• فهرس المقالات Almond

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - Performance of machine learning system to prediction of almond physical properties
        Mohsen Mokhtarian Hamid Tavakolipour Hassan Hamedi Amir Daraei Garmakhany
        The physical properties of almond kernel are necessary for the proper design of equipment for transporting, drying, processing, sorting, grading, and storage this crop. In this study, different models of ANNs with different activation functions were used to forecast sur أکثر
        The physical properties of almond kernel are necessary for the proper design of equipment for transporting, drying, processing, sorting, grading, and storage this crop. In this study, different models of ANNs with different activation functions were used to forecast surface area, volume, mass, and kernel density of almond. The results showed that multilayer perceptron network with tanh-tanh activation function as a goodness activation function can be estimated surface area, volume, mass, and kernel density with R2 value 0.983, 0.986, 0.981, and 0.982, respectively. Furthermore, the physical properties were fitted by regression relationships, the result showed linear regression method can be predicted surface area, volume, mass and kernel density with R2 value 0.979, 0.961, 0.945, and 0.791, respectively. Generally, the result showed neural network model had high ability to forecast the physical properties of almond than the linear regression method. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - تاثیر تغییر کاربری باغات بادام دشت سامان استان چهارمحال و بختیاری به اراضی زراعی بر برخی شاخص‌های فیزیکی و شیمیایی کیفیت خاک
        کامران پروانک
        زمینه و هدف: در سالیان اخیر برخی از کشاورزان دشت سامان استان چهارمحال و بختیاری برای تامین غذا و علوفه بیش‌تر باغات بادام این منطقه را به اراضی زراعی و مرتعی تغییر کاربری داده‌اند. از آنجایی که این فعالیت‌ها عمدتاً بدون داشتن شناخت کافی از محیط خاک انجام می‌گیرد، میتوا أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: در سالیان اخیر برخی از کشاورزان دشت سامان استان چهارمحال و بختیاری برای تامین غذا و علوفه بیش‌تر باغات بادام این منطقه را به اراضی زراعی و مرتعی تغییر کاربری داده‌اند. از آنجایی که این فعالیت‌ها عمدتاً بدون داشتن شناخت کافی از محیط خاک انجام می‌گیرد، میتواند تهدید جدی در جهت کاهش کیفیت خاک ‌باشد. بنابراین، مطالعه در زمینه اثر مدیریت‌های متفاوت روی ویژگی‌های مختلف خاک و در جهت مدیریت پایدار منابع خاک اهمیت فراوانی دارد. در این پژوهش اثر تغییر کاربری اراضی در این عرصه‌ها بر برخی شاخص‌های فیزیکی و شیمیایی کیفیت خاک مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.روش پژوهش: به‌منظور بررسی اثر تغییر کاربری اراضی بر برخی شاخص‌های فیزیکی و شیمیایی کیفیت خاک، سه سیستم کاربری اراضی شامل باغ بادام دائمی، مرتع دائمی و باغ بادام تبدیل شده به زمین زراعی از اراضی دشت سامان انتخاب گردید. از هر کدام از سه سیستم کاربری مورد نظر 15 نمونه خاک (در مجموع 45 نمونه) از عمق صفر تا 30 سانتی‌متری به‌صورت شبکه‌های منظم (متری30×30) نمونه‌برداری شد. برخی پارمترهای فیزیکی و شیمیایی نمونه خاک‌های عرصه‌های مورد مطالعه مطابق روش‌های استاندارد اندازه‌گیری شد. پس از جمع‌آوری و ثبت داده‌ها در محیط Excel، آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه داده‌ها (ANOVA) با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS18 و مقایسه میانگین‎ها نیز بر اساس آزمون LSD در سطح احتمال 1 درصد انجام شد.یافته‌ها: نتایج تجزیه واریانس داده‌ها نشان داد، تغییر کاربری اراضی (تبدیل باغ بادام به زمین زراعی) تاثیر معنی‌داری در سطح احتمال 1 درصد بر شاخص‌های فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک مورد مطالعه ایجاد کرد. تغییر کاربری اراضی باعث تغییر بافت خاک سطحی عرصه‌های مطالعاتی نشد. بافت خاک هر سه سیستم مطالعاتی تقریباً یکسان (لوم رسی متمایل به لوم رسی شنی) بود. براساس نتایج مقایسه میانگین‌ها، در اثر تبدیل باغ بادام به زمین زراعی مقادیر تخلخل کل، میانگین وزنی قطر خاکدانه‌ها، سرعت نفوذ پایه و کربن آلی خاک به‌طور معنی‌داری در سطح احتمال 1 درصد به‌ترتیب کاهشی برابر12%، 56%، 50% و54 درصد و مقادیر جرم مخصوص ظاهری خاک، pH، هدایت الکتریکی و درصد آهک خاک افزایشی برابر10%، 5%، 44% و 18 درصد را نشان داد. در این تحقیق حفاظت اراضی مرتعی و جایگزینی گیاهان مرتعی باعث بهبود و افزایش معنی‌دار مقادیر میانگین کربن آلی خاک، تخلخل کل، پایداری خاکدنه‌ها و سرعت نفوذ پایه به‌ترتیب تا 48%، 14%، 69% و 40 درصد نسبت به کاربری زمین زراعی شده بود (pr<0.01). بین کاربری باغ بادام و زمین مرتعی تفاوت معنی‌داری از لحاظ شاخص‌های ارزیابی شده مشاهده نشد (0.01<pr).نتایج: به‌طور کلی، در بین پارامتر‌های تحلیل شده شاخص‌های کربن آلی، میانگین وزنی قطر خاکدانه‌ها و جرم مخصوص ظاهری خاک به ترتیب قابل اعتمادترین شاخص‌های فیزیکی و شیمیایی کیفیت خاک برای منطقه مورد مطالعه می‌باشد. بنابراین در این تحقیق مقادیر میانگین این شاخص‌ها به عنوان راه حل بهینه برای انتخاب مدیریت‌های جایگزین و روش‌های مختلف خاک‌ورزی در کاربری‌های فوق‌الذکر معرفی می‌گردد. همچنین با توجه به حساس و شکننده بودن اکوسیستم‌های دشت سامان توصیه می‌شود از تغییر کاربری اراضی باغی ( قطع درختان بادام) و تبدیل این اراضی به اراضی زراعی در منطقه مطالعاتی خوداری شود. این رهنمود می‌تواند از سیر قهقرایی خاک‌های منطقه مطالعاتی که یکی از حساسترین عرصه‌های کشور به فرسایش می‌باشد، جلوگیری نماید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - بهینه‌سازی فرمولاسیون بستنی گیاهی بر پایه شیر بادام درختی و روغن فندق
        مینو رمضانی سارا جعفریان محمد احمدی لیلا روزبه نصیرایی
        مقدمه:استفاده از فرآورده‌‌های گیاهی به‌‌عنوان منابع تأمین‌کننده پروتئین و چربی گیاهی در بستنی علاوه برافزودن خواص مفید تغذیه‌ای و سلامت بخشی ترکیبات گیاهی به بستنی، باعث تولید محصولات جدید فرا‌‌سودمند می‌شود. هدف از این پژوهش، بهینه‌سازی فرمولاسیون بستنی فرا‌‌‌سودمند بر أکثر
        مقدمه:استفاده از فرآورده‌‌های گیاهی به‌‌عنوان منابع تأمین‌کننده پروتئین و چربی گیاهی در بستنی علاوه برافزودن خواص مفید تغذیه‌ای و سلامت بخشی ترکیبات گیاهی به بستنی، باعث تولید محصولات جدید فرا‌‌سودمند می‌شود. هدف از این پژوهش، بهینه‌سازی فرمولاسیون بستنی فرا‌‌‌سودمند بر پایه شیر بادام درختی، روغن فندق و شیره انگور است. مواد و روش‌ها: برای این منظور بر اساس فرمولاسیون بستنی و بر پایه بیشترین سطح پاسخ، تیمار بندی انجام شد. متغیرهای پاسخ شامل؛ ‌نقطه ذوب، افزایش حجم و پذیرش کلی بود. رابطه عملکردی بین پارامترهای مؤثر بر فرمولاسیون بستنی با استفاده از طرح آزمایشی باکس بنکن تعیین شد.یافته‌ها: در این مطالعه هدف از بهینه یابی دستیابی به بالاترین درصد اورران و بیشترین مقاومت به ذوب است که از شاخص‌‌های کیفی مهم بستنی در میزان پذیرش مصرف‌کنندگان می باشد. بر اساس مدل‌‌های انتخاب‌شده،‌ فرمولاسیون بهینه انتخابی توسط نرم‌افزار شامل 10.57% روغن فندق، 63.26% شیر بادام و 25.81% شیره انگور بود.نتیجه‌گیری: حضور شیر بادام، شیره انگور و روغن فندق در فرمول بستنی موجب بهبود خواص تأثیر‌‌گذار نظیر سفتی بافت، افزایش حجم و مقاومت به ذوب بستنی در ارتقاء بازارپسندی و پذیرش محصول توسط مصرف‌کنندگان گردید. شیر بادام با افزایش ویسکوزیته و میزان پروتئین بالا باعث حجم‌افزایی و کاهش نقطه ذوب شد. با افزودن شیره انگور و روغن فندق میزان پذیرش کلی سطح بالاتری داشت. درنتیجه این ترکیبات گیاهی با داشتن خواص مفید تغذیه‌ای و سلامتی بخش می توانند در فرمولاسیون بستنی استفاده شده و با حفظ خواص بافتی و ذوب بستنی منجر به تولید محصولی فراسودمند گردند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - بررسی تأثیر جایگزین‌های چربی صمغ زدو و بادام بر رفتار جریانی و ویژگی‌های حسی دسر لبنی وانیلی کم چرب
        حسین جوینده حدیث رستم آبادی مصطفی گودرزی
        مقدمه: به دلیل تمایل مصرف کنندگان به مصرف غذاهای سالم تر، استفاده از جایگزین های چربی برای توسعه فرمولاسیون های غذایی کم چرب روز به روز در حال افزایش است. هدف از انجام پژوهش پیش رو، بررسی امکان استفاده از صمغ های بومی زدو و بادام به عنوان جایگزین چربی در فرمولاسیون دسره أکثر
        مقدمه: به دلیل تمایل مصرف کنندگان به مصرف غذاهای سالم تر، استفاده از جایگزین های چربی برای توسعه فرمولاسیون های غذایی کم چرب روز به روز در حال افزایش است. هدف از انجام پژوهش پیش رو، بررسی امکان استفاده از صمغ های بومی زدو و بادام به عنوان جایگزین چربی در فرمولاسیون دسرهای لبنی کم چرب می باشد. مواد و روش ها: تأثیر سطوح مختلف صمغ زدو و بادام (1/0، 2/0 و 3/0 درصد وزنی/وزنی) بر رفتار جریانی و ویژگی های حسی دسر لبنی وانیلی کم چرب در مقایسه با نمونه شاهد کم چرب و پرچرب مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: رفتار جریانی نمونه ها با همبستگی بالایی به مدل اوستوالد دویل برازیده شد (99/0<2R). همگی نمونه ها از یک رفتار جریانی رقیق شونده با برش پیروی کردند؛ با این حال، کاهش چربی، منجر به کاهش چشمگیر ویسکوزیته ظاهری، شاخص قوام و افزایش اندیس جریان شد (p<0.05). حضور صمغ زدو یا بادام در فرمولاسیون دسرهای لبنی کم چرب، باعث نزدیک شدن اندیس جریان به صفر و تقویت رفتار رقیق شوندگی با برش گردید. دسرهای کم چرب حاوی 2/0 % صمغ زدو و یا 3/0 % صمغ بادام، از نقطه نظر پارامترهای رئولوژیک مورد بررسی، تفاوت معنی داری با نمونه شاهد پرچرب نشان ندادند (p≥0.05). نمونه کم چرب حاوی 3/0 % صمغ زدو، علی رغم رفتار رقیق شوندگی با برش قوی تر نسبت به نمونه شاهد پرچرب، به گونه قابل ملاحظه ای کمتر مورد پسند مصرف کنندگان واقع شد (p<0.05). نتیجه گیری: با استفاده از سطوح 2/0 % صمغ زدو یا 3/0 % صمغ بادام، می توان دسر لبنی کم چربی با ویژگی های رئولوژیک و حسی قابل قبول تولید کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - تعیین و بررسی برخی خواص فیزیکی و مکانیکی بادام درختی رقم ربیع
        مهرداد سلیمی محمد غلامی شهرام محسنی احسان عبدالعلی زاده
        مقدمه: طراحی صحیح و مناسب تجهیزات انتقال، برداشت و فرآوری محصولات کشاورزی نیازمند دانش کافی از خصوصیات فیزیکی و مکانیکی آن محصول می باشد. مواد و روش ها:در این تحقیق مشخصه های فیزیکی (شامل ابعاد، جرم، میانگین قطر هندسی، کرویت، سطح رویه، حجم و فرآیند جذب رطوبت) بادام درخ أکثر
        مقدمه: طراحی صحیح و مناسب تجهیزات انتقال، برداشت و فرآوری محصولات کشاورزی نیازمند دانش کافی از خصوصیات فیزیکی و مکانیکی آن محصول می باشد. مواد و روش ها:در این تحقیق مشخصه های فیزیکی (شامل ابعاد، جرم، میانگین قطر هندسی، کرویت، سطح رویه، حجم و فرآیند جذب رطوبت) بادام درختی رقم ربیع و مغز آن و خواص مکانیکی (شامل نیرو، تغییر شکل، انرژی و توان لازم برای شکست) بادام درختی رقم ربیع تعیین شد. یافته ها: میانگین قطر متوسط هندسی برای بادام ربیع 37/22 میلی متر و برای مغز آن 42/13میلی متر بود. میانگین کرویت برای بادام 654/0 درصد و برای مغز آن 523/0 درصد بود. با قرار دادن نمونه هایی از مغز بادام در آب فرآیند جذب رطوبت مغز بادام مطالعه و مدل های ریاضی آن تدوین شد. از فاصله ی زمانی بین 13-9 ساعت پس از قرار دادن نمونه های مغز بادام در آب کل افزایش وزن آن ها نسبت به وزن اولیه 36 تا 41 درصد بود که این مقدار پس از 18 ساعت به 44 درصد افزایش یافت. نتیجه گیری: ضریب اصطکاک استاتیک بادام و مغز آن به ترتیب روی شیشه و آهن گالوانیزه کمترین بود. بررسی اثر رطوبت بر ضریب اصطکاک استاتیک بادام نشان داد که با افزایش رطوبت این ضریب افزایش می یابد. در بررسی خواص مکانیکی نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد که تاثیر سرعت بارگذاری و جهت بارگذاری بر نیرو، انرژی و توان لازم برای شکست بادام در سطح یک درصد معنی دار بود. توان مصرفی برای شکست بادام با افزایش سرعت از50 به 200 میلی متر بر دقیقه افزایش یافت. با افزایش سرعت بارگذاری، نیروی شکست بادام، به طور معنی داری کاهش و تغییر شکل در نقطه ی شکست افزایش یافت. نیروی شکست بادام در بارگذاری در جهت محور داراز (Z) کمترین بود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - اثر صمغ بادام بر خواص بافتی، شیمیایی و حسی کیک روغنی کم کالری
        آیدا درخشان مهرناز اسماعیل پور
        مقدمه: کیک نوعی شیرینی با بافت نرم و مخصوص است که مواد اصلی آن آرد، روغن، شکر و تخم مرغ است و به دلیل انرژی و کالری بالا و وجود مقدار زیاد شکر در فرمول آن، مصرف مداوم و طولانی مدت این ماده غذایی چاقی و به دنبال آن مشکلات سلامتی ایجاد می‌کند. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی تا أکثر
        مقدمه: کیک نوعی شیرینی با بافت نرم و مخصوص است که مواد اصلی آن آرد، روغن، شکر و تخم مرغ است و به دلیل انرژی و کالری بالا و وجود مقدار زیاد شکر در فرمول آن، مصرف مداوم و طولانی مدت این ماده غذایی چاقی و به دنبال آن مشکلات سلامتی ایجاد می‌کند. این مطالعه به منظور بررسی تاثیر صمغ بادام (Amygdalus scoparia spach) بعنوان جایگزین چربیبر خواص بافتی، شیمیایی و حسی کیک روغنی انجام گرفت. مواد و روش ها: صمغ بادام در سه نسبت (1، 2 و4 درصد) به فرمولاسیون کیک افزوده شد. یک نمونه کیک حاوی 2 درصد صمغ بادام بدون کاهش روغن و یک نمونه کیک بدون صمغ بادام نیز به عنوان شاهد در نظر گرفته شد. در این بررسی اندازه گیری رطوبت، حجم مخصوص، بافت سنجی، ارزیابی رنگ و ارزیابی حسی نمونه های کیک انجام شد. یافته ها: نتایج به دست آمده از آنالیز داده ها نشان داد که افزودن صمغ بادام در نمونه های کیک، باعث افزایش معنی دار رطوبت، حجم مخصوص، سفتی و قابلیت جویدن بافت نمونه های کیک و کاهش معنی دار فاکتور انسجام و قابلیت ارتجاع بافت گردید. در آزمون رنگ سنجی نمونه های کیک، شاخص روشنایی کاهش معنی دار و تمایل به قرمزی و تمایل به زردی در نمونه ها به طور معنی دار افزایش پیدا کرد. نتیجه گیری: نتایج ارزیابی حسی نشان داد که جایگزینی صمغ بادام باعث افزایش امتیازات کسب شده در فاکتورهای ارزیابی حسی در نمونه ها شد و در مجموع بیشترین امتیاز آزمون ها را نمونه حاوی 4 درصد صمغ کسب کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        7 - واکنش ارقام مختلف بادام نسبت بهکنه تارتن بادامSchizotetranychus smirnovi در منطقه سامان
        زریر سعیدی
        در این مطالعه واکنش ارقام تجارتی بادام نسبت به کنه تارتن بادامSchizotetranychus smirnovi Wainst، در شرایط طبیعی منطقه سامان استان چهارمحال و بختیاری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ارقام مورد مطالعه عبارت بودند از: مامایی، سفید، ربیع، نان پاریل، شاهرود 6، شاهرود 7، شاهرود 13، شاه أکثر
