breeds. تفاصيل المقالة
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        27 - Alternative Village Based-Breeding Schemes for Simien and Gumuz Sheep Breeds in Northwestern Ethiopia
        A. Desalegn D. Yohannes A. Solomon Solomon M. Godadaw
        The study aimed to design breeding schemes for the improvement of sheep in Northwestern Ethiopia. The alternative breeding schemes were modeled and evaluated using a deterministic approach for genetic and economic efficiency. The input parameters were obtained from a su أکثر
        The study aimed to design breeding schemes for the improvement of sheep in Northwestern Ethiopia. The alternative breeding schemes were modeled and evaluated using a deterministic approach for genetic and economic efficiency. The input parameters were obtained from a survey of existing flock structures, breeding management, and literature. The predicted genetic response, genetic gain for goal traits, and rate of inbreeding were little different under village-based schemes depending on selection objectives and selection criteria. The highest genetic gains for six month&rsquo;s weight, pre-weaning lamb survival, twining rate, and lambing interval were predicted from village-based schemes with BLUP selection at 5% selection intensity. The highest genetic gain predicted under BLUB at 5% selection intensity for six months weight within and across village breeding schemes were 1.85 kg and 1.87 kg per year respectively. The rate of inbreeding for both schemes increased as the proportion of rams selected decreased from base to 5% selection intensity. The expected genetic gains were higher as it promotes participation of farmers, cooperation of villages, and achieving concentrated lambing which in turn increase selection intensity and genetic progress. This suggested the possibility for sustainable sheep improvement and conservation through village-based schemes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        28 - Allele Frequency of c.486A>G Polymorphism of the <i>AA-NAT</i> Gene in Iranian Indigenous and Exotic Sheep Populations
        S. Emanizadeh H. Alnajm A. Javanmard J. Shoja A. Rafat
        Typically, lambing percentage is classified as a composite trait and is crucial to profitability in domestic sheep farming. In breeding programs, out-of-season reproduction of sheep is an important tool because seasonal reproduction limits productivity and flexibility. أکثر
        Typically, lambing percentage is classified as a composite trait and is crucial to profitability in domestic sheep farming. In breeding programs, out-of-season reproduction of sheep is an important tool because seasonal reproduction limits productivity and flexibility. Understanding the complexities of genetic aspects of the none- seasonal reproduction has received significant critical attention in the literature. In this puzzle, the arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) is a rate-limiting enzyme of the melatonin synthesis pathway and is highlighted as a candidate gene that is responsible for melatonin synthesis and is thus directly associated with out-of-season reproduction in sheep. With this scenario research, we aimed to examine the allele frequency of the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) polymorphism in the AA-NAT gene in 11 native and exotic sheep populations. A total of 220 blood samples were taken from 11 breeds of sheep, including the exotic breeds Romanov (ROMV) and [Awassi (AWAS), Arabi (ARAB), Naaimi (NAIM) Iraqi native sheep] and [Ghezel (GHZL), Makui (MAKU)], Kurdi (KURD), Baluchi (BALCH), Afshari (AFSR) Iranian native sheep] and two Afshari-Booroola and Romanov-Ghezel F1 cross). Here, we describe the Smal-RFLP genotypes and allele frequency patterns of the (c.486A&gt;G) casual single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the exon of AA-NAT within and between the examined sheep breeds. In addition, PCR sequencing methods were used to double-check A/G and confirmation of PCR-RFLP results. This mutation changed the Arg &gt; Gly structure from helix to helix-effective in improving non-seasonal reproduction. Interestingly, the observed variation of G allele ranged from 0.1 to 0.43 in all study breeds. ROMV is a candidate for non-seasonal sheep breeds and its cross expresses the highest G allele frequency among other breeds studied. The frequency of the AA-NAT genotype was significantly different between breeds in this study. Therefore, the exotic 486A&gt;G mutation created a useful mirror to identify genomics aspects of seasonal/non-seasonal reproduction in sheep. تفاصيل المقالة
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        29 - Inbreeding and Its Effects on Body Weight,Kleiber Ratio, Body Measurements, Greasy Fleece Weight and Reproductive Traits of Makooei Sheep Breed
        ش. جعفری
        A pedigree file consisting of 5860 individuals, 167 sires and 1582 dams collected at Makooei sheep breeding station (MSBS) during a period of 24 years (1990 to 2013) was used to calculate the inbreeding coefficients to reveal any probable effects of inbreeding (F) on th أکثر
        A pedigree file consisting of 5860 individuals, 167 sires and 1582 dams collected at Makooei sheep breeding station (MSBS) during a period of 24 years (1990 to 2013) was used to calculate the inbreeding coefficients to reveal any probable effects of inbreeding (F) on the studied traits. The studied traits were classified to the five main groups including body weight, Kleiber ratio, body measurements, greasy fleece weight and reproductive traits. The inbreeding coefficient among the individuals ranged from 0 to 25% with an average of 0.33%, and ranged from 0 to 25% among the ewes with an average of 0.21%. Fluctuations in individual and maternal inbreeding were observed in the period under study. The average generation interval was calculated as 3.6 years. The effective population size of the flock was 51.8 animals. The rate of inbreeding was 0.08% per year and 0.53% per generation. Six different models were applied and likelihood ratio test (LRT) was used to select the appropriate model. Based on the LRT, model II was selected as appropriate model for growth, greasy fleece weight at 6 months of age and kleiber ratio traits. The traits related to the live body weight were affected negatively (P&lt;0.001) by the quadratic individual F. The linear individual regression coefficient of the Kleiber ratio was estimated significantly (P&lt;0.01) as 0.001, as well the linear maternal inbreeding regression was estimated significantly (P&lt;0.05) as 0.0002. In general, body measurements were affected negatively by the quadratic effects of inbreeding (both individual and maternal) and positively by the linear effects of inbreeding. The reproductive traits were studied based on ewe inbreeding coefficient. Among the reproductive traits, the quadratic regression coefficient of conception rate was estimated significantly (P&lt;0.05) as -0.22. Quadratic regression coefficient of litter mean weight per lamb born were estimated significantly (P&lt;0.01) as -0.63 per 0.01 change in the ewe inbreeding coefficient. Therefore, inbreeding should be avoided, except for purposes of genetic breeding whose main objective is the fixation of certain alleles in the population. تفاصيل المقالة
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        30 - Genetic Parameters Estimation of Prolificacy Traits under the FecB Introgression Pressure in Afshari Sheep Breed
        M. Pourtahmasebian Ahrabi M.P. Eskandarinasab M. Bagher Zandi Baghcheh Maryam
        The aim of present research was to estimate genetic parameters and trends of prolificacy traits in Afshari sheep breed under the FecB gene introgression breeding program. In this research, phenotypic data were collected from 2000 to 2015 at the Research Station of Unive أکثر
        The aim of present research was to estimate genetic parameters and trends of prolificacy traits in Afshari sheep breed under the FecB gene introgression breeding program. In this research, phenotypic data were collected from 2000 to 2015 at the Research Station of University of Zanjan. The reproductive traits include the total number of lambs born (NLB) and number of lambs at weaning (NLW), and composite traits as total litter weight at birth (TLWB) and total ltter weight at weaning (TLWW). The data were analysed using ASReml software according to restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure. The fixed model effects parameters were: year, season, age of ewe. Results showed genetic group and number of parturition in the model were significant (p تفاصيل المقالة
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        31 - New Technique for Activating Reproductive System during Non-Breeding Season in Ghezel Ewes
        ب. قاسمی-پناهی س.ع. رافت م. ابراهیمی م.ح. اکبرزاده ر. حاجی‪علیزاده ولیلو
        Ghezel sheep is one of the main breeds in the north-west of Iran which is reared for meat, milk and wool production. Improving reproduction of this breed will have a significant impact on the economic development of local farmers. Therefore, in the present study the eff أکثر
        Ghezel sheep is one of the main breeds in the north-west of Iran which is reared for meat, milk and wool production. Improving reproduction of this breed will have a significant impact on the economic development of local farmers. Therefore, in the present study the effect of simultaneous use of estrus synchronization(controlled internal drug releasing(CIDR) and equine chorionic gonadotropin(eCG)) and flushing diet on reproduction during non-breeding season in Ghezel ewes was determined. A total of 114 three-year-old Ghezel ewes were equally divided into three treatment groups. Group 1 was synchronizing with CIDR and eCG and was flushed for 40 days. Group 2 was flushed only for 40 days and group 3, the control did not receive any treatment at all. Rams also received a flushing diet concurrent with ewes. CIDR application was performed for 12 days, following CIDR withdrawal, each of the group 1 ewes received an intramuscularly injection with 400 IU eCG. Thereafter, all ewes were introduced to the rams. Pregnancy was determined by ultrasound at 50 days after introduction to the rams. Lambing rate in group 1 was 276.32% and the pregnancy rate was 100%. This result was significantly different from group 2 and 3. Although a minor improvement in pregnancy percentage was observed in group 2 in comparison with control group, the overall results suggested that flushing alone was not effective in activating the reproductive system in non-breeding season. This study showed that estrus synchronization using CIDR and eCG accompanied with flushing diet was a suitable technique to improve lamb production during non-breeding season in Ghezel ewes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        32 - Phenotypes, Performance, and Insulin Gene (<i>INS</i>) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) C1549T Genotyping of Indonesian Meat-Type Chicken Breed
        D.N. Arini M.D. Pratama G.I. Firmansyah I.W.S. Mahardhika A.B.I. Perdamaian B.S. Daryono
        Pelung chicken, as one of the Indonesian indigenous chicken breeds, is known for its distinct characteristics. Pelung chicken has been an object of selective breeding programs due to its slow-growing performance, particularly in live weight gain. Through selective breed أکثر
        Pelung chicken, as one of the Indonesian indigenous chicken breeds, is known for its distinct characteristics. Pelung chicken has been an object of selective breeding programs due to its slow-growing performance, particularly in live weight gain. Through selective breeding, the backcross and its reciprocal generations have been produced. This study was aimed to identify the phenotypes, performance in live weight gain, and insulin gene (INS) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) C1549T genotyping. The phenotypes consisted of morphometrics and morphological traits. The tetra-primeramplificationrefractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction (T-ARMS-PCR) method was used to detect the SNP C1549T of the INS gene. The live weight gain of reciprocal backcross (RBC1) outperformed the first backcross (BC1) chickens. Morphometrics and morphological traits of BC1 and RBC1 indicated a directional selection effect towards pelung chicken. The transition mutation of SNP C1549T was only detected in RBC1 chickens as CT genotype (44.44%) and TT genotype (55.56%). The presence of SNP C1549T might have a significant association with the live weight gain of RBC1. T-ARMS-PCR method is suitable for the rapid detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Additional studies are required to confirm the association of INS gene polymorphism and live weight gain with a larger population size. تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - Evaluating the Reproductive and Egg Production Traits of Local Chickens and Their F1 Crosses with RhodeIsland Red and Fayoumi Breeds under Farmers’ Management Conditions
