السّخریة عند الشاعر العراقی أحمد الصافی النجفی
محورهای موضوعی : Contemporary Literature Studiesحامد صادقی 1 * , عبدالکریم البوغبیش 2
1 - استاد دانشگاه آزاد واحد عوم تحقیقات
2 - دانشجوی دکترای دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم تحقیقات
کلید واژه:
چکیده مقاله :
السّخریة عند الشاعر العراقی أحمد الصافی النجفی الملخص تمثل السخریه فنّا من الفنون الإنسانیة التی تعبّر عن تطوّر المجتمعات البشریة عبر التاریخ. والسخریة هی نمط من أنماط الکومیدیا والتی تنقسم إلی أنماط عدّه مثل: الهجاء أوالدراما الهجائیة (Stair) التی تهاجم العادات والأخلاقیات والأفکار والموسّسات الاجتماعیة بشکل یتّسم بخفة الدّم (الظرف) والسخریة أو التهکم(Sarcasm). تحاول هذه المقالة دراسة السخریة عند الشاعر العراقی الکبیر أحمد الصافی النجفی الذی یعدّ من روّاد الشعر الساخر العراقی عامة والنجفی خاصة، ولقد تحدثنا عن السّخریة ومدلولها والتقسیمات التی وردت من قِبل النقّاد الغربیین وبعد ذلک جئنا بنبذة عن حیاة الشاعر ثمّ تطرقنا إلی سخریة الشاعر بشتّی أغراضها.
Abstract Satire is one of the methods of expressing in literature that is used in two ways of direct and indirect. Among these two methods, the second one is used more by the poets and writers because it helps them escaping from being face to face with the governments and their organizations. Concerning the Iraqi government and its cruel policies on those days, using first kind of satire was problematic and could result in that the poet or the writer was hanged or sent to jail for many years because of his piece of poem or writing. One of these poets is Ahmad Al-Safi Al-Najafi. He was one of the outstanding Iraqi satire poets who were not comfortable because of the Iraqi government. He had a hard life and had to emigrate from one country to another. He also spent some time in the jail, but all these couldn’t keep him from creating satire poems. He continued the satire poems to the end of his life, these poems had so many things to say. In this article, we first introduce the satire and its implication in literature, then we give a biography of this poet, and finally we study and look at the satire poems by this poet.