        در این مطالعه واکنش ارقام تجارتی بادام نسبت به کنه تارتن بادامSchizotetranychus smirnovi Wainst، در شرایط طبیعی منطقه سامان استان چهارمحال و بختیاری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ارقام مورد مطالعه عبارت بودند از: مامایی، سفید، ربیع، نان پاریل، شاهرود 6، شاهرود 7، شاهرود 13، شاهرود 21 و فرانیس (شاهرود 12). مقاومت ارقام فوق نسبت به کنه تارتن بادام به دو روش زیر انجام گردید. در روش اول پس از پیوند زدن آنها روی پایه رویشی GF677، گلدان ها در شرایط باغ و در زیر تور معمولی (جهت جلوگیری از آلودگی طبیعی) و با تعداد مساوی کنه ماده بالغ بارور آلوده شدند و پس از 21 روز جمعیت کل کنه (شامل تخم، لارو، نمف و بالغ) روی هر تیمار شمارش گردید. نتایج نشان داد که ارقام سفید و فرانیس( شاهرود 12) بالاترین میزان جمعیت آفت و ارقام شاهرود 21 و شاهرود 6 کمترین میزان جمعیت را داشتند. در روش دوم مقاومت ارقام بادام در شرایط آلودگی اشباع طبیعی طی دو نوبت نمونه برداری (با فاصله 15 روز) بررسی گردید. مقایسه میانگین تراکم جمعیت آفت نشان داد که رقم مامایی با تراکم های 63 و2/206 کنه به ترتیب در نوبت های اول و دوم نمونه برداری دارای بالاترین جمعیت و رقم شاهرود 21 با تراکم های 2/6 و 22 کنه در نوبت های اول و دوم نمونه برداری، دارای کمترین تراکم جمعیت آفت بوده اند. بررسی تراکم کرک ها در سطح برگ و میزان فنل موجود در برگ نشان داد که رابطه ای بین آنها و مقاومت بادام به کنه تارتن بادام وجود ندارد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        8 - ارزیابی مقاومت ارقام و ژنوتیپ های مختلف بادام نسبت به کنه تارتن دو لکه ای Tetranychus urticae Koch در شرایط آزمایشگاه و گلخانه
        زریر سعیدی
        مقاومت ارقام و ژنوتیپ های مختلف بادام شامل مامایی، سفید، ربیع، شکوفه، آذر، نان پاریل، شاهرود 6، شاهرود 7، شاهرود 13، شاهرود 21 و شاهرود 12 (فرانیس) نسبت به کنه تارتن دولکه ای مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. جهت یکنواختی اثر پایه، تمامی ارقام و ژنوتیپ ها روی پایه ‘GF677&r أکثر
        مقاومت ارقام و ژنوتیپ های مختلف بادام شامل مامایی، سفید، ربیع، شکوفه، آذر، نان پاریل، شاهرود 6، شاهرود 7، شاهرود 13، شاهرود 21 و شاهرود 12 (فرانیس) نسبت به کنه تارتن دولکه ای مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. جهت یکنواختی اثر پایه، تمامی ارقام و ژنوتیپ ها روی پایه ‘GF677’ پیوند زده شدند و مقاومت آنها نسبت به کنه تارتن دولکه‌ای در شرایط آزمایشگاه و گلخانه بررسی گردید. جهت مطالعه آزمایشگاهی قطعاتی با اندازه مساوی (cm 2/1 × 5/2) از برگ های هر رقم تهیه و روی پنبه مرطوب درون پتری دیش قرار داده شد و هر کدام با پنج عدد کنه ماده بالغ بارور (5-3 روزه) آلوده شدند. نمونه‌ها درون انکوباتور و در دمایC° 1± 25، رطوبت نسبی %5±55 و دوره نوری 14:10 (تاریکی:روشنایی) نگهداری و پس از 72 ساعت میزان تخم ریزی و مرگ و میر کنه ها شمارش گردید. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده بیشترین و کمترین میزان تخم ریزی، به ترتیب روی ارقام ‘مامایی’ و ‘شاهرود 21’ و بیشترین تلفات روی ژنوتیپ ‘شاهرود 13’ دیده شد. مطالعه فاکتورهای زیستی کنه تارتن دولکه ای در شرایط آزمایشگاهی روی ارقام مختلف بادام نشان داد که ارقام و ژنوتیپ های مختلف بادام روی درصد زنده مانی، طول دوره پورگی، طول عمر بالغین و تعداد تخم گذاشته شده توسط هر ماده تاثیر متفاوتی دارند. بالاترین درصد زنده مانی مراحل نابالغ روی رقم ‘آذر’ (88%) و کمترین آن روی ارقام ‘شکوفه’ (47%) و ‘شاهرود 21’ (50%) مشاهده شد. طولانی ترین دوره پورگی (27/5 روز) روی ‘شاهرود 21’ دیده شد. کوتاه ترین طول عمر بالغین روی ژنوتیپ ‘شاهرود 21’ (15/5 روز) و رقم ‘شکوفه’ (2/5 روز) و طولانی ترین طول عمر روی رقم ‘مامایی’ (45/10 روز) مشاهده شد. بیشترین میزان تخم ریزی به ازای هرماده مربوط به رقم ‘مامایی’ (6/57 تخم /ماده) و کمترین مربوط به رقم ‘شکوفه’ (1/15 تخم/ماده) و ژنوتیپ ‘شاهرود 21’ (31 تخم/ماده) بود. بررسی گلخانه‌ای نیز نشان داد که بیشترین تراکم جمعیت آفت روی رقم ‘نان پاریل’ و ژنوتیپ ‘شاهرود 6’ و کمترین آن روی رقم ‘شکوفه’ و ژنوتیپ ‘شاهرود 21’ بوده است. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که رقم ‘شکوفه’ و ژنوتیپ های ‘شاهرود 21’ و ‘شاهرود 13’ نسبت به کنه تارتن دولکه ای مقاومترین درحالی که ارقام ‘مامایی’ و ‘نان پاریل’ حساس ترین ارقام به کنه تارتن دولکه ای بودند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - Assessment of Almond (Pronus sp) Orchards Nutritional Balance utilizing Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method on Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province
        Arezoo Ahmadzadeh Chaleshtori ebrahim panahpour Ramin Iranipour Abdolamir Moezzi
        BACKGROUND: Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method is one of the most prominent procedures in order to evaluation of almond nutritional balance.OBJECTIVES: The aims of current research were to determine the nutritional requirement of almond orchards on saman are أکثر
        BACKGROUND: Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) Method is one of the most prominent procedures in order to evaluation of almond nutritional balance.OBJECTIVES: The aims of current research were to determine the nutritional requirement of almond orchards on saman area of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province.METHODS: In order to evaluation nutritional balance of almond trees, an experiment was designed utilizing the Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) technique. This was conducted in the orchards of Zayandehroud River with a length of 60 km, and an information database was accommodated. In current research, 36 gardens were selected and the leaf samples were prepared. The selected leaf samples were deterged and squelched for proving ground analysis. The high yield orchards were selected to provide reference data at the end of growth period and on this subject, 30% of high yield gardens were chosen.RESULT: The DOP indicators were evaluated and the nutritional requirements arrangement was assigned. The findings revealed that the trees nutritional requirements were in the following order: Cu>S>Zn>Mn>P>Ca>Mg>B>N>K>Fe>Mo.CONCLUSION: The final repercussions exhibited that among the considered nutrients, the highest and least nutrient shortage was dedicated to copper and molybdenum, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - بررسی میزان آفلاتوکسین در پسته، بادام، فندق و گردو در شهر اصفهان
        زهرا شاکری ابراهیم رحیمی امیر شاکریان
        آفلاتوکسین ها، گروهی از متابولیت های ثانویه سرطان زا هستند که به‌وسیله برخی از گونه های کپک آسپرژیلوس تولید می شوند. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین وضعیت آلودگی مغزها به آفلاتوکسین ها انجام شد. در مجموع 80 نمونه مغزها شامل پسته (20)، بادام (20)، فندق (20) و گردو (20) عرضه أکثر
        آفلاتوکسین ها، گروهی از متابولیت های ثانویه سرطان زا هستند که به‌وسیله برخی از گونه های کپک آسپرژیلوس تولید می شوند. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین وضعیت آلودگی مغزها به آفلاتوکسین ها انجام شد. در مجموع 80 نمونه مغزها شامل پسته (20)، بادام (20)، فندق (20) و گردو (20) عرضه شده در شهرستان اصفهان در سال 1395 از نظر حضور آفلاتوکسین های B و G به‌وسیله روش HPLC آنالیز شدند. بر پایه نتایج مطالعه حاضر به‌ترتیب 2/5، 5/5، 5/7، 7/2 و 10 درصد از نمونه ها به آفلاتوکسین های G2 ,G1 ,B2 ,B1 و Total آلوده بودند. میانگین غلظت آفلاتوکسیندر نمونه ها به‌ترتیب 8/32، 5/635،3/067، 1/705و10/375 میکروگرم در گرم بود. غلظت آفلاتوکسین B1 در 66/67 درصد نمونه‌ها و غلظت آفلاتوکسین کل در 37/5 درصد از نمونه‌های مثبت بالاتر ازحد مجاز استاندارد ملی ایران (ppb 5) بود. درصد آلودگی نمونه های پسته بهآفلاتوکسین ها به‌طور معنا داری (p <0.05) بیشتر از سایر مغزها (بادام، فندوق و گردو) بود. نتایج این مطالعه نشان می‌دهد وضعیت آلودگی مغزها خصوصاً پسته به آفلاتوکسین‌ ها مطلوب نبوده و می تواند سلامت مصرف‌کننده را به مخاطره اندازد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - بررسی مقایسه‌ای پروتئین‌های بذر 10 ژنوتیپ بادام زراعی (Amygdalus dulcis (L.) Miller) و 2 گونه بادام خودروی (A. scoparia Spach و A. lycioides Spach) در استان اصفهان
        مهدی یوسفی
        روابط بین 10 ژنوتیپ زراعی بادام (Amygdalus dulcis (L.) Miller) (ژنوتیپ‌های محب علی، صفری، یارالهی، مامایی، ربیع، کبابی، تاجری، حاج میرزایی، تلخه و آذر) و 2 گونه بادام خودروی (گونه‌های Amygdalus lycioides var. horida و A. scoparia) از استان اصفهان، از طریق آنالیز پروتئین أکثر
        روابط بین 10 ژنوتیپ زراعی بادام (Amygdalus dulcis (L.) Miller) (ژنوتیپ‌های محب علی، صفری، یارالهی، مامایی، ربیع، کبابی، تاجری، حاج میرزایی، تلخه و آذر) و 2 گونه بادام خودروی (گونه‌های Amygdalus lycioides var. horida و A. scoparia) از استان اصفهان، از طریق آنالیز پروتئین‌های ذخیره‌ای دانة آنها بررسی شد. در مجموع 18 باند پروتئینی مشاهده شد که برخی از آنها در بین تمام گونه‌ها و ژنوتیپ‌های بادام مشتـرک بودند. برخی از این باندها فقط در یک گونه یا یک ژنوتیپ زراعی وجود داشتند، در حالی که تعدادی دیگر از آنها تنها در ژنوتیپ‌های زراعی مشاهده شدند و گونه‌های خودروی فاقد آنها بودند. داده‌های حاصله از طریق آنالیز خوشه‌ای با روش UPGMA و ضریب فاصله اقلیدسی و نیز از طریق آنالیز مؤلفه‌های اصلی (PCA) بررسی شدند. نتایج نشان داد که برخی از این ژنوتیپ‌های محلی از لحاظ الگوی الکتروفورزی پروتئین‌های ذخیره‌ای بذر بسیار بهم شبیهند. از جمله روابط نزدیکی بین ژنوتیپ‌های صفری، یارالهی و مامایی و نیز بین ژنوتیپ‌های تاجری، حاج میرزایی و کبابی مشاهده شد. بین گونه‌های خودروی و ژنوتیپ‌های زراعی نیز الگوی پروتئینی متفاوتی مشاهده گردید. در این پژوهش نقش پروتئین‌های ذخیره‌ای دانه در نشان دادن تنوع ژنتیکی ژنوتیپ‌های بادام مورد بحث قرار گرفت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - Evaluation of the effect of ultrasound-assisted variables on phenolic compounds extraction from almond(Prunus amygdalus) hull
        ویکتوریا مسعودی اعظم اعرابی
        Background & aims: Extraction of major phenolic compounds from agricultural crop residues is important for the development of value-added products. Almond (Prunus amygdalus) is one of the most indigenous fruit crops that is grown in large quantities in Iran. Almond أکثر
        Background & aims: Extraction of major phenolic compounds from agricultural crop residues is important for the development of value-added products. Almond (Prunus amygdalus) is one of the most indigenous fruit crops that is grown in large quantities in Iran. Almond hulls are considered as by-product which are used only for animal feed. The aim of this study was to compare the phenolic compounds extraction yield from almond hulls using ultrasound and percolation methods. Experimental: An optimization procedure using central composite design (CCD) with 4 factors (solvent, frequency, time and temperature) at 5 levels was used in order to investigate the effect of these parameters on the extraction. Finally, the effect of solid to solvent ratio on phenolic compounds extraction was evaluated and compared with soxhlet method. Results: The results indicated that the optimum extraction conditions is found to be 86% ethanol, 50 °C , 75 min and 163 Hz for temperature, time and frequency, respectively. In addition, the extraction of phenolic compounds was evaluated in different ratios of solid to solvent (10: 1, 20: 1, 30: 1, 40: 1(w / w) at the optimum conditions and antioxidant activity of the extracts was measured by DPPH method. The maximum extraction of phenolic compounds was obtained in the ratio of 40: 1(w / w) with the amount of 1134.19± 0.23 mg/g of dry matter. The maximum free radical scavenging activity of the extract was 87.42% for ultrasound extraction which was significantly (α<0.05) different from percolation method. Recommended applications/industries: Application of new techniques including ultrasound in the extraction of phenolic compounds can be an effective method not only to increase the extraction yield of phenolic compounds but also due to the shorter extraction time, less damage is done to these compounds. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        13 - Optimization of antioxidant compounds extraction from almond shell by response surface method
        غلامرضا ایسپره فاطمه نجاتی مریم جعفری
        Background and aim: Extraction of natural antioxidant compounds has recently attracted the attention of researchers. Almond is one of the native products of Iran, which annually during the process of production , large volumes of waste is achieved. The aim of this study أکثر
