برآورد پتانسیل خطر و جذب روزانه فلزات سنگین در برخی ارقام انگور تولیدی در شهر ملایر
محورهای موضوعی : علوم و صنایع غذاییعیسی سلگی 1 * , مرضیه برچلویی 2
1 - دانشیار گروه محیطزیست، دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیطزیست، دانشگاه ملایر، ملایر، ایران
2 - دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد آلودگی محیطزیست، دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیطزیست دانشگاه ملایر
کلید واژه: ملایر, فلزات سنگین, ارزیابی خطر, ارقام انگور, میزان مصرف روزانه (DIR),
چکیده مقاله :
در این پژوهش جذب روزانه و خطر مصرف میوه انگور ازنظر آلودگی به فلزات سنگین در ملایر اندازه گیری شد. برای نمونه برداری ارقام انگور پنج روستا انتخاب و غلظت سرب، مس، نیکل، منگنز و روی با دستگاه جذب اتمی شعله و کوره گرافیتی اندازه گیری شد. برای ارزیابی سطح آلودگی یک فلز از شاخص تک عاملی (SFI) و برای ارزیابی آلودگی تجمعی فلزات سنگین از شاخص تجمعی (IPI) استفاده شد. میزان غلظت مس، منگنز، روی، نیکل و سرب در نمونه های کشمشی بهترتیب 28/0±05/1، 3/0±30/1، 11/0±60/0، 07/0±26/0 و 007/0±03/0، در نمونه های عسکری بهترتیب 35/0±86/1، 21/0±23/1، 15/0±63/0، 08/0±27/0 و 033/0±04/0 و در نمونه های فخری بهترتیب 52/0±93/0، 39/0±18/1، 11/0±65/0، 10/0±26/0 و 0034/0±03/0 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم وزن مرطوب تعیین شد. که این مقادیر پایین تر از حد مجاز FAO/WHO بودند. در میان ارقام موردمطالعه، رقم عسکری حاوی بالاترین غلظت فلزات سنگین نسبت به دو رقم دیگر بود و رقم فخری پایین ترین غلظت ها را نشان داد. بهطورکلی مقادیر کمی از سرب در هر سه رقم انگور مشاهده شد. در مقایسه با دو رقم دیگر آلودگی تجمعی فلزات سنگین در رقم عسکری بالاتر بود، اگرچه آلودگی تجمعی فلزات سنگین در سه رقم انگور در سطح ایمن بودند. بالاترین میزان مصرف روزانه (DIR) مربوط به رقم عسکری بود. مقادیر پتانسیل خطر(THQ) برای تمام فلزات کوچکتر از یک بهدست آمد. شاخص تجمعی فلزات سنگین در سه رقم انگور پایین بود و آلودگی فلزات سنگین در سطح ایمنی 7/0 IPI ≤ بود. محاسبه میزان مصرف روزانه (DIR) و مقادیر پتانسیل خطر(THQ) نشان داد که مصرف ارقام انگور موردمطالعه هیچ خطری برای سلامتی ندارند.
In this research, the daily intake and risk assessment of grape fruit withtheperspectiveofheavy metal contamination were measured in Malayer city. For sampling, five villages were selected. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame and graphite furnace technique. For assessment the contamination level of each metal, the single factor index (SFI), and for assessment of the cumulative contamination of heavy metals, the integrated pollution index (IPI) were applied.The concentration level of heavy metals in the grape cultivars was found in the decreasing order as Cu>Mn>Zn>Ni>Pb and lower than the maximum permissible levels recommended by FAO/WHO. Among the studied cultivars, Askari cultivar contained higher heavy metal concentrations compared to the other two cultivars and Fakhri cultivar showed the lowest concentrations. In general, lead concentration was found to be low in the three grape cultivars. The integration pollution index (IPI) of heavy metals was higher in cv. Askari, as compared with the two other cultivars, although the IPI of heavy metals in three grape cultivars were at safe level. In general, the highest DIR was obtained for the Askari cultivar. The THQ of all metals were < 1. The integrated pollution index of heavy metals in three grape cultivars was low and heavy metals pollution was within the safe limits with IPI ≤ 0.7. The DIR and THQ showed that the consumption of grape cultivars pose no risk to health.