        A. Melesse M. Alewi Y. Teklegiorgis
        This study was conducted at Beresa watershed district of Guraghe Administrative Zone, the southern Regional State of Ethiopia to evaluate the on-farm reproductive and egg production performances of local Kei and its F1 crosses with Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chi أکثر
        This study was conducted at Beresa watershed district of Guraghe Administrative Zone, the southern Regional State of Ethiopia to evaluate the on-farm reproductive and egg production performances of local Kei and its F1 crosses with Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chicken breeds under farmers&rsquo; management. The local Kei paternal line was mated with maternal lines of Fayoumi and RIR chickens to produce F1-crosses. Twenty-four households were involved in the study who received 10 chicks from each 3 genotypes (total of 720 chicks). Three hay-box brooders fitted with chick-runs were provided to each household in which the three genotypes were reared. Eggs were collected on a daily basis and body weights were measured at 24, 34 and 52 weeks age. The highest egg fertility was observed in Fayoumi-crosses. The hatchability of total egg set and that of fertile eggs was higher for Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei chickens than for RIR-crosses. The Fayoumi (154 days) and RIR-crosses (161 days) reached age of sexual maturity earlier than local Kei chickens (183 days). The RIR-crosses were heavier (P&lt;0.05) in body weight than Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei. The F1 crosses had significantly (P&lt;0.05) higher rate of egg production on hen-day and hen-housed basis than local Kei chickens. The Fayoumi-crosses produced more (P&lt;0.05) eggs than RIR-crosses. The F1 crosses produced significantly (P&lt;0.05) higher total egg mass than local Kei chickens. Eggs from RIR-crosses were heavier (P&lt;0.05) than Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei chickens. The F1 crosses reached their peak egg production at about 34 weeks of age while local Kei at 38 weeks. The Fayoumi-crosses had significantly higher hen-housed and hen-day egg production rates and survival ability than RIR-crosses. In conclusion, Fayoumi breeds could be a better strategy to upgrade the poor performance of indigenous chicken populations. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - Breeding Objectives, Selection Criteria and Breeding Practices of Indigenous Goat Population in Ethiopia: A Review
        K. Tilahun S. Betsha A. Melesse
        Breeding objectives and selection criteria are the main component in small ruminant production and these parameters should be identified to formulate sustainable breeding programs. Farmers select breeding stock to be parents of the next generation by using various crite أکثر
        Breeding objectives and selection criteria are the main component in small ruminant production and these parameters should be identified to formulate sustainable breeding programs. Farmers select breeding stock to be parents of the next generation by using various criteria in different agro ecologies and production systems. However, selection is practiced by livestock keepers without having knowledge of heritability of traits, repeatability and genetic and phenotypic correlation among traits. Selection is practiced by giving more emphasis for qualitative traits such as color and appearance, which are less relevant to production characters. Under smallholder subsistence production system, goats are mainly kept for multipurpose roles and there is no definite breeding goal. The objectives of keeping goats varied based on production system, socio economic factors, and cultural role. The breeding system that is dominantly practiced by farmers is uncontrolled mating which leads to mating of related animals that in turn may cause loss of fitness and reproductive traits due to the occurrence of inbreeding. The main factors that attributed to uncontrolled mating are the presence of communal grazing land, lack of awareness on the consequence of inbreeding, and lack of sufficient breeding bucks in the flocks. To improve the productivity of the indigenous goat population, farmers should identify the breeding objectives and breeding goal traits and selection should be practiced towards those identified traits based on the recorded performances. The objective of this review is thus to highlight the breeding objectives, selection criteria and breeding practices of indigenous goat types in a wide range production systems of Ethiopia by carefully reviewing recently available literature sources. تفاصيل المقالة
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        35 - Run of Homozygosity a Procedure to Detecting Inbreeding in Farm Animals
        م. نصرتی
        Inbreeding depression is a harmful phenomenon in livestock which is outcome of inbreeding. Inbreeding is consequence mating between two individuals who are more related to each other than average relatedness in population, which results in reducing in fitness of progeni أکثر
        Inbreeding depression is a harmful phenomenon in livestock which is outcome of inbreeding. Inbreeding is consequence mating between two individuals who are more related to each other than average relatedness in population, which results in reducing in fitness of progenies and genetic variability in populations. Development of high-density genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array facilitated inbreeding measurement as molecular data through calculating autozygosity region in individual genome. Autozygosity refer to chromosomal fragments that are identical-by-descent (IBD) and can be measured using runs of homozygosity (ROH). ROH is therefore defined as contiguous homozygous regions of the genome where two haplotypes inherited from the parents are IBD. The length and frequency of ROH may describe the history and recent bottlenecks in population and also revealed signatures of positive selection in population. Inbreeding coefficient can be derived from ROH (FROH), which is defined as total lengths of all ROH divided by the total autosomal genome length. A lot of studies calculated inbreeding level as FROH in human, cattle, pig, sheep, chicken and other farm animals through SNP array. In most of them, accuracy and preciseness of FROH were confirmed in comparing to FPED, Some of them calculated inbreeding depression by using FROH and some other evaluated the relationship between ROH location with gene and quantitative trait locus (QTL) position on genome. These studies indicated that inbreeding levels in bovine and porcine populations are much higher than those in human populations. Even though most of researches concluded that FROHcan precisely calculated Inbreeding and it can be useful for estimating inbreeding coefficient in absent of pedigree, but some concern were exist in about of panel density, genotyping errors and undetected heterozygosity within continuous ROH which complicated identifying and quantifying ROH. In this review, run of homozygosity is defined and discussed in detail in human and livestock. تفاصيل المقالة
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        36 - Inbreeding Effects on Average Daily Gains and Kleiber Ratios in Iranian Moghani Sheep
        N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh
        The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of inbreeding on average daily gains and Kleiber ratios in Moghani sheep. Traits included average daily gain from birth to 3 months (ADG1), average daily gain from birth to 6 months (ADG2), average daily gai أکثر
        The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of inbreeding on average daily gains and Kleiber ratios in Moghani sheep. Traits included average daily gain from birth to 3 months (ADG1), average daily gain from birth to 6 months (ADG2), average daily gain from 3 months to 6 months (ADG3), average daily gain from 3 months to 9 months (ADG4), average daily gain from 3 months to yearling (ADG5) and corresponding Kleiber ratios (KR1, KR2, KR3, KR4 and KR5, respectively). Data and pedigree information used in this study were collected at the Breeding Station of Moghani sheep during 1987-2005. All the animals were grouped into three classes according to the inbreeding coefficients obtained by their pedigree: the first class included non-inbred animals (F=0%); and the second and third classes included inbred animals (00.10, respectively). There were significant regression coefficients of ADG5 and KR5 on inbreeding of all lambs for changing 1% inbreeding (P&lt;0.01). Indeed, there were significant regression coefficients of ADG3 (P&lt;0.01) and KR3 (P&lt;0.05) on inbreeding of twin-born lambs for a change of 1% in inbreeding. In addition, there were significant regression coefficients of ADG1 (P&lt;0.05) and ADG5 (P&lt;0.05) on inbreeding of male lambs and significant regression coefficient of ADG2 (P&lt;0.05) on inbreeding of female lambs for a change of 1% in inbreeding. Effects of inbreeding on average daily gains and Kleiber ratios in Moghani sheep was not very pronounced in the flock. Planned matings are, however, suggested to avoid accumulation of inbreeding and appearance of its deleterious effects. تفاصيل المقالة
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        37 - Effects of Marker Density, Number of Quantitative Trait Loci and Heritability of Trait on Genomic Selection Accuracy
        ف. علاء نوشهر س.ع. رأفت ر. ایمانی-نبئی ص. علیجانی ک. روبرت گرنیه
        The success of genomic selection mainly depends on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL), number of QTL and heritability (h2) of the traits. The extent of LD depends on the genetic structure of the population and mar أکثر
        The success of genomic selection mainly depends on the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL), number of QTL and heritability (h2) of the traits. The extent of LD depends on the genetic structure of the population and marker density. This study was conducted to determine the effects of marker density, level of heritability, number of QTL, and to compare the accuracy of predicting breeding values using two diverse approaches: GBLUP and BayesA using simulated data under two different distributions of the QTL effect. Thereby, three traits (milk production, carcass weight and mature body weight) were simulated with the heritability of 0.10, 0.30 and 0.50, respectively; for each ovine animal, a genome with three chromosomes, 100 cM each. Three different marker densities was considered (1000, 2000 and 3000 markers) and the number of QTL was assumed to be either 100, 200 or 300. Data were simulated with two different distributions of the QTL effect which were uniform and gamma (&alpha;=1.66 and &beta;=0.4) the marker density, number of the QTL, the QTL effect distributions and heritability levels significantly affected the accuracy of genomic breeding values (P&lt;0.05). The BayesA produced estimates with greater accuracies in traits influenced by a low number of the QTL and with the gamma QTL effects distribution. Based on the findings of this simulation, heritability, as well as dense marker panels, aiming to increase the level of LD between the markers and QTL, is likely to be needed for successful implementation of the genomic selection. تفاصيل المقالة
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        38 - Myostatin Gene Polymorphism and Its Association with Production Traits in Western Azerbaijan Native Chickens
        S. Zandi P. Zamani K. Mardani
        In the present study, the polymorphism of myostatin gene (MSTN) in native chickens of Western Azerbaijan Rearing and Breeding Institute was investigated. The blood samples were collected from eighty two randomly selected hens. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood sample أکثر