        Background and aim: Extraction of natural antioxidant compounds has recently attracted the attention of researchers. Almond is one of the native products of Iran, which annually during the process of production , large volumes of waste is achieved. The aim of this study is investigating the impact of two parameters (time and ethanol percentage) on the extraction of phenol and antioxidant compounds from almond shell optimization of these parameters using the RSM method. In this study, extraction process was assisted by ultrasound. Experimental: The fine powder was prepared from dried almond green shell. The powder was mixed with water- ethanol solvent in the ratio of 1:20 and exposed to ultrasound for a sufficient time at 35 °C. The tow variables of this study, eg the ethanol concentration (%) and time of extraction (each in 3 levels), were determined by the Design Expert software, and totally 13 experiments were performed for extraction. Afterwards, the concentration of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were analysed by Folin-Ciocalteu and DPPH methods, respectively. Results and discussion:According to the results of the optimization, the optimal condition for extraction of maximum antioxidant compounds determined as 35.74 min, using a solvent contains 43.69 % of ethanol. In this condition, the antioxidant activity and concentration of phenolic compounds were 47.19 % and 0.917 (mg/mol) respectively. These results were confirmed by experimental analysis and it was shown that the model could well predict efficiency at the optimal point. Industrial and practical recommendations: This study showed that the green shell of almonds can be as a cheap and accessible source for extracting the compounds or antioxidant activities. Furthermore, we showed that the ultrasonic-assisted extraction is an efficient and quick method for extraction of antioxidant compounds. تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - Screening of almond cultivars and genotypes in relation to frost stress tolerance
        ALI IMANI Hamed Torkaman Valiollah Rasoli Korosh Zandifar Zandifar
        Almond is one of the most important horticultural crops of the Iran, which has been of interest to Iranian growers for a long time due to its unique characteristics. To select the best cultivars or genotypes of almonds from almond germplasm, an investigation based on fr أکثر
        Almond is one of the most important horticultural crops of the Iran, which has been of interest to Iranian growers for a long time due to its unique characteristics. To select the best cultivars or genotypes of almonds from almond germplasm, an investigation based on frost tolerance (50 genotype and varieties in conditions of the laboratory was conducted using cuttings containing flower buds) in the Horticultural Sciences Researches Institute under laboratory conditions. The tolerance of 50 genotypes to frost in laboratory conditions was investigated in a factorial manner in a completely random design with the first factor of cold at 2 levels (normal temperature or without frost stress and -3°C) and the second factor of genotype at 50 levels with 3 replications. In this research, after screening 50 varieties and genotypes of almonds in relation to tolerance to freezing stress, two varieties and genotypes (Shokofeh and A43D99) were tolerant and two varieties (Peerless and Rabie) were sensitive and 2 varieties and genotypes (Nanpareil and A47MS3 ) intermediates were selected for further investigation, especially in relation to traits related to frost tolerance.It should be noted that the selected genotypes in this research are the result of breeding programs, and with further study and research work, some of these genotypes can be introduced as genotypes resistant to frost stress and used in breeding and cultivation programs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        15 - An Economic Evaluation of Iranian Horticultural Research and Extension Policy: The Case Study of Almond Late Flowering Cultivars
        Seyed Safdar Hosseini Ali Shahnavazi
        This paper examines the economic effects of investment in developing and introducing Almond Late Flowering Cultivars (ALFC) in a period of 52 years from 1968 to 2020, developed in Sahand Horticultural Research Station (SHRS), using the economic surplus model and field s أکثر
        This paper examines the economic effects of investment in developing and introducing Almond Late Flowering Cultivars (ALFC) in a period of 52 years from 1968 to 2020, developed in Sahand Horticultural Research Station (SHRS), using the economic surplus model and field survey data. ALFC make almond supply curve move less to the left when there is a chilling case, thus affect the economic surplus of producers and consumers. Results showed that because of ALFC, economic surplus of producers and consumers had been increased about 0.4 and 0.6 million US Dollars, respectively that the share of consumers from benefits was 58 percent. The social net present value of ALFC regarding to the cost of research and extension was about 0.1 million US Dollars. It was identified that the internal rate of return in developing and introducing of ALFC had been about 11%. The findings expressed that if the research investment in ALFC could keep the position of almond supply curve unchanged unless the weather conditions, then the economic surplus of producers and consumers would decreased 3 and 4.2 million US Dollars less annually, respectively and internal rate of return in almond research would be 33%. Comparing the results showed that the introduction of late flowering cultivars could reduce the loss only 4% per hectare. The results illustrated that investment in R& E of almond could make supply curve shift less in chilling situation because of decrease in cultivation cost, but it is necessary to enhance almond yield too. The findings identify that the efficiency of current system of R & E for almond is low. So it is a necessity to find ways for make better the R & E performance in Iran. تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - تاثیر کاربرد مالچ های گیاهی بر کنترل علف‎های هرز باغ های انجیر در منطقه‎ی استهبان
        زهرا تابش فرهاد مهاجری
        به منظور بررسی اثر انواع مالچ گیاهی و ضخامت‎های مختلف آن‌ها بر کنترل علف‎های هرز باغ‎های انجیر، پژوهشی در قالب فاکتوریل بر پایه‎ی طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در منطقه استهبان استان فارس در سال زراعی 1397-1396 انجام شد. فاکتورهای آن را سه نوع مالچ غی أکثر
        به منظور بررسی اثر انواع مالچ گیاهی و ضخامت‎های مختلف آن‌ها بر کنترل علف‎های هرز باغ‎های انجیر، پژوهشی در قالب فاکتوریل بر پایه‎ی طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در منطقه استهبان استان فارس در سال زراعی 1397-1396 انجام شد. فاکتورهای آن را سه نوع مالچ غیرزنده‎ی گیاهی (پوسته‌ی بادام، کاه و کلش گندم و بقایای شیرین بیان)، سه ضخامت مالچ (5، 10 و 15 سانتی‌متر) و شاهد بدون پوشش تشکیل ‌دادند. نتایج نشان دادند که تمام انواع مالچ‌ها؛ تراکم، وزن تر و وزن خشک علف‎های هرز را نسبت به تیمار شاهد به طور معنی‎داری کاهش دادند. کاربرد مالچ شیرین‌بیان بهتر از دو تیمار دیگر، رشد و تراکم علف‎های هرز درختان انجیر را کنترل کرد. از میـان سطوح مختلف ضخامت مالچ، ضخامت 10 سانتی‎متر مالچ علاوه بر حفظ بهتر رطوبت خاک، باعث کاهش عملکرد بیولوژیک علف‎های هرز گردید. به طور کلی مالچ‌های غیر زنده‎ی گیاهی می‌توانند یک مدیریت زراعی مؤثر در کنترل علف‌های هرز باغ‎های انجیر باشند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - Genetic Diversity and Heritability of Fruit Traits and Oil Content in Selected Almond Progenies and their Parents
        Hamed Torkman Ali Imani AliReza Talaei Sadegh Mousavi
        Diversity is an essential issue for fruit crop breeding programs and improving selection efficiency. This study was targeted to investigate the genetic diversity and heritability of fruit parameters and oil content in almond progenies and their parents. The results exhi أکثر
        Diversity is an essential issue for fruit crop breeding programs and improving selection efficiency. This study was targeted to investigate the genetic diversity and heritability of fruit parameters and oil content in almond progenies and their parents. The results exhibited notable genetic variation among the studied progenies and their parents. The highest phenotypic and genotypic variance coefficients were 13.05 and 11.18 for fruit length in in different genotypes, respectively. Also the highest broad sense heritability belonged to nut weight of genotype (0 and 89%). The lowest phenotypic and genotypic variance coefficients was 0.19 and 0.15, respectively, which was observed in kernel weight and the lowest broad sense heritability belonged to fruit thickness (68%). For oil content, which is important for qualitative improvement in breeding programs, there was a significant difference between examined progenies and their parents. Finally, in this study, it was found that some of the progenies were high in oil, for example, the hybrid A11-18 had 63.97% of oil that could be used in almond development programs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - Diversity of Nut and Seedling Characteristics and Its Relationship to Habitat Climate in Some Almond Species
        Sama Rahimi Ali Gharaghani Saeid Eshghi
        This study carried out to evaluate variations and relationships of nut size, seedling morphological attributes and habitat climatic parameters in of Prunus scoparia (Spach) C. K. Schneid populations in comparison to three other almond species. A total of 10 populations أکثر
        This study carried out to evaluate variations and relationships of nut size, seedling morphological attributes and habitat climatic parameters in of Prunus scoparia (Spach) C. K. Schneid populations in comparison to three other almond species. A total of 10 populations including seven populations of P. scoparia and three of other almond species including P. elaeagnifolia Spach., P. eburnea Spach., and P. dulcis Mill. were raised from seeds in greenhouse condition. Results showed noticeable variations in the studied seedlings characteristics within and among the populations. Among P. scoparia, Nourabad, Shiraz and Lordegan populations were superior to other populations in most of the measured traits. Useful correlations were observed between nut and seedling traits, among them, the highest correlation (r = 0.89) was between nut weight and leaf width. Altitude and annual precipitation correlated positively with some of the nut and seedling characteristics (ranging from r = 0.13 to r = 0.33). Based on principal components analysis (PCA), the first three components explained 76.2 % of the total variation of morphological characteristics. Using cluster analysis as well as a bi-plot of PCA, the genotypes classified into two main clusters of wild and domesticated populations. The main cluster of the wild populations divided into three sub-clusters based on their botanical categorization, whilst P. scoparia populations clustered based on geographic proximity and climate similarity. Results may have important implications for managing these genetic resources as well as their use in future breeding programs especially for the development of new rootstocks for almond and stone fruits. تفاصيل المقالة
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        19 - Selection Almond Superior Genotypes Form F1 Segregated Population of ‘Tuono’ × ‘Shokoufe’ Cultivars
        Somayeh Firouzbakht ALI Ebadi Ali Imani Daryoush Davoudi Vahid Abdoosi
        The primary steps in breeding programs are identifying and selecting superior fruit trees genotypes. This study was conducted to achieve the most productive, self-compatible, and cold tolerated almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.)D.A.webb] genotypes, by determining genetic var أکثر
        The primary steps in breeding programs are identifying and selecting superior fruit trees genotypes. This study was conducted to achieve the most productive, self-compatible, and cold tolerated almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.)D.A.webb] genotypes, by determining genetic variability of 103 progenies resulted by crossing ‘Tuono’ and ‘Shokoufe’ during two years, 2016-2017 at Meshkin Abad Horticulture Research Station in Karaj (50.9°E, 35. ° 7521 N, 1245 m height, with moderate and cold climates, shallow, calcareous soils, with a pH = 7) according to almond description (Gulcan, 1985) for selecting superior hybrids. The genetic relationship between selected hybrids was carried out by using genetic correlation. Minimum, maximum, and comparing mean results represented hybrids’ variability. Correlations indicated significant positive and negative variability. 20 components of effective traits justified 77.4% of the total variance. Hybrid separation was carried out by clustering analysis using 20 components. In 10th Euclidean distance, hybrids were separated into 17 groups. Fruit, nut, kernel, productivity, and vigor characteristics were the main factors in grouping clusters, respectively. In the first factor, traits including fruit size (0.70), fruit weight (0.880), fruit length (0.741), fruit width (0.769), fruit thickness (0.722), nut weight (0.872), nut length (0.729), nut width (0.795), nut thickness (0.673), kernel weight (0.849), kernel length (0.635) and kernel width (0.837). In the second factor, there were traits including productivity (0.797), number of nuts per tree (0.925), fruit weight per tree (0.932), and nut weight per tree (0.905). In the third factor, traits such as trunk diameter (0.60), the radius of expansion in two directions north-south (0.755) and east-west (0.804), leaf density (0.60), and growth habit (0.60). These third components could justify about 14%, 7%, and 5% of the total variance. The most variable traits were growth habit, high quality, bearing habit, flowering and leafing time, fruit size; date of harvesting, nut shape and the lowest variable trait was kernel taste. تفاصيل المقالة