- · Brunetto, G., Avelar Ferreia, P.A., Melo, G.W., Ceretta, C.A. and Toselli, M. (2017). Heavy metals in vineyards and orchard. Soils. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. 39(2):1-12.
- · FAO-OIV FOCUS. (2016). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation Table and Dried Grapes. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7042e.pdf
- · Ji-yun, N., Li-xue, K., Zhi-xia, L., Wei-hua, X., Cheng, W. and Qiu-sheng, C. (2016). Assessing the concentration and potential health risk of heavy metals in China’s main deciduous fruits. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 15(7): 1645-1655.
- · Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) (1999). Summary and conclusions of the 53rd meeting of the Joint FAO/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). JECFA/53/ SC. Rome, Italy.
- · Karatas, D., Aydin, F., Aydin, I. and Karatas, H. (2015). Elemental composition of red wines in southeast Turkey. Food Analysis. Food Quality and Nutrition. 33(3): 228-236.
- · Khan, K., Lu, Y., Khan, H., Ishtiaq, M., Khan, S. and Waqas, M. (2013). Heavy metals in agricultural soils and crops and their health risks in Swat District, northern Pakistan. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 58: 449-458.
- · Khan, S., Cao, Q., Zheng, Y., Huang, Y. and Zhu, Y. (2008). Health risks of heavy metals in contaminated soils and food crops irrigated with wastewater in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution, 152(3): 686-692.
- · Ko, B.G., Vogeler, I., Bolan, N.S., Clothier, B., Green, S. and Kennedy, J. (2007). Mobility of copper, chromium and arsenic from treated timber into grapevines. Science of the Total Environment. 388(1-3):35–42.
- · Li, Q., Chen, Y., Fu, H., Cui, Z., Shi, L. and Wang, L. (2012). Health risk of heavy metals in food crops grown on reclaimed tidal flat soil in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 227: 148-154.
- · Li, R., Pan, C., Xu, J., Chen, J. and Jiang Y. (2013). Contamination and health risk for heavy metals via consumption of vegetables grown in fragmentary vegetable plots from a typical nonferrous metals mine city Environmental Science. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue. 34(3): 1076-1085.
- · Li, X., Dong, S. and Su, X. (2018). Copper and other heavy metals in grapes: a pilot study tracing infuential factors and evaluating potential risks in China. Scientific Reports. 8 (1):1-10
- · Li, Z., Ma, Z., Ven Der Kuijp, T., Yuan, Z. and Huang L. (2014). A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in China: Pollution and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment; 468: 843-853.
- · Lopez-Artiguez, M., Camean, A, M. and Repetto, M. (1996). Determination of nice elements in sherry wine by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International. 79(5): 1191-1197.
- · Mitic, S., Obradovic, M., Mitic, M., Kostic, D., Pavlovic, A. and Tosic, S. (2012). Elemental composition of various sour cherry and table grape cultivars using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry method. Food Analytical Method. 5(2): 279-286
- · Ogunkunle, A., Bello, O. and Ojofeitimi O. (2014). Determination of heavy metal contamination of street-vended fruits and vegetables in Lagos state, Nigeria. International Food Research Journal. 21(5): 2115-2120.
- · Olalla, M., Fernandez, J., Cabrera, C., Navarro, M., Glmenez, R. and Carmen lopez, M. (2004). Nutritional Study of Copper and Zinc in Grapes and commercial Grape Juices from Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(9): 2715-2720.
- · Roba, C., Rosu, C., Pistea, I., Ozunu, A. and Baciu, C. (2016). Heavy metals content in vegetables and fruits cultivated in Baia Mare mining area (Romania) and health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(7): 6062-6073.