        In the present study, the polymorphism of myostatin gene (MSTN) in native chickens of Western Azerbaijan Rearing and Breeding Institute was investigated. The blood samples were collected from eighty two randomly selected hens. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples and a fragment of myostatin including 599 bp in promoter and exon 1 was amplified using PCR method. Breeding values for body weight and carcass traits were predicted by univariate animal mixed model analysis, using WOMBAT software. The effects of different SSCP genotypes on breeding and phenotypic values of the studied traits were evaluated by general linear model analysis. Three different single strand conformational polymorphism(SSCP) genotypes as AA, AB and AC were identified, with frequencies of 0.244, 0.549 and 0.207, respectively. Shannon and Nei gene diversity indices and number of effective alleles in the studied population were 0.88, 0.53 and 2.2, respectively, which indicated a high diversity of the studied population. Moreover, the studied population was not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The effect of the SSCP genotypes on breeding and phenotypic values was significant only in the case of breeding value for body weight at 12 weeks of age, whereas, the AC genotype individuals, significantly (P&lt;0.05) had the lowest breeding value for body weight at 12 weeks of age. Based on the results obtained, it could be concluded that the studied fragment of myostatin gene is polymorphic in native chickens of Azerbaijan and could be used for marker assisted selection. تفاصيل المقالة
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        39 - A Survey on Turkey Rearing in Rural Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria
        O.J. Amao K.L. Ayorinde T.R. Fayeye
        A participatory rural appraisal technique (PRAT) was used to obtain information from 132 randomly selected turkey farmers in two out of four agricultural development zones in Kwara state, Nigeria. Data were obtained on socio-occupational status of farmers, their product أکثر
        A participatory rural appraisal technique (PRAT) was used to obtain information from 132 randomly selected turkey farmers in two out of four agricultural development zones in Kwara state, Nigeria. Data were obtained on socio-occupational status of farmers, their production objectives, experience, flock structure, management practices, marketing and consumption of turkey eggs. The results showed that there was more male turkey farmers (52.27%) than females. The average age of farmers was 52.6 years and was either Christian or Muslim (43.18% vs. 56.82%). Most of the farmers were literate and relied solely on the local breed for their production. The mean flock size was 13 birds per farmer. The observed plumage colours were black, white and lavender. Over 90% of the birds were kept either extensively or in a semi-intensive system using locally available food wastes and grains. The mean mating ratio was 1: 1.66. Birds were selected mainly for body weight, while most of the sale of turkey occurs during Christmas (65.15%). About 79% of farmers consume turkey eggs meant for hatching because of their love for the taste of the eggs or due to the inability of the hen to incubate all eggs at once. Results indicate that turkey production is still at subsistence level characterised by poor breeding, feeding, housing and marketing. Improved turkey production will require a more vigorous public extension services. It also calls for the introduction of improved local or crossbred turkeys with a higher genetic potential. تفاصيل المقالة
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        40 - The Comparison of Four Economical Selection Indices for Improving the Performance of Kermani Sheep under Rural Production System
        N. Kargar Borzi M.S. Mokhtari
        Developing effective selection programs for improving the performance of livestock requires taking the economical selection indices into account. The present study was performed for comparing four selection indices developed in Kermani sheep through simulated data. The أکثر
        Developing effective selection programs for improving the performance of livestock requires taking the economical selection indices into account. The present study was performed for comparing four selection indices developed in Kermani sheep through simulated data. The relative importance of traits was determined based on the estimated economic values and consequently, the most beneficial traits were applied to develop the selection indices. The considered selection indices were different combinations of traits including ewe body weight (EBW), annual wool weight (AWW) and total weaning weight of lambs per exposed ewe (TWWEE). The first index included all three mentioned traits (EBW, AWW, and TWWEE). The second, third and fourth indices were included (AWW, TWWEE), (EBW, TWWEE) and (TWWEE), respectively. In general, the obtained results indicated that under all the developed selection indices the aggregate genotype, selection index and economic progress increased by increasing in the population size and decreasing in ram ratio, but resulted in reduced inbreeding average. In more cases, the aggregate genotype decreased by removing a trait from the index. The comparisons among indices indicated that the most suitable selection index for this breed under rural production system is the first index which included EBW, AWW, and TWWEE. This index had a maximum selection index average, aggregate genotype, and economic progress. تفاصيل المقالة
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        41 - Breeding Objectives and Desired-Gain Selection Index for Rayeni Cashmere Goat in Pasture System
        ن. کارگر برزی ا. آیت‌اللهی مهرجردی م.ع. عباسی
        The aim of this study was to define breeding goals and determine the suitable selection index in Rayeni cashmere goat using simulated data. To select animals for increased quantity of meat, milk and cashmere produced, body weight of the doe (BWD), milk weight (MW), cash أکثر
        The aim of this study was to define breeding goals and determine the suitable selection index in Rayeni cashmere goat using simulated data. To select animals for increased quantity of meat, milk and cashmere produced, body weight of the doe (BWD), milk weight (MW), cashmere weight (CW), weight of kids for sale (WK) and number of kids for sale per doe (NK) was used as selection criteria. Four selection indices were proposed (I1&ndash;I4) to compare genetic gain for all traits included in indices based on selection index. Maximum of genetic gain was calculated for 0.04 buck ratio with the full selection index (I1). So, the most suitable selection index for this breed is index 1 which included BWD, MW, CW, WK and NK. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - An Investigation on Population Structure and Inbreeding of Sangsari Sheep
        م. میرزایی ایلالی س. حسنی م. آهنی آذری ر. عبداله‌پور س. نقویان
        The aim of this study was to describe inbreeding and population structure in Sangsari sheep breeding station. For this reason, data from 7028 Sangsari sheep which were collected during 1987-2014 in Sangsari sheep breeding station located near to Damghan city, Semnan pro أکثر
        The aim of this study was to describe inbreeding and population structure in Sangsari sheep breeding station. For this reason, data from 7028 Sangsari sheep which were collected during 1987-2014 in Sangsari sheep breeding station located near to Damghan city, Semnan province were used. Lambs born during 2010-2014 were considered as reference population. The genetic structure analysis of the population was realized by the ENDOG (v.4.8) software. Mean inbreeding of total population and reference population was 0.28% and 0.70%, respectively. Average relatedness, realized effective population size based on individual increase in inbreeding, effective numbers of founders (fe),and founder genome equivalents (fg) were estimated 0.59%, 148.75, 140 and 49.97, respectively. Mean generation interval in present population was 4.24 years and average number of equivalent to discrete generations was estimated as 1.64. Average coancestry, effective number of ancestors (fa) and average equivalent complete generation were calculated 1.0005%, 76 and 3.02, respectively. Ratio of fe/fa which expresses the effect of population bottlenecks was 1.84. 50% of total genetic variation was explained by the 32 most influential ancestors. By monitoring parameters associated with genetic diversity and breeding management, the reduction of genetic diversity and probable harmful effects resulting from excessive increase of inbreeding can be prevented. تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - Comparison of Breeding Scenarios in Open Nucleus Breeding System for Genetic Improvement of Iranian Native Buffaloes (<i>Bubalus bubalis</i>)
        ع. صفری A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh M. Jafaroghli J. Ahmadpanah
        This study was aimed to compare the open nucleus breeding systems for Iranian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). To compare the genetic gain and inbreeding variations, three levels of nucleus size (5, 10, and 15), three levels of male transfer rate from the nucleus to commerc أکثر
        This study was aimed to compare the open nucleus breeding systems for Iranian buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). To compare the genetic gain and inbreeding variations, three levels of nucleus size (5, 10, and 15), three levels of male transfer rate from the nucleus to commercial (0.25, 0.5, and 0.75), and two levels of female transfer rate from commercial to the nucleus (0.25 and 0.5) were simulated by QMsim software. Comparing different strategies, genetic improvement declined with the increase of the nucleus population in the total population. Our results showed that the optimal combination of total genetic value improvement and inbreeding was obtained for scenarios of the open nucleus breeding strategy with 10% herd size, 75% male transfer rate from the nucleus to commercial, and 25% female transfer rate from commercial to the nucleus. Results confirmed that describing breeding goals, determination of an appropriate selection index, and considering open nucleus breeding systems along with optimal scenarios of male and female transfer between the nucleus and commercial herds, can lead us to genetic improvement as well as reduced inbreeding, and thereby development in the traits performance of Iranian buffaloes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - Crossbreeding Balouchi Sheep with Romanov: A Profitable Strategy to Improve Litter Size, Lamb Growth, and Carcass Characteristics
        A. Nikkhah M.H. Khabbazan A. Rezagholivand A. Rajaei S. Mokhtarzadeh H. Mousapour M. Moradi
        Crossbreeding in sheep is strategically used to improve production and reproduction, especially when pastures have low quality. The objective of this study was to compare growth performance, birth and weaning body weights, and survivability between purebred Balouchi (n= أکثر
        Crossbreeding in sheep is strategically used to improve production and reproduction, especially when pastures have low quality. The objective of this study was to compare growth performance, birth and weaning body weights, and survivability between purebred Balouchi (n=53) and crossbred Balouchi &times; Romanov (n=114) lambs. In addition, carcass characteristics (n=24) were determined. Balouchi ewes were inseminated with Romanov semen to produce crossbred lambs. All experimental lambs were weaned at 77 d of age and slaughtered at 10 months of age. Birth body weight of the purebred Balouchi lambs was significantly greater than that of the crossbred lambs (3.75 vs. 3.56 kg, P&lt;0.01). However, weaning body weight (16.6 vs. 12.4 kg) and average daily gain from birth until weaning (152.2 vs. 126.0 g/d) and slaughter (125 vs. 95 g/d) were greater (P&lt;0.05) for the crossbred lambs than for the purebred lambs. Slaughter body weight at 10-month age (36.9 vs. 36.1 kg) tended to be greater (P=0.08) for the crossbred lambs. Litter size was also increased by crossbreeding (1.13 vs. 1.00), but lamb survivability was not different between the two groups. The fat-tail-free carcass yield tended to increase with crossbreeding. Crossbreeding increased (P&lt;0.05) the weights of testis (0.24 vs. 0.16 kg), liver (0.61 vs. 0.52 kg), heart (0.15 vs. 0.12, kg), and lung (0.47 vs. 0.40 kg), while it decreased the weights of skin (3.16 vs. 3.72 kg), fat-tail (0.30 vs. 1.29 kg), and total internal fats (1.08 vs. 2.06 kg). It is concluded that crossbreeding Balouchi ewes with Romanov&rsquo;s semen resulted in improved litter size, weaning and slaughter body weights, average daily gains from birth until weaning and slaughter, and carcass characteristics without affecting lamb survivability. Therefore, crossbreeding can be a profitable strategy to increase lamb (meat) production in Balouchi sheep. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - The Effects of Short and Long Term Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (MAP) Sponge Treatments on Reproductive Performance during the Non-Breeding Season of Arabian Ewes
        P. Sareminejad S. Tabatabaei M. Mamouei K. Mirzadeh M. Boujarpour