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        20 - Effects of Eight Weeks of Combined Yoga Exercises, Almond Consumption and Diet on Sexual Function of Diabetic Women
        Zahra Akbarian Tahereh Bagherpour Nematollah Nemati
        Type two diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases, and the lesser-known complication of diabetes is sexual dysfunction, which leads to, vaginal dryness in females and erectile problems in males. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influencing factors on أکثر
        Type two diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases, and the lesser-known complication of diabetes is sexual dysfunction, which leads to, vaginal dryness in females and erectile problems in males. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influencing factors on the complication reduction of treatment. The main purpose of this present study was to examine the effects of 8 weeks of combined yoga exercises, almond consumption and diet on the sexual function of diabetic females in Damghan city. For this purpose, fifty diabetic women aged between 30 to 50 years old in Damghan were selected and matched based on their age, height, and weight into five groups (number in each groups=10 subject). The subjects randomly named 1.yoga exercises; 2. Almonds consumption; 3. Diet (doing all three items); and 4. Control group. Before and after the intervention period, blood pressure, blood sugar, waist, and hip size were measured and the subjects completed a dietary recall questionnaire. The first group subjects performed 10-minute breathing exercises, 20-minute stretching, and 15-minute concentration of yoga exercises in each session. The second group replaced 1 ounce (equivalent to 28.34 gr) of almonds with a 10% calorie intake per day. The third group implemented any of the diet programs set by the nutritionist, and the fourth group performed all of the above 3 conditions (yoga, almonds consumption & diet). The control group did not implement any of the above. TDEo analyses of the data, descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. The results showed that eight weeks of yoga exercises, almond consumption, and diet significantly affect sexual function among diabetic women. However, no significant effect was observed on the sexual function after the intervention in the control group. Thus yoga exercises, almond consumption, and diet improved sexual function of diabetic women. تفاصيل المقالة
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        21 - Impact of Storage Duration on Kernel Quality of Offspring of ‘Mamaei’ and ‘Marcona’ Almond Hybrids
        Mahrokh Zahedi Mousa Rasouli Ali Imani Orang Khademi Sepideh Kalateh Jari
        The influence of storing almond kernel genotypes derived from reciprocal crosses of ‘Mamaei’ and ‘Marcona’ cultivars (referred to as ‘G1’, ‘G2’, ‘G3’, ‘G4’, ‘G5’ and ‘G6’) on أکثر
        The influence of storing almond kernel genotypes derived from reciprocal crosses of ‘Mamaei’ and ‘Marcona’ cultivars (referred to as ‘G1’, ‘G2’, ‘G3’, ‘G4’, ‘G5’ and ‘G6’) on diverse quality parameters, encompassing moisture, ash, protein, oil, carbohydrates, fiber, and total vitamin E was investigated. The kernels were stored for 0, 6, and 12 months at room temperature. The results showed that the highest fresh kernel weight was observed in the ‘Marcona’ parent and two progenies, ‘G5’ and ‘G3’, at harvest time. The highest amounts of soluble carbohydrates were found in the ‘G4’ genotype, while the highest amounts of insoluble carbohydrates were observed in the ‘Mamaei’ parent and ‘G5’ genotype. The highest protein content was found in the ‘Mamaei’ parent and ‘G4’ genotype, while the maximum oil content was observed in the ‘G5’ genotype. The ‘G6’ genotype had the highest amount of total vitamin E. All studied traits showed a decreasing trend during the storage period, with the lowest amounts observed in all selected offspring after one year of storage. The results highlighted variations in traits such as fresh kernel weight, soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, protein, oil, and total vitamin E among different genotypes. Moreover, all traits exhibited a decline in values during storage, emphasizing the importance of selecting high-quality genotypes like ‘G5’ for almond breeding programs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - Application of Random Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphism (RAMP) in Prunus Characterization and Mapping
        M. Rasouli P. Martínez-Gómez R. Karimi
        Random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) is a PCR-based marker which uses a combination of two classes of markers: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and Random amplified DNA polymorphism (RAPD) markers. RAMP has been demonstrated to be a potentially valuable molec أکثر
        Random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) is a PCR-based marker which uses a combination of two classes of markers: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and Random amplified DNA polymorphism (RAPD) markers. RAMP has been demonstrated to be a potentially valuable molecular marker for the study of genetic relationships in cultivated plant species. The objective of this study was to optimize the application of RAMP markers for the molecular characterization of a F1 almond progeny from the cross between ‘Tuono’ and ‘Shahrood-12’ cultivar. In this first study, genomic DNA was extracted from young leaf tissues and PCR reactions were done using two nuclear SSR markers (assaying forward and reverse primers) and two selected RAPD primers. In addition, to check the transferability of these RAMP markers across Prunus genus, a F1 apricot progeny from the cross between the North American cultivar ‘Goldrich’ and the Spanish ‘Currot’ was assayed. Results showed the dominant nature of these markers with a great abundance and transferability although with a reduced polymorphism. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - Responses of Almond Genotypes to Osmotic Stress Induced In Vitro
        S. Karimi A. Yadollahi K. Arzani
        Drought is one of the major limitations to crop production worldwide. This study was conducted to evaluate the response of five almond genotypes and peach×almond hybrid GF to drought stress in vitro, and screening drought tolerance. Explants subjected to polyethyl أکثر
        Drought is one of the major limitations to crop production worldwide. This study was conducted to evaluate the response of five almond genotypes and peach×almond hybrid GF to drought stress in vitro, and screening drought tolerance. Explants subjected to polyethylene glycol osmotic stress ( , , and . % WV) on the MS medium. Increasing PEG level in the medium significantly reduced fresh weight and leaf growth indices of the explants. Concentrations of chlorophylls, anthocyanins and carotenoids were significantly reduced under osmotic stress. Drought sensitive genotypes ‘B- ’, ‘Sepid’, ‘Mamaei’ and ‘Ferragnès’ showed stunted growth with high rate of leaf abscission under osmotic stress. Under osmotic stress, leaf water content, cellular membrane stability and pigments concentration were significantly higher in the leaves of tolerant genotypes ‘Supernova’ and GF . The results revealed that carotenoids and anthocyanins may be involved in protecting almonds against drought stress. Based on their responses to the osmotic treatments, almond genotypes were divided into drought tolerant (‘Supernova’ and GF ), semi-sensitive (‘B- ’ and ‘Sepid’) and drought sensitive (‘Mamaei’ and ‘Ferragnès’) تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - Effects of Almond Genotype and Growing Location on Oil Percentage and Fatty Acid Composition of its Seeds
        M. Abaspour A. Imani T. Hassanlo
        Almond oil is used in many cosmetic products as a snack, in confectionery (marzipan, "turrón", nougat), food products (almond milk, ice cream, chocolate), culinary recipes and also cosmetic base. For surveying the effects of almond genotype and growing location o أکثر
        Almond oil is used in many cosmetic products as a snack, in confectionery (marzipan, "turrón", nougat), food products (almond milk, ice cream, chocolate), culinary recipes and also cosmetic base. For surveying the effects of almond genotype and growing location on oil percentage of oil seed content and fatty acid of almond, seeds of 6 almond cultivars: Ferragnes, Tuono, Azar, Sahand, Nonpareil and Ne Plus Ultra were collected from tree growing in Tabriz (Sahand Station) and Kesht Sanat Jovin regions in Iran and analyzed for oil content and fatty acid in 2011. In this experiment, at least 2g almond kernels from each cultivar of almond with 3 replications were examined individually. Oil extraction methyl esters were done in one step and according to the GC/MS , analysis of fatty acid methyl esters tacked place and according to the HPLC, alpha and beta tocophyrol were determined Our results showed significant variation between cultivars and some degree of different growing location. Oil content varied from 47.36% to 60.54% of the total kernel dry weight in Tuono and Azar respectively. 8 fatty acids of seeds of 6 almond cultivars were determined, with the percentages varying from 0.01% eicosenoeic acid to 78.7% linoleic acid .The results of analysis of eight different fatty acid methyl esters according to the GC/MS methode showed that Oleic acid, Linoleic acid and Palmitic acid contents were deferent as major fatty acids among cultivars in a way that oleic acid contents of samples range between 72.44% (Touno) and 79.14% (Azar). linoleic acid values were varied between 12.05% (Touno) and 18.47% (nonpareil). Palmitic acid contents were obtained between 5.71% (Ferragnes) and 6.97% (Ne plus ultra). According to the results, almond genotype and growing location on oil percentage and fatty acid composition of its seeds were found affect that could be considered in almond agro_breeding program تفاصيل المقالة
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        25 - Effects of Drought Stress on Almond Cultivars Responses Grafted on Different Rootstocks
        Abdolbaset Ranjbar Ali Imani Saeid Piri Vahid Abdoosi
        In this study, the response of selected almond cultivars on different rootstocks under drought stress base on Morpho-physiological traits using a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was investigated. The experimental was ca أکثر
        In this study, the response of selected almond cultivars on different rootstocks under drought stress base on Morpho-physiological traits using a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was investigated. The experimental was carried out at the Temperate Fruit Research Center of Horticultural Sciences Research Institute (HSRI) in 2016. The factors included cultivars in five levels (Supernova, Texas, Marcona, Shokoufeh and K13-40), rootstocks in three levels: GF-677, GN-22) (Peach × almond hybrids) and seedlings of bitter almond No.32 (Somewhat resistant to drought stress) and drought stress in four levels: irrigation intervals of 3 (control), 5, 10 and 15 days. The factors such as leaf abscission, leaf area (LA), cell membrane stability index (MSI), chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) and chlorophyll content index (CCI), minimal fluorescence (F0), maximal fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were measured. The results showed that the interaction between the cultivar and the rootstock for F0 and for CCI was significant at 1% level. Interactions of cultivar and drought stress were significant for Fm and Fv at the 5% level and for CCI, F0, Fv/Fm at the 1% level. Interactions of rootstock × drought were significant for CCI, F0, Fv/Fm at the 1% level. Drought decreased Fv with increasing F0 and decreasing Fm, in the evaluated cultivars and reduced the Fv/Fm in sensitive cultivars on seedling rootstock and GN-22 from 0.82 to 0.66 but in resistance cultivar Shokoufeh on GF-677 was from 0.818 to 0.789. As a general result, all of the cultivars on the GF-677 rootstock showed greater resistance to drought stress, and Shokoufeh and Marcona cultivars, especially on the GF-677 rootstock, tolerated drought stress better, and these combinations of rootstock - scion were superior to present experiment. تفاصيل المقالة
