Potential Nutritive Value of Selected Leguminous Browse Forage Species from Nigeria Using in vitro Gas Production Technique
Subject Areas : Camelآ.آ. نجیدا 1 * , آ.اً. اًلافادهان 2 , اچ.آ. آلکالی 3
1 - Department of Animal Science, Federal University, Kashere, P.M.B. 0182, Gombe State, Nigeria
2 - Department of Animal Science, University of Abuja, P.M.B. 117, Abuja, Nigeria
3 - Department of Animal Science, Federal University, Kashere, P.M.B. 0182, Gombe State, Nigeria
Keywords: gas production, degradability, browses, fodder, <, i>, in vitro<, /i>, ,
Abstract :
The chemical composition and in vitro gas production of some leguminous browse species were evaluated. Crude protein (CP) content was highest (P<0.05) in Pterocarpus erinaceus. Neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and total condensed tannins (TCT) were highest (P<0.05) in Erythrina senegalensis. Acid detergent lignin was greatest in Parkia biglobosa and lowest in Acacia seyal. In vitro organic matter degradability (IVOMD) was lowest and highest in Desmodium relatinum (11.87%) and Fadhebia albida (74.29%), respectively. Pterocarpus erinaceus had the highest volume of gas production (GP; 29.33 mg/200 g DM) while Parkia biglobosa had the least GP (2.00 mL/200 mg DM) at 96 h. The GP from the immediately soluble fraction (a) and volume of gas produced (mL) at time t (Y) were highest in Pterocarpus erinaceus and Erythrina senegalensis.Gas production from the insoluble but degradable fraction (b)and potential GP (a+b) were greatest in Dicrostachys cinerea. Rate of GP (c) varied among the browses without a definite pattern. The CP of browses was positively significantly correlated with incubation period at all hours and fermentation characteristics (a, c and Y). Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) was positively correlated with incubation periods and a, a + b and c. Acid detergent fibre (ADF) was negatively correlated with incubation hours but was positively related to gas fermentation characteristics. Acid detergent lignin (ADL) and IVOMD were weakly correlated with incubation hours but had a strong relationships with some gas fermentation characteristics. Total condensed tannins (TCT) showed a positive correlation with incubation period at 6, 12, 24 and 96 h but their relationship with fermentation characteristics was positive and weak. Phenolic content was positive and strongly correlated with incubation period at 3, 6 12 and 24 h, a, c and Y. Based on their relatively high CP, moderate fibre levels and low condensed tannins contents, it can be concluded that the browse legume forages have nutritive potential as fodders for ruminants in tropical environment.
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