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive efficiency of short and long term treatment with progestagens in addition to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in Arabian ewes during the non-breeding season. A total of 56 ewes were divided into three groups: أکثر
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive efficiency of short and long term treatment with progestagens in addition to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) in Arabian ewes during the non-breeding season. A total of 56 ewes were divided into three groups: in group I vaginal sponges (60 mg medroxy progesterone acetate; MAP) were applied and removed after 6 days; in group II, vaginal MAP sponges were removed 14 days following insertion while group III served as control group. The first two groups were intramuscularly injected with of 600 IU PMSG, following sponge removal. Parameters such as estrus response rate, duration of estrus, pregnancy rate and fecundity were evaluated. There were no significant differences in estrus response rate and fecundity rate between groups I and II (P&gt;0.05). However, differences were significant when these two treatment groups were coMAPred with control group. In group I, duration of estrus was significantly higher than group II (P&lt;0.05). In addition, pregnancy rate in group I was significantly higher than group II (P&lt;0.05). It was concluded that short-term sponge treatment (6 days) had better performance when coMAPred with long-term sponge treatment (14 days) in Arabian ewes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        46 - Performance of Artificial Neural Networks Model under Various Structures and Algorithms to Prediction of Fat Tail Weight in Fat Tailed Breeds and Their Thin Tailed Crosses
        ک. نوبری S.D. Sharifi N. Emam Jomea Kashan M. Momen A. Kavian
        Today&rsquo;s large fat tail lost its importance because of rearing condition and consumers&rsquo; demands. Therefore, recording fat tail weight on live animals is important to selecting animals for reduced fat tail weight. The study was conducted to predict the fat tai أکثر
        Today&rsquo;s large fat tail lost its importance because of rearing condition and consumers&rsquo; demands. Therefore, recording fat tail weight on live animals is important to selecting animals for reduced fat tail weight. The study was conducted to predict the fat tail weight of five different genetic groups of lambs obtained from a mating system between fat-tailed and thin-tailed parents. An Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) procedure was used for prediction performance of different structures (40 levels) and algorithms (5 levels). Eight measurements, including birth type (2 levels), sex (2 levels), breed composition (5 levels), live body weight and four morphological assessments were used as ANN model&rsquo;s inputs. The results showed that ANN model with adequate structure and algorithm can accurately predict the tail weights and compositions of the studied breeds. Our results indicate that with increase of neurons in first hidden layers, the prediction accuracies were increase dramatically. Back propagation algorithm (BP) was the best algorithm with higher stable R2 and lower stable root mean squire error (RMSE) in different structures. BP algorithm with 4 and 2 neurons in the first and second hidden layer, respectively, had more ability to predict fat-tail weight in different genetic groups. Best ANN model provided 0.962, 0.997 and 0.988 R2 values and 338.156, 43.689 and 117.306 of RMSE for testing, training and the overall data sets, respectively. The study showed that, an ANN model based on the BP algorithm, have high potential to predict fat-tail weight as an important economic trait in sheep rearing systems. تفاصيل المقالة
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        47 - Association between DGAT1 Genotype and Breeding Value of Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Bulls
        م. حسین پور مشهدی م. نصیری ن. امام جمعه کاشان ر. واعظ ترشیزی
        The aim of this study was to test the genotypes effect of DGAT1 gene on breeding value in Iranian Holstein milk production traits. For this purpose, 103 semen samples of registered bulls were collected and then genotyped for partial region of DGAT1 gene. The studied tra أکثر
        The aim of this study was to test the genotypes effect of DGAT1 gene on breeding value in Iranian Holstein milk production traits. For this purpose, 103 semen samples of registered bulls were collected and then genotyped for partial region of DGAT1 gene. The studied traits were milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), protein yield (PY), fat percentage (FP) and protein percentage (PP). First lactation records of 43044 dairy cattle from 2000 to 2007 were used. The PCR-RFLP method was used for genotyping DGAT1 gene. The Hardy Weinberg equilibrium for allele and genotype frequencies was analyzed with Chi-square test using PoP-Gen software. Genetic parameters of studied traits were estimated by REML method under animal model with DFREML software. The breeding value of individual was predicted by BLUP method. Different genotype effect of 97 of 103 proven bulls on breeding value of milk production traits were investigated by GLM procedure of SAS (9.1) software.The mean of breeding value of proven bulls with different genotype were compare with Duncan test. The observed genotype frequency results showed KK (0.592), KA (0.408) and AA (zero) and the allele frequency obtained was K (0.7961) and A (0.2039). The KK genotype was confirmed by sequencing method and the K allele, with long of 411 bp, was registered in gene bank of NCBI with accession number EU077528. Estimated heritability of studied traits were 0.35 (0.02), 0.33 (0.02), 0.31 (0.017), 0.28 (0.02) and 0.27 (0.016) for MY, FY, PY, FP and PP, respectively. The average breeding values of MY, FY, PY, FP and PP were estimated as: 180.2 (28.8) kg, 3.7 (1.26) kg, 2.3 (1.06) kg, -0.036 (0.014) % and -0.03 (0.01) %, respectively. The average breeding value of MY for KA and KK genotypes were 288.8 and 109.6 kg, respectively and the difference was significant (P&lt;0.01). The average breeding values of FY in bulls for KK and KA genotypes were 5.6 kg and 0.91 kg, respectively (P&gt;0.05). The average breeding values of PY for KA and KK genotypes were 0.025 and 5.5 kg, respectively (P&lt;0.05). Differences between means of breeding values for FP and PP were significant (P&lt;0.05), these values for genotype KK and KA were -0.009% and -0.067% for fat and -0.016% and -0.059% for protein, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        48 - Performance Traits of Buffalo under Extensive and Semi-Intensive Bathan System
        م.م. مومین م.کا.آی. خان اُ.ف. می آزی
        This study was conducted to investigate the scenario of buffalo production and reproduction under different farming systems at Subarno Char, in the coastal area of Bangladesh. A total of 14 farms were randomly selected and studied for various traits live weight (LW); da أکثر
        This study was conducted to investigate the scenario of buffalo production and reproduction under different farming systems at Subarno Char, in the coastal area of Bangladesh. A total of 14 farms were randomly selected and studied for various traits live weight (LW); daily milk yield (DMY); lactation length (LL); lactation production (LP); calving interval (CI); gestation length (GL); post partum heat period (PPH); age at first calving (AFC) and service per conception (SPC) of buffaloes through pre designed questionnaire, direct observation and available records. The LW (372.31&plusmn;14.64 kg) and DMY (1.99&plusmn;0.16 liter/day/cow) were found to be highest under semi-intensive bathan farming systems than other systems, however, the LL (275.25&plusmn;2.857 days) and LP (628.80&plusmn;34.49 liter) were found higher under extensive bathan farming system irrespective of breeds. On the other hand, LW (390.54&plusmn;14.06 kg), DMY (2.82&plusmn;0.13 liter/day/cow), LL (284.96&plusmn;3.31 days) and LP (899.75&plusmn;52.83 liter) were higher in River type buffaloes than other types. The GL (305.37&plusmn;0.72 days), CI (640.34&plusmn;51.31 days), AFC (54.72&plusmn;1.57 months) and SPC (1.62&plusmn;0.21) were found lowest under semi-intensive bathan farming system, but PPHP (134.04&plusmn;5.30 days) was found lowest under the extensive bathan farming system. The GL (301.74&plusmn;0.63 days), PPHP (123.21&plusmn;7.50 days), AFC (47.00&plusmn;1.35 months) and SPC (1.40&plusmn;0.16) were found lowest in River type buffaloes, but CI (660.31&plusmn;43.82) was lowest in crossbred buffalo cows. The birth weight was highest (28.28&plusmn;0.48 kg) under semi-intensive bathan farming system. Productive and reproductive performances of buffaloes under the study area found were moderate. The profitability of buffalo rearing under extensive farming system was higher than other. The findings of this study may assist farmers and policy makers in making decisions for future buffalo farming and undertaking the genetic improvement program to increase the milk production in Bangladesh. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - Calculation of Inbreeding Depression Effects on Subclinical Mastitis Using Three Different Models
        س. نقشینه س.ع. رافت غ.ع. مقدم م. ابراهیمی ج. شجاع
        Pedigree information of 3972 Holstein cows and bulls, from 1961 to 2008, was used to calculate inbreeding coefficients and their effects on production traits and subclinical mastitis of dairy farm cows inAzerbaijan province,Iran. Inbreeding was included in a linear mixe أکثر
        Pedigree information of 3972 Holstein cows and bulls, from 1961 to 2008, was used to calculate inbreeding coefficients and their effects on production traits and subclinical mastitis of dairy farm cows inAzerbaijan province,Iran. Inbreeding was included in a linear mixed model as a class variable. Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED of SAS by MIVQUE method. Results showed that average inbreeding coefficients were inferior in total population and inbred cows (0.8 and 1.3% in total population and inbred cows, respectively). Although the rate of inbreeding coefficients was low, inbreeding had decreasing effects (P&lt;0.01) on milk, fat, and protein yields, while increasing effects (P&lt;0.01) on prevalence of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, animals with inbreeding coefficients between 0.59 to 1.11%showed a reduction in milk, fat, and protein yields by 2.4, 2 and 2%, respectively; whereas, animals with inbreeding coefficients between 1.11 and 1.75% showed a reduction in milk, fat, and protein yields by 2, 3.7 and 2.7%, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - Inbreeding and Inbreeding Depression on Body Weight in Iranian Shal Sheep
        ز. پتی‌آبادی ش. ورکوهی س. ساور-سفلی
        The aim of this study was to estimate amount of inbreeding coefficient in Shal sheep and its impact on growth performance. Pedigree information and body weight at different ages (birth weight, 3 month weight, 6 month weight, 9 month weight and 12 month weight) were used أکثر
        The aim of this study was to estimate amount of inbreeding coefficient in Shal sheep and its impact on growth performance. Pedigree information and body weight at different ages (birth weight, 3 month weight, 6 month weight, 9 month weight and 12 month weight) were used from 6692 lambs from 90 rams and 1007 ewes. Data were collected on Ghazvin sheep breeding station during 1997-2013. Estimation of inbreeding coefficient was done by CFC program and quantifying the individual inbreeding regression of traits was run by wombat software. Number of inbred animals at pedigree was 1616 lambs, equal to 24.15% of total population. The average of inbreeding coefficient on whole population and inbred population were 1.51% and 6.28%, respectively. Regression coefficients per 1% inbreeding for birth weight, 3 month weight, 6 month weight, 9 month weight and 12 months weight were estimated as -0.001, -0.017, -0.005, -0.019 and -0.019 kg, respectively. The highest inbreeding coefficient was 31.25% and most of inbred animals had inbreeding coefficients lower than 5%. These results confirmed the low level of inbreeding in the population. Annual trend of inbreeding coefficient on population average was 0.07 and non significant statistically. Applying a designed mating system like cross-breeding could be a suitable method to avoid inbreeding depression. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        51 - Comparision of Direct and Indirect Response to Selection for Breast Weight in Japanese Quail
        م. خالداری ح. قیاسی