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        26 - Optimization of the Analysis of Almond DNA Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) Through Submarine Electrophoresis Using Different Agaroses and Staining Protocols
        M. Rasouli A. Mousavi B. Mohammadparast P. Martínez-Gómez
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant i أکثر
        Simple sequence repeat (SSR markers or microsatellites), based on the specific PCR amplification of DNA sequences, are becoming the markers of choice for molecular characterization of a wide range of plants because of their high polymorphism, abundance, and codominant inheritance. Different methods have been used for the analysis of the SSR amplified fragments being submarine agarose electrophoresis the more suitable method for the routine application. In this work we have performed a comparative study of the utilization of four different types of low melting (Metaphor®, Sea Kem®, and MS-8®) and regular (LD-2®) agaroses and two different staining protocols using Ethidium Bromide and Gel Red Nucleic Acid Gel Sating®. Almond cultivars assayed included the Spanish cultivars ‘Antoñeta’, ‘Marta’, ‘Penta’, ‘Tardona’ ‘Desmayo’ and ‘Guara’, the French cultivars ‘Ferragnés’ and ‘R1000’, the USA cultivar ‘Mission’, the Tunisian cultivar ‘Achaak’, the Italian cultivar ‘Tuono’ and the Australian cultivar ‘Chellaston’. SSR detection using Metaphor® agarose gel electrophoresis was the most efficient with higher resolution and would be able to resolve most of allelic variation in comparison with the other three agaroses assayed. In addition, gel staining using Ethidium Bromide showed similar results than the GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain® although it is much more toxic. The use of MetaPhor® agarose and GelRedTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain® appears good indicated for molecular characterization of mapping of population due to its good resolution in comparison with the rest of agaroses, less toxicity in comparison with the use of Ethidium Bromide, and lower cost and easier routine application in comparison with the automatic capillary sequencing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        27 - Infuence of pollen source and pollination Time on Furit set of Ferragness Self-incompatibility Almond
        M. Agajanlo A. Imani S. Piri pireivatlou K. Barzegar S..Hassan. Masomi S.H. Ava
        Different experiments have showed that interruption in pollination is an important problem in most almond orchards.Asmost of the almond cultivars are self-incompatible,pollination cannot be performed desirably and as a result a failure in almond yield is occurred.Thus u أکثر
        Different experiments have showed that interruption in pollination is an important problem in most almond orchards.Asmost of the almond cultivars are self-incompatible,pollination cannot be performed desirably and as a result a failure in almond yield is occurred.Thus under this circumstance,determination of selective cultivars compatibility and choosing appropriate pollinizers are so important in almond orchards establishment.Thus,in order to select of best pollinizer and also determining of pollination time influence on fruit set of ferragnes,an experiments in Horticulture research station of Kraj,based on random complete blick desing with three replication on trees 8 years old.Four cultivars of Tuono,Fragiulio,sahand and shelofeh selected as the pollinizer treatments for pollinating the ferragnes cultivar.In this test,used pollens,had high percent of germination(85%),before crossing.After pollination,in order to study of how formation of fruit,pollinated flowers wrer accounted in several times and did statistical accounts on them.Significant differences wrer also observed between pollination treatments for the mean values of the percentage of fruit set,with the higher value corresponding to fruit set from open-pollination 38.79% and it,s lowest with Tuono pollenizer with average of percent fruit set was 22.60% in final fruit set,not only threr was more different between pollenizars for fruit setting in Ferragnes almond in each stage of pollination after flower opening,but also it was observed more different between pollenizers for fruit setting in various stages of pollination after a range of flower opening times. تفاصيل المقالة
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        28 - Evaluation of Germination Capacity of Stored Pollen of Almond and Peach
        Ali Imani Mohammad Hadi Kargar Saead Piri Pireivatlou Farid Asgari Seiyed Hassan Masomi
        Pollen viability and its germination capability for fruit set in are almond and peach essential. To optimize the pollen culture medium of almond and peach and selection of best medium, the present study was carried out with 48 different culture media containing differen أکثر
        Pollen viability and its germination capability for fruit set in are almond and peach essential. To optimize the pollen culture medium of almond and peach and selection of best medium, the present study was carried out with 48 different culture media containing different compositions including diverse levels of boric acid (0 and 100mg/1), calcium nitrate (0,150and300mg/l،), magnesium sulphate (0 and200mg/l), potassium nitrate (0 and100 mg/l), sucrose (10 and15 %) and agar (1 %). Following optimization of the best medium, in order to determine the viability of stored pollens of almond and peach cultivars, three months after maintenance at 4°C,-20°C and -80°C was assessed through evaluation of their germination percentage using optimized medium. Maximum pollen germination (99.80 %) was recorded in B2M2K1C2S medium (boric acid 100 mg/l, magnesium sulphate 100 mg/l, potassium nitrate 0.0 mg/l, calcium nitrate 0.0 mg/l, sucrose 15 % and agar 1%). Lowest germination percentage (30.57 %) was found in B1K1M2C3S1 medium (boric acid 0.0 mg/l, potassium nitrate 0.0 mg/l, magnesium sulphate 100 mg/l, calcium nitrate 150 mg/l, sucrose 10 % and agar 1 %). Data recorded for pollen germination of stored pollen showed that Rabie Pollen stored at -80°C gave highest germination (90.66 %) while the lowest germination (64.00 %) was observed in Anjiri pollen stored at +4°C. The findings of the present study may help the fruit breeders and whoever is involved in pollen analysis studies. تفاصيل المقالة
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        29 - Relationship Between Frost Injury and Ion Leakage as an Indicator of Cold Hardiness in 60 Almond Selections
        A. Imani K. barzegar S. Piripireivatlou
        Frost damage to the flowers and early developing fruits is one of the most limiting factors in almond cultivation regions of the world. This study was undertaken to understand almond response to frost damage concerning ion leakage in order to develop a criterion for the أکثر
        Frost damage to the flowers and early developing fruits is one of the most limiting factors in almond cultivation regions of the world. This study was undertaken to understand almond response to frost damage concerning ion leakage in order to develop a criterion for the selection of frost-resistant cultivars in field experiments. In this work, 60 almond cultivars and genotypes on the basis frosts damage and ion leakage was studied. Results showed that the severity of frost damage was influenced by genotype. Genotypes that had the more resistant to frost damage had less ion leakage. It is suggested that ion leakage may serve as indicator of frost tolerance in almond breeding material. تفاصيل المقالة
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        30 - The Effect of Flowering Time on Seed Dormancy Breaking of Almond
        A. Torabi A. Imani
        Seed’s dormancy is considered as one of the effective factors in seeds germination and consequently in the growth of seeds of many plant species. Shortening the dormancy period and enhancing the germination percentage in fruit types could be a valuable strategy fo أکثر
        Seed’s dormancy is considered as one of the effective factors in seeds germination and consequently in the growth of seeds of many plant species. Shortening the dormancy period and enhancing the germination percentage in fruit types could be a valuable strategy for the seed researchers and plant nurseries. In this research the seeds of mature fruits of different almond cultivars including late-very late flowering (Sahand), mid-late flowering (Touno) and early-very early flowering (Najafabad)cultivars with hard shells after being collected and prepared, were separated from the hull and were preserved under 18% dry moisture till the beginning of the experiment in a proper place. Seeds were disinfected with 2%TMTD® (Tetramethyl thiuram disulphide) fungicide solution for 30 minutes. Treated seeds, with and without endocarp, were stratified at 4 ◦C for 1–15 weeks. The numbers of germinated seeds were recorded weekly for each cultivar. The seeds were examined during cold stratification 4°C due with a view to the germination once a week. The results showed that different treatments have significant effect on the decrease of the time of different cultivars’ seed germination; in other words, on the decrease of the chilling requirement in them. In hard shell seeds of Touno, Sahand and Najafabad cultivars with different flowering time had higher germination rate and uniformity, respectively تفاصيل المقالة
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        31 - Evaluation of the Behavior of Native Iranian Almond Species as Rootstocks
        B. Madam M. Rahemi A. Mousavi P. Martínez-Gómez
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such a أکثر
        Iran is one of the most important regions for origin and diversification of wild almond species in the world. Over 20 species, naturally distributed in many regions, have been identified to date in Iran. These can be used as rootstocks in different Prunus species such as almond or peach due to their adaptability to severe (drought) environmental conditions and resistance to some pests and diseases. Results showed that P. eburnea had the most stem biomass, and P. scoparia the least leaf area and the largest root system among the three species, which can indicate better adaptation to drought conditions. The correlations between the measured traits suggest that the relationship between shoot and root morphology is unique for each species. In addition, results indicated that P. eburnea had the highest seed germination percentage and P. elaeagnifolia the lowest. Finally, there was significant difference between wild rootstocks in grafting success, with P. scoparia and P elaeagnifolia showing the best behavior. تفاصيل المقالة
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        32 - Evaluation the Resistance of Almond to Frost in Controlled and Field Conditions
        A Imani M Ezaddost F Asgari S. H Masoumi I Raeisi
        Frost damage to the flowers and early developing fruits is one of the most limiting factors in the most almond cultivation regions of the world. This study was undertaken to help understand almond response to frost spring at same phenological stage, in order to develop أکثر
        Frost damage to the flowers and early developing fruits is one of the most limiting factors in the most almond cultivation regions of the world. This study was undertaken to help understand almond response to frost spring at same phenological stage, in order to develop criteria for the selection of cultivars with improved resistance to frost on the basis of field and laboratory experiments. In general, in this study, K-12-6, Ferragnes, Tuono and K-16-25 were negatively affected by frost at same popcorn and flowering stages in field test and laboratory constitutions. Experiment laboratory test showed, the four cultivar and selection suffering a greater frost damage rate at flowering at- 3.2° C ( 100%, 100%, 58 and 45% for K-12-6 , Ferragnes, Tuono and K-16-25 respectively) compared with the balloon stage at- 6.40C (100%,100%,85% and 58% for K-12-6 , Ferragnes, Tuono and K-16-25 respectively). Up to -3.1° C there was no damage at the balloon stage, where as in anthesis there was strict damage in four late flowering almond cultivars and selections at -3.2° C. Also, Results showed that the severity of frost damage was influenced by genotypes of almond. Genotypes that had the more resistant to frost damage had higher amount proline content. It is suggested that the content proline may serve as indicator of frost tolerance in almond breeding material. تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - Phenotypic Correlation between Some Nurserphelogical Traits among 60 Cultivars and the Genotypes of Almond