- · Shaheen, N., Irfan, N., Khan, I., Islam, S., Islam, M. and Ahmed, M. (2016). Presence of heavy metals in fruits and vegetables: Health risk implications in Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 152: 431-438.
- · Shen, Q., Jiang, K., Lu, H., Hu, Y., Weng, Y. and Ma, J. (2013). Investigation and evaluation on the heavy metal pollution of vegetable planting region in Cixi City Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis. 25(1): 152-155.
- · Solgi, E., Mirmohammadvali, S., Solgi, M. (2018). Determination of heavy metals concentration in scalp hair of fisherman from Shif Island (Bushehr). Iranian Journal of Health and Environment. 11(1):37-48.
- · Solgi, E., Solgi, M. (2015). Investigating of heavy metals concentration Vineyard soils in the agricultural ecosystems of Malayer. Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation. 3(7): 99-112.
- · Taghizadeh, S.F., Davarynejad, G., Asili, J., Nemati, S.H., Rezaee, R. and Gumenou, M. (2017). Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of five pistachio pistacia vera L cultivars collected from different geographical site of Iran. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 107: 99-107.
- · Vazques, F., Cid, B. and Segade S. (2016). Assessment of metal bioavailability in the vineyard soil-grapevine system using different extraction methods. Food Chemistry, 208: 199-208.
- · Zhu, F., Du, B., Li, F. and Zhang, J. and Li, J. (2012). Measurement and analysis of mineral and heavy metal components in grape cultivar by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer ICP-OES. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. 7(2): 137-140.
- · Elbagermi, M., Edwards, H. and Alajtal, A. (2012) Monitoring of heavy metal content in fruits and vegetables collected from production and market sites in the Misurata area of Libya. ISRN Analytical Chemistry, Article ID 827645.5 Pages. https://doi.org/10.5402/2012/827645
- · Guerra, F., Trevizam, A., Muraoka, T., Marcante, N. and Canniatti-Brazaca S. (2012). Heavy metals in vegetabes and potential risk for human health. Scientia Agricola, 69(1): 54-60.
- · Brunetto, G., Avelar Ferreia, P.A., Melo, G.W., Ceretta, C.A. and Toselli, M. (2017). Heavy metals in vineyards and orchard. Soils. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. 39(2):1-12.
- · FAO-OIV FOCUS. (2016). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation Table and Dried Grapes. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i7042e.pdf
- · Ji-yun, N., Li-xue, K., Zhi-xia, L., Wei-hua, X., Cheng, W. and Qiu-sheng, C. (2016). Assessing the concentration and potential health risk of heavy metals in China’s main deciduous fruits. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 15(7): 1645-1655.
- · Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) (1999). Summary and conclusions of the 53rd meeting of the Joint FAO/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). JECFA/53/ SC. Rome, Italy.
- · Karatas, D., Aydin, F., Aydin, I. and Karatas, H. (2015). Elemental composition of red wines in southeast Turkey. Food Analysis. Food Quality and Nutrition. 33(3): 228-236.
- · Khan, K., Lu, Y., Khan, H., Ishtiaq, M., Khan, S. and Waqas, M. (2013). Heavy metals in agricultural soils and crops and their health risks in Swat District, northern Pakistan. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 58: 449-458.
- · Khan, S., Cao, Q., Zheng, Y., Huang, Y. and Zhu, Y. (2008). Health risks of heavy metals in contaminated soils and food crops irrigated with wastewater in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution, 152(3): 686-692.
- · Ko, B.G., Vogeler, I., Bolan, N.S., Clothier, B., Green, S. and Kennedy, J. (2007). Mobility of copper, chromium and arsenic from treated timber into grapevines. Science of the Total Environment. 388(1-3):35–42.
- · Li, Q., Chen, Y., Fu, H., Cui, Z., Shi, L. and Wang, L. (2012). Health risk of heavy metals in food crops grown on reclaimed tidal flat soil in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 227: 148-154.