        This study was carried out to investigate the direct and indirect responses to selection for four-week body weight (4 week body (wk BW)) and four-week breast weight (4 week breast weight (wk BRW)) and to determine the genetic contribution of reminder founders to the las أکثر
        This study was carried out to investigate the direct and indirect responses to selection for four-week body weight (4 week body (wk BW)) and four-week breast weight (4 week breast weight (wk BRW)) and to determine the genetic contribution of reminder founders to the last generation. A total number of 351 birds were equally allocated to three lines, including two selected lines (S1 and S2 for BW and breast weight, respectively) along with a control (C) line. Total net genetic improvement for BW and BRW in S1 and S2 lines were 31.6, 7.6 and 28.0 and 7.3 g, respectively. Genetic correlations between 4 wk BW and carcass traits (0.85 to 0.95) and phenotypic correlations (0.43 to 0.93) were positively high in S1 and S2 lines. The mean percentage of inbreeding for population and inbred birds in S1 and S2 lines were 0.95, 7.75 and 0.64 and 11.3, respectively. The number of retained founders to the last generation of S1 was more than S2. However, more balance genetic contribution to the last generation was outlined by the founders in S2 line. The BW can be used as a selection criterion to improve the carcass traits because there is a strong correlation between BW and carcass traits, selection for BW is easier to record and also its improvement costs are lower than selection for BRW. Meanwhile, long term response to selection is needed to preserve alleles from the lowest contributed founders. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        52 - Evaluation of Turkish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) genotypes based on quantitative traits and shoot zinc accumulation under zinc-deficient calcareous soil
        Ezatollah Esfandiari Majid Abdoli Behzad Sadeghzadeh Seyed-Bahman Mousavi
        This experiment was carried out in a Zn-deficient calcareous soil to study the effects of Zn deficiency on shoot dry weight, shoot content, and concentration of Zn, and also to identify new sources of Zn efficiency for further improvement of Zn efficiency with (+Zn = ap أکثر
        This experiment was carried out in a Zn-deficient calcareous soil to study the effects of Zn deficiency on shoot dry weight, shoot content, and concentration of Zn, and also to identify new sources of Zn efficiency for further improvement of Zn efficiency with (+Zn = application of 5 mg Zn/kg soil) and without Zn supply (-Zn = non-application of zinc) on 50 durum wheat genotypes for 45 days. Variance analysis for shoot dry matter, shoot Zn concentration, shoot Zn content, and Zn utilization efficiency revealed that these traits were significantly (P&lt; 0.01) affected by Zn application and durum wheat genotypes. Results revealed that dry weight of shoot and shoot Zn accumulation were considerably improved by Zn fertilizers. Furthermore, there was a considerable genetic variation in the expression of Zn deficiency symptoms (slight to severe), Zn efficiency (49-100%), shoot Zn concentration (7.1-20.1 and 10.4-33.1 mg Zn/kg dry weight under Zn deficient and sufficient, respectively), shoot Zn content (0.31-1.47 and 0.7-2.9 &micro;g/plant under Zn deficient and sufficient, respectively), and Zn utilizationefficiency (59.2-139.1 and 34.3-94.0 g dry weight/&micro;g Zn under Zn deficient and sufficient, respectively) within durum wheat genotypes.In general, the presence of lines (AAZ, 4025, 45868, 45558 and Azarbayjan) with greater Zn efficiency than Zn efficient durum wheat cultivars (Ege-88, Aydin-93 and Akcakale-2000) indicates that the new lines can be used to improve current levels of Zn efficiency in durum wheat genotypes. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        53 - Identification of QTLs related to rice seedling traits under K deficiency stress in Iranian inbred lines population
        Hossein Sabouri Abdollatif Gholizadeh Sharifeh Alegh , Somayyeh Sanchouli Mahnaz Katouzi
        A mapping population of 96 inbred line derived by cross Neda (NAD) and Ahlamitaroum (ATM), was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fresh biomass (FB), root length (RL), shoot length (SL), root number (RN), leaf width (LW), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry أکثر
        A mapping population of 96 inbred line derived by cross Neda (NAD) and Ahlamitaroum (ATM), was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fresh biomass (FB), root length (RL), shoot length (SL), root number (RN), leaf width (LW), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry weight (RDW) and K content (KC) under K deficiency condition in rice. Two parents and 96 inbred lines were phenotyped for the traits by growing them in K deficiency nutrient solution. In K deficiency, 16 QTL was able to explain a great deal of phenotypic variation in features. qSL-7a, qRL-6, qRL-10b, qRL-12b, qRN-6b, qRN-12b, qLL-6, qLL-7, qLW-6b, qLW-10b, qLW-12a, qLW-12b, qLW-12c, qKC-6b, qKC-10b and qKC-12c were on chromosomes 6, 7, 10 and 12. Their LOD are 4.732, 5.826, 5.01, 5.067, 11.346, 5.867, 5.973, 5.85, 7.077, 8.055, 5.577, 6.439, 8.012, 14.057, 6.432 and 858/6, respectively. In normal conditions, 5 QTL with a large effect were identified. qKCN-6c, qKCN-7a, qKCN-10, qKCN-12b and qKUN-6 were located on chromosomes 6, 7, 10, 12 and 6, respectively. Owing to the high percentage of explanation, the major QTLs can be a suitable candidate for marker assistance programs in recombinant Iranian rice lines after validation. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        54 - The Disparity in the Germination Time of Argan Nuts (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) on the Growth of Their Seedlings in Nurseries
        The disadvantages encoutered for the multiplication of the Argan tree are the embryonic and integumentary dormancy, which directly affects the rate and the delay of germination, the standards of aggregation of the plants for the reforestation and in parallel on the stay أکثر
        The disadvantages encoutered for the multiplication of the Argan tree are the embryonic and integumentary dormancy, which directly affects the rate and the delay of germination, the standards of aggregation of the plants for the reforestation and in parallel on the stay time in the nursery. The study was conducted on Argan tree (Argania spinosa (L) Skeels) seedlings from two types of experimental germination of the kernels in the nursery: one pre-treatment with hot water and the second without pre-treatment (control); the aim is to see the effect of the duration of germination on the growth of the seedlings. The walnuts germinating for a short time gave plants of almost convergent height (varying from 23 to 25 cm), i.e., the average height was very representative and similar to the height of their plants (24.94 cm). On the other hand, walnuts with a long germination period produced seedlings of varying heights (ranging from 09 to 27 cm), with an average height different from their range of seedlings (17.46 cm). Regarding diameter growth, germination time did not affectyoung plants. When the germination period is short, it is possible to obtain homogeneous seedlings that meet phytotechnical standards for reforestation. According to this study, Argan seedlings should not be kept in the nursery for more than 33 weeks (08 months); otherwise, there is a risk of a poorly formed root system. تفاصيل المقالة
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        55 - قُرق و قُرقبانی پدیده جغرافیایی انطباق انسان با محیط در حاشیه تالاب انزلی (مورد: قرق جیرسرباقرخاله )
        نصراله مولائی مولائی هشجین حسن دادرس
        با توجه به شرایط جغرافیایی حاکم در حاشیه تالاب انزلی و وجود اراضی مرتعی قابل تعلیف که در فصول گرم سال با عقب‌نشینی تالاب مساحت آن افزایش پیدا می‌کند اغلب دام‌های روستاهای واقع در حاشیه تالاب که با کوهستان ارتباط ندارند حدود 5 تا 6 ماه از سال را در فصل بهار و تابستان یعن أکثر
        با توجه به شرایط جغرافیایی حاکم در حاشیه تالاب انزلی و وجود اراضی مرتعی قابل تعلیف که در فصول گرم سال با عقب‌نشینی تالاب مساحت آن افزایش پیدا می‌کند اغلب دام‌های روستاهای واقع در حاشیه تالاب که با کوهستان ارتباط ندارند حدود 5 تا 6 ماه از سال را در فصل بهار و تابستان یعنی از زمان کاشت برنج تا برداشت آن به‌طول می‌انجامد تعلیف می‌شوند. تعلیف دام‌ها در چراگاه‌های طبیعی نقش مهمی در سازمان دهی به فعالیت‌های زراعی و دامی ایفا می‌کند با پس روی آب تالاب در بهار و تابستان پوشش گیاهی انبوه و غنی آن تا اواسط پاییز مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد. روستاییان دامدار دام‌های خود را تحویل قُرق‌بان می‌نمایند. و در طول مدت رها‌سازی، دام‌ها در این قُرق‌ها کاملاً چاق و فربه شده و به‌خوبی از علف‌های طبیعی خوش خوراکی اطراف تالاب بهره‌مند می‌شوند. جلوگیری از تبدیل مراتع طبیعی فوق به مزارع شالیکار و احیاء و فعال‌سازی قُرق و قُرق‌بانی در حفظ محیط‌زیست، مراتع و تداوم فعالیت دامداری به‌عنوان فعالیت جنبی و مکمل در کنار زراعت نقش مهم و مؤثری را بازی خواهد کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        56 - Polyploid Induction in <i>Viola acuminata</i> Ledebour using Colchicine
        Behzad Kaviani
        This study was aimed to obtain polyploid plants of viola (Viola acuminata Ledebour) using the antimitotic agent colchicine. Experiments consisted in using colchicine on ungerminated seeds. The seeds were plunged into colchicine solutions in concentrations of 0.01, 0.05, أکثر
        This study was aimed to obtain polyploid plants of viola (Viola acuminata Ledebour) using the antimitotic agent colchicine. Experiments consisted in using colchicine on ungerminated seeds. The seeds were plunged into colchicine solutions in concentrations of 0.01, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20% for 24 and 48 h. Polyploidy levels (diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid) were firstly detected by chromosome counting (karyotype), and then confirmed by anatomical and morphological parameters. The greatest percentage of polyploids was induced with 0.10% colchicine for 24 h. The chromosome number was 2n = 18 in diploids, 2n = 36 in tetraploid, and 2n = 54 in hexaploid. Differences in some morphological and anatomical parameters were significant between polyploid and control plantlets. The highest number of chloroplasts in guard cells was obtained in plantlets obtained from treated seed with 0.10% colchicine for 24 h. Exposure times of 48 h did not significantly influence polyploidisation. New ornamental varieties with improved characteristics may be producedby polyploid induction. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        57 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) in Iran: A Study Based on Breeders' Perceptions
        امیر نعیمی مصطفی کرباسیون فاطمه عباسی
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB). Seventy-six breeders were randomly selected from among 95 breeders who were working at the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. Data were c أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB). Seventy-six breeders were randomly selected from among 95 breeders who were working at the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. Data were collected by a questionnaire as the main data collection instrument. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was approved by a panel of agricultural extension and plant breeding experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated and it turned out to be high, ranging from 0.83-0.92. The descriptive findings of the study suggested that the breeders had generally positive perception toward using PPB. The correlation analysis results showed that there is a positive and significant (p&gt;0.01) correlation among the levels of familiarity with PPB, advantages, and breeders&rsquo; perception toward the use of PPB. In addition, there was a negative and significant (p&gt;0.01) correlation between breeders' perception of the disadvantages faced by PPB and their perception of using participatory plant breeding. Finally, stepwise regression analysis indicated that the advantages and disadvantages of PPB explained about 58% of the variations in breeders&rsquo; perception toward using PPB. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        58 - Effectiveness Evaluation of Rural Extension Education Programs (The Case of Sheep Breeders in Pasargad Township, Iran)
        طاهر عزیزی‌خالخیلی مسعود بیژنی محمد‌رضا شاه‌پسند فرزاد فربود
        Since a lot of material and human expenditure are spent for implementing extension education programs for rural people, one of the most important aspects of these programs is &ldquo;effectiveness evaluation&rdquo; and the rate of accomplishing program objectives, as wel أکثر