        A. Imani
        This research was carried out for evaluating phenotypic diversity and traits correlation in 60 almond genotypes and cultivars in nursery conditions. After preparation land and the bitter seeds of Shahroud22 genotype as seedling rootstocks planted in the autumn 2005. Aft أکثر
        This research was carried out for evaluating phenotypic diversity and traits correlation in 60 almond genotypes and cultivars in nursery conditions. After preparation land and the bitter seeds of Shahroud22 genotype as seedling rootstocks planted in the autumn 2005. After the seed germination in the spring of the next year, the results of recorded data in 3rd may of 2006 showed that the planted bitter seeds in the nursery had the 90-95 percent of germination. By the end of July 2006, 60 almond genotypes and cultivars in nursery on the considered rootstocks were propagated by budding. The results of recorded data by the end of October 2006 showed %85-90 graft satisfactory. To simplify the study, we gave the code of A1-A60 to 60 genotypes and the cultivars of the almond. Also, the results of obtained data from 9 main vegetative and physiological characters of 60 cultivars and the genotype of almond experimented in clouding the diameter the trunk from the 5 cm above the place of the graft , the height of the plant , the numbers of the branch on the trunk, the number of the leaves on the branch of the current year , the length of the blade of the leaf , the width of the blade of the leaf , the length of the petiole , the amount of the chlorophyll and the contamination by the bloody aphid, in 2007 showed that among 60the cultivars and the genotypes of almond , there was significant difference in the mentioned traits . The biggest diameter of the trunk from upper than 5 cm , the length of the petiole , the percent of the contamination by the bloody aphid, height of the plant, the numbers of the branches on the plant , the numbers of the leaves on the shoot of the current year , the length of the blade of the leaf , the width of the blade leaf , the amount of the chlorophyll were in the cultivars and the genotypes with A16, A5, A39, A24, A1, A16, A43, A2 and A11, respectively and the least diameter of the trunk upper 5 cm, the length of the petiole, the percentage the contamination by the bloody aphid, the height of the plant , the numbers of the branch on the plant , the numbers of the leaves on the branch in the current year , the length of the blade of the leaf, the width of the blade of the leaf , the amount of chlorophyll were in the cultivars and the genotypes with A46, A16, A9, A44, A56, A7, A44, A38 and A29 were observed, respectively. The correlation of the studied traits in 60the cultivars and the genotypes of almond showed that between the length of the blade of the leaf and the length of its petiole at level p <0.01, there was the positive and significant correlation (r=0/63), and this correlation was the most correlation between the studied traits in 60the cultivars and genotypes of almond. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - Characteristics of Almond Selections in Relation to Late Frost Spring
        Ali imani Yaser Mahamadkhani
        Almond is one of the most important nut crops in Iran. Due to the suitable climatic conditions, Iran is one of the most important growing centers for wild and domesticated species of almond in world. Native genotypes typically are early flowering, due to late spring fro أکثر
        Almond is one of the most important nut crops in Iran. Due to the suitable climatic conditions, Iran is one of the most important growing centers for wild and domesticated species of almond in world. Native genotypes typically are early flowering, due to late spring frost, often; they have been damaged. So frost damage to the flowers and early developing fruits is one of the most limiting factors in the most almond cultivation regions of the world. This study was undertaken to help understand almond response to frost damage at different phenological stages, in order to develop criteria for the selection of cultivars with improved resistance to frost on the basis of field experiment with temperature fall (-4˚C in 21 march 2010) was occurred naturally. In this stage, all early, medium and late flowering almonds damaged, but damage severity was different. Obviously, there was genetic diversity for cold resistant among genotypes and varieties of almond. Frost damage percentage of cultivars and genotypes after frost was measured at least 100 flowers of each cultivar with 3 replications. Results showed that the severity of frost damage was influenced by genotypes of almond and stage of flower bud development and other indices such as leafing stage. After the evaluating the 29 almond selections, based on flowering time and late frost spring resistance, they were divided into high cold resistant; medium cold resistant; low cold resistant and very low cold resistance. Also, it was found that one promising genotypes with high late frost spring resistant was medium flowering. تفاصيل المقالة
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        35 - Xenia in Almonds: Pollen Source Effect on Characteristics of Some Iranian Late-Blooming Almonds and their self-Incompatibility
        S. Alizadeh Salteh K. Arzani
        The objective of this experiment was evaluation of self-compatibility and identification, introduction and selection of late flowering genotypes as cultivars. This experiment was carried out in order to determine the best pollinator for two commercial almond cultivars, أکثر
        The objective of this experiment was evaluation of self-compatibility and identification, introduction and selection of late flowering genotypes as cultivars. This experiment was carried out in order to determine the best pollinator for two commercial almond cultivars, 'Shahrood 12' and 'Shahrood 21'. Applied pollinator cultivars were included pollen from 'Shahrood 21', 'Genco', 'Tuno', '5-15' and 'Super-nova' that were applied on 'Shahrood 21' mother trees, and 'Shahrood 12', 'FeilipCeo', 'Tuno', '5-15' and 'Super-nova'. Results showed no fruit formation in non-pollinated and self-pollinated flowers. Although, results from cross pollination using pollen from other cultivars showed higher fruit set using pollen of 'Genco' for 'Shahrood 21' , and '15-5' for 'Shahrood 12' cultivars. Samples were collected using pollinated flowers for further microscopic examinations. Field and microscopic examination of pollen tube growth in the style confirmed above results. The quantitative traits of fruits obtained of some known almond hybrids were assessed in order to evaluation of this phenomenon which known as xenia. The recorded traits were length (L), width (W), thickness (T) of fruits and seeds, and W/L and T/L ratios. تفاصيل المقالة
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        36 - Effect of some of anti frost on morphology, anatomy and proline of selective almond cultivars flower buds
        Osman Mahmodzadeh Ali Imani
        In this experimental, effect of some of antifrost on morphology, anatomy content of selective almond cultivars flower buds of 3 late, medium and early flowering cultivars of almond in Pheranshahr region using factorial design base on complete block randomize with 3 repl أکثر
        In this experimental, effect of some of antifrost on morphology, anatomy content of selective almond cultivars flower buds of 3 late, medium and early flowering cultivars of almond in Pheranshahr region using factorial design base on complete block randomize with 3 replications was investigated. This region is considerate as cold temperate. Experimental trees were planted with 6×6 m in 2000. In this research, trees no irrigated. Antifrost treatments including: Thiofer, Crop aid and Fosnutren that trees were sprayed using Thiofer and Crop aid in 5 /1000 in 26 November 2010 and 19 March 2011. But Fosnutren was applied with 5 /1000 at 5 may 2011. Of course before applying of treatments, sampling from flower buds for proline determination and bud characteristics study was carried out. This work was repeated in three stage of flower bud development. Results of present study showed that proline rate was significantly decreased by development stage of flower buds in all cultivars for example proline rate in cultivars of Sanky, Azar and Shekofeh before applying of treatments was0.44, 0.52 and 0.66 micromol per fresh weight (g.). While proline rate in medium of winter in cultivars of Sanky , Azar and Shekofeh treated by Thiofer, and Crop aid was 1.25 and 0.88 , 0.1.25, and 0.82 ,0.99 and 0.90 and in end of winter 0.56 and 0.44,0.59 and 0.87 and 0.47 and 0.56 ( μmol )per fresh weight (g.) respectively. Also, it was fund that treatments no effect significantly on morphology and anatomy of selective almond cultivars flower buds. تفاصيل المقالة
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        37 - The Effect of Genotype and Year on the Average Percentage of Oil Seed Content of Almond
        A. Imani A Hadadi S. Amini M Vaeizi B. Jolfaei
        Almond oil is used in many cosmetic products and as a snack in confectionery (marzipan, "turrón", nougat), food products (almond milk, ice cream, chocolate), culinary recipes and also cosmetic base. Seeds of 18 almond genotypes and cultivars: Azar, Rabie, A200, أکثر
        Almond oil is used in many cosmetic products and as a snack in confectionery (marzipan, "turrón", nougat), food products (almond milk, ice cream, chocolate), culinary recipes and also cosmetic base. Seeds of 18 almond genotypes and cultivars: Azar, Rabie, A200, Shahroud13, Zodgol2, A230, Tuono, Shahrekord1, Shahroud 21, Najafabad, Nonpareil, Zodgol1, Yalda, K12-8, Supernova, Shekofeh, Sahand and Sefied were obtained from research station of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute of Karaj and then analyzed for oil content in 2008 and 2011. 10 almond kernels from each genotype and cultivar of almond with 3 replications were examined individually. Oil extraction methyl esters were done in one step. Results showed significant variation between genotypes and cultivars and some degree of different years. Oil content varied from 58.8% to 43.85% of the total kernel dry weight. According to these results, almond genotypes and cultivars based on oil content were divided in four groups: high (55-60%), good (50-55%), medium (45-50%) and poor (less than 45%). تفاصيل المقالة
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        38 - Self-incompatibility Studies of Some Iranian Late-Blooming Almonds and Pollen Source Effect on Some Characteristics of Nuts
        S. Alizadeh-Salteh K. Arzani A. Imani
        The objective of this experiment was to evaluate self-compatibility of two late blooming almond cultivars and identification and introduction of suitable pollinizers from late flowering genotypes, and evaluation of pollen source effect on fruit characteristics to earn h أکثر
        The objective of this experiment was to evaluate self-compatibility of two late blooming almond cultivars and identification and introduction of suitable pollinizers from late flowering genotypes, and evaluation of pollen source effect on fruit characteristics to earn high quality nuts for Iranian almond industry. This experiment was carried out in order to determine the best pollinizer for two commercial almond cultivars, ‘Shahrood 12’ and ‘Shahrood 21’ (♀). pollen sources were ‘Shahrood 21’, ‘Genco’, ‘Tuno’, ‘5-15’ and ‘Supernova’ (♂) which were applied on ‘Sharood 21’ mother trees, and ‘Shahrood 12’, ‘Feilip Ceo’, ‘Tuno’, ‘5-15’ and ‘Super-nova’ (♂). The results showed no fruit formation in non-pollinated and self-pollinated flowers. However, the results from cross pollination using pollen from other cultivars showed higher fruit set using pollen of ‘Genco’ for ‘Shahrood 21’ , and ‘15-5’ for ‘Shahrood 12’ (♀) cultivars. The samples of pollinated flowers were collected for further microscopic examinations. In order to evaluate the effect of pollen sources, quantitative traits of nuts were measured. The recorded traits were length (L), width (W), thickness (T) of seeds, and W/L and T/L ratios. تفاصيل المقالة
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        39 - Effects of Deficit and Cutoff Irrigation During Different Phenological Stages of Fruit Growth on Production in Mature Almond Trees cv. ‘Mamaei’
        A. Mousavi R. Ali Mohamad M. Tatari
        Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is commonly used during different phenological stages of fruit growth and development in almond trees to reduce the amount of irrigation water applied without or with only very small reductions in yield. Therefore, to study the effects أکثر
        Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is commonly used during different phenological stages of fruit growth and development in almond trees to reduce the amount of irrigation water applied without or with only very small reductions in yield. Therefore, to study the effects of deficit and cutoff irrigation during different phenological stages of fruit growth and development in almond cv. “Mamaei” production, an experiment was carried out in a split plot on randomized block design with three replications. The main plots were three different phenological stages of fruit growth and development i.e. Stage I (fruit growth period), Stage II (kernel growth period) and stage III (preharvest period). The subplots had different irrigation regimes, namely T1= 100% ETc (Full irrigation), T2= 80% ETc (deficit irrigation), T3= 40% ETc (deficit irrigation) and T4= 0% ETc (cutoff or drought period). Traits such as fruit size (length, width and diameter), fresh and dry weight of fruit, fresh and dry weight of kernel, percentage of fruit drop, kernel percentage and yield were measured. The results showed that deficit and cutoff irrigation during stage-I decreased fruit size, both fresh and dry weight of fruit. Deficit and cutoff irrigation during stage-II decreased fruit fresh weight, fresh and dry weights of kernel, but no significant differences were observed for the measured traits when irrigation treatments were applied at stage III. These results indicated that preharvest stage (stage III) in ‘Mamaei’ cultivar has low sensitivity to deficit irrigation. Therefore, it is concluded that deficit irrigation with 40% of full irrigation (%40 ETc) during stage III for two months prior to harvest can be used without considerable reduction of yield for this cultivar under the climatic conditions in Saman region. تفاصيل المقالة
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        40 - Evaluation of Morphological and Pomological Diversity of 62 Almond Cultivars and Superior Genotypes in Iran
        A. Ardjmand S. Piri A. Imani Sh. Piri
        Identification and selection of promising genotypes of fruit tree are primary steps in breeding programs. The economic importance of almond production in the world has stimulated numerous studies related to breeding, quantitative and qualitative traits, the increase of أکثر
        Identification and selection of promising genotypes of fruit tree are primary steps in breeding programs. The economic importance of almond production in the world has stimulated numerous studies related to breeding, quantitative and qualitative traits, the increase of yield and decrease production costs. In this study, morphological and pomological characteristics of 60 cultivar and superior genotypes from Iran, the European Union and the USA were evaluated. Results indicated that tree habit growth, buds, leaf, flowers and fruit attributes were highly diverse among studied cultivar and superior genotypes and, among the varieties and genotypes studied, significant differences revealed in terms of means comparison. Based on the means comparison, the minimum number of buds on the tree was for genotypes “3_12” and the maximum number of buds was for “14_24”. The “Boty” cultivar had the minimum length of nut shell, whereas the “D_99” cultivar had the maximum length. The “Price” cultivar had the minimum width and Marcona had the maximum nutshell width. Cultivars “D_99”and “Marcona” had the minimum and maximum nut shell thickness respectively. Cultivar “2_22” had the minimum kernel length and “D_99” cultivar the maximum. The maximum kernel weight was for “D_99” and the minimum for “SH _15”. The minimum kernel hardness was for genotype “D_124” and the maximum of kernel hardness was for genotypes “16 _30” and “3_17”. In terms of flowering time, cultivars “Sepid” , “Rabie” and “Mamaie” flowered most early and genotypes “D_5” and “D_11” most late. Also the maximum and minimum weight for almonds buds was seen in cultivars “Perlis” and “Sh _10”, respectively. Genotype “D_8” had the maximum bud length and genotype “10_8”the minimum. تفاصيل المقالة
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        41 - The Interaction Effects of Boron and Plant Growth Regulators on Pollen Germination of Almond
        Z. Samiee Rad A. Imani M. Salmani
        The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different plant growth regulators, NAA (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l) and GA3 (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l), with various boron concentrations (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l) on pollen germination of ‘Şaba&rsqu أکثر
        The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different plant growth regulators, NAA (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l) and GA3 (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l), with various boron concentrations (0 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 100 mg/l) on pollen germination of ‘Şaba’, ‘Rabie’ and ‘Padre’ almond cultivars in 10% sucrose and 1% agar medium at 24°C in dark conditions. The results showed that different treatments had significant effects on the percent of germination. The highest pollen germination (average 90.37%) for three almond cultivars was recorded in 100 mg/l boric acid, 10% sucrose and 1% agar medium. The lowest germination percentage (average 3.59%) was found in 50 mg/l NAA, sucrose 10 % and agar 1 % medium for all cultivars. Pollen germination rates significantly decreased with increasing growth regulators in almond cultivars. The pollen germination was greatly inhibited in media with GA3 and NAA or compound from these materials without boric acid. For example, mean pollen germination rates was %15.51 in 100 mg/l GA3+ 10% sucrose + 1% agar, while this value was 82.89% from the 100 mg/l GA3+100 mg/l Br+ 10% sucrose + 1% agar. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - Discrimination and preliminary selection of self-compatible progenies among controlled crosses in almond using Sf specific primer
        M. Shahmoradi M. Rasouli R. Footuhi Ghazvini A. Imani Y. Hamidogli
        Self-incompatibility in almond and Prunus species is an important trait that prevents self-fertilization. Selfincompatibility in almond is controlled gametophytically by the multiallelic S-locus. Present study was done in order to identification and preliminary selectio أکثر
        Self-incompatibility in almond and Prunus species is an important trait that prevents self-fertilization. Selfincompatibility in almond is controlled gametophytically by the multiallelic S-locus. Present study was done in order to identification and preliminary selection of self compatible progenies resulted from controlled crosses in almond using specific primer SfF/SfR. Some important morphological traits of parental crosses were evaluated using almond descriptor. Also, progenies (F1) of five crosses inculding; A (Tuono × 101 Genotype), B (Supernova × 101 Genotype), C (Genco × Shahrood 21), D (Tuono × Shahrood 12) and E (Tuono × shahrood 17) were tested using PCR in order to DNA amplification and self-compatibility evaluation. The result of PCR method found that using SfF/SfR pair primer, self-compatible progenies showed 449 bp bands, while this band not observed in self-incompatible progenies. In addition, all self- incompatible progenies appeared no S1 allele at any condition. According to Chi-square test, ratios of self-compatible to self-incompatible progenies were to Mendelian principles. It can be suggested that PCR method of this research has high potential in order to distinguish self-compatible and incompatible genotypes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - Study of Compatibility Relationships Among Some Almond Cultivars and Genotypes Using of SAlleles Identification
        M. Fallah M. Rasouli Y. Sharaf A. Imani
        Almond (Prunus dulcis L.) is one of the most important nut crops in Iran. Most almond cultivars and genotypes are self-incompatible. However, research on S-alleles indicates that it is very efficient in cultivar selection. Selfincompatibility in almond is gametophytic a أکثر
        Almond (Prunus dulcis L.) is one of the most important nut crops in Iran. Most almond cultivars and genotypes are self-incompatible. However, research on S-alleles indicates that it is very efficient in cultivar selection. Selfincompatibility in almond is gametophytic and controlled by a single S-locus with multiple codominant alleles. In this study, compatibility relationships among cultivars, “Tuono”, “Shokofeh”, “Sahand” and five improved genotypes “A1.16”, “A9.7”, “A8.39”,“A10.11” and “A230,” was investigated by the PCR of S-alleles. Degenerate primers (PaConsI-F, EMPC1consRD, EM-PC2consFD, and EM-PC3consRD) were used for amplification of S-alleles. Results showed that only “A10.11” and “A8.39” were completely cross-incompatible, but all of the other studied cultivars and genotypes were crosscompatible. Furthermore, cultivar “Tuono” and genotype “A1.16” had a self-fertility allele. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - Reactions of Various Cultivars of Almond to Toxin-Producing Aspergillus flavus Isolates
        Mohammad Fattah Hossein Afshari Mahdi Mohammadi Moghadam Mohammad Hassan Shams
        Samples were collected from different regions of two provinces, Markazi and Semnan, their contamination by Aspergillus flavus was examined. The results of A. flavus colony counts in different samples of almond showed that among 20 experimented samples, 11 samples were c أکثر
        Samples were collected from different regions of two provinces, Markazi and Semnan, their contamination by Aspergillus flavus was examined. The results of A. flavus colony counts in different samples of almond showed that among 20 experimented samples, 11 samples were contaminated by fungus; therefore, 8 cultivars of almond, Shahroud 6, Shahroud 21, Shahroud 12, Shahroud 8, Shahroud 17, Rabie, Mengha, and Sangi Shireen, were collected in order to evaluate their sensitivity to fungal colonization and the sporulation rate of fungus on them. The results of statistical analysis showed that on the third, fifth, and seventh days, Shahroud 12 was the least resistant cultivar [average pollution (99.5%)], whereas Shahroud 6 was the most resistant [average contamination (7.36%)] at a level of 5 % for growth of A. flavus after 7 days. Experiments related to the testa of almond show that the testa can be a barrier against penetration of fungus into the inner part of the almond, decreaseing fungal growth, and thus reducing the weight of mycelium and sporulation in almonds. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - Genetic Mapping of Blooming Time in ‘Marcona’ × ‘Fragness’ Population with Using Molecular Markers
        R. TavakoliBanizi A. Imani M. Zeinalabedini A. Ebrahimi S. Piri
        Flowering time is an important horticultural trait in almond since it is essential to avoid the late frosts that affect production in early flowering cultivars. Evaluation of this complex trait is a long process because of the prolonged juvenile period of trees and the أکثر
        Flowering time is an important horticultural trait in almond since it is essential to avoid the late frosts that affect production in early flowering cultivars. Evaluation of this complex trait is a long process because of the prolonged juvenile period of trees and the influence of environmental conditions affecting gene expression year by year. In this research flowering time was studied in an F1 almond progeny of 90 seedlings from the cross between the Marcona and the Fragness. In addition, a set of 63 co-dominant microsatellites or simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from peach, cherry and almond were used for the molecular characterization of the progeny. A genetic linkage map was created with 17 of these SSRs. Molecular studies at the DNA level confirmed this polygenic nature by identifying several genome regions (Quantitative Trait Loci, QTL) involved. QTL mapping detected two loci for flowering time (Ft-Q1 and Ft Q4) in Linkage groups 1 and 4 that close with BPPCT011 and UDP96-021 respectively. Finally, the development of efficient MAS strategies applied to almond and other Prunus breeding programs are also discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        46 - Physiological and Morphological Responses of Almond Cultivars under In Vitro Drought Stress
        Ehsan Akbarpour Ali Imani Shahin Ferdowskhah Yeganeh
        In this study, physiological and morphological responses of five almond cultivars to drought stress were investigated under in vitro conditions.Plantlets from five commercial almond cultivars (Supernova’, ‘Tuono’, ‘Sahand’, ‘Ferragnes أکثر
