The Effect of False Correction Strategy and Inference Strategy on the Paramedical Students’ Reading Comprehension and Attitude
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسیامیر حسین سرکشیکیان 1 * , اکبر علی اصغرزاده 2 , فاطمه بنا یزدی 3
1 - گروه انگلیسی، واحد قم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ،قم، ایران
2 - دانشکده پارامدیکال ، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی، کاشان، ایران
3 - گروه انگلیسی، واحد قم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ،قم، ایران
Keywords: reading comprehension, Attitude, English for Specific Purposes, false correction strategy, inference strategy, paramedical students,
Abstract :
There is a bulk of studies supporting the positive effect of strategy instruction on reading comprehension. This study examined the effect of two reading strategies (i.e., false correction and inference strategy) on English reading comprehension of Iranian paramedical students, using a pretest, posttest, control group design. It also surveyed their attitudes toward the effect and usefulness of these strategies. The participants were sixty paramedical students, selected through availability sampling from the Medical University of Kashan. They were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (CG). The first experimental group was instructed to use inference strategy (henceforth IS), whereas the second was instructed to use a strategy based on elaborative interrogation theory (i.e., false correction strategy, henceforth FCS). The experimental data were collected through a researcher-made pretest and posttest, and survey data through a researcher-made questionnaire. The results of statistical analyses indicated that IS group significantly outperformed FCS and CG on the posttest. The results of questionnaire data also showed that IS led to more positive attitudes. Moreover, IS was perceived as more useful in meeting participants’ academic needs. The findings of the study imply a needs-based approach to ESP pedagogy.
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