        Since a lot of material and human expenditure are spent for implementing extension education programs for rural people, one of the most important aspects of these programs is &ldquo;effectiveness evaluation&rdquo; and the rate of accomplishing program objectives, as well as determining program obstacles and solving them for future plans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of rural extension education programs regarding sheep breeding. To achieve this purpose, the first phase of the present study analyzed effectiveness evaluation models using documentary studies. Then, an Effectiveness Evaluation of Extension Education Programs (EEEEP) model was designed and accomplished in the form of evaluating a rural education program. The second phase used an experimental research method in one-group pretest-posttest design. A purposeful sampling method was used for selecting research sample (n=32) from sheep breeders in Pasargad Township, Fars Province, Iran. The data gathering instrument was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed with the Lincoln and Guba assessment method. The results revealed that participants&rsquo; satisfaction with the programs was higher than average in three dimensions. Also, these courses had a significant influence on the attitude and knowledge of the participants about the educated subjects. The participants&rsquo; main problem was the difficulty of attending the class. Finally, based on the findings, some executive recommendations have been provided. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        59 - طراحی الگوی جانشین پروری در یک سازمان نظامی
        حمیدرضا بهمئی مسعود حقیقی محمد نصراللهی
        زمینه و هدف: پرورش جانشین به عنوان یک ساز و کار ارزشمند در ارتقا و توسعه سازمان‌ها از اهمیت بسزائی برخوردار است از این رو در سازمان‌های نظامی نیاز به فرماندهان و مدیرانی به مراتب توانمند و شایسته‌تر در سال‌های آتی مشهود خواهد بود و برای پاسخ مناسب به این نیاز، طراحی و ت أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: پرورش جانشین به عنوان یک ساز و کار ارزشمند در ارتقا و توسعه سازمان‌ها از اهمیت بسزائی برخوردار است از این رو در سازمان‌های نظامی نیاز به فرماندهان و مدیرانی به مراتب توانمند و شایسته‌تر در سال‌های آتی مشهود خواهد بود و برای پاسخ مناسب به این نیاز، طراحی و تبیین الگوی پرورش جانشین و محقق ساختن آن بر اساس مفاهیم غنی سرمایه انسانی، استعداد‌یابی و شایستگی‌ها لازم است. هدف از این پژوهش ارائه الگوی پرورش جانشین بر اساس شایستگی در یک سازمان نظامی است که به روش توصیفی- پیمایشی و با رویکرد کیفی انجام شد.روش شناسی: به منظور جمع آوری داده‌ها و اطلاعات از مطالعات کتابخانه‌ای، نظر سنجی از خبرگان دانشگاهی و سازمانی در زمینه سرمایه انسانی بابت هریک از ابعاد و مؤلفه‌های الگو طی سه مرحله استفاده شد. آنگاه بعد از توزیع و جمع آوری پرسشنامه میزان پایایی آن از طریق محاسبه الفای کرونباخ برابر با ۸۷/. بوده است. هم‌چنین جامعه آماری از بین اساتید، فرماندهان و مدیران سازمان نظامی به تعداد ۳۵ بوده که از این تعداد به‌صورت هدفمند ۲۰ نفر از آنان انتخاب شده‌اند.نتایج: نتایج این پژوهش بیانگر آن است که هر یک از ابعاد، چه به‌صورت مستقیم و چه غیرمستقیم، به‌ترتیب برابر با این مقادیر بر جانشین پروری متکی بر شایستگی تأثیر دارند: آماده ‌سازی سازمان ۷۶/۰، ارزیابی اثر بخش ۲۱۲/۰، توسعه و اقدام ۱۹/۰، شایسته‌یابی مشاغل ۱۸/۰- و استعدادیابی ۱۸/۰-. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        60 - اثر ترکیب های مختلف هورمونی بر ماده زایی توده های تره ایرانی در محیط درون شیشه ای
        محمد جواد شکوری محمد رضا حسندخت سپیده کلاته جاری کامبیز لاریجانی فائزه قناتی
        سبزی تره ایرانی در زنجیره غذایی مردم ایران از جایگاه ویژه ای برخوردار است و توده‌های زیادی از آن با ویژگی‌های متفاوت در مناطق مختلف ایران کاشته و سازگاری یافته اند. لذا به منظور به‌نژادی در این سبزی، آزمایشی به ‌صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملاٌ تصادفی با سه تکرار و در ه أکثر
        سبزی تره ایرانی در زنجیره غذایی مردم ایران از جایگاه ویژه ای برخوردار است و توده‌های زیادی از آن با ویژگی‌های متفاوت در مناطق مختلف ایران کاشته و سازگاری یافته اند. لذا به منظور به‌نژادی در این سبزی، آزمایشی به ‌صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملاٌ تصادفی با سه تکرار و در هفت توده منتخب انجام پذیرفت. از ترکیب های مختلف تنظیم‌کننده‌ رشد 2,4-D به غلظت‌های صفر، 2، 4 میلی‌گرم بر لیتر و BA با غلظت صفر، 2، 4 میلی‌گرم بر لیتر در محیط کشت‌ها استفاده گردید. تیمارها بر چتر گل های باز نشده انجام شد و درصد رویان‌زایی، درصد باززایی، درصد بقا، درصد شیشه‌ای شدن، درصد کالوس‌زایی ریزنمونه ها و تعداد گیاهان هاپلوئید مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد توده شادگان در محیط کشت حاوی4 میلی گرم در لیتر BA و 2 میلی گرم در لیتر 2,4-D دارای بیشترین درصد رویان‌زایی(81/12%) و درصد باززایی(6/12%) بود. در توده اراک بیشترین درصد کالوس زایی (51/0%) و در توده شادگان کمترین (16/0%) میزان مشاهده شد. از مجموع 42525 گل کشت شده، 1001 رویان(35/2 %) و 972 باززائی(1/97 %) و 946 گیاه (5/94%) بقا یافتند. در مجموع هفت گیاه هاپلوئید به دست آمد که بیشترین تعداد هاپلوئیدی مربوط به توده گیلان به تعداد 4 گیاه از مجموع 6075 گل کشت شده و در محیط کشت دارای4 میلی گرم در لیتر BA و 2 میلی گرم در لیتر2,4-D بود. تفاصيل المقالة
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        61 - شمارش آشیانه پرندگان آبزی، کنار آبچر و خشکی زی جوجه‌آور خورموسی در اردیبهشت ماه 1394
        بهروز بهروزی راد
        شناسایی و شمارش آشیانه پرندگان آبزی، کنارآبچر و خشکی زی جوجه آور در خورموسی در اردیبهشت سال 1394 با دوربین چشمی 10&times;40 زایس و تلسکوپ 15 &times;60 با روش مشاهده مستقیم و تمام شماری Total Count انجام شد. در این بررسی درخور موسی 65 گونه پرنده از سه گروه آبزی، خشکی زی أکثر
        شناسایی و شمارش آشیانه پرندگان آبزی، کنارآبچر و خشکی زی جوجه آور در خورموسی در اردیبهشت سال 1394 با دوربین چشمی 10&times;40 زایس و تلسکوپ 15 &times;60 با روش مشاهده مستقیم و تمام شماری Total Count انجام شد. در این بررسی درخور موسی 65 گونه پرنده از سه گروه آبزی، خشکی زی و کنارآبچر شناسایی شد که 23 گونه (38/35 درصد) از آن ها جوجه آوری کرده بودند. جمعیت جوجه‌آوران در بهار سال 1394، در خورموسی 14455 جفت بود که 12862 جفت (72/97 درصد) از آن‌ها در دو جزیره دارا و قبرناخدا جوجه‌آوری کرده بودند. از پرندگان آبزی 7 گونه متعلق به 4 تیره، از کنار آبچر‌ها 6 گونه متعلق به 7 تیره و از خشکی زی‌ها 8 گونه متعلق به 8 تیره در خورموسی جوجه‌آوری داشتند. دو جزیره قبرناخدا و دارا زیستگاه های حساس برای جوجه آوری پرندگان آبزی بخصوص پرستوهای دریایی Sternidae و سلیم‌خرچنگ‌خوار Dromas ardeolaمی باشند. جمعیت غیرجوجه‌آور پرندگان آبزی و کنارآبچر و خشکی زی مشاهده‌شده در خورموسی 2181 قطعه متعلق به 65 گونه بودند، که 16 گونه (6/24 درصد) با جمعیت 595 قطعه (28/27 درصد) خشکی زی، و 49 گونه (4/75 درصد) با جمعیت 1586 قطعه (72/72 درصد) آبزی و کنار آبچر بودند. بنابراین مدیریت و حفاظت بوم سازگان خورموسی به‌عنوان زیستگاه حساس جوجه آوری، کانون حفاظت تنوع زیستی برای بقاء پرندگان آبزی و خشکی زی از ضروریات است. تفاصيل المقالة
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        62 - بررسی روابط بین برخی از صفات کمی و کیفی ژنوتیپ‌های برنج با استفاده از تجزیه همبستگی و تجزیه به عامل‌ها
        احمد مجیدی مهر
        به‌منظور بررسی روابط بین برخی از صفات کمی و کیفی با استفاده از تجزیه همبستگی و تجزیه به عامل‌ها، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و 10 ژنوتیپ برنج در سال 1393 انجام شد. در این مطالعه سیزده صفت شامل تعداد سالم و کل در خوشه، وزن صد دانه، طول ساقه، ریشه أکثر
        به‌منظور بررسی روابط بین برخی از صفات کمی و کیفی با استفاده از تجزیه همبستگی و تجزیه به عامل‌ها، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک‌های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و 10 ژنوتیپ برنج در سال 1393 انجام شد. در این مطالعه سیزده صفت شامل تعداد سالم و کل در خوشه، وزن صد دانه، طول ساقه، ریشه و خوشه، طول و عرض و سطح برگ پرچم، محتوی کلروفیل، فلورسانس کلروفیل، قندهای محلول کل، پرولین و پروتئین برگ با استفاده از اندازه‌گیری 10 نمونه تصادفی در هر واحد آزمایشی ارزیابی شد. تجزیه واریانس نشان داد که اثر ژنوتیپ برای برخی از صفات شامل کلروفیل، قندهای محلول، پرولین و پروتئین برگ، سطح برگ پرچم، طول ریشه و خوشه، تعداد دانه‌ی سالم و وزن صد دانه در سطح احتمال پنج و یک و درصد معنی‌دار بودند. نتایج حاصل از تجزیه به عامل‌ها نشان داد که چهار عامل اصلی و مستقل، 96/74 درصد از تغییرات کل داده‌ها را توجیه می‌نمایند. به‌طوری که چهار عامل تحت عنوان اجزای عملکرد (68/26درصد)، فیزیولوژیک (‌22/24درصد) و مورفولوژیک (06/24 درصد) نام‌گذاری گردیدند. نتایج تجزیه‌ی عامل‌ها نشان داد، گزینش صفات براساس عامل اجزای عملکرد شامل صفات فلورسانس‌کلروفیل، تعداد دانه کل و سالم در خوشه و وزن صد دانه به‌عنوان شاخص گزینش در برنامه‌های به‌نژادی و به منظور بهبود عملکرد دانه می-تواند مفید باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        63 - Selection Almond Superior Genotypes Form F1 Segregated Population of ‘Tuono’ × ‘Shokoufe’ Cultivars
        Somayeh Firouzbakht ALI Ebadi Ali Imani Daryoush Davoudi Vahid Abdoosi
        The primary steps in breeding programs are identifying and selecting superior fruit trees genotypes. This study was conducted to achieve the most productive, self-compatible, and cold tolerated almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.)D.A.webb] genotypes, by determining genetic var أکثر
        The primary steps in breeding programs are identifying and selecting superior fruit trees genotypes. This study was conducted to achieve the most productive, self-compatible, and cold tolerated almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.)D.A.webb] genotypes, by determining genetic variability of 103 progenies resulted by crossing &lsquo;Tuono&rsquo; and &lsquo;Shokoufe&rsquo; during two years, 2016-2017 at Meshkin Abad Horticulture Research Station in Karaj (50.9&deg;E, 35. &deg; 7521 N, 1245 m height, with moderate and cold climates, shallow, calcareous soils, with a pH = 7) according to almond description (Gulcan, 1985) for selecting superior hybrids. The genetic relationship between selected hybrids was carried out by using genetic correlation. Minimum, maximum, and comparing mean results represented hybrids&rsquo; variability. Correlations indicated significant positive and negative variability. 20 components of effective traits justified 77.4% of the total variance. Hybrid separation was carried out by clustering analysis using 20 components. In 10th Euclidean distance, hybrids were separated into 17 groups. Fruit, nut, kernel, productivity, and vigor characteristics were the main factors in grouping clusters, respectively. In the first factor, traits including fruit size (0.70), fruit weight (0.880), fruit length (0.741), fruit width (0.769), fruit thickness (0.722), nut weight (0.872), nut length (0.729), nut width (0.795), nut thickness (0.673), kernel weight (0.849), kernel length (0.635) and kernel width (0.837). In the second factor, there were traits including productivity (0.797), number of nuts per tree (0.925), fruit weight per tree (0.932), and nut weight per tree (0.905). In the third factor, traits such as trunk diameter (0.60), the radius of expansion in two directions north-south (0.755) and east-west (0.804), leaf density (0.60), and growth habit (0.60). These third components could justify about 14%, 7%, and 5% of the total variance. The most variable traits were growth habit, high quality, bearing habit, flowering and leafing time, fruit size; date of harvesting, nut shape and the lowest variable trait was kernel taste. تفاصيل المقالة
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        64 - Phenological and Pomological Evaluation Reveals High Diversity among Walnut Populations in Southwestern Iran
        Saadat Sarikhani Kazem Arzani Mahmoud Roozban Kourosh Vahdati
        High genetic diversity is the guarantee of success in a breeding program. Therefore, it is important to study the genetic diversity in plant populations. Because Iran consider as one of the primary walnut origin centers, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic أکثر
        High genetic diversity is the guarantee of success in a breeding program. Therefore, it is important to study the genetic diversity in plant populations. Because Iran consider as one of the primary walnut origin centers, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity of the walnut population in the Bavanat region in the Southwestern Iran during the 2010-2015 growing season. For this purpose, 349 walnut seed-originated walnut trees from seven different regions of Bavanat were pre-selected based on local information. After primary evaluation, 92 walnut genotypes were selected to be further studied. The phenological and pomological characteristics of the genotypes were evaluated based on IPGRI descriptor. The results showed that high genetic diversity was observed in the studied germplasm in terms of important horticultural traits, especially nut and kernel weight, kernel percentage, nut size, shell thickness, lateral bearing, leafing date, and harvest date. The nut weight, kernel percentage, kernel weight, and shell thickness varied between 6.75-16.33 g, 40.15-67.22%, 3.30-8.15 g, and 0.58-2.30 mm, respectively. Cluster analysis classified the studied genotypes into six main groups. Furthermore, correlations among some horticultural traits indicated that kernel weight, nut weight, difficulty of removal of kernel halves, and shell thickness are main traits in determining kernel percentage. Also, lateral bearing, leafing date, nut weight, and nut size determine the final yield of walnut trees. In conclusion, high biodiversity in the walnut population of Bavanat region provides unique plant genetic resources for walnut genetic improvement programs to achieve desirable commercial cultivars and rootstocks. تفاصيل المقالة