        In this study, physiological and morphological responses of five almond cultivars to drought stress were investigated under in vitro conditions.Plantlets from five commercial almond cultivars (Supernova’, ‘Tuono’, ‘Sahand’, ‘Ferragnes ’ and ‘Shahroud 21’] were established in MS medium containing 0.5 mg per liter BAP and then subcultured in MS proliferation medium containing 1 mg per liter BAP. Plantlets were exposed to four different levels of polyethylene glycol containing 0, 2, 4 and 6 percent, respectively, which is equivalent to 0, -0.14,-0.36 and -0.66 bar of water potential as drought stress levels during four weeks. This study was carried out as a two-factor factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications, each consisting of two jars, each contained two explants. At the end of the stress period, physiological indicators of stress, including leaf relative water content (RWC), proline content and ion leakage of leaves and morphological indicators, including plantlet height and number of developed leaves, were measured. The results showed that drought stress increased ion leakage and proline content, while it reduced the RWC, plantlet height and number of developed leaves. According to these results, ‘Supernova’ and ‘Tuono’ were less affected by drought stress compared to other cultivars, while ‘Shahroud 21’ and ‘Ferragnes’ were more affected than others. ‘Sahand’ also showed an intermediate performance compared to other cultivars. تفاصيل المقالة
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        47 - Cytogenetical Analysis of Iranian Wild Almond Species
        M. Rasouli R. Tavakoli A. Imani E. Zarifi M. Ahmadi Majd P. Martínez-Gómez
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used f أکثر
        In this study, the karyo-systematic studies on the Iranian wild almond species A .communis L., A. corduchoruom Bornm., A. trichamygdalus woronow, Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach were done by the karyological methods. The meristem cells of the root tip were used for these studies. In each species, ten suitable metaphase plates were chosen and photographed so that the morphology of the chromosomes was completely obvious. The standard karyotype was prepared for the species separately and the parameters of the chromosomes, including the total length of the chromosomes, long arm, short arm, arm ratio, and centromer index, were calculated. There was a significant difference between all of the species that can be employed to recognize the species. All of the studied species were diploid, and the numbers of the chromosomes was 2n=16. The base number of the chromosomes in all of the species was X=8. In Iran, the average size of chromosomes in species of this genus was 2.42 micrometer. . Also, there was a significant difference between all of the homologous chromosomes according to the measured cytological characters. The similarity and the difference between the species were evaluated on the basis of the cytological specificities. The domestic species of A. communis L. had the most similarity with the species of Amygdalus lycioides Var. horrida Spach, and the species of A. trichamygdalus woronow and A. corduchoruom Bornm, also had the most similarity with each other. Finally, the studied species were classified into two cytologically groups. تفاصيل المقالة
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        48 - Effects of Copper and Lead on Pollen Germination Traits in Almond Cultivars
        Y. Sharafi
        There is minimal information about the effect of heavy metals such as lead and copper on pollen grains and pollen tubes of fruit trees. Fruit set of these plants are affected by different environmental, biological, physical and chemical factors. If one of these factors أکثر
        There is minimal information about the effect of heavy metals such as lead and copper on pollen grains and pollen tubes of fruit trees. Fruit set of these plants are affected by different environmental, biological, physical and chemical factors. If one of these factors be abnormal, pollination, fertilization and fruit set and orchard yield will decrease. In polluted cities, this phenomenon is affected by the stresses of heavy metals. Almond is one of the most important nut fruits of Iran. Pollen germination and tube growth are the main basic factors of fruit set in almond. In this study, the effects of heavy metals, copper and lead, on pollen germination and tube growth of five almond cultivars included Azar, Mamaei, Shahroud 21, Shahroud 18 and Shokofeh, were studied in vitro. The results showed that both traits were affected significantly by different levels of metals and cultivars. Increasing the concentrations of heavy metals resulted in a decrease in pollen germination and tube growth of all cultivars. In the concentrations, 250 ppm pollen germination and tube growth neared to zero in the most cultivars. Lead showed the highest toxicity on pollen germination and tube growth. However, Shahrodi 21 and Shahrodi 18 cultivars showed the highest sensitivity to copper and lead among the cultivars. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - Effects of Pre-germination Treatment on the Phytate and Phenolic Contents of Almond Nuts
        Liang Lin Lin Freda Xin You Giam Xin Min Foo Nadia Marie Hui Lian Yeo Charlene Jia Ling Koh Nur Hatika Binte Sa’Aban Wai Mun Loke
        This study examined if pre-germination altered the water content and water activity, contents of phytate, total phenolic, (±)-catechin, quercetin and total antioxidant capacity of almond (Prunus dulcis)kernel. Raw almond kernels were submerged for 15 hours in wat أکثر
        This study examined if pre-germination altered the water content and water activity, contents of phytate, total phenolic, (±)-catechin, quercetin and total antioxidant capacity of almond (Prunus dulcis)kernel. Raw almond kernels were submerged for 15 hours in water, 0.02 mol dm-3 phosphate buffer solution (pH 5.0) and 0.02 mol dm-3 phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) at 25 and 40ºC, respectively. The content and activity of water in the kernels before and after the pre-germination treatments were measured by oven drying and dew point water analysis, respectively. The total phenolic and phytic acid contents of the kernels were quantified by using Folin-Ciocalteu and a published spectrophotometric assay, respectively. (±)-Catechin and quercetin contents in the almond kernels were determined using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry. The total antioxidant capacity of the kernels were measured by 2,2’-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl assay. Treatment with water, PBS pH 5 and PBS pH 7 significantly increased the water, total phenolic, (±)-catechin contents and total antioxidant capacity of the almond kernels regardless of the treatment temperatures (25 or 40°C). The phytic acid and quercetin contents were significantly elevated after the three treatments at 40°C. The total phenolic, (±)-catechin, quercetin and phytate contents in the almond kernels contributed significantly to its antioxidant property. Our results suggested that the phytochemical compositions of the almond kernels changed during pre-germination. The temperature and pH of the medium exert differential influence on the phytochemical compositions of the pre-germinated almond kernels. تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - Identification and Screening of Homozygous and Heterozygous Almond Progenies from Self-Pollinated Touno Cultivar Using PCR
        P. Najafi A. Imani S.M. Miri M. Zinalabdini
        Self-incompatibility is one of the most important difficulties in almond production which reduce fruit set dramatically and makes orchard management difficult. Therefore, breeding almond to produce self-compatible genotypes is very important. In this research identifica أکثر
        Self-incompatibility is one of the most important difficulties in almond production which reduce fruit set dramatically and makes orchard management difficult. Therefore, breeding almond to produce self-compatible genotypes is very important. In this research identification and screening of 86 almond progenies obtained from selfing Touno after the self-pollination by PCR reaction with specific primers of CEBASf and AS1. PCR results confirmed the situation of self-compatible hybrids. In addition, it indicated that, frequencies of Sf, and S1 was 100% and 50% in progenies respectively. Self-compatible hybrids had been identified that can be used in almond breeding programs particularly to development the monoculture of almond orchards. So to identify and screening homozygous self-compatibility almonds be capable of be another step towards creating monoculture of almond and use in breeding programs further. تفاصيل المقالة
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        51 - Identification of Self- incompatibility Alleles in Some Almond Genotypes by Degenerate S-RNase Primers
        A. Kamareh Y. Sharafi A. Ghanbari
        The almond, Prunus dulcis Miller which belongs to Rosaceae family, is one of the most important commercial and oldest cultivated tree nut crops. Almonds are classified as a ‘nut’ in which the edible seed is the commercial product. Therefore, pollination and أکثر
        The almond, Prunus dulcis Miller which belongs to Rosaceae family, is one of the most important commercial and oldest cultivated tree nut crops. Almonds are classified as a ‘nut’ in which the edible seed is the commercial product. Therefore, pollination and fertilization are necessary in almond. The characteristic of cultivated almond to express gametophytic self- incompatibility discourages self-fertilization and favors cross pollination. Genetic control of pollen-pistil self-incompatibility is through a single gene (S) which exists in a series of alleles S1 to Sx. Compatibility of pollen-pistil in almond is an important consideration in planning crosses in breeding program and in choosing pollinizers for orchard planting. Identification of self-(in) compatibility in almond carried out by molecular and controlled pollination methods. In this study, identification of S-alleles in 37 Iranian almond cultivars and genotypes was carried out by PCR method with using degenerate primers of EM-PC3consRDEMPC2cons FD, PaconsI-Fand EM-PC1consRD. In this way the size of S -alleles were estimated based on bands which amplified with second intron. The results confirmed self-incompatibility in cultivars and most genotypes. However, the Sf-like allele (in size) was observed in A9 and A36 genotypes. If these results are confirmed by sequencing the Sf allele, it will be first time to identify self-compatible genotype in Iranian almond genotypes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        52 - اثر زیست محرک ها بر برخی از ویژگی های بادام (Prunus dulcis Mill.) رقم مامایی
        فرشاد صادقی قطب آبادی رامین بابادایی سامانی مسعود زادباقری
        امروزه استفاده از فراورده های زیستی مانند زیست محرک ها مورد توجه محققین بخش کشاورزی قرار گرفته است. زیست محرک ها فراورده هایی بیولوژیک و سازگار با محیط زیست هستند که علاوه بر عناصر غذایی مورد نیاز گیاه دارای مقادیری اسید های آمینه آزاد نیز هستند. از خواص کاربردی این گرو أکثر
        امروزه استفاده از فراورده های زیستی مانند زیست محرک ها مورد توجه محققین بخش کشاورزی قرار گرفته است. زیست محرک ها فراورده هایی بیولوژیک و سازگار با محیط زیست هستند که علاوه بر عناصر غذایی مورد نیاز گیاه دارای مقادیری اسید های آمینه آزاد نیز هستند. از خواص کاربردی این گروه از ترکیبات می توان به ترمیم دادن بافت های آسیب دیده، تاثیر بر باز و بسته شدن موثر روزنه های گیاه، تامین مواد آلی مورد نیاز در مرحله گل‎دهی، افزایش باروری و کیفیت محصول، تسریع تشکیل و توسعه برگ ها اشاره نمود. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی تاثیر غلظت های مختلف و روش های مختلف کاربرد چهار فراورده زیستی دارای اسیدهای آمینه آزاد (با نام های تجاری فسنوترن، کادوستیم، آمینول فورته و هیومی فورته) بر برخی ویژگی های بادام رقم مامایی انجام گرفت. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار انجام گرفت. متغییرهایی که در این آزمایش بررسی شدند عبارتند از: میزان پرولین، میزان قند محلول، میزان عملکرد، درصد وزن مغز به کل دانه (مغز + پوسته چوبی)، درصد تشکیل میوه اولیه و نهایی و میزان ریزش میوه. نتایج نشان داد که استفاده از زیست محرک ها باعث افزایش سطح برگ ، افزایش غلظت پرولین داخلی برگ ها، افزایش تشکیل میوه نهایی، کاهش ریزش میوه و افزایش عملکرد بادام رقم مامایی می شود. استفاده از این ترکیبات هیچ گونه تاثیر معنی‎دار بر درصد میوه بستن اولیه، درصد مغز و میزان قند محلول برگ ها نداشت. هم‎چنین روش مصرف زیست محرک ها اثر معنی‎داری بر میزان کلروفیل برگ ها نشان داد. تفاصيل المقالة