- · Li, R., Pan, C., Xu, J., Chen, J. and Jiang Y. (2013). Contamination and health risk for heavy metals via consumption of vegetables grown in fragmentary vegetable plots from a typical nonferrous metals mine city Environmental Science. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue. 34(3): 1076-1085.
- · Li, X., Dong, S. and Su, X. (2018). Copper and other heavy metals in grapes: a pilot study tracing infuential factors and evaluating potential risks in China. Scientific Reports. 8 (1):1-10
- · Li, Z., Ma, Z., Ven Der Kuijp, T., Yuan, Z. and Huang L. (2014). A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in China: Pollution and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment; 468: 843-853.
- · Lopez-Artiguez, M., Camean, A, M. and Repetto, M. (1996). Determination of nice elements in sherry wine by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International. 79(5): 1191-1197.
- · Mitic, S., Obradovic, M., Mitic, M., Kostic, D., Pavlovic, A. and Tosic, S. (2012). Elemental composition of various sour cherry and table grape cultivars using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry method. Food Analytical Method. 5(2): 279-286
- · Ogunkunle, A., Bello, O. and Ojofeitimi O. (2014). Determination of heavy metal contamination of street-vended fruits and vegetables in Lagos state, Nigeria. International Food Research Journal. 21(5): 2115-2120.
- · Olalla, M., Fernandez, J., Cabrera, C., Navarro, M., Glmenez, R. and Carmen lopez, M. (2004). Nutritional Study of Copper and Zinc in Grapes and commercial Grape Juices from Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(9): 2715-2720.
- · Roba, C., Rosu, C., Pistea, I., Ozunu, A. and Baciu, C. (2016). Heavy metals content in vegetables and fruits cultivated in Baia Mare mining area (Romania) and health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(7): 6062-6073.
- · Shaheen, N., Irfan, N., Khan, I., Islam, S., Islam, M. and Ahmed, M. (2016). Presence of heavy metals in fruits and vegetables: Health risk implications in Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 152: 431-438.
- · Shen, Q., Jiang, K., Lu, H., Hu, Y., Weng, Y. and Ma, J. (2013). Investigation and evaluation on the heavy metal pollution of vegetable planting region in Cixi City Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis. 25(1): 152-155.
- · Solgi, E., Mirmohammadvali, S., Solgi, M. (2018). Determination of heavy metals concentration in scalp hair of fisherman from Shif Island (Bushehr). Iranian Journal of Health and Environment. 11(1):37-48.
- · Solgi, E., Solgi, M. (2015). Investigating of heavy metals concentration Vineyard soils in the agricultural ecosystems of Malayer. Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation. 3(7): 99-112.
- · Taghizadeh, S.F., Davarynejad, G., Asili, J., Nemati, S.H., Rezaee, R. and Gumenou, M. (2017). Health risk assessment of heavy metals via dietary intake of five pistachio pistacia vera L cultivars collected from different geographical site of Iran. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 107: 99-107.
- · Vazques, F., Cid, B. and Segade S. (2016). Assessment of metal bioavailability in the vineyard soil-grapevine system using different extraction methods. Food Chemistry, 208: 199-208.
- · Zhu, F., Du, B., Li, F. and Zhang, J. and Li, J. (2012). Measurement and analysis of mineral and heavy metal components in grape cultivar by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer ICP-OES. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. 7(2): 137-140.
- · Elbagermi, M., Edwards, H. and Alajtal, A. (2012) Monitoring of heavy metal content in fruits and vegetables collected from production and market sites in the Misurata area of Libya. ISRN Analytical Chemistry, Article ID 827645.5 Pages. https://doi.org/10.5402/2012/827645
- · Guerra, F., Trevizam, A., Muraoka, T., Marcante, N. and Canniatti-Brazaca S. (2012). Heavy metals in vegetabes and potential risk for human health. Scientia Agricola, 69(1): 54-60.