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        65 - Optimization of the Analysis of Almond DNA Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) Through Submarine Electrophoresis Using Different Agaroses and Staining Protocols
        M. Rasouli A. Mousavi B. Mohammadparast P. Mart&iacute;nez-G&oacute;mez
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant i أکثر
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant inheritance. Different methods have been used for the analysis of the SSR amplified fragments being submarine agarose electrophoresis the more suitable method for the routine application. In this work we have performed a comparative study of the utilization of four different types of low melting (Metaphor&reg;, Sea Kem&reg;, and MS-8&reg;) and regular (LD-2&reg;) agaroses and two different staining protocols using Ethidium Bromide and Gel Red Nucleic Acid Gel Sating&reg;. Almond cultivars assayed included the Spanish cultivars &lsquo;Anto&ntilde;eta&rsquo;, &lsquo;Marta&rsquo;, &lsquo;Penta&rsquo;, &lsquo;Tardona&rsquo; &lsquo;Desmayo&rsquo; and &lsquo;Guara&rsquo;, the French cultivars &lsquo;Ferragn&eacute;s&rsquo; and &lsquo;R1000&rsquo;, the USA cultivar &lsquo;Mission&rsquo;, the Tunisian cultivar &lsquo;Achaak&rsquo;, the Italian cultivar &lsquo;Tuono&rsquo; and the Australian cultivar &lsquo;Chellaston&rsquo;. SSR detection using Metaphor&reg; agarose gel electrophoresis was the most efficient with higher resolution and would be able to resolve most of allelic variation in comparison with the other three agaroses assayed. In addition, gel staining using Ethidium Bromide showed similar results than the GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain&reg; although it is much more toxic. The use of MetaPhor&reg; agarose and GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain&reg; appears good indicated for molecular characterization of mapping of population due to its good resolution in comparison with the rest of agaroses, less toxicity in comparison with the use of Ethidium Bromide, and lower cost and easier routine application in comparison with the automatic capillary sequencing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        66 - Evaluation of the Behavior of Native Iranian Almond Species as Rootstocks
        B. Madam M. Rahemi A. Mousavi P. Mart&iacute;nez-G&oacute;mez
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such a أکثر
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such as almond or peach due to their adaptability to severe (drought) environmental conditions and resistance to some pests and diseases. Results showed that P. eburnea had the most stem biomass, and P. scoparia the least leaf area and the largest root system among the three species, which can indicate better adaptation to drought conditions. The correlations between the measured traits suggest that the relationship between shoot and root morphology is unique for each species. In addition, results indicated that P. eburnea had the highest seed germination percentage and P. elaeagnifolia the lowest. Finally, there was significant difference between wild rootstocks in grafting success, with P. scoparia and P elaeagnifolia showing the best behavior. تفاصيل المقالة
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        67 - Cytogenetical Analysis of Iranian Wild Almond Species
        M. Rasouli R. Tavakoli A. Imani E. Zarifi M. Ahmadi Majd P. Mart&iacute;nez-G&oacute;mez
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used f أکثر
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used for these studies. In each species, ten suitable metaphase plates were chosen and photographed so that the morphology of the chromosomes was completely obvious. The standard karyotype was prepared for the species separately and the parameters of the chromosomes, including the total length of the chromosomes, long arm, short arm, arm ratio, and centromer index, were calculated. There was a significant difference between all of the species that can be employed to recognize the species. All of the studied species were diploid, and the numbers of the chromosomes was 2n=16. The base number of the chromosomes in all of the species was X=8. In Iran, the average size of chromosomes in species of this genus was 2.42 micrometer. . Also, there was a significant difference between all of the homologous chromosomes according to the measured cytological characters. The similarity and the difference between the species were evaluated on the basis of the cytological specificities. The domestic species of A. communis L. had the most similarity with the species of Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach, and the species of A. trichamygdalus woronow and A. corduchoruom Bornm, also had the most similarity with each other. Finally, the studied species were classified into two cytologically groups. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        68 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Durum Wheat Genotypes (Triticum turgidum var durum) using Agro-morphological Traits for Resistance to Zinc Deficient Stress
        Abstract Micronutrients deficiency stress is one of the most important dangers for increasing the yield and good production of crops in the world. In order to evaluate genetic diversity of nineteen durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum) genotypes to identify the mos أکثر
        Abstract Micronutrients deficiency stress is one of the most important dangers for increasing the yield and good production of crops in the world. In order to evaluate genetic diversity of nineteen durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum) genotypes to identify the most zinc-deficient stress resistant genotypes and also finding the best stress tolerance indices, an experiment was carried out in the University of Maragheh, Iran during cropping season of 2014 by using a factorial design in the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The experiment was done zinc deficient stress (non-Zn application; -Zn) and normal soil application (5 mg Zn/kg soil + foliar application with 0.44 g Zn/liter water at stem elongation and grain filling stages; +Zn) conditions. Results indicated that Zn conditions as well as, wheat genotypes differed significantly for all studied agro-morphological traits in both normal and Zn deficient stress conditions. Our findings indicated that Zn-deficient stress significantly decreased the spike length (SL), peduncle length (PedL), penultimate length (PenL), plant height (PH), spike weight (SW), peduncle weight (PedW), penultimate weight (PenW), biological yield (BY), grain yield (GY), harvest index (HI), number of grains per spike (NGS), number of fertile spikelet per spike (FS) and 1000 grains weight (TGW) by 14, 10.6, 10.4, 12.5, 25.3, 26.2, 27.9, 27.5, 29.4, 5.0, 25.5, 17.7 and 5.4%, respectively. Among durum wheat genotypes, &lsquo;G2&rsquo; had the highest and also &lsquo;G10&rsquo; and &lsquo;G19&rsquo; had the lowest SW, PedW, BY and FS, respectively; while the highest and the shortest GY and NGS was observed in &lsquo;G17&rsquo; (0.763 g/plant and 23.2 grain) and &lsquo;G10&rsquo; and &lsquo;G19&rsquo; (0.372 and 367 g/plant and 8.9 and 9.5 grain) genotypes, respectively. This indicating the presence of variability, which can be exploited through selection for further breeding programs. According to results of stress tolerance indices, &lsquo;G17&rsquo;, &lsquo;G16&rsquo; and &lsquo;G3&rsquo; genotypes have higher GY and STI index than other genotypes in two Zn conditions and identified as suitable genotypes for production in Zn deficient stress condition. Key words: Agro-morphological traits; Breeding; Calcareous soil; Durum wheat; Genetic variability; Zinc deficit. تفاصيل المقالة
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        69 - مطالعه جوجه‌آوری زاغ بور (Podocespleskeiدر پناهگاه حیات‌وحش دشت لاغریدر خراسان رضوی
        سعید محمّدی سمیرا سرباز فاطمه مرادیان
        گونه زاغ بور (Podoces pleskei) متعلق به خانواده کلاغ‌ها (Corvidae)، از راسته گنجشک‌سانان (Passeriformes) پرتحرک و به صورت جفت و یا تکی دیده می‌شود، همچنین این پرنده بوم‌زاد ایران می‌باشد. این مطالعهبه منظور بررسی جوجه‌آوری و رفتار زاغ بور در پناهگاه حیات وحش دشت لاغری د أکثر
        گونه زاغ بور (Podoces pleskei) متعلق به خانواده کلاغ‌ها (Corvidae)، از راسته گنجشک‌سانان (Passeriformes) پرتحرک و به صورت جفت و یا تکی دیده می‌شود، همچنین این پرنده بوم‌زاد ایران می‌باشد. این مطالعهبه منظور بررسی جوجه‌آوری و رفتار زاغ بور در پناهگاه حیات وحش دشت لاغری در استان خراسان رضوی و در محدوده شهرستان بردسکن از اوایل بهمن سال 1390 تا نیمه خرداد سال 1391 به مساحت 27000 هکتار که پوشش گیاهی غالب آن قیچ(Zygiphlim eurypterum)، تاغ (Haloxylon sp) و کاروان‌کش (Atraphaxis spinosa)است، انجام گردید. نتایج بررسی نشان داد زاغ بورها در محدوده این منطقه در بهمن ماه به دنبال جفت می‌گردند و فنولوژی زمانی تولید مثل زاغ بور از هفته اول اسفند به مدت دو هفته با آشیانه‌سازی آغاز شده و در پایان اردیبهشت که جوجه‌ها وارد سن پرواز می‌شوند پایان می‌یابد.این پرنده اواسط اسفند شروع به تخم‌گذاری نموده و پس از طی دو هفته خوابیدن بر روی تخم‌ها جوجه‌ها در اوایل فروردین سر از تخم بیرون می‌آورند که وزنی با میانگین هفت گرم دارند. اندازه دسته تخم معمولاً بستگی به فصل تخم‌گذاری و وضعیت آب و هوایی دارد که در این منطقه دسته تخم چهارتایی مشاهده گردید و عامل اصلی تهدید برای موفقیت جوجه‌آوری زاغ بور در منطقه سوسمار Varanus griseus caspiusمشخص شد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        70 - ارزیابی ژنتیکی و ساختار جمعیتی جایگاه ژنی دخیل در تنش گرمایی (HSP90β) در مرغ های بومی مازندران، آذربایجان غربی و مرغ‌های تجاری
        جعفر پیش جنگ آقاجری
        در مناطق گرم و خشک، تنش گرمایی زیان های اقتصادی زیادی را در تولید طیور به وجود می آورد و منجر به کاهش چندین عامل فیزیولوژیکی و متابولیکی می شود. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی چندشکلی‌های آللی و ژنوتیپی جایگاه ژنی دخیل در تنش گرمایی (HSP90&beta;) در توده های مرغ بومی مازندرا أکثر
        در مناطق گرم و خشک، تنش گرمایی زیان های اقتصادی زیادی را در تولید طیور به وجود می آورد و منجر به کاهش چندین عامل فیزیولوژیکی و متابولیکی می شود. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی چندشکلی‌های آللی و ژنوتیپی جایگاه ژنی دخیل در تنش گرمایی (HSP90&beta;) در توده های مرغ بومی مازندران، آذربایجان غربی و تجاری های گوشتی و تخم گذار با استفاده از تکنیک PCR-RFLP انجام شد. به طور تصادفی از 400 قطعه مرغ خون گیری و DNAی ژنومی به روش شستشوی نمکی استخراج شد. جایگاه ژنی مورد نظر به طول 494 جفت باز به کمک آغازگرهای اختصاصی تکثیر و برای شناسایی جهش در جایگاه ژنی از هضم آنزیم MspI استفاده شد. برای این جایگاه ژنی، دو نوع ژنوتیپ M1M1 و M1M2 و دو آلل M1 (با یک نوار 494 جفت بازی) و M2 (با دو نوار 248 جفت بازی و 246 جفت بازی) شناسایی شد. توده های مرغ بومی مازندران، آذربایجان غربی و تجاری گوشتی از نظر شاخص تعادل برای جایگاه ژنی مورد نظر در تعادل هاردی - واینبرگ قرار داشتند. برای توده های مرغ بومی مازندران، آذربایجان غربی و تجاری گوشتی شاخص اطلاعات شانون به ترتیب 32/0، 28/0 و 40/0، شاخص تثبیت به ترتیب 12/0، 11/0- و 16/0- و شاخص هتروزیگوسیتی مشاهده ‌شده به ترتیب 19/0، 17/0 و 28/0 برآورد شدند. با توجه به وجود چندشکلی و جهش در این جایگاه ژنی، می توان از این نشانگر در مرغ های بومی مازندران، آذربایجان غربی با انتخاب ژنتیکی و در مرغ های تجاری گوشتی با انتخاب ژنتیکی در سطح لاین، در حذف مرغ های حساس به گرما و نگهداری مرغ های مقاوم در برابر گرما استفاده کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        71 - تاثیر تعداد روز غیرآبستن در گاوهای هلشتاین بر رتبه بندی ژنتیکی مولدهای نر
        روح الله برزه کار ناصر امام جمعه کاشان مسعود اسدی فوزی محمد چمنی
        باروری و تولید شیر از صفات مهم مورد استفاده در ارزیابی ژنتیکی گاوهای نر در برنامه های اصلاح نژاد دنیا هستند. لذا برای برآورد ارزش ارثی مولدهای نر ازرکوردهای ثبت شده صفات تولید و تولیدمثل دختران آنها استفاده می شود و میزان دقت برآورد برچگونگی رتبه بندی و انتخاب آنها تاثی أکثر
        باروری و تولید شیر از صفات مهم مورد استفاده در ارزیابی ژنتیکی گاوهای نر در برنامه های اصلاح نژاد دنیا هستند. لذا برای برآورد ارزش ارثی مولدهای نر ازرکوردهای ثبت شده صفات تولید و تولیدمثل دختران آنها استفاده می شود و میزان دقت برآورد برچگونگی رتبه بندی و انتخاب آنها تاثیر دارد. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی وضعیت تولیدمثل و باروری در گله های گاو هلشتاین ایران و تاثیر زمان باروری بر تولید شیر و رتبه بندی مولدهای نر بود. برای این منظور تعداد 706653 رکورد روزآزمون زایش اول 78517 راس گاو هلشتاین در 448 گله در سال های 1370 تا 1394 استفاده شد. رابطه فنوتیبی و ژنتیکی تولید شیر270 روز و تعداد روز غیرآبستن و پارامترهای ژنتیکی آن از طریق یک مدل دام دو صفتی برآورد شد. همچنین داده ها با یک مدل رگرسیون تصادفی آنالیز و ارزش ارثی مولدهای نر پیش بینی شد. نتایج نشان داد در جمعیت مورد مطالعه 7/7 و 60 درصد گاوها در گله ها به ترتیب تا 45 و 112 روز بعد زایش آبستن شده اند و 6/54 درصد آبستنی ها در بازه زمانی بیشتر از 90 روز بوده است. وراثت پذیری تولید شیر 270 روز و تعداد روز غیرآبستن به ترتیب (016/0&plusmn;)257/0 و (004/0&plusmn;)0314/0 و همبستگی ژنتیکی آن (06/0&plusmn;) 538/0 برآورد شد. دامنه تغییرات وراثت پذیری تولید شیر 270 روز برای گروه های مختلف 26/0-11/0 برآورد شد که تفاوت های آنها تحت تاثیر تعداد روز غیرآبستن بود. نتایج نشان داد تعداد روز غیرآبستن بر مقدار پیش بینی ارزش ارثی مولدهای نر برای صفت تولید شیر تاثیر دارد و موجب تغییر در رتبه بندی آنها می شود. لذا در برنامه های ارزیابی ژنتیکی و انتخاب باید برای افزایش دقت برآورد ارزش ارثی مولدهای نر متغیر تعداد روز غیرآبستن دختران گاوهای نر در مدل های ارزیابی ژنتیکی منظور شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        72 - بررسی ارتباط بین نشانگرهای ISSR و صفات مهم در ارقام مختلف سویا با روش رگرسیون
        زهرا ملک محمدی حسین صبوری عباس بیابانی ابراهیم هزارجریبی احمدرضا دادرس
        یکی از پیشرفت‌های بزرگ در زمینه‌ی تشخیص نشانگر‌ها، شناسایی نشانگر‌های پیوسته با صفات زراعی مفید، است و همچنین ارزش نشانگر‌ها در آنالیز وراثت صفات در گیاهان زراعی، مشخص شده است. در این تحقیق ارتباط بین صفات زراعی و نشانگر مولکولیISSR درژنوتیپ‌های مختلف سویا مورد بررسی قر أکثر
        یکی از پیشرفت‌های بزرگ در زمینه‌ی تشخیص نشانگر‌ها، شناسایی نشانگر‌های پیوسته با صفات زراعی مفید، است و همچنین ارزش نشانگر‌ها در آنالیز وراثت صفات در گیاهان زراعی، مشخص شده است. در این تحقیق ارتباط بین صفات زراعی و نشانگر مولکولیISSR درژنوتیپ‌های مختلف سویا مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. تنوع ژنتیکی ارقام مختلف سویا با استفاده از10آغازگر ISSRنشان داد که ازتعداد 68 قطعه ای که در کل ارقام تولید شد34 قطعه چند شکل بودند. مقدارPIC بین 147/0 تا 058/0 در آغازگرهامتغیر بود. بیشترین میزان شاخص نشانگری مربوط به آغازگر PRl-6با مقدار 39/8 به دست آمد که نشان‌دهنده قدرت تفکیک بالاتر این آغازگر نسبت به سایر آغازگر‌ها است. تجزیه ارتباط با استفاده از ماتریس ساختار جمعیت و با مدل‌های آماریGLM،MLM وبا استفاده از نرم افزارTASSELبرای 21 متغیر انجام شد. مدل MLMدرسطح احتمال 5 درصد 6 نشانگر را مرتبط با صفات ارزیابی شده شناسایی نمود. مطابق نتایج تجزیه ارتباط بالاترین ضریب تبیین به نشانگرISSR9-2با توجیه 21/0 درصد از تغییرات تعداد شاخه اصلی اختصاص داشت. در مجموع با توجه به بالا بودن آماره‌های تنوع ژنتیکی برای نشانگر‌هایISSR10-1،ISSR2-3و ISSR2-4می‌توان از آن‌ها در برنامه‌های اصلاحی دیگر استفاده کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        73 - بیوتکنیک تکثیر مصنوعی و پرورش لارو ماهی بنی (Barbus sharpeyi)
        منصور حمیدی نژاد همایون حسین زاده محمد ولایت زاده
        باربوس ماهیان یکی از جنس های خانواده کپورماهیان می باشند که بومی تالاب ها و رودخانه های استان خوزستان هستند. ماهی بنی یکی از گونه های پرطرفدار و مناسب جهت تکثیر و پرورش است. این تحقیق با هدف تعیین بیوتکنیک تکثیر مصنوعی ماهی بنی در استان خوزستان انجام شد. در این تحقیق از أکثر
        باربوس ماهیان یکی از جنس های خانواده کپورماهیان می باشند که بومی تالاب ها و رودخانه های استان خوزستان هستند. ماهی بنی یکی از گونه های پرطرفدار و مناسب جهت تکثیر و پرورش است. این تحقیق با هدف تعیین بیوتکنیک تکثیر مصنوعی ماهی بنی در استان خوزستان انجام شد. در این تحقیق از تعداد 400 قطعه مولد ماده و 200 قطعه مولد نر تزریق شده به ترتیب 346 و 114 مولد ماده و نر جهت تکثیر جواب دادند. نسبت جنسی ماهیان نر و ماده 2:1 درنظر گرفته شد. درصد لقاح و درصد تفریخ به ترتیب 76/2&plusmn;65 و 25/2&plusmn;2/62 و درصد جواب دهی مولدین نر و ماده به ترتیب 65 و 70 درصد به دست آمد. میانگین میزان هماوری و تعداد کل تخم های لقاح یافته به ترتیب 62/988&plusmn;56/19856 و 39/1278&plusmn;4823000 محاسبه شد. تعداد لارو پرورشی 1600000 قطعه و تعداد بچه ماهی حاصله از لاروها 500000 قطعه بود. درصد بازماندگی لارو یک گرمی و هفت گرمی ماهی بنی به ترتیب 16 و 40 درصد به دست آمد. همچنین میزان 3500 کیلوگرم بچه ماهی بنی تولید گردید. با توجه به اینکه عملیات تکثیر مصنوعی ماهی بنی در شرایط اقلیمی استان خوزستان به راحتی انجام می شود و ماهی بنی نسبت به تغییرات دما و اکسیژن و دستکاری های زمان تکثیر مقاوم می باشد تکثیر این گونه جهت رهاسازی در اکوسیستم های آبی استان خوزستان و پرورش آن در استخر مناسب می باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        74 - شناسایی و رتبه بندی ابعاد ارادت شغلی مدیران و تاثیر آن بر عملکرد (آموزشی-پرورشی) مدارس استان مازندران
        قربانعلی اصغری رضا یوسفی سعیدآبادی ام کلثوم غلامحسین زاده
        هدف کلی پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی و رتبه بندی ابعاد ارادت شغلی مدیران و تاثیر آن بر عملکرد (آموزشی-پرورشی) مدارس استان مازندران می باشد. این پژوهش‌ از نظر هدف، کاربردی است که با رویکرد آمیخته (کیفی و کمی) با طرح اکتشافی انجام شد. در رویکرد کیفی، از روش تحلیل مضمون و در رویکرد أکثر
        هدف کلی پژوهش حاضر، شناسایی و رتبه بندی ابعاد ارادت شغلی مدیران و تاثیر آن بر عملکرد (آموزشی-پرورشی) مدارس استان مازندران می باشد. این پژوهش‌ از نظر هدف، کاربردی است که با رویکرد آمیخته (کیفی و کمی) با طرح اکتشافی انجام شد. در رویکرد کیفی، از روش تحلیل مضمون و در رویکرد کمی از روش توصیفی از نوع پیمایشی استفاده شد. شرکت کنندگان بخش کیفی، مدیران ارشد و خبرگان آموزش و پرورش استان مازندران و دانشگاه به تعداد 20 تن و در بخش کمی، معلمان مدارس آموزش و پرورش استان مازندران به تعداد 33567 تن تشکیل می-دادند که در بخش کیفی از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند و با در نظر گرفتن قانون اشباع تعداد 10 تن و در بخش کمی بر اساس فرمول کوکران تعداد 380 تن با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی طبقه‌ای بر حسب مقطع تحصیلی به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. جهت جمع‌آوری داده‌ها از پرسش‌نامه محقق ساخته ارادت شغلی و پرسش‌نامه‌های عملکرد آموزشی زندی (1392)، عملکرد پرورشی طاهری و همکاران (1397)، استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان داد که: متغیر ارادت شغلی دارای دو بعد سازمانی و فردی است. بعد سازمانی دارای شش مؤلفه (جو سازمان، عدالت سازمان، سیستم پاداش، امنیت شغلی، پشتیبانی مدیریت، فرهنگ سازمان) و بعد فردی دارای سه مؤلفه (تعهد به کار، انگیزه شغلی و احساس مثبت نسبت به کار) می‌باشد. همچنین نتایج آزمون معادلات ساختاری نشان داد که؛ تاثیر ارادت شغلی مدیران بر بهبود عملکرد آموزشی و پرورشی مدارس در آموزش و پرورش استان مازندران مثبت و معنادار می‌باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        75 - بررسی هم‏خونی در کلنی‏های زنبور عسل شهرستان میانه
        ابوالفضل اسعدی دیزجی کورش صیامی اورنگ کاوسی
        با توجه به اهمیت و تأثیر پدیده هموزیگوتی آلل های جنسی یا هم خونی در خصوصیات مختلف کلنی های زنبور عسل از جمله در عملکرد و تولید محصول )عسل(، نسبت به ارزیابی این پدیده در زنبورستان های شهرستان میانه اقدام گردید. بدین منظور پنج درصد کندوهای مدرن در مناطق مهم زنبورداری این أکثر
        با توجه به اهمیت و تأثیر پدیده هموزیگوتی آلل های جنسی یا هم خونی در خصوصیات مختلف کلنی های زنبور عسل از جمله در عملکرد و تولید محصول )عسل(، نسبت به ارزیابی این پدیده در زنبورستان های شهرستان میانه اقدام گردید. بدین منظور پنج درصد کندوهای مدرن در مناطق مهم زنبورداری این منطقه انتخاب و مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. مطابق روش ارایه شده توسط روتنر، شابلونی به ابعاد 10 در 10 سلول به شکل لوزی تهیه گردید و در سه قسمت هر دو طرف شان ها در منطقه تخم ریزی ملکه قرار داده شد و سلول های خالی به عنوان شاخص هم خونی شمارش و ثبت شدند. از هر کندو سه شان انتخاب گردید. نمونه برداری ها در فصل تخم ریزی ملکه انجام شدند. به علاوه در فصل برداشت عسل، میزان تولید عسل زنبورستان های مورد نظر بر آورد شد. تجزیه تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از طرح کاملاً تصادفی با داده های چند مشاهده ای (طرح آشیانه ای) انجام گردید. هم چنین همبستگی بین میزان هم خونی و تولید عسل محاسبه گردید. اختلاف معنی داری از نظر هم خونی و تولید عسل بخش ها و روستاهای شهرستان مشاهده نشد ولی درصد هم خونی در بخش های مختلف عبارت بودند از 22/9 (کندوان)، 93/10 (ترکمنچای) و 48/23 (کاغذ کنان) و میانگین کل شهرستان 05/15 درصد بود. میانگین تولید عسل به ازای هر کندو نیز در کل شهرستان 19/11 کیلوگرم برآورد شد. هم چنین بین درصد هم خونی وتولید محصول عسل رابطه منفی معنی داری مشاهده شد(57/0- =r و 039/0 =p ). تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        76 - بررسی پایداری عملکرد 28 ژنوتیپ گندم نان در مناطق گرمسیری ایران با استفاده از دو مدل AMMI و GGE
        مهران خاکی مهدی چنگیزی محسن اسماعیل زاده مقدم شهاب خاقانی مسعود گماریان
        اثر متقابل ژنوتیپ و محیط یکی از مهم ترین مباحث و چالش های پژوهشگران اصلاح نباتات می باشد. این پژوهش برای بررسی پایداری عملکرد بیست و هشت ژنوتیپ گندم نان (Triticum aestivum)، در شش مکان مختلف و در دو سال متوالی (95-94 و 96-95)، انجام شد. این آزمایش به صورت طرح بلوک کامل أکثر
        اثر متقابل ژنوتیپ و محیط یکی از مهم ترین مباحث و چالش های پژوهشگران اصلاح نباتات می باشد. این پژوهش برای بررسی پایداری عملکرد بیست و هشت ژنوتیپ گندم نان (Triticum aestivum)، در شش مکان مختلف و در دو سال متوالی (95-94 و 96-95)، انجام شد. این آزمایش به صورت طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با چهار تکرار انجام شد. بر اساس نتایج تجزیه واریانس مرکب، اثرات متقابل دو جانبه ژنوتیپ &times; سال و سال &times; مکان و اثرات سه جانبه ژنوتیپ &times; سال &times; مکان در سطح یک درصد، معنی دار گردید. تجزیه پایداری عملکرد با استفاده از روش های پارامتری چند متغیره (AMMI و GGE biplot) انجام گردید. اثر اصلی ژنوتیپ و محیط در نتایج تجزیه AMMI در سطح یک درصد معنی دار شدند. از دو مولفه اصلی PC1 و PC2 برای رسم بای پلات استفاده گردید. بر اساس پارامترهای تجزیه پایداری مدل AMMI، ژنوتیپ های 25،16،27 و 6 به عنوان ژنوتیپ های پایدار انتخاب شدند. بر اساس نتایج تجزیه گرافیکی، اثر متقابل ژنوتیپ &times; محیط با استفاده از GGE biplot ژنوتیپ های 15،14،17،18 و 20 به عنوان ژنوتیپ های پایدار معرفی شدند که مکان زابل متفاوت از مکان های دیگر نشان داده شده اند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        77 - روابط صفات کمی و کیفی زایشی ژنوتیپ های برنج در استان خوزستان با روش رگرسیون گام به گام
        کاوه لیموچی عطااله سیادت مهرداد یارنیا عبدالعلی گیلانی ورهرام رشیدی
        به منظور بررسی روابط بین صفات کمی و کیفی همچنین بین صفات زایشی و عملکرد دانه12 در ژنوتیپ برنج، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در استان خوزستان اجرا گردید. تجزیه رگرسیون گام به گام نشان داد که بین صفات وابسته به پانیکول طول، دانه پر، پوک و انشعابات اولیه، در بی أکثر
        به منظور بررسی روابط بین صفات کمی و کیفی همچنین بین صفات زایشی و عملکرد دانه12 در ژنوتیپ برنج، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در استان خوزستان اجرا گردید. تجزیه رگرسیون گام به گام نشان داد که بین صفات وابسته به پانیکول طول، دانه پر، پوک و انشعابات اولیه، در بین خصوصیات کمی و کیفی کیفیت پخت دانه، درصد خرده برنج، طول دانه، درصد سبوس، طول پس از پخت، نسبت طویل شدن و غلظت ژل بیشترین تغییرات معنی دار را در عملکرد دانه داشتند. در این بین، طول پانیکول بیشترین تأثیر مثبت و معنی دار را در عملکرد دانه به دلیل رابطه مثبت افزایش طول با افزایش فضای رشدی از لحاظ تعداد و وزن داشت. همچنین، میزان خرده برنج بیشترین تأثیر منفی و معنی دار را با عملکرد دانه به دلیل کاهش کیفیت برنج داشت. نتایج بدست می توانند از اهداف اصلی و مهم در پژوهش های به نژادی و اصلاحی ارقام باشند. در نهایت توصیه می شود جهت افزایش حداکثری عملکرد کمی دانه تحقیقات در راستای کاهش رقابت و افزایش حجم و تعداد دانه بیشتر برای افزایش طول پانیکول باشد یا از ژنوتیپ های با طول پانیکول بیشتر استفاده شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        78 - مقایسه خصوصیات پشم گوسفندان آمیخته ی آرخامرینو با قزل و آرخامرینو با مغانی، با والدین آن ها
        طرلان فرهوش جلیل شجاع شهرام گلزارادبی جابر داودی
        آمیخته گری بین گوسفندان پشمی ایرانی و نژادهای پشمی خارجی می تواند یکی از راه های دستیابی به یک ترکیب ژنتیکی با تولید پشم مرغوب تر باشد. این پژوهش به منظور مقایسهی خصوصیات پشم تولیدی آمیخته های حاصل از تلاقی گوسفندان قزل و مغانی با نژاد آرخامرینو به عنوان پایه پدری، با خ أکثر
        آمیخته گری بین گوسفندان پشمی ایرانی و نژادهای پشمی خارجی می تواند یکی از راه های دستیابی به یک ترکیب ژنتیکی با تولید پشم مرغوب تر باشد. این پژوهش به منظور مقایسهی خصوصیات پشم تولیدی آمیخته های حاصل از تلاقی گوسفندان قزل و مغانی با نژاد آرخامرینو به عنوان پایه پدری، با خصوصیات پشم والدین آن ها انجام گرفت. برای این منظور تعداد 22 رأس گوسفند آرخامرینو با 25 رأس گوسفند قزل و 16 رأس گوسفند مغانی در طی سه سال متوالی 1378 الی 1380 تلاقی داده شدند و از ناحیهی میانی بدن آمیخته ها در سن 15- 9 ماهگی نمونه پشم اخذ شد. صفات مورد بررسی قطر الیاف، ضریب تغییرات قطر، طول استاپل، درصد الیاف کمپ و درصد الیاف مدولایی بودند. نتایج نشان داد که گوسفندان آرخامرینو دارای بالاترین کیفیت الیاف تولیدی در بین پنج ترکیب ژنتیکی بودند. آمیخته ها الیافی ظریف تر از والدین بومی خود تولید کردند. گوسفندان مغانی دارای بالاترین ضریب تغییرات قطر بودند و الیاف غیر یکنواخت تری تولید کردند. آمیخته ها طول استاپلی مشابه با والدین بومی خود داشتند و مقدار طول استاپل در آن ها بیشتر از والد آرخامرینو بود. درصد الیاف کمپ در آمیخته ها کاهش چشم گیری نسبت به والدین بومی داشت و درصد الیاف مدولایی در آمیخته ی آرخامرینو با مغانی نسبت به گوسفند مغانی به طور معنی داری بسیار کم تر شده بود. در بررسی کلی، کیفیت الیاف تولید شده در آمیخته ها نسبت به والدین بومی بهبود یافت. تفاصيل المقالة